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1、VTS水域通信用语VTS水域通信用语1. General communication 1.一般通话P311.1 Movement reports(Arrival, anchoring, berthing and departure reports)1.1动态报告(抵达、锚泊、靠泊和离港报告) 1.1.1 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). I am passing through the reporting line(point).(name),I am approaching to .(name) Anchorage, Please advise me on traffic

2、condition. over1.1.1.VTS,我是.船,我正通过.报告线(点)驶往.锚地,请告诉我附近船舶的情况。1.1.2 M/V(name),this is .VTS. Your information understood. Vessel to the.(cardinal points) of you is turning. over anchoring. over. increasing/decreasing speed. over. overtaking you. over. not under command. over1.1.2.船,我是.VTS,信息明白。在你船.(罗经点)

3、的船舶正在转向。抛锚。加/减速。追越你船。失控。1.1.3.VTS,this is M/V (name).Information received. Question: What is the anchor position for me? over. 1.1.3.VTS,我是.船(船名),信息明白。问:我的锚位在哪?1.1.4 M/V(name),this is .VTS. Answer: Anchor position . allocated to you. out.1.1.4 .船,我是.VTS,.锚位是安排给你的。通话完毕。1.1.5.VTS ,this is M/V (name).I

4、nformation: My anchoring is completed time: . hours local. Over.1.1.5.VTS,我是.船(船名),信息:我在当地时间.点抛锚完毕。1.1.6 M/V(name),this is .VTS. Your information received. out.1.1.6.船,我是.VTS,信息收到。通话完毕。1.1.7.VTS ,this is M/V (name). I think that this anchorage position is not safe because current is very strong. do

5、I have permission to shift my anchorage position to .?1.1.7.VTS,我是.船(船名),我认为这个锚位不安全,因为流很急。我能移到.位置抛锚吗?1.1.8M/V(name),this is .VTS.yes , you have permission to shift anchorage position to . no, you do not have permission to shift your anchorage position. .(position)is allocated to another vessel. Advi

6、ce: put more shackles in the water. out.1.1.8.船,我是.VTS。你可以移到那个位置抛锚。你不可以移到那个位置抛锚,那个锚位已经安排给他船了。建议你多松几节锚链入水。通话完毕。1.1.9.VTS ,this is M/V (name).question: do I have permission to heave up anchor now? over.1.1.9.VTS,我是.船(船名)。问题:我现在可以起锚吗?1.1.10M/V(name),this is .VTS. answer: you have permission to heave up

7、 anchor. over. you do not have permission to heave up anchor. please wait for vessel(name)to clear position near you, before you get underway. over.1.1.10.船,我是.VTS。回答: 你可以起锚。 你现在不可以起锚,请等到你附近的.船(船名)让清你后再起锚。1.1.11 .VTS ,this is M/V (name).message understood. I will wait. over.1.1.11 .VTS,我是.船(船名)。信息收到

8、。我会等待。1.1.1 M/V(name),this is .VTS. you have permission to heave up anchor. over.1.1.1.船,我是.VTS。你可以起锚了。1.1.12 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). Message received. Question: what time may I enter the lock? over.1.1.12.VTS,我是.船(船名)。信息收到。问:我什么时候可以进入船闸?1.1.13 M/V(name),this is .VTS. you will enter lock at .hours

9、 local. over. you must wait for lock clearance at . (position) . over.1.1.13.船,我是.VTS。 你在地方时.点钟可以进入船闸。 你在.(位置)等候直到船闸清了为止。1.1.14 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). Message understood. I will wait. over.1.1.14.VTS,我是.船(船名)。信息收到。我会等待。1.1.15 M/V(name),this is .VTS. you have permission to enter lock, your station

10、 in convoy is number.,you must close up on vessel ahead of you. over.1.1.15.船,我是.VTS。你可以进入船闸了,你在编队的位置是.号,你必须紧跟你前面的船。1.1.16 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). Message understood. out.1.1.16.VTS,我是.船(船名)。信息收到。通知完毕。1.1.17 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). Question: what are my berthing instructions?over.1.1.17.VTS,我是.船

11、(船名)。问:有我的靠泊指令吗?1.1.18 M/V(name),this is .VTS. answer: no information about your berthing instructions. over. you will berth at .hours local. over.1.1.18.船,我是.VTS。 没有你船靠泊的信息。 你将在当地时间.点钟靠码头。1.1.19VTS ,this is M/V (name). My berthing is completed at berth number., time: .hours local. over.1.1.19.VTS,我

12、是.船(船名)。我在当地时间.点钟在.泊位靠泊完毕。1.1.20M/V(name),this is .VTS. Message understood. out.1.1.20.船,我是.VTS。信息收到。通话完毕。1.1.21.VTS ,this is M/V (name).I have finished unloading, do I have permission to shift to berth number. for loading?1.1.21.VTS,我是.船(船名)。我卸货完毕。我可以移到.泊位去装货吗?1.1.22 M/V(name),this is .VTS. you hav

13、e permission to shift to berth number. you must wait for M/ clear before you leaving the berth.1.1.22.船,我是.VTS。 你可以移到.泊位。 你必须等到.船(船名)让清你后才可以离码头1.1.23 .VTS ,this is M/V (name). do I have permission to depart?1.1.23.VTS,我是.船(船名)。我可以离港吗?1.1.24 M/V(name),this is .VTS. you have permission to depart.1

14、.1.24;.船,我是.VTS,你可以离港。1.2 Operation report1.2作业报告 P331.2.1 VTS ,this is oil tanker (name). I am the discharging vessel the receiving ship(name) has finished mooring. Ship to ship transfer operation will start in .hours1.2.1.VTS,我是.油船(船名)。我是母船,接驳船(船名)已靠妥我船,船过船过驳作业将在.小时后开始。1.2.2 M/V(name),this is .VTS

15、. information received. out.1.2.2.船,我是.VTS。信息收到。通话完毕。1.2.3.VTS ,this is oil tanker (name). Pumping start ship to ship transfer operation will be finished in . hours. over.1.2.3.VTS,我是.油船(船名)。已开泵,船过船过驳作业将在.小时内结束。1.2.4M/V(name),this is .VTS. information received out1.2.4.船,我是.VTS。信息收到。通话完毕。1.2.5.VTS ,

16、this is oil tanker (name). Ship to ship transfer operation finished. Receiving ship unmooring completed at . hours local.1.2.5.VTS,我是.油船(船名)。船过船过驳作业已结束,接驳船在当地时间.点钟离开我船。1.2.6 M/V(name),this is .VTS. information received out1.2.6.船,我是.VTS。信息收到。通话完毕。1.3 Acquiring and providing routine traffic data 1.3获

17、取和提供常规交通用语 P181.3.1 What is the name of your vessel and call sign?1.3.1你的船名、呼号是什么?1.3.2 The name of my vessel is . , call sign . .1.3.2我的船名是./呼号是.。1.3.3 Spell the name of your vessel.1.3.3拼出你的船名。1.3.4 What is your position?. My position is . .1.3.4你的位置在哪里?我的位置是.。1.3.5 What is your present course and

18、 speed?My present course is . degrees, my speed is . knots.1.3.5你现在的航向和速度是多少?我现在的航向是.度,速度是.节。1.3.6 From what direction are you approaching?I am approaching from . .1.3.6你正从什么方向接近?我正从.接近。1.3.7 What is your destination?My port of destination / destination is . .1.3.7你的目的港是哪里?我的目的港是.。1.3.8 What was you

19、r last port of call?My last port of call was .1.3.8你的上一港是哪里?我的上一港是.。1.3.9What is your flag state? My flag state is . .1.3.9你的船旗国是哪个国家?我的船旗国是.。1.3.10 What is your ETA in position . ? My ETA is . local.1.3.10你预计到达.处的时间是几点?我预计到达的时间是当地时间.点。1.3.11 What is your draft forward / aft?My draft forward / aft i

20、s . metres.1.3.11你的前/后吃水是多少?我的前/后吃水是.米。1.3.12 What is your present maximum draft ?My present maximum draft is . metres.1.3.12你现在的最大吃水是多少?我现在的最大吃水是.米。1.3.13 What is your freeboard? My freeboard is . metres.1.3.13你的干舷是多少?我的干舷是.米。1.3.14 What is your air draft? My air draft is . metres.1.3.14你船水线以上的最大高度

21、有多少?我船水上以上的最大高度有.米。1.3.15 Are you underway?Yes, I am underway.No, I am not underway.1.3.15你船在航吗?是的,我船在航。不,我船不在航。1.3.16 I am ready to get underway.1.3.16我已做好在航准备。1.3.17 What is your full speed / full manoeuvring speed? My full speed / full manoeuvring speed is . knots.1.3.17你的全速/最大操纵速度是多少?我的全速/最大操纵速度

22、是.节。1.3.18 What is your cargo?My cargo is . .1.3.18你船装的什么货?我船装的货是.。1.3.19 Do you carry any dangerous goods? Yes, I carry the following dangerous goods: . kilogrammes / tonnes IMO Class . .No, I do not carry any dangerous goods.1.3.19你船是否装有危险货物?是的,我船装有.(名称)危险货物.公斤/吨,此种货物属于IMO.类危险货物。不,我船没有危险货物。1.3.20

23、Do you have any deficiencies / restrictions?No, I have no deficiencies / restrictions.Yes, I have the following deficiencies / restrictions: . .1.3.20你船有什么缺陷/限制吗?不,我船没有缺陷/限制。是的,我船有下述缺陷/限制。1.3.21 I am constrained by draft.1.3.21我船限于吃水。1.3.22 The maximum permitted draft is . metres.1.3.22 最大允许吃水是.米。1.

24、3.23 Do you have any list?Yes, I have a list to port / starboard of . degrees. No, I have no list.1.3.23 你船有横倾吗?是的,我左/右倾.度。不,我没有横倾。1.3.24 Are you on even keel?Yes, I am on even keel.No, I am trimmed by the head / stern.1.3.24 你船是平吃水吗?是的,我船是平吃水。不,我有首/尾倾。2.Information Broadcast 2.信息发布P442.1 Meteorolog

25、ical and hydrological conditions 2.1 气象和水文状况2.1.1 Winds, storms, tropical storms, sea state 2.1.1风、暴风雨、热带风暴;海况 P442.1.1.1 What is wind direction and force in your position / in position . ? Wind direction .(cardinal points), force Beaufort . in my position /in position . .你处/.处的风力、风向怎样?我处/.处的

26、风向为.(罗经点),风力为.(蒲氏)级。 What wind is expected in my position / in position . ?The wind in your position / in position . is expected from direction. (cardinal points), force Beaufort . .to increase / decrease variable.我处/.处的风力、风向预计怎样?预计你处/.处的风向 为.(罗经点),蒲氏风力为.。 要增强/减弱。 要变化。 What is t

27、he latest gale / storm warning?The latest gale / storm warning is as follows:Gale / storm warning. Winds at . local in area . (met.area) from direction.(cardinal points) and force Beaufort . backing/veering to .(cardinal points).最新的大风/风暴警报怎样?最新的大风警报如下:大风警报。.当地时间在.区域(气象区域)风力(蒲氏).级,风向从.(罗经点)逆转/

28、顺转为.(罗经点)。 What is the latest tropical storm warning?The latest tropical storm warning is as follows: Tropical storm warning at . local. typhoon . (name) with central pressure of .millibars/hPascals located in position . Present movement. (cardinal points) at .knots. Winds of . knots within r

29、adius of . miles of centre.最新的热带风暴警报怎样?最新热带风暴警报:.当地时间热带风暴警报。.(名称)台风中心气压.毫巴/百帕,位置在.。现在正以.节的速度向.(罗经点)移动。离中心.海里的范围内风速为.节。 What is the atmospheric pressure in your position / in position . ?The atmospheric pressure in my position / in position . is . millibars/hPascals.你处/.处的气压是多少?

30、我处/.处的气压为.毫巴/百帕。 What is the barometric change in your position / in position . ?The barometric change in my position / in position .is . millibars/hPascals per hour / within the last . hours.The barometer is steady / dropping (rapidly) / rising (rapidly).你处/.处的气压变化怎样?我处/.处在最近.小时内每小时气压变化.毫巴/百帕。

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