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1、高中英语第二册上Unit1Makingadifference2019-2020年高中英语第二册上Unit1Makingadifference一. 教学目标与要求1. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of science and scientist 2. Learn to use some sentence structures:二教学重点与难点1. 话题1). Talking about science and scientists.2). Talking about people.2. 重点词汇 un

2、dertake, analysis, obvious, within, agriculture, gravity, debate, biologist, scan, boundary, promising, graduate, disable, theory, seek, misunderstand, scientific, observe, observation, match, predict, unhappiness, astronomer, curious, microscope, telescope, heaven, punish, intelligent, patient, exp

3、erimentwork on, go by, be/get engaged to sb. , go on with, dream of, turn out, take a look at, what if, the other way around, hope for, in fact, in the 1970s, mean to do sth., according to, believe in, a number of, test the theory, use up, in order to, search for, stop sb. from doing sth.,etc.3. 重要句

4、型 1)There is no doubt that 毫无疑问2)Theres no point in doing sth做某事没有作用或没有意义 3) Instead of doing., . went on with.4) Since., . has continued to seek answers to.5) The most important thing is to do.4. 语法 动词不定式(短语)作主语、宾语、定语和状语:1) To obey the law is everyones duty.Hawking explains what it means to be a sc

5、ientist.2) Scientists try to describe and explain what we see.3) That will be the only thing to do now4) Learn from the past mistakes to avoid the future ones. We were surprised to find him there. He travelled around to give lectures.5. 日常交际用语1) 描述人物(describing people) .you are twenty years old and

6、a promising graduated student. The scientist is curious and careful He is also intelligent and patient.2) 辩论 (debating)Thats correct. Its clear thatI doubt that There is no doubt thatIts hard to say.Well, maybe, butThats true.Whats your idea?Have you thought about?三课型( 一 ) Warming up, listening & sp

7、eakingI. 教具 录音机;多媒体等。II课堂教学设计Step 1. 教师可通过以下开场白, 导入正课:T: Hello, everybody! I am very happy to be with you again after the summer holidays. In the holidays, did you visit any science museum? Do you want to be a scientist? There are many great scientists in the world, who made great contributions to s

8、ociety and science. Can you name the scientists on the screen and their achievements? (Show some pictures on the screen) Ss: Stephen Hawking, Galileo, Albert Einstein, ZhangHeng and so on.Step 2. 热身训练 T: You can see five pictures of foreign great scientists with their famous quotes. Do you know what

9、 they mean? Do you agree? Ss: Albert Einstein (German): “Imagination is more important than knowledge” means “Without imagination, knowledge would be a finite collection of static facts. “想象力比知识更重要。” Alfred North Whitehead (British): “It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious

10、” means: Great scientists are enormously curious and tend to ask questions that others would never think of. “要对显而易见的事进行分析需要非凡的头脑”。 Marie Curie (Polish): “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” means: Once we understand something, there is no need to be afraid. “只要理解了, 没有什么可害

11、怕的。” Galileo Galilei (Italian): “You cant teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself” means : “你不可能教会一个人所有的知识, 你应该帮助他认识到自身的内在潜力。” Thomas Alva Edison (American): “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” means: Great thoughts and ideas are the r

12、esult of hard work. “天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。”T: By learning their quotes and talking about their achievements, you can know about the key to success and make their minds to be successful. Step 3. 听力训练1. Make the students clear about the tasks first, and tell them what they should do after finishing

13、the tape.T: To learn more about scientists, today we are going to listen to the descriptions of some famous scientists. The listening material provides three passages. First, please read the requirements quickly. and you are asked to have a guess who they are. 2. Play the tape twice, and check the a

14、nswers. In fact, the listening material contains 4 great minds including the students. Step 4. 口语表达1. Encourage the students to be brave enough to practice, and guide them to finish the speaking task in the workbook.T: Now work in groups of five. Each member represents a branch of science, for examp

15、le, biology, maths, chemistry, physics, puter science. You are going to debate each other to see which branch is the most important and useful. Use the expressions at the bottom of this page when you debate.2. Allow them 10 minutes or more to do group work.3. Ask the students to give their performan

16、ce.Sample: I think biology is the most important and useful science because it is the study of life and living beings. By studying biology, we can learn how to fight diseases, how to protect the environment, and how to grow plants for food. Without biology, we would not be able to understand who we

17、are and how we should live.Step 5. 布置作业1) Search more information about science and scientists on the Internet or in the library2) Preview the reading material “No boundaries”. ( 二 ) ReadingI. 教具 录音机;多媒体II课堂教学设计Step 1 引入课文T: In the last period, we learnt something about some famous scientists and wh

18、at is needed to be a scientist. Today we will further learn about a famous scientist.Step2. 展示生词及短语T:First lets learn some new words (Teach the words and explain them to the studentsThen ask the students to read after the tape.)Step3. 新授课文1 快速阅读教师给出读前提问 (Pre-reading questions):教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文(默读

19、)。之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1).Hawking needed a PhD so that he could get a job and get married.2). Hawking became famous in the early 1970s.3). Hawking visited Beijing in xx. 2 细读放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度:1). How does he make a speech without moving his lips? (through a speech puter) 2). What is it t

20、hat Hawking doesnt like about his speech puter? (It gives him an American accent.)3 讨论 How do you understand the title “No boundaries”?Suggested answers:Unanswered questions have no boundaries. science in thinking. There are no boundaries imagination. between truth and falsehood (谬误) the healthy and

21、 the disabled.Step 4布置作业1. Retell the text.2. Finish the assigned work in SB Page 5.( 三 ) Language Study & GrammarI. 教具 多媒体II课堂教学设计 Step 1. 复述课文(Ask the students to retell the text.) Step 2. 难句分析(Go through some important language points)1. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of t

22、he obvious分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。句型结构为: It takes (sb.) something to do. (1)undertake vt承担(工作,责任等),承办+名词 (2)analysis复数形式andyses. analyze vt2There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 例:There is no doubt that our team will win我队获胜是毫无疑问的。3There didnt seem much point in working on my PhDI didnt expect to survive that long取得

23、博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。There is no point in doing sth表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。例:There is no point in arguing further继续争执下去没有意义了。4Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse 但两年过去了,我的情况却没那么糟糕。 go by意思是“(时间)过去”。 例:Time went by so quicklyWe are already at the end of our summer holiday 时间过得真快,转眼我们

24、已经要结束暑假了。 5In fact,things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl,Jan Wilde事实上,事情发展得还挺顺利。我和一位非常好的女孩简怀尔得订婚了。 getbe engaged to sb“与某人订婚” 例:Did you hear they have got engaged last month? 你有没有听说他们上个月订婚的消息? be engaged in(on)+ndoing sth从事(工作)的,忙于的例:She was engaged in pro

25、tecting wild birds她从事保护野生鸟类的工作。be engaged (电话等)通话中的,占线中的,相当于美国英语的busy 6Scientists,on the other hand,Hawking writes,know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong霍金写到,从另一个方面说,科学家知道他们的工作是永无止境的,即使是最完美的理论,也可能是错误的。 turn out to be“结果是”“最后的情况是”+副+形+to do+that 例

26、:The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely 天气预报说今天下午有雨,其实今天天气非常好。7Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference每个人都有自己的专长和兴趣,只有发现自己的专长,我们才能期望达到自

27、己的目标,真正与众不同。 only修饰介词短语或从句时,要求倒装。 例:Only at that time did I realize its importance直到那时我才意识到它的重要性。 Only in this way can you make progress in your English study 只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步。 Only when you finish your homework can you go out to play football 只有当你完成作业你才能出去踢球。 only修饰主语时,通常置于主语之前。 例:Only you underst

28、and me只有你了解我。8Imagine this:you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world 想象一下这种情况:你二十一岁是世界最有名大学里的一个有希望的毕业生。 imagine+名词/ doing 例:Can you imagine life with out electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗? I didnt imagine being a writer in my childhood.在孩提时代,我并未

29、想象成为一名作家。9Since then,Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe从那时起,霍金就继续寻求关于宇宙特征的问题的答案。 seek +(for / after)+名词 搜寻,寻找;寻求,探求;追求例:They sought shelter from the rain他们找寻避雨的地方。He found it worthless to seek fame他发现追求名声是不值得的。seek + 名 征求,请求 He sought his doctors advi

30、ce他向医生请教(征求医生的意见)。Step 3 操练 (Word study Exercise)Finish the exercises in the SB Page 5Suggested answers:1).(A)这对夫妇花光了所有的钱去找他们六个月前失踪的五岁儿子。2).(C)大家很容易看出她不高兴。3).(B)牛顿自言自语: “为什么苹果会落到地上,而不会飘向空中?”。后来,他发现了万有引力定律。4).(A)科学家预言在未来的十年内,环境污染会更加严重.他们告诫人们如果不采取措施解决这个问题,我们将会毁灭我们的星球。5).(B)哈利观察这个物体的运动已有多年了,并且预测它每76年回来

31、一次。6).(A)警察发现这个人的指纹和在犯罪现场提取的不一样后,就放他走了。 Step 4 语法Grammar1. 讲解不定式的形式Summarize the form of the Infinitive:不定式的简单式由to+动词原形构成,其动作与主要动词同时发生或者发生在主要动词之后。不定式的进行式由to be +现在分词构成,表示在主要动词的动作发生时,不定试的动作正在进行中。不定式的完成式由to have+过去分词构成,表示不定式的动作发生在主要动词的动作之前。Show the video of the explanation of the uses of the Infinitive to the students. Help the Ss master the Infinitive better.2. 操练Some ExercisesLook at the sentences on the screen. Ask the Ss to tell the function of the underlined part in each sentence.1. Were surprised to hear the news. (Adverbia

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