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1、张海月英语科教案学生学生姓名 张海月 年级 初三 授课时间 15:30 教师姓名 Miss Ho 课时 2 课 题九年级(下)U1 Great Explorations教学目标结果状语从句;结构的用法2015年越秀区初三英语统考作文1、作文题假如你叫王鹏,你的班主任李老师想了解班级同学的状况,以便有针对性的对学生进行考前心理辅导。她建议同学们以书信或交谈等各种方式与她交流。现在,请你根据下面的内容及要求。给班主任李老师写封e-mail,说明自己的现状,并请她给你提一些建议。内容要求:1. 学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育活动,同学间缺乏沟通和交流。2. 在家不允许看电视、上网、听音

2、乐等。3. 词数80左右。文中不得出现真实的校名、姓名。4. 开头和结尾已给出。不计入总词数。From: wangpengTo: missliSubject: My problemDate: January 20th ,2015Dear Ms Li, Im very glad to write to you 2、分析作文体裁:应用文作文主题:讲述心理现状难度系数:较中考作文:同中考难度相近所需时态:一般现在时题材出处:九年级上册牛津版教材第四单元 Problems and Advice【注意】:要点齐全、审题 本篇作文题题目较长,可能导致一些不细心的学生审题错误,要注意题目要求的是寻求建议而并

3、非针对问题给出建议。文章的体裁是应用文书信,虽然是应用文,但并没有考查应用文格式,而是把开头和结尾给出,这也降低了作文的难度系数。学生们在写作文的时候不要被长长的题目给吓住,其实审清题后,我们会发现,只要内容涵盖要点,把问题交代清楚,单词、句型不出错误,最后的分数肯定不会差。3、例文Dear Ms Li, Im very glad to write to you, and Id like to talk about my problems lately. Im under great pressure these days because of the heavy task of learni

4、ng. Whats more, Lack of sleep and exercise fuels my stress. I think maybe I can talk with my classmates, but we rarely communicate with each other. In addition, I am not allowed to watch TV、surfing the internet or listening to music even at home, which really drives me crazy. Could you please give m

5、e some advice? Thank you! Best Wishes Peng Wang4、“问题及建议”常用短语及句型 (1)表示问题或请求 1. Could you please do sth.? 你能做某某事吗? 2. How about doing sth./sth.? 做某某事怎么样?/某物怎么样? 3. What about doing sth.? 同上 4. Why dont you do sth. ? 为什么不做某某事呢? 5. Why not do sth. ? 同上 6. Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗? 7. Please do

6、 sth. 请. 8. Shall we do sth. ? 我们去做某事好吗? (2)表示建议或提议 1. You might as well. 你最好 2. If I were you,. 如果我是你的话 3. Maybe you should. 也许你应该 4. Shall we. 我们可以? 5. Perhaps we should. 也许我们可以 6. Why not.Lets . 为什么不? 7. Why dont you/we . 你为什么不? 8. Youd better. 你最好 9. Youve got to . 你应该 10. Youll have to . 你必须201

7、5年海珠区初三英语统考作文1、作文题 假设你是王芳,你的好朋友张华转学去了别处,在新环境中感到孤独,写信向你求助。请你根据下列提示,给她写一封邮件,鼓励她克服困难,快乐学习和生活。你的建议: 1、友好地对待他人; 2、帮助他人; 3、结交朋友; 4、为班级做好事; 5、其它的1-2个建议。注意: 1、词数80左右(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2、不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。2、分析作文体裁:应用文作文主题:求助于建议难度系数:较中考作文:比中考作文稍简单所需时态:一般现在时题材出处:九年级上册牛津版教材第四单元Problems and advice【注意】:要点齐全、建议句型、

8、衔接 本篇作文与越秀区的作文主题不谋而合,但是越秀区的作文是寻求建议,而本篇文章要求的是针对问题给出建议。作文所讨论的问题都是心理压力等方面的问题,同样都是应用文,但是都给出了开头和结尾。 作文要写的点比较多,要注意运用恰当的连接词。另外,除了给出的4点建议之外,还有自己写的1-2点建议不要遗忘。3、例文Dear Zhang Hua, Ive learned about your problem. It is natural to feel lonely in a new circumstance. But theres something you can do to get out of l

9、oneliness. First of all, be friendly to others and help them whenever you can. Thus, making friends would be much easier. With friends, you wont be lonely all the time. You can also do something good for your class, or participate in school activities, so that people will see you, know you, and like

10、 you. In short, do something to make friends and believe you can do it. Im looking forward to your good news.4、常用英文连接词 (1)表示增加的过渡词 also, and, and then, too, in addition(此外),furthermore(进一步),moreover, again, on top of that (最重要的是),another, first, second, third(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词now, then, before, after, af

11、terwards(然后),earlier(早先的时候),later(后来),immediately(立刻),soon, next, in a few days, gradually(渐渐地),suddenly, finally(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词 near(to),far(from), in front of, behind, beside, beyond, above, below, to the right, left, around, outside(4)表示比较的过渡词in the same way, just like, just as(5)表示对照的过渡词 but, stil

12、l, yet, however, on the other hand, on the contrary(正相反),in spite of (尽管),even though(6)表示结果和原因的过渡词because, since, so , as a result, therefor(因此),then, thus(因此),otherwise(另外的)(7)表示目的的过渡词 for this reason (为此),for this purpose(为此),so that (所以)(8)表示强调的过渡词in fact, indeed(的确),surely, necessarily, certain

13、ly,without any doubt(任何,任何的),truly(真实的),to repeat(重做),above all(首先;尤其是)most important(9)表示解释说明的过渡词 for example, in fact, in this case(既然这样),for actually(实际上),for instance(10)表示总结的过渡词in a word, above all(尤其是),all in all(总而言之),finally, at last, in conclusion(总之),as I have shown(我已经显示),in another word(

14、换句话说),in brief(简言之),in short(总之;简言之),in general(总之;一般而言),on the whole(基本上)2015年荔湾区初三英语统考作文1、作文题 根据以下提示写一篇关于“家庭生活”的作文。1、你的家人2、家中的东西(possession)3、家里的家务活4、家人通常在一起做什么5、家庭规则6、你喜欢或者不喜欢你的家庭的地方二、分析 作文体裁:说明文 作文主题:家庭生活 难度系数: 较中考作文:比中考作文简单 所需时态:一般现在时 题材出处:九年级上册牛津版教材第三单元writing 【注意】:要点齐全这个作文题是学生们学过的教材U3 的写作部分,学

15、生们对于这个题目相当熟悉,并且周边词汇也了解得很到位。题目给出的提示和要点很多,重要的点和较难的单词都已给出了,这更加降低了作文题的难度。这篇作文题不存在跑题的风险,要拿到一个安全的分数是很简单的。不过,在大家都熟悉题目的基础上,想要拿到比别人更高的分就需要写出更加出彩的文章。3、例文Family Life There are three of us in my family:My father、mother and me, and we live a very happy life. Weve got many things: a big TV, a set of stylish furni

16、ture and a laptop. Each of us has a mobile phone so that we can communicate with each other more conveniently. Housework is divided equally in our family, and sometimes we will do great house cleaning. We eat dinner together every day except for the days when my father is too busy to come home at di

17、nner time. On weekends, we will visit somewhere together. The rules of my family are pretty strict, for example, I was not allowed to watch TV for over two hours. I love my family. But I feel lonely when my parents are away from home.4、“家庭生活”常用短语及句型 (1)家庭类型:a nuclear/small family 核心家庭 a big/large/ex

18、tended family 大家庭 a single-parent family 单亲家庭 (2)亲戚关系:grandaunt 姑婆,姨婆; granduncle 伯公,叔公,舅公 aunt 婶母,伯母,姨母,舅母; uncle 叔父,伯父,姨夫; cousin 堂兄弟(姐妹),表兄弟(姐妹); cousin-in-law 堂姐(妹)夫,堂嫂,堂弟媳,表姐(妹)夫; brother-in-law 姐夫,妹夫; sister-in-law 姑,姨,嫂,弟媳; son-in-law 女婿; daughter-in-law 儿媳;nephew 侄儿,外甥; niece 侄女,外甥女; grandne

19、phew 甥(外)孙,侄(外)孙; grandniece 甥(外)孙女,侄(外)孙女; grandson-in-law 孙女婿 (3)常用短语:feed/raise/support a family 抚养家庭;found /start a family 建立家庭; family property 家产; family financial situation 家境;family history 家史 family tree 家谱;family origin 家庭出身;family responsibility 家庭责任; family relationship 家庭关系;family educa

20、tion 家庭教育; family structure 家庭结构;family consumption 家庭消费 (4)常用句型: 1. What do you want to say about your family? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 4. Are you the oldest/youngest in your family? 5. What do your parents do? 6. I keep in touch with my f

21、amily regularly.九年级(下)U1 Great Explorations 重点词汇1. explore v. 探险;探测;探索;考察I just wanted to explore on my own. 我只想独自考察一下。Many boys dream to explore the universe. 许多男孩子梦想探索宇宙的奥秘。【同根词】 explorer n. 探险家,探测者, 探测器Zheng he was a famous Chinese explorer. 郑和是一位著名的中国探险家。exploration n. 探测,探究Social development su

22、ggests universal exploration. 社会的进步促使人类做出对宇宙空间的探索。2. repetition n. 重复The best way to learn vocabulary is through repetition. 学习词汇最好的办法就是通过重复的方式。【同根词】 repeat v. 重复Can you repeat your question? 你能重复一遍你的问题吗?【搭配】 repeat after sb. 跟某人读 = read after sb. Repeat after me: a, b, c 请跟我读:a, b, crepeat oneself

23、(不自觉地) 重复自己说过的话Mrs. Fardell repeats herself a bit, but she is very good for 85. 法德尔太太说话有点重复,但作为85 岁的人她头脑非常清楚。3. discovery n. 发现The discovery of America is generally referred to Columbus. 一般人都说美洲是哥伦布发现的。【同根词】 discover v. 发现The Curies are best known for discovering radium. 居里夫妇最为出名的是发现了镭。discoverer n.

24、 发现者In general, comets are named after their discoverers. 总的来说,彗星是以发现者的名字命名的。【搭配】 make a discovery 发现Astronomers have made great discoveries about our galaxy.天文学家们在我们的星系中已有了重大的发现。4. develop v. 增强,加强,(使)成长,(使)发展His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries.他的人物是和外国加

25、强联系并建立贸易路线。Children develop very rapidly. 儿童成长得很快。【同根词】 developed adj. 发达的America is a developed country. 美国是一个发达的国家。developing adj. 发展中的China is the biggest developing country. 中国是最大的发展中国家。development n. 发展,成长Wars stunted the development of science in the world. 战争使世界的科学发展受到了压制。5. rise v. 使得更加成功(或重

26、要,强大等);升高,上升(riseroserisen) 上升到rise to 上升了rise byZheng he rose to become a trusted official of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dinasty.郑和成为了一位受到明朝永乐皇帝信任的官员。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳在东方升起,西方落下。【同根词】 rise n. 升迁,成功,升起, 增加The fifteenth century saw the rise of a new social class-t

27、he merchant class.15世纪见证了一个新的社会阶级商人阶级的兴起。The railworkers were offered a 3% pay rise. 铁路工人获得了3% 的加薪。【拓展】 rise 和raise 的区别:rise 不及物动词,意为“升迁,成功,升起, 增加”,后面不能加宾语;raise 及物动词,意为“举起,提起,抬起,使升高”后面必须加宾语。练习The balloon _ gently into the air.Can you _ your arm above your head?Our teachers told us that the sun _ in

28、 the east and sets in the west.6. foreign adj. 外国的Students in many countries have to learn at least one foreign language.在很多国家,学生必须学习至少一门外语。【同根词】 foreigner n. 外国人Many foreigners came to visit Shenzhen during the Universiade in 2011.在2011年大运会期间,很多外国人来深圳游玩。【搭配】 foreign language 外语 foreign country 外国 f

29、oreign culture 外国文化 foreign trade 外贸7. trade n. 贸易 v. 以物易物,互相交换China has a long history of trade with the Middle East. 中国与中东有着永久的贸易历史。They had years of experience of trading with the West. 他们有数年与西方做生意的经验。【同根词】 trader n. 商人,交易者This trader persuaded me into buying his goods. 这个商人说服我买了他的货物。【搭配】 trade w

30、ith .和 做生意,和 进行交易British built up her wealth by trading with other countries. 英国通过与其他国家贸易积累本国财富。trade A for B 用A 交换 B China traded its tea and silk for the other goods from other countries. 中国用茶叶和丝绸来交换别的国家的其他商品。8. besides (prep.) 除之外(还) Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the excha

31、nge of cultures and technologies. 除了发展贸易之外,这些航行还促进了文化和科技的交流。 I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful. 我觉得她除了非常漂亮之外,还有许多好的品质。【拓展】beside,besides,expect 和 except for 的区别: beside 在旁边。 如:Come and sit beside me. 来做我旁边。 besides 除之外,(包括在内)。如:I have two other umbrellas besides this one. 除了这把外,我还有另外两把雨伞。except 除了(不包括在内)。如:Everyone is here except Tom. 除了Tom, 每个人都在这儿。except for 除了(不包括在内)(表

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