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八年级上英语作文范文 3000字范文模板 24页.docx

1、八年级上英语作文范文 3000字范文模板 24页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 八年级上英语作文范文 (3000字)八年级上 英语 上 作文 范文 Unit1:介绍生活习惯本 单元 主要是围绕人们生活中的一些日常活动的频率并分析这些生活习惯是否给人们带来健康等 话题 展开论述的.在写这样的文章时,首先要确定写作要点,即通过分析“我”的饮食习惯、睡眠及运动情况来构思文章。然后尽量使用自己熟悉的词、词组及句子来表达以保证语法逻辑的正确性和语言的简洁性。 常用句型:1,Im pretty

2、healthy./ Im kind of unhealthy. 我相当健康。/ 我有点不健康。2,I eat/drink 我吃(喝)。3,I sleep nine hours every night. 我每晚睡九个小时的觉。4,My healthy lifestyle helps me. 我健康的生活方式帮助我。范文 : 你的朋友Linda 写信 询问你的身体情况和生活习惯,请你以Ann的名义给她写一封回信,介绍一下你的实际情况: Dear Linda,Thands for your last letter. Im very well now .I have a healthy lifesty

3、le . I exercise every morning. Exercising makes me healthy. My eating habits are very good . I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten or eleven times a week. And I eat fruit every day. I like junk food , but I hardly ever eat it .I drink milk every night before I go to bed . I sleep nine hours

4、 every night .My herlthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. What about your lifestyle? Pleaes write to me soom.Yours,Ann假如你是TOM ,给你的朋友李雷 写信 , 向他介绍下下你的饮食习惯。 要求:1.介绍你有哪些饮食习惯;2.你的饮食习惯给你带来什么好处。3.80字左右。Dear Li Lei,Im very healthy . My eating habits are pretty good. I eat lots of vegetables every day . E

5、very morning I drink milk and eat cakes , eggs or bread for breakfast.At moon I have rice, some vegetables ,some fish and meat for lunch. For supper,I have some soup and vegetable .Sometines I have noodles. I eat fruit about ten times a week. Eating good food keeps me in good health. YoursTom请以My ho

6、bby为题写一篇短文,说说你的爱好是什么,你为什么喜欢它(们)以及它(们)对你的生活或学习产生了什么样的影响。要求:1.语句通顺,合乎逻辑;2. 文中请勿使用真实的姓名与学校名称;3.80词左右。My hobbyReading is my hobby. Its said that books are our best friends . Of course , we can learn a lot of knowledge from different kinds of books. But thats not the only reason why I like reading. Its a

7、lso becaues there are many stories in books . I can always lose myself in the terrific world that books show me. So friends , why not join me to read books? Lets have fun reading together. 你的生活习惯和饮食习惯健康吗?请以”My lifestyle”为题写一篇短文介绍你的生活习惯。词数要求在100以上。My lifestyleNow let me tell you something about my li

8、festyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Appes and brocoli are my favorites. I love junk food, too, but I eat it three or four times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleep at times. I run in the morning, and play ping-pong after school. In my spare time, I enjoy surfing the

9、Internet. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friends. I brush my teeth once a day. I think my lifestyle is not good enough. I mustnt eat too much junk food . I try to eat a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I will have a better lifestyle.有很多同学早上不吃早餐,

10、这是一个不好的习惯,对身体有很大的害处。请你根据这种现象写一篇短文,指出不吃早餐的危害。词数60左右。提示:1.不吃早餐对身体有害。2.不吃早餐会影响上午听课。Every morning we have to go to school very early, so many of us dont have enough time to have breakfast . Its very bad for our health. In the morning, we usually have four classes. Its a long time before lunch. If we don

11、t eat anything for breakfast, we may feel hungry in class, and we cant listen to the teacher carefully. We need energy when we study. I think we should have a good breakfast. (All students=100% Most=50%-99% Some=1%-50% No=0%)Here are the results of the students activity survey in Class12, Grade 8. M

12、ost students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four tines a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week . Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do their homework every day. No students do thei

13、r homework twice or four times a week. 最近你对红星中学的学生课外活动情况进行了一次调查,请根据调查结果写一篇80词左右的 调查 报告 ,介绍一下红星中学学生的课外活动情况。 Here are the results of the student activity survey at Red Star Middle School. Most students play computer games once or twice a week. Some students p;ay computer games three or four tines a we

14、ek. No students play computer games every day. The results for “take after school classes” are interesting. Some students take sfter-school classes three or four times a week. And some students take after school classes every day. Most students take after-school classes once or twice a week. As for

15、exercise ,most students exercise three or four tines a week .Some students exercise once or twice a week. Some students exercise every day.P5 3C课本I think Im healthy and active. I exercise every day. I like eating vegetables and fruit and drinking milk because I think they are good for my health. I o

16、ften go to school by bike or on foot. I like basketball very much and I play basketball three times a week. I sleep about eight hours erery night. I like KFC,too. But I only eat it two or three times a month. Good food and exercise help me to study betteer. P6 Part2课本Jay Chou is a famous chinese sin

17、ger . He usually starts the day with breakfast. He often has eggs for breakfast. He practices singing every day because he loves music and his fans love his songs very much. He likes eating vegetables. He usually exercises in the afternoon so he hardly ever goes to see the doctor . Jay Chou is too b

18、usy to visit his family. He calls his mother three times a week . As for health, he never eats junk food. He thinks the health is the most important. P7一课一练John is an exchange(交流) student from America. Hes a new student in our class. Every day he has milk,an egg, noodles and chocolate for breakfast

19、at 7:10. His lunch is around 12:30and he usually has a hamburger,French Fries and a glass of Coke. Class is over at 4:30. he often plays computer games for 2 hours . At around 7:00, he has bread, milk, beef and an apple for dinner. He does his homework at 7:30 and after that he watches TV before 9:0

20、0. I dont think he has a healthy lifestyle. He has too much junk food and little fruit. He should have more fruit and vegetables. As for exercise , he never does it at all! He should do more exercise and try to have a healthy eating habit.请根据提示写一篇论述“早起(early rising)”重要性的短文。1:论点:早起有益。2:论据:早起可以呼吸到新鲜空气

21、,可做早操,对身体健康有好处,早起对学习有好处,早起可以制定学习、工作 计划 。3:结论:大家都应该养成早起的习惯。 注意:1.短文应包含论点、论据和结论,但不能逐条翻译。 2,可适当增加细节,使短文边贯自然。3:词数70左右。Early rising is good for us in many ways. Firstly, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, we can improve our health b

22、y taking morning exercises. Secondly, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can do some reading and learn more quickly. Lastly, it can help us plan our work and study for the day. We cant work or study well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for

23、our study and work. So I think it is very important for people to form the habit of getting up early. 有很多同学早上上学不吃早餐,这是一个不好的习惯,对身体有很大的害处。请你根据这种现象写一篇70词左右的 英语 短文,指出不吃早餐的危害。 Every morning we have to go to school very early, so many of us dont have enough time to have breakfast. Its very bad for our hea

24、lth. In the morning, we usually have four classes. Its a long time before lunch. If we dont eat anything for breakfast, we may feel hungry in class, and we cant listen to the teacher carefully. We need energy when we study. I think we should have a good breakfast. Unit2本 单元 是关于谈论病情并给出建议的文章。在描写这类文章时,

25、首先可以根据题目的要求或提示,写出病人的感受以及医生对病情的判断,然后给出相应的建议。在给出建议时,语气要委婉,态度要和蔼,建议要合理,让病人易于接受。行文时,句子要通顺,有条理,符合逻辑。并学生写病假条。 常用句型:1,Sb. has a +病情 2, You should /shouldnt do 3,I m sorry to hear/tell/say that 范文 : 假如你叫李勇,因患重感冒今天和明天不能上学。 请你参考下面所给的提示给你的 英语 老师写一张 请假条 ,说明你这两天不能上学的原因。 提示:not feel well, a bad cold , stay in bed

26、 , for two days , cant go to school , get well soon注意:1.开头部分已经给出;2.尽量使用上面所给的短语,使短文连贯;3词数80左右Dear Mr Green,Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today. This morning I went to see the doctor and he told me that I had caught a bad cold. And he also asked me to stay in bed for two days .So I can

27、t go to school today and tomorrow . I hope Ill get well soon. YoursLi MingDave 在学校选修了人体健康课。最近,他在所住的社区进行了健康调查,并根据他所学的知识进行健康指导。请你根据他做的表格的内容写一个健康 调查 报告 。 Here is a survey report on health about Hilltop Community. I did the survey among four persons.The first person is a student named Donne.He usually h

28、as a headache because of too long studying. I think he should lie down and rest . H shouldnt go to school when he has a headache.The second person is Peter. He is a sportsman. We usually think a sportsman must be strong and full of energy. But he said he was ofter stressed out . I think its because

29、he does too much sport. ;istening to music is a good way to relas himself,I think. Also ,I think he shouldnt stay up late. As for the third person Dave, he is an old man who usually feels tired. Exercise may give him more energy. He shouldnt always keep quiet.Maria, a teacher, is the fourth person I

30、 interviewed. She has a backache. She said she worked too long and didnt have enough rest. I think rest and exercise may help her. She shouldnt work too long.Peter昨晚头痛,没睡好觉。今天一早去看病,医生说他有点感冒,并给他开了一些药,让他一天吃三次,多喝水,好好休息。根据以上要求写一篇6080词的短文。Peter had a headache last night. He didnt sleep well. This morning

31、 he went to see a doctor. First the doctor looked him over and said he had a cold. Then the doctor gave him some medicine and told him to eat it three times a day . He also told him to drink lots of water and have a good rest. Peter thanked the doctor and went home. 请你根据以下的信息,为马龙写一张40词左右的 请假条 。 1.马龙

32、因昨天在中与朋友踢球而得了重感冒。2.医生告诉马龙要多喝水并建议躺在床上休息3天。October,25thDear Miss Wang,Im sorry to tell you I have a bad cold because I played football with my friends in the rain yesterday. The doctor told me to drink more water and have a good rest for three days.So I have to ask you for three days leave.YoursMa Long根据提示写一篇短文,词数为60右。提示:你在美国有朋友Emily病了,请你写一封电子邮件,并告诉她做如下的事情:1.take more exercise; healthy food ; 3.have more fruit and vegetables; 4.get enough sleep;5. stay happyDear Emil

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