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1、英语UnitSpringIsComing教案冀教版八年级下(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 这样学习初二英语最有效首先,要抓住课堂这一学习的主要阵地。英语课上,老师是用英语组织课堂的,认真听老师讲课,本身就是学习英语,听老师讲课时,还要记好重点内容,以便将来查用。英语课上,老师会设置一些情景和活动,给同学们练习使用英语的机会。要抓紧时间,大胆积极地练习说英语,通过实践掌握英语的表达方式。其次,自主开发更多的学习资源。现在社会发达了,有关英语学习的音像资料应有尽有,如英文电台、英文电影、英语电视节目等等。同学们应该积极使用这些资源,做学习的有心人。同学们都知道学习语言要多听、多



4、掌握本课的知识体系和脉络,更好地消化课堂所学知识。记课堂笔记的好处很多,还有助于听课时注意力的高度集中,大脑快速进行思维,做到耳到、眼到、口到、心到。二、记课外笔记无论是课外做题还是阅读,都可以把所见到的知识点如重要词汇、句型等都可以整理到笔记本上;当你在大街上漫步时,无意中发现什么地方多了一个英文标志:如EXIT、Bar、Bank Of China、Parking等都可记录下来;若没有笔,可先记在脑子里,回来后写在笔记上;记课外笔记的方式很多:当你欣赏电视上的英文节目时,可随时把听到或看到的有用的词汇记录下来;当你欣赏一首优美动听的英文歌曲时,把好听的流行的英文歌词记录下来,英文歌曲里也有很


6、须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点要点总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说XQ is extremely strong.观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He meals everyday!详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 addition,whats m

7、ore,moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word,all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but,yet,t?Its sunnyrainysnowywindywarm + rise = _Prepositions: on, in, atStructures: fall off, How What about?make a loud noise, notuntilShallwe?Lesson 1 Whats the weather like?Learning aims: 1. The words and phrases: rather, shower, rise, set, th

8、under, storm, sunrise, sunset, be scared of2. The important sentences: Whats the temperature? Its ten degrees. Its rather cool today, isnt it? Im scared of thunder.Learning important and difficult points: 1. Whats the weather like today? Its cold, cool, warm.2. Whats the temperature? Its ten degrees

9、.3. be scared of sb.sth.4. There will be = There isare going to be Learning method: Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. TalkingTalk about the weather, the weather report and the temperature.Step 2. ReadingRead the dialogue, and then answer the question.Whats the temperature?Step 3. Ex

10、plainingExplain 1. 一般将来时 be going to do sth. = will do sth. 2. 询问温度是多少要用: Whats the temperature?Step 4. PracticePractice the dialogue in three.Step 5. Act outAct it out in class.Step 6. Do exercisesStep 7. Homework八年级英语第一单元知识点归纳1. be scared of sb.sth.doing sth. 恐惧某人某物做某事2. go up 上升 , 与rise 同义,与go do

11、wn 或set 相反3. make a noise 发出声响,吵闹4. arrive in 到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。5. notuntil直到才6. see sb. doing sth看见某人正在做某事7. go cycling 相当于 go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。8. the the face 。9. turn around 转身10. fall off 摔下来11. give sb. a push 推某人一下12. 有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一

12、个是“抓紧”。18. come down 下来19.Whats the weather like ?=How is the weather?天气怎么样20.on the radio 通过收音机21the same as和.一样。反义短语:be different from22Whats the date today?今天几号?What day is it today?今天星期几?Whats the temperature?23.maybe(句首)=perhaps(句首)=may be(句中)24.the difference between.and.两者之间的不同之处25.thank you

13、for doing sth.感谢做某事26.表示建议:lets do.;Shall we do.;HowWhat about doing.;Why not do.,You better do.;Would you please do sth.?27.Why dont you do sth.=Why not do sth.为什么不做.?28.Would you please(not) do sth请某人做(不要做)某事好吗?29.Youd better (not) do sth最好做(不要做)某事好吗?30.on the playground在操场上31.This is the+基数词+主语+

14、2 Its getting warmer!Learning aims: 1. The new words and language points: become, fact, daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating, go up, make a loud noise2. The important sentences: Whats the date today? Its March twenty-first. In Spring, the weather becomes warmer. The temperatures goes up.Learning i

15、mportant and difficult points: Ask and describe the weather of spring.1. What is spring weather like?2. It becomes warmer. The temperature goes up!Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. CheckCheck Lesson 1: ask some students to act the dialogue out.Step 2. LearningLearn t

16、he new words. Read and write.Step 3. LookingLook at the pictures and read it.Step 4. Learning Learn it. Find out the useful expressions.Step 5. PracticePractice the dialogue.Step 6. ExercisesStep 7. Homework: Describe spring.Lesson 3 PostcardLearning aims: 1. The words and phrases: road, outdoors, c

17、ycling2. The important sentences: Spring Shijiazhuang. I see many people in the park exercising. We wont see any flowers until May. The sun will set in about fifteen minutes.Learning important and difficult points: 1. 区分 arrive 与 reach 2. notuntil “直到才” They didnt leave until they finished the work.

18、Learning method: Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. RevisionRevise the words of Lesson 1 and 2.Step 2. Learning (A)Learn the new words. Read and write.Step 3. Learning (B)Learn the text.Step 4. ReadingRead the text and recite it.Step 5. ExerciseStep 6. Homework: Recite the dialogue.L

19、esson 4 Sun is risingLearning aims: 1. The words and phrases: climb, change, one by one.Learning important and difficult points: 1. Sun is rising.2. one by oneyear by yearday by dayLearning method: Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Read the new words and write them down.Step 2. Sing

20、 the songLesson 5 Fun in the sunLearning aims: 1. The words and useful phrases: shall, outdoors, cycling, go bike riding, the the , say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. RevisionRevise the words. Have a dictation in pairs.Step 2. Reading and writing Read the new words and write them down till r

21、ecite them.Step 3. LookingLook at the pictures. Then read it and say.Step 4. LearningLearn the text. 1. The weather is so warm today. (划线部分提问)2. Its twenty-two degrees. (划线部分提问) 3. Its rather warm, isnt it? (改为过去式)4. We shall play soccer. (改为一般疑问句)Step 5. PracticePractice the dialogue in three.Step

22、6. FindingFind out the differences between in China and in Canada.Step 7. Do exercisesStep 8. HomeworkAct out dialogue out next class.Lesson 6 Danny the babysitterLearning aims: 1. The words and phrases: playground, , come down, push, babysitter, baby sit, bar, swing, turn around, full off, get off2

23、. The important sentences: Danny is babysitting Debbie at the playground. Its time to stop swinging. Debbie gets off the swing.Learning important and difficult points: 1. stop doing do sth.2. Its time to stop doing sth.3. get off, get on4. come onsome downLearning method: Listen, say, read an

24、d write.Learning steps:Step 1. Revision Check the dialogue.Step 2. Reading and writing Read the words and write them down.Step 3. Looking and saying Look at the pictures and say it in English.Step 4. Reading the dialogue in four Then find out the useful expressions.Step 5. ExplainingGo over: get on

25、off to in from along with come down on. from in outtime three times, new timesStep 6. PracticePractice the dialogue in four.Step 7. HomeworkAct the dialogue.Lesson 7 Dannys “Debbie” DayLearning aims: 1. The new words: , say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Revision1. Revise the words.2. Check

26、the dialogue.Step 2. Reading and writing Read the words and write them down.Step 3. Reading Read the diary by themselves and find out the useful expressions.Step 4. Explaining1. would do 过去将来e.g. I was scared that she would 8 Unit ReviewSummarize vocabulary and grammar:1. rather, shower, rise, set, become, fact, road, climb, one by one, change, shall, kick, , come down, push, plant2. Talking about weather.Whats the weather like today?Its rather coolwarmwindywarm + light = _ basket + ball = _4. prep. in, on, at 的用法

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