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人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3 The Taste of English Humour试题doc.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3 The Taste of English Humour试题doc高中英语学习材料*鼎尚图文理制作*高一英语必修4Unit 3 The Taste of English Humour试题150分(90分钟)试题编写说明一命题意图说明语音知识:旨在考察学生音标中的语音与重读知识。情景对话:此题旨在考察学生对于跨文化英语语言口语交际中的习惯用语的考察。语法和词汇知识:考察大纲要求的重点词汇及语法知识。涉及本单元的重要语言点。阅读理解:考察学生对于语言的理解能力;从选材角度看,体现了英语语言与其他学科的融合性。信息匹配题:此题是一篇语篇结构理解题,旨在考察学生对语言的

2、概括归纳与总结能力。单词拼写:考察学生对本单元的重点词汇的掌握与语法知识的应用能力;要求考生不仅要会拼写,而且正确的形式。短文改错:考察学生对英语语言语法的综合逻辑与判断能力。书面表达:本文是一篇有关中国女排顽强拼搏的励志故事。考察学生的语言应运能力。培养学生的应运英语语言驾驭句子的能力。要求学生能够根据提供信息简短地发表自己的看法,给予简短的评论,并准确使用语法和词汇,使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。 二.试卷结构 本试卷分为三部分:第一部分:英语知识运用(选择题)(共四节,满分55分)第二部分: 阅读理解(选择题)(共两节,满分40分) 第三部分:写作(非选择题)(共三节

3、,满分55分)共150分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A. B. C. D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。1. empire A employ B encourage C enable D enemy2.gratefulA grass B gravity C grave D gratitude3. foot A bloodB cool C pool D cook4. smooth A growth B health C worthy D thrill5.chemistry A channel B ch

4、aracter C charm D cheat第二节:情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项 为多余选项: Mary, we are going to have a party on New Years Eve. Im sure well have a good time. _6_ Id like to. _7_ In our classroom. We are going to decorate(装饰) it and turn it into a splendid ballroom. _8_ I shall b

5、e very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you. But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance. _9_ I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though. I heard you sing once. _10_ Im sure youll be the star of our New Year party. Oh,thank you. A. Your voice was swe

6、et and beautiful. B. Where are you going to have it? C. Would you like to join us? D. Thank you for inviting me. E. Oh, it is great. F. Lets go to the ball together. G. Do sing us some English songs,please.第三节 :语法和词汇知识( 共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项11. Whatever achievements you ha

7、ve achieved, you should not be _with them. If you _, it is unlikely that you will make further achievements. A. satisfied; do B. content; do C. satisfied; are D. contented; are12. Thanks to the Partys opening and reform policy, people in China are _ than they were thirty years ago. A. well off B. mu

8、ch better off C. more better off D. quite better off 13. Dont be too _ about what you eat, or you are likely to develop an unbalanced diet, which is harmful to your health. A. special B. particular C . concerned D. worried 14. Fear is something that you are born with. You cant _yourself of it comple

9、tely but you can _ certain fears under certain conditions. . A. get; overcome B. rid; overcome C. overcome; rid of D. break; get rid of 15. It is very merciless _ you to have _ the homeless tramp in a worn-out coat when he begged something to eat. A. to; turned off B. for; turned down C. with; turne

10、d up D. of; turned away 16. On the Internet, _ varieties of entertainments _ which you can entertain yourself both at work and at rest. A. it has; with B. there are; with C. it has; to D. there are; on 17. If you dont know that _ is the mother of success, you are sure to be _ in life. A. failure; fa

11、ilure B. a failure; a failure C. a failure; failure D. failure; a failure 18. As they _ in the snowstorm in the deep mountains, they had great _ in getting in touch with the outside world. A. lost; trouble B. were caught; difficulty C. were stuck; difficulties D. were trapped; troubles 19. The Oscar

12、 Award is _ all outstanding actors and actresses all _. A. what; dream to win B. something; look forward to win C. what; dream of winning D. something; look forward to winning it 20. The man in the lead swung his right arm _ a signal for us to stop. A. as if to make B. even if to make C. as though m

13、aking D. even though making 21. She was fortunate _ to star in the film which _ in the remote mountainous village. A. having been picked out; was set B. to have been chosen; set C. to be picked out; was set D. to have been chosen; was set 22. It makes little _now to tell our children that their gran

14、dparents once boiled leather shoes to stop their hunger on their way to the northeast . A. idea B. meaning C. sense D. use 23. Although I tried my best to convince them _the importance and urgency of the operation, the doctors were not convinced _ it immediately. A. with; to perform B. of; doing C.

15、on; to do D. of; to perform 24. As the prisoner had been _from the outside world for twenty years, he had no idea what the outside world was like. A. cut off B. cut away C. cut out D. cut short 25. Are you bored with your life? Do you feel depressed every day? Do you want to try something new and ex

16、citing? _, _ the Comedy Club, which is sure to brighten your life up A. If so; take part in B. Even so; Join C. If true; attend D. If so; Join 第四节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Women find a way to win 26 not uncommon to hear Chinese praising the play of thei

17、r women on the volleyball court and 27 the play of the men. The topic is often laughed off as a joke, but 28 a reason for the perceived (感觉到) 29 of womens athletics in China.At the 2000 Sydeny Games, Chinas women won 30 gold medals than the men. In Athens in 2004, the women won 19 gold medals, while

18、 the men won 12. 31 , American women accounted for 12 of the countrys 35 gold medals in 2004.This summer, again the women are widely 32 to help with Chinas medal tally(记录).wrestling coach Zhang Zhetian is counting 33 the womens team for a wrestling medal. “Guysyouve got to push them more.” He told t

19、he Wall Street Journal.Tennis coach Sun Jinfang shares this view: “Women know 34 eat bitterness,” she said. Sun has helped to put four double players into the Womens Tennis Association top 30. no male Chinese tennis players are ranked.Some experts believe theyve 35 a reason for the disparity(不同). Ch

20、ina has long respected strong women, 36 the folk hero Hua Mulan and the much-beloved former Vice-premier Wu Yi. This ideology(意识形态), they think, creates a space 37 women who are loyal, filial(孝顺) or who give service to the nation 38 .“Besides China, no other nation gives equal financial support and

21、media attention to 39 sports. Thats why China 40 challenge the US in medals-it treats men and women 41 ,” Susan Brownell, a professor at 42 University of Missouri in St. Louis who 43 Chinese sports, told the Wall Street Journal.Now, however, more money is being 44 on mens professional sports, which

22、usually attract more views. This could change the gender gap as sports grow 45 commercialized (商业化的) in China, according to the Wall Street Journal.26. A. Thats B. This is C. Its D. Theyre27. A. praise B. praising C. criticize D. criticizing28. A. there might B. there might be C. there must be D. th

23、ere must29. A. superiority B. shame C. compassion D. sorrow30. A. less five B. more five C. five more D. five less31. A. At the same time B. But C. Although D. By comparison32. A. hoped B. expected C. wished D. wanted33. A. to B. as C. for D. on34. A. what to B. why to C. how to D. which to35. A. co

24、me up with B. come on C. come back D. come in36. A. for example B. such as C. except D. including37. A. who B. that C. where D. which38. A. respected B. are respected C. were respected D. respect39. A. womens B. womans C. mens D. mans40. A. must B. may C. can D. might41. A. equally B. unfairly C. un

25、fair D. equal42. A. an B. a C. / D. the43. A. specializes in B. majors in C. is good at D. specializes at44. A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid45. A. fewer B. less C. much D. more第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A There are robots all around us. Some do

26、very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. and some do one simple job. When an automatic washing machine is switched on, water pours in. The machine waits until the water is warm enough for washing clothes. It does this by “feedback”(反馈). Information about what is happeni

27、ng is feedback into the robot to tell what to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our feedback. They tell us what is going on around us. So robots are like human beings in two ways. They work and they have feedback.In some ways robots are better than human beings. They work quickly and do n

28、ot make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired. So robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. First their electronic brain must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robots “arms” and “hands”

29、 through each part of the job.The most intelligent robots can move and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their fingers can feel shapes and sizes of the objects. These robots have computer brains linked to their eyes and fingers, which control their actions. The expensive robots are used in scientific res

30、earch. They do such job as handling radioactive materials.46. In this passage the author tells us that _.A. robots are very popular B. there are various kinds of robotsC. we see robots only at certain times D. robots can be easily controlled47. What does the author seem to inform you about robots?A.

31、 They should be greatly improved. B. They will probably take over in the future.C. They are very helpful and useful to humans. D. They are machines that break down a lot.48. The author says that in industry _.A. robots break down a lot B. robots can do many jobsC. robots only get in the way D. robots sometimes cause troubles49. The fact that a robot never gets bored doing the same job means that _.A. it is very much like human beings B. it can do boring jobs for p

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