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1、世界媒体峰会发言稿美联社社长兼首席执行官柯里2009世界媒体峰会发言稿:美联社社长兼首席执行官柯里Speech of Tom Curley, President and CEO of AP at the World Media SummitOct. 9, 2009美联社社长兼首席执行官柯里在世界媒体峰会上的演讲2009年10月9日President Li, I salute you for your leadership and vision in organizing this summit. The timing could not be better. The Associated Pr

2、ess and I are honored to join with all your guests in exchanging ideas at this moment of profound economic, technical and cultural change. We especially are pleased to be in Beijing at this moment - at the 60th anniversary celebration for the Peoples Republic of China.李社长,我在此向您在组织这次峰会中所表现出来的领导力和远见表示

3、敬意。没有什么时候能比在此时举办媒体峰会更合适的了。在此经济、技术和文化发生深刻变化的时刻,能和所有参加峰会的客人一起交流想法,美联社和我本人深感荣幸。我们尤其感到喜悦的是,能够在中华人民共和国成立60周年庆典之际来到北京。The marketplace for news content is growing. More people in more places seek out news more often than ever. Yet, we dont get paid appropriately for our hard work and the risks we take.新闻内容

4、的市场正在发展。在世界上更多的地方,更多的人们渴望获得新闻,他们的热情空前高涨。然而,我们的努力以及我们承担的风险并未得到合理的回报。Free-riders and pirates are claiming theyre entitled to our property. And we face challenges in adapting to a world where our former customers - consumers of news - easily can help produce or report the news. Whether you live in west

5、 Texas or west China, news can come from tweets even before agencies as AP or Xinhua have found out and begun their reporting. 无票乘车者和窃用者声称他们有权利得到我们创造的东西。我们之前的客户-新闻用户们-现在可以轻松地帮助制造或报道新闻,在适应这一情况的过程中我们遇到了挑战。无论你生活在得克萨斯州西部还是中国西部,在美联社或新华社发现并开始报道新闻之前,新闻就已经传播开来了。Much about this era and its dislocating techno

6、logies is good. Much requires us to adjust as well. President Li has called us together to share our ideas about priorities and and, hopefully, some efforts at maintaining our relevance. Thank you, President Li, for both this opportunity and, as ever, your gracious and spirited hospitality. You make

7、 any visit to Beijing运动项目做了小小的修改。这一组织,即美国全国大学生体育协会, 在篮球场上画了一条弧线,即一条从10 英尺高的篮框架处开始的,向外延伸扩散的19英尺9英寸的半椭圆线。The game changed immediately. Teams were rewarded with three points for successes behind the new arc. Strategies changed. Teams recruited players with an array of skills to counterbalance opponents

8、 with one very tall player who dominated scoring from a very short distance.篮球比赛的规则立即发生了变化。球队在这一新的弧线之后成功投篮就可以获得三分。球队都改变了战术,开始招募一些技术全面的球员,以此来对付那些身材高大的队员,后者通常通过近距离投篮就可以包揽得分。The court, though finite, suddenly was expanded, as spacing spread to half the playing surface instead of the so-called paint rig

9、ht underneath the basket. Defenses that continued to pack the paint would then do so at their peril. Premium scoring was taking place from a new frontier.尽管篮球场场地有限,但这样一来,它像是忽然被拓宽了。因为防守站位空间延伸到了球场的一半,而不再是球篮下所谓的三秒区。防守队员如果还是防守篮下三秒区的话就有危险了。最佳得分出现在了新的球场区域。As we imagine a future for media, this simple bask

10、etball metaphor seems to resonate. It suggests the value of avoiding the trap of looking for something big enough to change the big picture. In fact, the small changes drive real innovation. To be a game-changer, find breakthroughs to common challenges.我们在想象媒体界的未来时,这一简单的篮球比喻似乎仍然奏效。它让我们意识到,以为只有大的改变才能

11、带来大的变化,这其实是一个误区。事实上,一些小的改变就可以带来真正的创新。要成为比赛规则颠覆者,就要找到应对共同挑战的突破点。Based on all that weve learned about digital news distribution and consumption over the past few years, the game for agencies is no longer just about satisfying business customers. Its about working with business customers to engage the

12、end users of the news, regardless of whether were reaching them through our own application on the iPhone or on the pages of a customers Web site. 基于过去几年我们对数字新闻传播和消费的了解,我们知道通讯社的比赛不再是仅仅满足商业客户的需求了。我们需要和商业客户一起寻找新闻终端用户,寻找的方式可以是使用网络电话,也可以是通过客户网站上的页面。In the next couple years, all news organizations face t

13、he same mission - get all the way across the burning bridge from analog to digital journalism and to make the difficult choices that this crossing presents.未来几年,所有新闻机构将面临一个共同的任务-实现从模拟新闻到数字新闻的转变,并在这一转变过程中做出艰难选择。The choices are harder than ever. The culture and the economy have changed along with the

14、technology of the digital age. The changes are so radical and pervasive that after nearly 15 years of doing business on the Internet, news organizations are still testing long-held assumptions about what the other side of the digital bridge actually looks like.做出这一选择比以往任何时候都难。文化和经济已经随着数字时代技术而发生了变化。这

15、些变化是如此的彻底和深入,以至于依赖互联网运营了近15年后,新闻机构仍然在揣想那个久已有之的命题:数字之桥的另一侧是什么样子。From all visible signs, its not a place where a news organization can survive by just doing business as usual, creating and marketing content. Indeed, it often appears as if the more our content is distributed, the more our pricing decli

16、nes. 所有迹象表明,新闻机构不能仅仅凭借以往的方式通过创作和营销内容而生存下去。事实上,通常的情况是,我们的内容传播得越多,我们的售价降低得也就越大。And yet the audience on the other side of the bridge seems to be having fun. Theyre doing other things besides reading news stories - like connecting with their friends on Facebook, networking through LinkedIn, writing blog

17、s by the millions and following interesting people, places and things on Twitter. 但是,数字之桥另一侧的受众似乎正乐在其中。他们除了阅读新闻外还做别的事情-通过Facebook 和朋友联系、通过LinkedIn 进行社交、写博客以及追寻Twitter 上有趣的人物、场景和事件。Even before they started paying more attention to each other than to Web sites, users had adopted search as their online

18、 compass for everything including news. That easy-to-use tool led them to cultivate new sources for what they sought. Wikipedia, once a user-generated curiosity, now sits atop the leaderboard of news and information providers with a staggering monthly audience of 60 million users.相比关注网站,用户开始更关注彼此,甚至

19、在这之前他们已经将搜索作为其在线指南针,这里面也包括了对新闻的搜索。这种方便的工具引导他们开发新的渠道。维基百科曾经是用户为满足好奇和求知欲而创造出来的,如今已经位居新闻和信息供应者的榜首,每月访问用户达到6000 万人次之多。The biggest names in journalism are struggling to find their place in this new game, much as the ponderous big men of the paint struggled to compete with the smaller, more fleet-footed o

20、utside shooters from the three-point arc in basketball. A simple change disrupted, and improved, that game. The smart players and coaches adapted.新闻业的巨头正在新的比赛规则中艰难地寻找他们的位置,正如站在篮下三秒区内的笨重高个子球员拼命防守三分弧线外的灵活机动的小个子投手一样。一个小的变化改变并提升了这一比赛。聪明的选手和教练能够适应这一变化。Discussion of how to change APs approach to digital n

21、ews quickly led to the almost embarrassingly simple idea of an AP news blog. We, like others, had in the recent past looked at this approach, tried it in limited ways and moved on.有关美联社如何改变应对数字新闻的讨论,很快将问题引向了美联社创建新闻博客这一几乎令人尴尬的简单想法。和其他新闻机构一样,我们在近几年一直关注这一方法,以有限的几种方式尝试过它,并仍在进行尝试。But this time we decided

22、 to join the fray in a way that could be game-changing - look at blogging as the foundation for a model of audience engagement.但是这次我们决定以颠覆比赛规则的方式来做这事-将博客作为受众参与模式的基础。Rather than work only with theory, the team decided to put a real model in play - an experiment around the week-long Sonia Sotomayor Su

23、preme Court confirmation hearings in July.不仅仅是在理论上探讨,我们的团队还决定把该想法应用在实际中-在7月份为期一周的关于索尼亚索托马约尔就任最高法院大法官份的确认听证会上进行实验。The blog idea served as the center of gravity for the new model, and other audience channels were connected to create an experimental new ecosystem. Twitter became a facility for direct u

24、ser comments and interaction. Links back and forth to member news providers, recruited in advance, were included to test the blogs ability to move traffic around a network.创建博客的想法成为了这一新模式的重心,此外,我们还将其他受众渠道连接起来,建立了一个实验性的新生态系统。 Twitter 成为了用户发表评论和互动的直接平台。此外,我们还通过链接到事先确定的美联社会员新闻供应商来检验博客的网络内运行情况。The exper

25、ience provided a model for what a collaborative approach to a networked news environment might look like - key ingredients being a major portal as a traffic hub, social media like Twitter for audience input and member participation to create the network effect.此类经验构造了一个新的合作模式,它使得网络新闻环境看起来是这样的-主要门户中的

26、关键词组合成为流量枢纽,Twitter 之类的社交媒体让受众互动,会员机构的参加产生网络效应。The combination was very successful from all perspectives. Yahoos news traffic jumped 20 percent compared to the norm for AP stories. Participating newspapers more than doubled their Web traffic from Yahoo. Twitter drove 27 percent more traffic to Yahoo

27、 than normal, and APs blog attracted triple the traffic of the regular news story. Not incidentally, we estimate the net potential new revenue generated by the effort to be at least $200,000 greater than expenses.这一联合模式从各方面来看都很成功。Yahoo 上的新闻流量与正常状态下的AP新闻相比增长了20%。参与报纸的Yahoo网站浏览量增加一倍多。Twitter 使得Yahoo的流

28、量比正常情况下增加了27%, 美联社的博客吸引了普通新闻三倍的人气。此外,我们估计新产生的收益至少要比成本多出20 万美元。The experiment also provided a reminder of a couple basic lessons for any wire service - live or real-time still matters and context - an effort to make sense of the cluttered news world - is what many news consumers seek.这一实验也为所有通讯社提供了一些

29、基本启示- 直击式新闻或实时报道仍然十分关键,而用来帮助理清一团乱麻的新闻图景的背景交代,仍是许多新闻用户想要的东西。President Li and others will recognize that the efforts to build traffic and relevance with customers cover only part of the game - the offensive part. Defense is just as necessary to win. And we content creators have been too slow to react

30、to free exploitation of news content by third parties without input or permission.李社长和其他人会认识到,创建流量及与受众的联系只是这项比赛的一部分 -进攻部分。防守也是取得成功的要素。对于第三方在没有获得许可权的情况下随意传播新闻内容的行为,我们这些内容制作者的反应太慢了。Random distribution of traffic by aggregators such as search engines directs audience and revenue away from those who inv

31、est in original news reports but assures the aggregators and their ad networks of a stream of revenue based on aggregation and indexing of published news content.搜索引擎之类的信息聚合器对流量的随机分配,使得受众和收入远离那些投资原创新闻的机构,但这却确保了以信息汇集和新闻内容索引为基础的聚合器的运转及其源源不断的网络广告收益。Crowd-sourcing web services such as Wikipedia, YouTube

32、 and Facebook have become preferred consumer destinations for breaking news, displacing Web sites of traditional news publishers.维基百科、YouTube 和 Facebook 之类的众包网络服务已经取代传统新闻发布商的网站,成为消费者寻找突发新闻的首选途径。To turn the tide, AP is creating a News Registry - a rights management and tracking system.为了扭转这一形势,美联社正在创建新闻注册系统-这是一个著作权管理和追踪系统。Participation in the News Registry would discourage unauthorized exploitation of news content by third parties and promote uses that benefit participating news publishers. Implementation of digital protocols that convey rules perta

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