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2、案)外研版小学英语(三起)四年级上册Module2达标检测题(含听力材料及答案)外研版小学英语(三起)四年级上册Module2达标测试题(含听力材料及答案)外研版小学英语(三起)四年级上册Module2达标考试题(含听力材料及答案)外研版小学英语四年级上册Module2基础知识精讲精练(A)Words and Expressions in Module 2SB P.66 Words and Expressions in Each Module:Module 21.read读,阅读(动词)单三形式:reads,动词-ing形式:reading,辨析:red 短语:read a book/read

3、 books读书,看书(辨析:look,look at) 例句:I like reading books.我喜欢看书。Sam likes reading a book.萨姆喜欢看书。He likes reading a book about animals.他喜欢看动物书。2.running跑步(run跑;run的单三形式:runs;run的-ing形式:running) 类比:go fishing去钓鱼,go shopping去购物,go skating去滑冰,go swimming去游泳同样go running去跑步。 例句:They like running.他们喜欢跑步。(fishin

4、g,swimming,skipping) Lily likes going running.莉莉喜欢去跑步。(?going,running?)3.these这些,those那些,this这个,that那个这四个单词都是指示代词。单数形式:this(这个),that(那个)(指代人或事物的词) 复数形式:these(这些),those(那些)this(these)和that(those)的区别:通常this(these)指离说话人较近的物品,that(those)指离说话人较远的物品。指示代词既可以单独使用,也可以与名词连用。例如: Xiaofeng, this is Xiaoyun, my f

5、riend. These are my books. These books are on my desk.That is Tom.Hes near the door.Those are lost dogs. Those pencils are in the pencil-box. this(这个) that(那个)the(这个,那个,这些,那些) (指示代词) (冠词) these(这些) those(那些) 注意:指示代词与名词连用时,可用the代替;但是指示代词单独使用时,不能用the代替。例如: This is a lost dog.(this不能用the代替) Look at the

6、se photos.(these可用the替换)4.picture照片(photo照片 Its for the class photo.)picture-pictures;photo-photos photo 照片 picture=photo(照片)picture:画, 图画, 照片, 像, 美景, 描述, 相似物, 化身简而言之:photo是照片(仅仅是照片);picture是图片(包括照片)。 例句:Look at these nice pectures.看这些漂亮的照片。 The pictures are very nice.这些照片很漂亮。5.take拍摄 单三形式:takes;-in

7、g形式:taking 辨析:lake湖6.take pictures/photos照相 take a picture/photo照相 例句:Do you like taking pictures?你喜欢照相吗?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。 She doesnt like taking a picture.她不喜欢照相。7.children(child的复数形式)孩子们 kids孩子们 foot-feet 例句:Do you like taking pictures,children?孩子们,你们喜欢照相吗? The children dont like reading books.这些孩子

8、不喜欢读书。8.listen听 单三形式:listens -ing形式:listening listen听 Listen!A bird is singsing.听!鸟儿在叫。 9. listen to听 Listen to the teacher!听老师讲!Listen to me.听我说。 look看 Look!A cat kite.。看!一只猫形风筝。 look at看 Look at the blackboard!看黑板!10.talk说话,交谈 单三形式:talks -ing形式:talking 例句:Dont talk!不要说话了! 11. talk to一般指一个对另一个说,对方一

9、直呈“听”的状态。(偶尔也插话) (和/与谈话/交谈) talk with指两个人交谈,双方都要发表言论,相互沟通。talk to 强调谈话的对象是“单向的”。如:I am talking to Tom.(强调I单方面的对Tom在谈话)talk with 强调谈话的对象是“双向的”。如:I am talking with Tom.(强调I和Tom在相互谈话)12.China中国 Chinese汉语/语文;中国的,中国人的(首字母永远大写) 例句:This is a book about China.这是一本关于中国的书。 I love China so much.我非常热爱中国。 Heres

10、a book about Chinese.这儿有一本关于语文的书。EXERCISES:1.改变或添加一个字母组成新词。 2.写出短语。 1)walk 3)red 1)看书 2)和谈话2)lake 4)cake 3.写出汉语意思。 3)听 1) 2) 4)看 3) 5)照相 4.重新组合成新词。 1)aihCn 2)rencilhd 3)ngnriun 4)esteh 5)reuictp 6)lniset外研版小学英语四年级上册Module2基础知识精讲精练(B)Unit 1 Shes reading a book.她(正)在读书。【学习目标】1.学习单词和短语:write、letter、pic

11、ture、friend、take、pictures、talkto、little、playwith。2.学习句型:This is.Hes/Shes.3.能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。1.Listen,point and say.听一听,指一指,说一说。I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。She likes playing basketball.她喜欢打篮球。He likes swimming.他喜欢游泳。We like running.我们喜欢跑步。2.Listen,point and find“-ing”. 听一听,指一指,找出“-ing”。Look

12、at these pictures.看这些照片。This is my friend Maomao.Shes reading a book.这是我的朋友毛毛。她正在读书。This is my friend Xiaowei.Hes taking pictures.这是我的朋友小伟。他正在照相。This is my sister Amy.Shes watching TV.这是我的姐姐埃米。她正在看电视。This is my little brother Tom.Hes playing with a toy train. 这是我的小弟弟汤姆。他正在玩玩具火车。3.Listen and say.听一听,

13、说一说。 Hes taking pictures.他在照相。Shes reading a book.她在读书。4.Practise.练一练。 Panpan is taking pictures.盼盼正在照相。 Exercises:根据所学内容,仿照课本尝试翻译下列句子。1.这是我妹妹玲玲。她在玩儿一辆玩具小汽车。 2.看图片。他们喜欢做早操。 3.看图片。他们在骑自行车。 4.这个男孩现在在吃肉。 5.我爸爸在看书。我弟弟在照相。我在看电视。 外研版小学英语四年级上册Module2基础知识精讲精练(C)Module2Unit1单元巩固练习 Module2Unit1 Shes reading a

14、 book.她(正)在读书。听力部分一、根据听力材料,选图片。 A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、根据听力材料,选答语。( )1.A.Lingling is reading a book. B.Lingling reads a book.( )2.A.I can see some pictures. B.Look at these pictures.( )3.A.I am watching TV. B.Hes watching TV.( )4.A.Yes,she is. B.No,he isnt.笔试部分一、根据图片,连线。 play football take pictu

15、res play with a toy car read a book watch TV二、根据汉语意思,选择英语单词。( )1.孩子们 A.children B.chicken( )2.照片 A.supermarket B.picture( )3.交谈 A.tall )4.听 A.look B.listen( )5.这些 A.these B.those三、选词填空。1.Panpan is pictures.2.Fangfang is a book.3.Yuanyuan is football.4.Weiwei likes .5.Im TV.四、英汉互译。 1.Hes taki

16、ng pictures. 他 2.Shes reading a book. 她 3.We like running. 我们 4.她正在听一首歌。 She a song. 5.汤姆正在床上睡觉 Tom in the bed。 6.这些孩子们正在房子里跑。 in the house.五、连词成句。 little This my sister Amy (.) a Tom with toy little My brother playing train (.)六、阅读短文,完成句子。 Look at this picture.This is my family.This is my

17、 father.Hes watching TV.This is my mother.Shes reading a book.These are my little brothers.John is playing with his toys.Tom is taking pictures.And this is me.I am playing the piano. 1.My father is .2. is reading a book.3.John is .4.Tom is .5.I am .七、根据要求做题。 1.She goes to work on Mondays.(用now替换on M

18、ondays,重新改写句子) 2.Tom likes to swim in the lake.(改为同义句) 3.We like runing.She like swimming.(圈出句中两处错误,将正确句子写在下面) 4.Panpan is taking pictures.(分别改为:否定句,一般疑问句及其肯、否回答)附:听力材料及参考答案听力部分:一、听力材料:1.Daming is taking pictures. 2.Hes playing with a toy car. 3.Hes playing football. 4.Im watching TV. 5.Shes reading

19、 a book.答案:1.A 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.C 二、听力材料:1.What is Lingling doing? 2.What can you see? 3.What are you doing? 4.Is Daming taking pictures? 答案:1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B笔试部分:一、提示 football踢足球;take pictures照相;play with a toy car玩儿玩具汽车;read a book读书;watch TV看电视 二、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 三、1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.E 四、1.正在照

20、相2 正在读书 3.喜欢跑步 listening to sleeping 6.These children are running五、1.This is my little sister Amy.2.My little brother Tom is playing with a toy train. 六、1.watching TV 2.My mother 3.playing with his toys 4.taking pictures 5.playing the piano.七、1.She is going to work now.2.Tom likes swimming

21、 in the lake.3.We like running.She likes swimming.4.略外研版小学英语四年级上册Module2基础知识精讲精练(D)Unit2 What are you doing?你们正在做什么?【学习目标】1.词汇:watchingTV,talkingtotakingpictures,readingabook,writingaletter,playingwith,listeningtomusic。2.句型:Whatareyoudoing?Im -Whatishe/shedoing?-He/Sheis 3.学习如何表述及回答正在发生的动作。1.Listen

22、and chant.听一听,并说唱。Im reading a book.我正在读书。Hes flying a kite.他正在放风筝。Shes taking pictures.她正在照相。Theyre riding a bike.他们正在骑自行车。2Listen and say.听一听,说一说。 What are you doing,children?孩子们,你们正在干什么? Im listening to music!我正在听音乐! Im talking to my friend.我正在和我的朋友聊天(交谈/讲话)。 Whats Tom doing?汤姆在做什么?Oh,hes reading

23、 a book about China!Ha ha哦,他在看一本关于中国的书!哈哈3.Listen and match.Then say.听一听,连一连,说一说。1.Hello,Im Tiantian.Im listening to music. 1.你好,我是天天。我在听音乐。2.Hi,Im Maomao.Im playing table tennis. 2.嗨,我是毛毛。我在打乒乓球。3.Hello,Im Lanlan.Im playing basketball. 3.你好,我是兰兰。我在打篮球。4.Hello,Im Xiaoyong.Im playing football. 4.你好,我

24、是小勇。我在踢足球。 答案:1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B4.Listen and say.Then sing and do the actions.听一听,说一说。唱并做动作。ARE YOU DOING IT TOO? 你也在做作业吗?Im listening to music.Im reading a book. 我正在听音乐。我正在读书。Im writing a letter.Come here and look. 我正在写信。快来看一看。Im playing football.Im talking to you. 我在踢足球。我在和你说话。Im doing my homework.Ar

25、e you doing it too?我在做家庭作业。你也正在做(作业)吗?(do ones homework做作业 do the housework干家务活) 5.Nime,ask and answer.模仿,提问并回答。What are you doing?你正在干什么?Im playing football.我在踢足球。6.Do and say.做一做,说一说。 Call your friends and write.打电话问你的朋友们,然后写下来。Lily,what are you doing now?莉莉,你现在在干什么?Im watching TV.我在看电视。Exercises:

26、1.根据图片,用所给单词或短语的 正确形式完成句子。1)What is Xiaoyong doing? (swim)2)What is he doing? (read)3) What is the boy doing? (listen to)4) What is Helen doing? (talk to her friend)2.连词成句。 1)is listening My grandma music to (.) 2) is little sister my This (.) 3)students are The books reading (.) 3.改错,圈出错处,将正确句子写在横线

27、上。 1)What are he doing? 2)Im watch TV. 3) This is my father.She is reading a book. 4) Im doing I homework. 5) What are you doing? I listening to music. 4.写出下列单词的现在分词(动词-ing)形式。 do swim take play read listen write run sleep like 外研版小学英语四年级上册Module2基础知识精讲精练(E)Module2Unit2单元巩固练习 Module2Unit2 What are y

28、ou doing?你们正在干什么?听力部分一、根据听力材料,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、根据听力材料,给下列句子排序。 ( )This is Amy.Shes watching TV.( )My name is Panpan.I am taking a picture.( )This is Mr Li.Hes cooking.( )Hello!I am Yuanyuan.I am talking to my friend. ( )This is Tom.Hes singing songs.笔试部分一、看图,连线。 listen to music ride a b

29、ike watch TV read a book take pictures二、根据图片内容,用现在进行时完成句子。1.I . 2.He . 3. I . 4. He . 5. She . 三、连词成句。 1.he doing What is (?) 2.I talking you am to (.) She to music listening (.) 4.turn straight left on Go then (, .) 5.Hes kites flying (.) 四、汉英互译。 1.这些孩子正在玩雪。 These children snow. 2.Are you doing it too? 你 家庭作业吗? 3.Come on,kids!Your

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