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1、对外贸易出口合同中英文预付款版对外贸易出口合同中英文预付款版合同CONTRACTContract No./合同编号:Conclusion Date/签订日期:Conclusion Place/签订地点:The Saller卖方:Address:地址:Tel/电话:Fax/传真:The Buyer买方:Address:地址:Tel/电话:Fax/传真:1. This Contract is made by a nd between the Buyer a nd the Seller; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy a nd the Seller agrees t

2、o sell the under mentioned commodities (to be referred to as “goods” hereunder)to the terms a nd conditions stipulated below:本合同由卖方与买方共同签订,双方同意按照下列条款由卖方出售、买方购进下列货物:Name & Specifications货物名称,技术规格Unit单位Quantity数量Unit Price单价Total Amount (USD)总价 (美元)Total Value(Contract Price): Say in US dollars only.合

3、计(合同总价): 美元。2Terms of Delivery/价格术语: FOB/CIF/CFR/ .The term FOB/CIF/CFR/ shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS, 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein.除非本合同另有规定,价格术语FOB/CIF/CFR/ 应适用国际商会制定的国际贸

4、易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2000)。3 Country of Origin a nd Manufacturers/原产国和制造厂商3.1 Country of Origin: 原产国: 3.2 Name of the Manufactures: 制造商名称: Adress: 地址: Tel: 电话: 4Packing/包装The goods shall be contained o r packaged in the manner usual for such goods a nd be suitable for ocean transportation.货物应按照同类货物通用的方

5、式装箱或包装,并应该适于远洋运输。5Shipping Mark/唛头The Seller shall mark on each package the shipping mark as follows:卖方应在每个包装箱上按如下所示标注唛头: ( ) . ( )6Time of Shipment/装运时间7Port of Shipment/装运港 8Port of Destination/目的港9Insurance/保险 10Payment/付款The Buyer shall pay the Seller the Contract Price on the following terms:买方

6、应按以下条款向卖方支付合同总价:10.1 Advance Payment/预付款The Advance Payment shall be of the Contract Price, i.e. in US dollars, which shall be paid by the Buyer by wire transfer within days after the Effectiveness Date of the Contract to the Sellers Designated Bank Account according to the Contract.预付款应为合同总价的 ,即 美元

7、。买方应在本合同生效之日起 日内,以电汇的方式将预付款汇至本合同规定的卖方指定银行帐户。10.2 Delivery Payment/交货后付款The Delivery Payment shall be of the Contract Price, i.e. in US dollars,which shall be paid by a Letter of Credit (L/C). The Buyer shall, within days prior to the scheduled Date for Shipment in accordance with the Contract, open

8、an irrevocable L/C in favor of the Seller for the Delivery Payment in Bank of and in form a nd content acceptable to both parties. All charges, costs, expenses a nd fees relating to the L/C shall be borne by the Buyer. The L/C shall expire days after the shipment in China a nd shall be available aga

9、inst the Sellers draft(s) at sight drawn on the opening bank for the value of the Delivery Payment accompanied by the shipping documents as follows:交货后付款金额为合同总价的 ,即 美元,应以信用证方式支付。买方应在本合同规定的货物装运日期前 天内,在 银行开具一份以卖方为受益人、金额为交货后付款金额的不可撤销信用证,信用证的形式及内容应事先经双方一致同意。与信用证有关的所有费用,由买方承担。信用证应在货物在中国装运后第 天到期。卖方应凭以下装运单

10、据通过即期汇票向开证行议付交货后付款金额:(1)Full set of Clean On Board Ocean Bills of Lading;全套清洁海运提单;(2)Signed commercial invoice in originals;卖方签字的商业发票正本 份;(3)Packing list in originals issued by the Manufacturers;生产厂商出具的装箱单正本 份;(4)Under the term of CIF, full set of insurance policy/certificate;在CIF条件下,全套保险单;(5) 。10.3

11、 Balance Payment/尾款The Balance Payment under the Contract shall be % of the Contract Price, i.e. in US dollars,which shall be paid to the Sellers Designated Bank Account by the Buyer by T/T within days after the Buyer has received the following documents from the Seller:本合同项下的尾款应为合同总价的 ,即 美元,由买方在收到卖

12、方提交的下述文件之后 日内以电汇的方式支付至本合同规定的卖方指定银行帐户:(1)Commercial invoice indicating the Contract number a nd value of the Balance Payment in originals;载明合同号及尾款金额的商业发票原件 份;(2) 。10.4 For the purpose of the payment under the Contract, both parties confirm that the account listed below shall be the Sellers Designated

13、 Bank Account, which shall be the sole account designated by the Seller for the receipt of the payment from the Buyer in accordance with the Contract.为本合同项下付款之目的,买卖双方明确本款所示帐户为本合同所称“卖方指定银行帐户”,该帐户为卖方指定用以接收买方所付本合同项下款项的唯一帐户: 。10.5 In case the Buyer fails to open the L/C within the term stipulated in thi

14、s Contract, o r the L/C does not correspond to the stipulations of this Contract, a nd the Buyer still fails to open o r amend the terms of the L/C within days after the receipt of the notification from the Seller, the Seller shall have the right to terminate the Contract o r to postpone the deliver

15、y of the goods a nd shall also have the right to lodge a claim for compensation.如果买方不能在合同规定期限内开出信用证或开出的信用证不符合本合同的规定,且在接到卖方通知后 天内仍不能及时开出信用证或不能完成对信用证的修改使之符合本合同的规定,则卖方有权解除合同或延期交货,并有权要求赔偿。11. Delivery/交货11.1 The Seller shall deliver all the goods to the Place of Delivery on the Delivery Date according t

16、o the Contract.卖方应按本合同规定的交货时间及交货地点在交货日当日交货。11.2 If due to the Sellers fault, the Seller fails to complete delivery of all the goods to the Place of Delivery on the Delivery Date, then the Seller shall be liable to pay to the Buyer liquidated damages in respect of such delivery delay at the Late Deli

17、very Penalty Rate until such delayed goods is delivered in accordance with the terms of this Contract o r the end of the Maximum Late Delivery Period, whichever occurs earlier. The payment of liquidated damages for late delivery of any Shipment shall not release the Seller from its responsibility to

18、 complete delivery of such Shipment.如果由于卖方的过错,卖方未能按照本合同的规定在交货日当日交货,卖方有责任就交货延误的合同货物按交货延误违约金比率向买方支付交货延误违约金,直到卖方按照本合同的条款交付所延误的合同货物,或直到交货延误的最长期限届满(以两者中较短者为准)。卖方因交货延误而支付交货延误违约金并不解除其交货义务。11.3 If such delivery delay extends beyond the expiration of the Maximum Late Delivery Period, then the Buyer shall hav

19、e the right to terminate this Contract in part o r in whole a nd return at the Sellers expenses all cancelled goods received from the Seller, a nd the Seller shall thereafter refund to the Buyer, within days of the date of return of all such goods, all amounts paid by the Buyer to the Seller for the

20、 terminated goods.如果交货延误时间超出了交货延误的最长期限,则买方有权部分或全部终止本合同。如买方依据本条规定全部或部分终止本合同,则买方应将从卖方收到的合同终止部分所涉及的合同货物归还卖方,费用由卖方承担,随后卖方应在这些合同货物全部返还后的 日内,向买方退还其已收到的、与合同终止部分所涉及的合同货物相对应的那部分货款。11.4 All of the Buyers claims in respect of late delivery of the goods shall be handled solely a nd exclusively in accordance wit

21、h the provisions of Articles 11.2 a nd 11.3 above.买方就卖方交货延误而提出的所有索赔应完全按照上述第11.2 和11.3 条的规定处理,且排除其他救济措施。11.5 For the purpose of this Contract, both parties agree as follows:为本合同之目的,双方当事人约定如下:(1) Late Delivery Penalty Rate/交货延误违约金比率: % ( percent) per month/week/day of the value of the delayed goods.迟延

22、交付的货物价值的 %(百分之 )每月/星期/天(2)Maximum Late Delivery Period/ 交货延误的最长期限: days/weeks/months following the Delivery Date according to the Contract.合同规定的交货日后 天/星期/月12Terms of Shipment /装运条款12.1 Notification before Shipment/装船前通知At least days before the scheduled Date for Shipment, the Seller shall send the B

23、uyer written notice of all relevant shipping details, including date for shipment, description, quantity a nd approximate weight a nd size in the Shipment, a nd other information consistent with industry practice.卖方应至迟在货物装运日 天前,书面通知买方该合同货物装运的所有相关事项,包括货物装运日、货物说明、数量、大概重量及体积以及其他按照行业惯例应该提交的资料。12.2 Notif

24、ication after Shipment/装船后通知The Seller shall, within days upon the dispatch of the shipment, advise by fax the Buyer of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of the vessel a nd date of sailing/arrival etc.卖方应在合同货物装运后 日内,用传真通知买方合同号、货物名称、数量、发票金额、毛重、船名及启航日期/预计到达日期等。12

25、.3 Within days after the date when the vessel sets off, the Seller shall airmail one copy of each of the documents mentioned in clause 10.2 to the Buyer.在运载船只启航之日起 日内,卖方应将本合同第10.2条列举的单证的副本(各一份)航空邮寄给买方。12.4 Transshipment is/is not allowed.可以/不得转船。12.5 Partial shipment is/is not allowed.可以/不得分批装运。13.

26、Guarantee/质量保证13.1 The Seller guarantees that upon Delivery all goods to be delivered by the Seller shall be completely new a nd shall comply in all material respects with this Contract.卖方保证其所交付的货物在交货时是全新的,并且在所有实质方面符合本合同规定。13.2 The guarantee period is within months after the date of the completion o

27、f unloading of the goods at the port of destination. Within the guarantee period, the Seller shall remove all defects of the goods due to design, workmanship a nd improper material used either by repairing o r by placing the defective parts o r the goods on his own account.货物的质量保证期为自货物在目的港卸货完毕之日起 个月。在质量保证期内,凡因设计、制造工艺和所用材料不符合合同规定而产生的缺陷,卖方应自负费用进行修理或更换货物或部件。14Warranty/权利担保The Seller shall warrant that it has the lawful right to own o r dispose the goods under the Contract, a nd that the goods shall be

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