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1、六年级科普版英语课文翻译Lesson 1What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Wednesday. 今天星期三。My birthday is coming. 我的生日是什么时候?When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?Next Sunday. 下周日。Are you going to have a birthday party? 你打算举办一个生日聚会吗?Yes, I am.是的。Im going to have a party at home next Sunday evening.下周日晚上我打算在家举办一场聚会。Would you li

2、ke to come? 你愿意来吗?Sure, Id love to. 当然,我愿意。Are you going to ask Eve to come? 你打算让伊芙来吗?Certainly. 当然。Lesson 2What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么?Im going to do some shopping. 我打算买东西。What are you going to buy? 你打算买什么?Im going to buy a map of China. 我打算买一张中国地图。I want to buy some crayons. 我想买一些蜡

3、笔。Can I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗?Sure. 当然。How can we get there?我们怎么去那儿?By bike, OK? 骑自行车,好吗?OK. 好的。Lesson 3Its nice outside, isnt it? 外面天气很好,不是吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。What will be the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?It will be cloudy and windy. 它将是多云有风的。Will it be cold? 它将会是寒冷的吗?Yes, it will.是的,它将会。But it

4、ll be sunny this Sunday. 但是这个星期天它将会是晴朗的。Thats good. 那很好。I think itll be warm, too. 我想它也会是暖和的。Yes, I think so. 是的,我也这么认为。What are you going to do this Sunday?这个星期天你打算做什么?Im going see my grandpa. And you? 我打算去看我的奶奶,你呢?I m going to play football. 我打算踢足球。Lesson4What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什

5、么?Im going to the bookshop. 我打算去书店。What kind of books will you buy? 你将会买什么种类的书?Im going to buy some books about science. 我打算买一些关于科学的书。Science? Do you have science class this term? 科学?你们这学期有科学课吗?No, we will have it next term. 没有,下学期我们将会有科学课。Its new. 它是新课。Is it difficult? 它难吗?Yes , its difficult, but

6、its interesting. 是的,它很难,但是很有趣。Do you like it?你喜欢它吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。Lesson5What will the weather be like tomorrow, Qiqi? 琪琪,明天天气将会怎样?Itll be sunny. 它将是晴朗的。What will you do tomorrow? 明天你将要做什么?Ill go shopping. 我将会去买东西。What are you going to buy? 你打算买什么?Im going to buy some food. 我打算买一些食物。Tomorrow is m

7、y birthday. 明天是我的生日。Are you going to have a party? 你打算举办一场聚会吗?Yes, I am going to have a party tomorrow evening. 是的,我打算明天晚上举办一场聚会。Would you like to come? 你愿意来吗?Sure, Id love to. 当然,我愿意。Lesson 6Where is Kate? 凯特在哪儿?I think shes in the reading room. 我想她在阅览室。Where is reading room? 阅览室在哪儿?Is it on the th

8、ird floor? 它在三楼吗?No, its on the fifth floor. 不,它在五楼。Is Kate in the reading room? 凯特在阅览室吗?No, shes in her classroom. 没有,她在她的教室。What class is she in?她在哪班?Shes in Class Three. 她在三班。Is it on the second floor? 它在二楼吗?No, its on the fourth floor. 不,它在四楼。Thank you very much. 非常谢谢你。Lesson7Whats the date toda

9、y? 今天几号?Its April 30th. 今天四月三十号。Oh, my birthday is coming. 哦,我的生日快要到了。When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?Its on May 5th.五月五号。When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is in May, too. 我的生日也在五月。Oh, we are the same age. 哦,我们的年龄一样。No, Im twelve years old. And youre ten years old. 不,我十二岁了,你十岁了。So Im old

10、er than you. 所以我比你大。Lesson 8Its December 25th. 今天十二月二十五号。Its Christmas Day. 今天是圣诞节。Lets say Merry Christmas to Mum and Dad. 让我们对爸爸妈妈说圣诞节快乐。OK. 好的。Merry Christmas, Dad! 圣诞节快乐,爸爸!Merry Christmas, Mum! 圣诞节快乐,妈妈!Merry Christmas, children. 圣诞节快乐,孩子们。Go to the sitting room and find your presents. 去客厅找你们的生

11、日礼物吧。Oh, what a beautiful tree! 哦,多么漂亮的树啊!Oh, the presents are under it. 哦,礼物在它下面。This toy dog is for you, Nick. 尼克,这个玩具狗是给你的。The doll is for you, Bess. 贝丝,这个洋娃娃是给你的。Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mum. 谢谢爸爸,谢谢妈妈。Leeson9 Eve, what was the date yesterday? 伊芙,昨天几号?Today is June 2nd, so yesterday is June 1s

12、t. 今天六月二号,昨天六月一号。It was Childrens Day, wasnt it? 昨天是儿童节,对吗?Yes, it was. 是的,昨天是儿童节。Were you at school yesterday? 昨天你在学校吗?Yes, I was. 是的,我在。What did you do? 你做了什么?We had a sports meeting. 我们举办了一场运动会。Did you have a good time? 你们玩的高兴吗?Yes, we did. 是的,我们玩得高兴。Lesson10Whats the date today, Ann? 安,今天几号?Its

13、May 31st. 今天五月三十一号。Oh, tomorrow is June 1st. 哦,明天六月一号。Its Childrens Day. 今天儿童节。Yes. I want to make some cards for my friends. 是的,我想要为我的朋友做一些卡片。Good idea. Can I join you? 好主意,我能加入你吗?Certainly. 当然。What was the date yesterday? 昨天几号?Yesterday was April 11th. 昨天四月十一号。 It was my birthday. 昨天是我的生日。How old

14、are you? 你多大了?Im twelve. 十二岁了。What about you? 你呢?Im twelve, too. 我也十二岁了。We are the same age. 我们一样大。When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?Its in May. 它在五月。Then I am older than you. 那么我比你大。Lesson1party 聚会weather 天气sunny 晴朗的will 将要begin 开始bring 带来do some shopping买东西Lesson2map 地图China 中国crayon 蜡笔Saturday 星期六

15、son 儿子never 从不another 另一个Lesson3cloudy 多云的windy 有风的place 地方strong 强壮的,强烈的rain 雨,下雨lake 湖earth 地球change 改变wind 风dry 干的full 满的bring about 带来,引起be bad for 对有害full of 充满lesson 4difficult 困难的healthy 健康的bookshop 书店hill 小山air 空气wet 湿的more 较多的,更country 国家cut down 砍到lesson 6third 第三floor 地板fifth 第五second 第二f

16、irst 第一same 相同的building 大楼ground 地面lesson 7April 四月May 五月year 年dinner 正餐,晚餐month 月份night 夜晚date 日期age 年龄than 比around 在周围count 数become 成为for example 例如have a good time玩得高兴Lesson 8Kid 小孩candy 糖果December 十二月Christmas 圣诞节merry 愉快的present 礼物October 十月just 正好,仅仅laugh 笑dress up 打扮from door to door 挨家挨户run away 逃跑lesson 9yesterday 昨天June 六月road 路stop 停止driver 司机turn 转向word 单词meeting 会议,集会hard 努力地,困难的start 开始,动身sports meeting 运动会lesson 10window 窗river 江河city 城市star 星星join 参加drive 驾驶along 沿着bridge 桥bright 明亮的west 西方sky 天空at last 最后

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