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英语人教版八年级上册Where did you go an vacation1.docx

1、英语人教版八年级上册Where did you go an vacation1Unit 1 Where did you go an vacation?第一课时: New words and phrases Teaching and Learning Goals:Learning Goals:1 .能争取使用下列词汇:anyone, wonderful, seem, paragliding, bird building ,umbrella, hungry, wet, enough ,dislike 2. 能争取使用下列常用短语quite a few, seem to do , go paragl

2、iding feel like doing/that, try doing , decide to do ,because of。3.能认读下列词汇: Malaysia, Malaysian, Weld Quay, Georgetown, Penang HillTeaching and learning steps Step 1: Leading in.The teacher says: Boys and girls, Nice to see you after a long summer vacation .Where did you go on vacation? First let me

3、 tell you about my vacation. I went to Mount Tai this summer. Look! It is so beautiful. But it was too crowded. Did you have a good vacation? Can you tell us something about your vacation? If you cant, then lets learn the new words in Unit 1.Step 2: Learn to read the words on P121-122 1. Students ma

4、nage to read the words using the phonetics by themselves and mark the difficult words. 2. Especially Read the difficult words in groups.3. Get one or two middle-level students to read all the words. Ask the good students to correct the wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher corrects them.4.

5、 Read after the tape5. Read aloud and the teacher walks around to see whether students have any questions. (设计意图:该步骤能有效培养学生个人识读单词的学习习惯,这是学习单词的重要一步;能培养学生自主、探究和合作学习的能力。首先学生自己根据音标识读单词,并标出识读时有困难的单词。接着两人一组或以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后找一俩个同学读单词,请好学生先纠正,还有问题,教师再更正。最后让学生跟录音读。 该环节只会读即可。课堂上学习较快的学生会读100%,学习慢的学生会读80%,学习慢的学

6、生会读60% 就算过关,降低识读难度,提高全体学生积极性。鼓励没过关的学生课前课后努力赶上。)Step 3: Memorize the words on P121-122 一、 Remember the words by looking at the pictures about places.Malaysia n. 马来西亚 Malaysian adj. 马来西亚的 n. 马来西亚人1.Malaysians are from Malaysia.Georgetown 乔治市Weld Quay 海墘(滨城)2. Weld Quay is a really old place in Georget

7、own.Penang Hill 槟城山3. You can take the train to Penang Hill.Central Park 中央公园4.There are quite a few (相当多)people in Central Park.Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布5. Huangguoshu Waterfall is in Guizhou. Hong Kong 香港6. Hong Kong seems wonderful(精彩的).Tiananmen Square天安门广场7. Tiananmen Square is very beautiful

8、.the Palace Museum 故宫博物院8.The Palace Museum has many old buildings (房子) .二、Remember the words by looking at the pictures about animals.hen 母鸡 Pig 猪 duck 鸭9.The hen is waiting for (等待)the pig and the duck ,maybe she is hungry(饥饿的), too. 三、Remember the words by looking at the pictures about things.umb

9、rella 雨伞bicycle 自行车10.The umbrellas are wet(湿的) ,but the bicycle below(在下面) them is dry. paragliding滑翔伞运动/88bird 鸟11.I felt like(感觉) I was a bird when I tried(尝试) paragliding.diary 日记12. I dislike(不喜欢) others reading my diaries.四、Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、complex words (合成)and derivative

10、(派生) 1转换 If you cant try your best for the first time, you can have a try for the second time.He wonders what are the Seven Wonders in the world.The duck is very cute now, but soon it will be Beijing duck.Dont dislike his hobbies, everyone has his likes and dislikes.2.合成some + onesomeone some + thin

11、g somethingsome + body somebodysome + where somewhereYou can also remember them in this way:(某) some one(人)(任何any body(人)(每一)every thing(事)(没有) no where(地)3.派生wonder + ful wonderfulmy + self myselfbuild + ing buildingtrade + (e)r trader dis +like dislike五、 Remember the words by making a vocabulary l

12、ist.Words about placesChinese meaningEnglish words1.中央公园2.马来西亚3.滨城4.槟城山5.乔治市 7.天安门广场 8.故宫博物院 9.黄果树瀑布 Words about animalsChinese meaningEnglish words1.鸡2.鸭3.猪4.鸟Words about thingsChinese meaningEnglish words1.滑翔伞运动2.自行车3.日记4.雨伞(设计意图:本部分的设计重点是教会学生,运用不同的方法记住单词。本课表地名的生词比较多,重点运用图片的帮助加深印象;对于一部分抽象的词,嵌入

13、到句子中,形成有意义的意群来帮助记忆。而对于复合不定代词则运用complex words (合成)构词法,以图表的形式展现出来,清晰明了,简单实用。最后以词汇表的形式进行归纳,再次形成图片记忆输入大脑中。)Step 4: Consolidation of the words 六、Remember the phase by matching itself with its meaning.1.wait for the train 相当多的照片2.feel like a bird 决定尝试3. ride bicycles 感觉像只鸟 4. quite a few photos 骑自行车5.beca

14、use of the bad weather 等火车6.decide to try 由于坏天气7. try paragliding 尝试滑翔伞运动(设计意图: 语块记忆即关注此的搭配(collocations)是一种有效的记忆短语的方式。 )七、Remember words by looking at semantic map.Remember the words by their Chinese.1.如同_ 2.想知道_(设计意图:用汉语意思记单词,常常用来记抽象意义的单词,不提倡用该法记。)Step 5: Consolidate the words and phrases Ask the

15、students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese. Cover the English words and phrases, look at the Chinese and say the English for them. Write down the words they havent grasped. (设计意图:此环节为巩固单词。 这一环节有少部分的学生往往不达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。)Read the story and try to translate it1. Ask

16、 the students to read the story, and underline the new words.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of six.3. Read the story fluently by themselves.I like traveling. I went to many places in China, such as Beijing, Hong Kong and Guizhou. I saw Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum and Huangguosh

17、u Waterfall. I think they were wonderful.Last summer vacation, I went to Malaysia for vacation. For the first day, I tried paragliding on the beach. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting. Also I rode a bicycle to Georgetown.There were many old buildings in Weld Quay. They were interesting. Fo

18、r the second day, I went to Penang Hill. I found a farmer live there. He kept a pig, some hens, some ducks and some birds. I took a train to the top after waiting an hour for it, but it rained hard. I got wet because I didnt have an umbrella. And I couldnt see anything below. I didnt have enough mon

19、ey, so I was very hungry and cold. I disliked it very much.我喜欢旅游,我去过中国的很多地方,例如北京,香港,贵州。我看了天安门广场,故宫以及黄果树瀑布。我认为他们很精彩。去年暑假,我去马来西亚度假。第一天,我在海滩上尝试了滑翔伞运动,感觉就像鸟一样,非常振奋人心。而且我也骑自行车去了乔治市,在滨城有很多古老的房子,非常有趣。第二天,我去了槟城山,在哪儿我发现了一位农民,他养了一只猪,一些母鸡,一些鸭子和一些鸟。在等了一个小时的火车之后,我乘坐火车到达了山顶。但是雨下得很大,我浑身都湿透了,因为我没有带雨伞。山下的东西什么都看不到。我没

20、有带足够的钱,因此是又饿又冷,我很不喜欢。(设计意图:在学生基本掌握单个单词的基础上,教师把一个单元的生词编成一段逻辑性强的短文,让学生学习单词有了语境,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。)Step 6 Mind map思维导图(选用)1. Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the article, they can discuss in groups. 2. Retell the story ac

21、cording to the mind map.新增思维导图.jpeg (设计意图:把故事用思维导图的形式呈现,既新鲜又实用,能很好的帮助学生把故事串成一个整体。这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力。)Step 7 当堂检测一、根据括号中的汉语提示写单词, 完成句子。1. Today it is very cold and the temperature is eight _ (在下面)zero.2. Kevin didnt have an _(雨伞)so he was wet.3.Alice can eat a horse now because she is very

22、 _(饥饿的).4. I _(想知道) how he got there .5. There is not _(足够的) money in my bag. I cant buy that watch.参考答案:1. below 2.umbrella 3.hungry 4.wonder 5.enough二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He decided _(look)for a job in Beijing.2. He dislikes_(do)housework.3. There are more and more tall_(build) in our city.4. There ar

23、e many _(different) between British English and American English.5. You should try _(work)as hard as you can. 参考答案:1. to look 2.doing 3.buildings 4.differences work教学反思 亮点:此次教案我认为亮点主要有以下三点:一是利用图片记单词的环节中我把本单元的单词首先进行了分组,具体是地名类的,动物类的和事物类的以及不定代词类的,然后再把前三类 的毫无关系的名词进行了有机组合,构成了有趣又有意义的句子,再配以精美的图片,使人过目不


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