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Student News 0308.docx

1、Student News 0308(Student News) - March 8, 2012THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.*CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Hi, Im Carl Azuz. Before we get started today, I want to say hello to the students at Calhoun Middle School in Calhoun, Georgia. It

2、was great seeing you guys yesterday at the CNN Center here in Atlanta.All right. Lets go.(MUSIC PLAYING)AZUZ: The Republican Party will officially name its presidential nominee in a conversation in Florida in late August. Dont know yet who that will be, and the results of this weeks Super Tuesday co

3、ntest didnt give a definitive answer, though the front-runner stayed out front. Three out of four Republican candidates won at least one state on Tuesday.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had the most first place finishes. He won his home state of Massach

4、usetts plus Idaho, Vermont, Virginia, Alaska and a close win in Ohio.Former Senator Rick Santorum came in second in Ohio, but he won contests in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed victory in Georgia. Thats the state he represented in Congress for 20 year

5、s.(END VIDEO CLIP)John King looks at how things stack up after Super Tuesday, and how the math for the next round of contests could break down.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JOHN KING, HOST, JOHN KING U.S.A.: Hasnt always been pretty, but what you want to do in politics is win. And if you look at the map nationa

6、lly you see more Romney red than anything else. Senator Santorum has won in the middle of the country, including his Super Tuesday wins in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota.Romney winning in Idaho on Super Tuesday, winning in Virginia, Massachusetts and Vermont. The big win for Romney here in Ohi

7、o, winning gets you what? It gets you delegates. And so if you look now at the delegate chase, these are ball park numbers, not exactly, still some calculations to do. But Governor Romney came into Super Tuesday just above 200. He ends it above 400. That is a big gain on a big day.Takes 1,144 to win

8、. Nobody is close to Governor Romney right now. That is his advantage going forward. Over the next week or so, though, you might not see any Romney victories. Kansas is up next on Saturday, for the sake of argument, lets give that one to Senator Santorum. Then we come to two big Southern contests ne

9、xt week: Alabama and Mississippi.If Speaker Gingrich can win them and continue his trek across the South, first it was South Carolina, his only win on Super Tuesday came at home in Georgia. If he can pick up Alabama and Mississippi, Speaker Gingrich would be a tight contest for Senator Santorum then

10、 for second place. Governor Romney would pick up some delegates and still pull ahead.Heres the big challenge for Senator Santorum: try to take Mississippi and Alabama so that he can make the argument next week its time for Speaker Gingrich to get out of the race, to give him a shot at catching up to

11、 Governor Romney because even if Santorum wins Kansas, wins the two Southern prizes next week, yes, he would close the gap, but he would still be well behind Governor Romney.He would need, at that point, to convince Speaker Gingrich to get out. So as we look at the next we know this: Romney has a bi

12、g delegate lead, not quite yet to the finish line.And the biggest question over the next seven days might not be what happens to Governor Romney, but whether Gingrich and Santorum can figure out whether theyre both in for the long haul or whether the impact of these two Southern states convinces one

13、 of them to say goodbye.(END VIDEO CLIP)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Todays Shoutout goes out to Ms. Millers social studies classes at Seymour Middle School in Seymour, Indiana. What countrys capital is Damascus? You know what to do. Is it Libya, Syria, Yemen or Iran? Youve got three secon

14、ds, go.Damascus is the capital of Syria, a country thats home to more than 22 million people. Thats your answer, and thats your Shoutout.(END VIDEO CLIP)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): And thats where this video was taken. The woman on the left is Valerie Amos. Shes the head of Emergency Relief

15、 Efforts at the United Nations. After meeting with officials in Damascus, Amos was allowed to visit Homs, a city thats been hammered by Syrian military attacks.Before her trip, Amos said her goal was to urge everyone involved in the fighting in Syria to let relief workers in to deliver supplies and

16、evacuate people whove been wounded.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: Some Syrians have tried to escape the violence by leaving their country. Nic Robertson reports on what life is like for these refugees as they cross the border.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over

17、): Hidden in woods close to the Lebanese border, Lebanese Red Cross ambulances wait for Syrias wounded. Not far away, in the mountaintop town of Aarsal, more Syrians are getting Lebanese help.These refugees arrived two days ago. Many are camera shy. Some, though, are prepared to talk and their tales

18、 are horrific. Sisters Dalia (ph) and Zaina (ph) both suffer nightmares.I see Assads forces killing us, she says. The shelling and shooting was unbearable.Their father tells me they fled their home just across the border in Al Qusuayr two days ago. We were told it was going to be bombed, he says. Tw

19、elve people live in this tiny room. Three families, all sharing each others grief. They are a fraction of the estimated 2,000 who have fled Syria in the past few days, 120 of them crammed into this eight-room building made for far fewer.Local officials are worrying. They are running out of space. We

20、 expect more refugees, the deputy mayor tells me. Everyone wants to help, but we are filling up. Were asking aid groups to build a camp.Throughout Aarsals rugged alleyways, refugees are squeezing in wherever there is space.ROBERTSON: The U.N. refugee agency says that until last week, it had register

21、ed close to 7,000 refugees crossing into northern Lebanon in the past year. The concern is that now Bashar al-Assads new military offensive is well underway. That number could rise dramatically - Nic Robertson, CNN, Aarsal, Lebanon.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: You already know that March is Womens History

22、Month. But today, March 8th, is International Womens Day. Its actually why March was picked for the month-long celebration.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): All around the world today, governments and organizations are holding events like this one from 2010. International Womens Day has been cele

23、brated for more than 100 years. It honors the achievements that women have made and it promotes womens rights, especially in developing countries.That ties into the U.N.s theme for this years International Womens Day, which is about empowering rural women and ending hunger and poverty.(END VIDEO CLI

24、P)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? On an average, U.S. college graduates make around $20,000 more than workers with a high school diploma.This is true, according to the U.S. Census information from 2009.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: So chances are youll get a better salary if you go to

25、college. But heres the thing: youre not going to do as well as you might have around 10 years ago. This is based on a new study from the Economic Policy Institute. Researchers there found that entry level wages, the salary that you might get right out of college, went down from 2000 through 2010.(BE

26、GIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): During that 10-year window, men with a college degree saw their entry salaries drop by more than 11 percent. For women, it dropped more than 7.5 percent. Lower salaries means it could take longer to pay off student loans if youve got them, and it could limit workers

27、 spending habits.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: Interesting story for you out of Rhode Island. A teenager there is having his drivers license suspended forever. The judge who made the decision said its time for a change in attitudes about young people driving.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): This goes ba

28、ck to a car crash in last October. The teen behind the wheel was driving on a suspended license, which means hed been in trouble before. He was speeding. He was allegedly coming from a party where there had been alcohol.He and all three of his passengers were injured when he crashed his car into a t

29、ree. Now the judge says he will never be allowed to get a license in Rhode Island again.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: The judge says the lifetime ban was the strongest penalty available. The local police chief says he thinks the decision is fair. The state senator says the judge went too far.(BEGIN VIDEO CL

30、IP)AZUZ (voice-over): Now, we want to get your take on this. Does the punishment fit the crime? And if you dont think so, what should it have been? You be the judge. Today at , the story is now featured at the top of our blog. Please remember its first names only, no last initials or school or class

31、 names. We cant publish that. Thems the rules.(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: You can usually bank on something kind of wacky in our Before We Go segment.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ (voice-over): But todays story might take the cake. If youre looking for cash this aint the ATM for you. This automated teller dispen

32、ses something a lot sweeter - cupcakes. A bakery in Beverly Hills came up with the machine, which is the first of its kind. And just like a lot of ATMs, its open to customers 24hours a day. So lets say its 2:00 am and youre craving a cupcake?(END VIDEO CLIP)AZUZ: You could just hit up this ATM to deal with your withdrawal. It could definitely hel

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