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七年级英语上册外研版素材 Module2 Unit3新课落实.docx

1、七年级英语上册外研版素材 Module2 Unit3新课落实Module 2My familyUnit 3Language in use短语互译1.公共汽车站 _bus_station_2.警察局 _police_station_3.公共汽车司机 _bus_driver_4.the manager of a theatre _剧院经理 English teacher _一名英语教师_ 6.a hotel manager _一名旅馆经理_句型在线1. 这是我的父母,我们是美国人。These are my parents. _Were_ _American_.2. 我的父亲是一名演员,我

2、的母亲是一家剧院的经理。My father is _an_ _actor_, and my mother is _the_ _manager_ _of_ a theatre. 3. 我父亲在警察局工作,他是一名警察。My _fathers_ job is at a _police_ _station_. He is a _policeman_.1police n. 警察观察 My fathers job is at a police station.我父亲在警察局工作。探究 police是一个集合名词,表示泛指,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。注意:当表示具体的一名警察时,用a policema

3、n或a policewoman。 活学活用我的父亲是警察局的一名警察。My father is a _policeman_ at the _police_ _station_.2same adj. 相同的, 同一的观察 We are in the same class.我们在同一个班。Your pen is the same as mine, but it is different from Kates. 你的钢笔和我的一样,但和凯特的不同。探究 表示“和一样”时,要使用“the same as”,same前要加定冠词the。表示“和不同”时,用“be different from”。diff

4、erent前不加任何冠词,from也不能换用其他介词。注意: the same as和be different from表示比较,其比较的对象必须是同类。例如:你的自行车和我的不一样。Your bike is different from me. ()Your bike is different from my. ()Your bike is different from mine. ( ) 活学活用(1)贝蒂和凯特一样大。Betty is _the_ _same_ _age_ _as_ Kate. (2)上海的天气与北京的很不相同。The weather in Shanghai _is_ve

5、ry _different_ _from_ that in Beijing. (3)我的电脑和你的一样。My computer is _the_ _same_ _as_ yours.1These are Bettys parents.这是贝蒂的父母。探究 (1)句中these意为“这些”,和those(那些)是对应词。其单数形式分别是this和that,它们都是指示代词。(2)句中Bettys表示与后面名词的所属关系,是名词所有格形式,意为“贝蒂的”。 活学活用Marys skirt is the same as her_AsistersBbrotherCbrothers Dsisters解析

6、 D考查名词所有格。skirt意为“短裙”,根据常识可知女孩才有裙子,故排除B、C。句意:玛丽的短裙与她妹妹(姐姐)的(短裙)一样。比较的对象应该相同,故选D。2Shes an English teacher at a school.她是学校的一位英语老师。探究 (1)当表示大地点或不具体的地点时,用介词in;如果是表示小地点或某具体地点时,用介词at。例如:in a university in Beijing 在北京的一所大学里 (第一个in表示非具体的地点)at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 (指具体的地点)(2)不定冠词a/an用于单数可数名词前,a用在以辅音音素开头的单词之前

7、, an用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。例如:an English book 一本英语书a pen 一支钢笔 活学活用(1)Tom lives _ Shanghai with his parents.AatBinCtoDon答案 B 活学活用(2)Mrs Smith has _ son and a daughter.AaBanCtheD/解析 A根据句子中的a daughter,可知此处泛指一个儿子和一个女儿,son以辅音音素开头,要用a修饰,故选A。(3)My mother is _ English teacher and my father is _ doctor.Aa; anBan; aC

8、a; aD/; /答案 B3Whats your mothers job?你妈妈的工作是什么?探究 “Whats ones job?”是用来询问职业的特殊疑问句,其同义句是“What is/aresb.?”或“What does/do” 活学活用同义句转换Whats your fathers job?_What_ _is_ your father?_What_ _does_ your father do?.汉译英1公共汽车站_bus_station_2警察局_police_station_3一名英语教师_an_English_teacher_4剧院的经理_the_manager_

9、of_a_theatre_5农场工人_farm_worker_6旅馆经理_hotel_manager_.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Tonys father is a bus d_driver_2Mr Green is a farm w_worker_He works on a farm.3They are in Class 5 Grade 7. T_Their_ English teacher is Mr Wang.4There are many kinds of books in the book s_shop_.5Jackie Chan(成龙) is a great a_actor_

10、in China.6My brother is the m_manager_ of Haiwan Hotel.7We are in the s_same_ class in No.4 Middle School.8Peters mother is a p_policewoman_ at a police station.9The tall m_man_ over there is Peters father.10Gao Weis father takes him to a t_theatre_to see a play(戏剧).用适当的介词填空1My father is a teacher _

11、at/in_ a middle school.2His new friend comes _from_ America.3This is a photo _of_ Miss Li.4These teachers are _in/from_ Beijing, China.用所给词的适当形式填空1Look! This is _Tonys_(Tony) mother.2This is a new hotel. There are two hotel _managers_ (manger) in this hotel. 3Jacks parents are farm _workers_ (work)4

12、These _women_(woman) are from England. 5How many _policemen_(policeman) are there at the police station?6What are your _parents_ (parent) jobs?They are _teachers_ (teach).单项填空()1._ your mothers job?Shes a factory manager.AHow old isBWhatsCWheres DWhos答案 B()2.They are American,_ their grandparents ar

13、e from Asia.Aand BsoCbut Dor答案 C()3. Is the man a doctor? Yes, _Ahe isnt Bhe isCshe isnt Dshe is答案 B()4.Lucy and Lily are _ school. Ain same Bin the sameCat same Din a same 答案 B()5.My _ jobs are doctors.Aparents BparentsCparents Dparent答案 B()6. My sister is _ English teacher and my brother is _ acto

14、r.Aa; a Ban; anCa; an Dan; a 解析 BEnglish和actor都是以元音音素开头的单词,所以前面应该用不定冠词an。()7.Its _ room.ALi Leis and Li MingsBLi Leis and Li MingCLi Lei and Li MingsDLi Lei and Li Ming解析 C房间是Li Lei和Li Ming共同拥有的,只在后一个人名后加s。故选C。()8.Where_ my photos?_ are in your bag.Ais; These Bare; TheyCare; Those Dis; Their答案 B()9.

15、Its _ nice day, isnt it?Yes, what _ fine weather!Aa; a Bthe; theCa; / Dthe; /解析 Ca用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,表示泛指,故排除B、D; weather是不可数名词,故选C。()10. There are 85 _ in the hospital.Aman doctor Bmen doctorCmen doctors Dman doctors 解析 Cman和woman作定语修饰另一个名词时,man和woman及所修饰的名词均变为复数。.根据汉语意思完成句子1那是杰克的女儿和儿子吗?_Are_ _those_ Ja

16、cks _daughter_ and son?2这是大明的妈妈。她是一名医生。 This is _Damings_ mother. She is a _doctor_3“你哥哥是干什么的?”“他是一名旅馆经理。”_Whats_ your _brothers_ _job_?He is a _hotel_ _manager_4贝蒂的父母不是公交车司机。Bettys parents _arent_ _bus_ _drivers_5我的妈妈是一所学校的英语老师。My mother _is_ _an_ English teacher _at_ _a_ _school_.按要求完成下列各题1Betty a

17、nd I are in different schools.(改为同义句)Betty and I arent in _the_ _same_ _school_.2Britney Spears is a_singer(对画线部分提问)_What_ _is_ Britney Spears?3Its a photo of my mother.(改为复数句)_They_ _are_ _photos_ of my mother.4Those are men doctors.(改为单数句)_Thats_ a _man_ _doctor_5His father is a_factory_manager(对画

18、线部分提问)_Whats_ his fathers _job_?6They are Li_Leis_parents(对画线部分提问)_Who_ _are_ they?7They are farm workers.(改为同义句)They work _on_ _a/the_ _farm_8Peters fathers name is Black_Tom(对画线部分提问)_What_ _is_ Peters fathers name?9he, father, an, can, is, my, teacher, speak, English, and, English(.)(连词成句)_My_fath

19、er_is_an_English_teacher_and_he_can_speak_English._10His mother is at_a_police_station. (对画线部分提问)_Where_ _is_ his mother?.完形填空 Its a photo _1_ my aunts family. This is Mary Smith. She is my aunt. She is my mothers_2_. And she is my grandfathers _3_. _4_ husband is John Smith. Nick is their _5_ and E

20、mma is their daughter. Nick and Emma _6_ brother and sister. Theyre my _7_. They call (称呼) my mother _8_ and my_9_ uncle. I call John Smith _10_, too. Its a happy family. ()1.A.inBatCofDunder() BsisterCmother Dfather()3.A.daughter BfriendCson D/()4.A.His BHer CMy DYour()5.A.son BgirlCcous

21、in Dfather() Bare Cam Disnt()7.A.cousins BbrothersCfriends Dparents()8.A.aunt BmotherCgrandmother Duncle()9.A.grandfather BbrotherCfather Dsister()10.A.uncle BbrotherCgrandmother Daunt解析 1Ca photo of意为“一张的照片”。2B 3A妈妈的姐妹也是外公的女儿。4B5.A6B主语是复数,故谓语动词用are。7Aaunt的孩子也就是“我”的cousin。8ANick和Emma称呼“我”的妈妈为a

22、unt,称呼“我”的爸爸为uncle。9C10.A .任务型阅读This is a photo of my family. The old man is my grandpa. His name is Harry Green. Hes a farmer. He often works on the farm. The old woman is Jean Green. Shes my grandma. She works at a school. Shes a good teacher. My fathers name is Jeff Green. Hes a doctor. Helen Gre

23、en is my mother. Shes a nurse. My parents work in the same hospital. I have a sister, Kate Green. She goes to school every day. My name is Jim Green. Im a driver and I work at a bus station. I love my family very much.根据短文内容完成表格。NamesJobsWorkplaces1._Harry_Green_A farmer 2._On_the_farm_Jean Green3._

24、A_teacher_4. _At_a_school_Jim Green5. _A_driver_At a bus station6. _Kate_Green_A student7. _At_a_school_Jeff Green 8. _A_doctor_At a hospital9. _Helen_Green_A nurse 10. _At_a_hospital_.书面表达假如你是吉姆,请给你的笔友玲玲写一封信,介绍一下你的家庭。提示内容:爸爸三十九岁,是一名工厂经理;妈妈三十八岁,是一名医生;你今年十二岁,上七年级。你爱你的父母。(注意信的格式)_One possible version:

25、Dear Lingling,How are you going? Let me introduce my family to you. There are three people in my family. My father is a factory manager. He is thirtynine years old. My mother is a doctor. She is thirtyeight years old. Im twelve now.Im in Grade Seven. I love my parents.Write back soon!Yours,Jim Wang

26、Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class.王辉是我的朋友,但是他不在我的班。探究 句中but是并列连词,在意义上起转折作用,其前后的两个句子或短语在意义上形成鲜明对照。but用来连接两个分句或两个较长的短语时,其前一般要加逗号。例如:He can play basketball, but he cant play table tennis. 他会打篮球,但是他不会打乒乓球。 活学活用武汉中考Jims a taxi driver, _ he really wants(想要) to be a doctor.AorBandCsoDbut答案 D.英汉互译

27、1用汉语_in_Chinese_2的首都_the_capital_of_3一个非常大的城市_a_very_big_city_4名字_first/given_name_5姓_last/family_name_6in Tonys class_在托尼的班级_7my English name_我的英文名字_8Good to see you._见到你(们)很高兴。_.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1We a_all_ have a big family named China.2E_Everyone_ has two hands.3Beijing is a big c_city_ in our country.4Jinan is the c_capital_ of Shandong.5Im from America, b_but_ Im not American.6Li Damings f_first_ name is Daming.7Yang Liweis l_last_ name is Yang. 8Cambridge is a very s_small_ city in England.用所给词的适当形式填空1This is his _first_ (one) book.2Betty is from _America_ and

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