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1、汉译英译文Here are the translated texts given below for reference.Text 3Known as oriental Hawaii, the Golden Beach is a must for visitors. Bordering on the Bohai Sea to its east, it has unique scenery and comfortable climate, and attracts large numbers of admirers from all over the world. The Golden Beac

2、h Resort of Tianjin Normal University was build in 1986. The project covers an area of 20,000 square meters, with a floor space of 2,280 square meters. Through years of development, the Golden Beach Resort has taken shape, and now can receive over 3 thousand tourists every year. The resort area is d

3、esigned in the style of a traditional Chinese garden with flower-fringed lawns and oval-stone-paved paths winding through tall locust woods.(注意转换)Sun-rise over the sea is one of the most enthralling / enchanting/ fascinating scenes at the beach, and seashell collecting offers a pleasant start of the

4、 day. Text 4If the reading of books is under-estimated, it is at least a display of shortsightedness, if not ignorance. The school is a place that teaches one to read and become a useful person. Schools are forever connected with books. A school without books cannot be considered a true school. To t

5、each a person to read, you must have books, and naturally, textbooks are also books that should be well learned first and foremost. But as Ye Shengtao, one of our elders of the educational circle, says “Textbooks are nothing but a collection of examples”, they can only give the minimum amount of nou

6、rishment needed to support ones life, which is just enough to keep him from dying of hunger/ alive, but certainly not enough to ensure his sturdy growth. Farmers all understand that if they wish to grow a good crop, sufficient water and fertilizer must be given. Books for outside reading serve as “w

7、ater” and “fertilizer” to nourish the students. How can we do without them?Text 5Fundamentally speaking, the root cause of all problems that arise in some countries lies in their failure to boost the economy. They lack adequate food and clothing, and since wage increases are offset by inflation, liv

8、ing standards decline and consequently severe hardship must be endured for long periods. A prolonged low rate of economic development makes it very difficult to raise living standards. Why do our people support us? Because we have achieved progress, indeed, remarkable progress, over the past 10 year

9、s. Let us suppose that we remain at a standstill for five years, or progress slowly, at, for example, an annual rate of 4-5 or even 2-3 percent, what would be the effect? This is actually a political issue.Text 6从1980年到1990年,中国国民生产总值年均增长8.9%。80年代中国的面貌有了很大的变化,政局稳定,经济繁荣,民族和睦团结,人民安居乐业。进入90年代以后,我们力争以更高的

10、速度发展经济,加快改革开放的步伐。在邓小平今年初讲话的精神鼓舞下,中国的改革开放和经济建设进入了一个新的发展阶段。据预测,今年全年的国民生产总值增长将达到甚至超过9%。中国的经济生机勃勃,前景光明。中国改革开放不是权宜之计,而是百年大计。因为它顺应了民心,使人民受益,得到人民的支持,一定能取得胜利。Text 7Chen Yis poems are overflowing with / brim over with / be filled with patriotic sentiments between the lines and are full of power and grandeur.

11、 How marvelously written! I am especially keen on one of his famous poems The Green Pine. It can be read a hundred times with delight. The original text is: The green pine, overwhelmed with heavy snowfall Towers erect without giving way. His lofty integrity remains unknown Till the snow thaws away.T

12、ext 8Once, a Chinese consul general in New York was leaving office for China at the end of his term. The Chamber of Commerce in New York City gave him a farewell party. American sinologist Shard was invited to be the interpreter of the consuls farewell speech. But when the consul general stood up to

13、 give his speech, professor Shard was really in a panic, because the consul spoke in such a strong Fu Zhou accent that he couldnt understand a word at all. At that time, he certainly couldnt make any explanation.For a moment, he felt rather embarrassed. But he suddenly hit upon a way out of the pred

14、icament. He pretended to be listening carefully and taking notes.When the consul finished his speech, Shard stood up calmly, and gave another speech for the consul in English. At the beginning, he started by saying, “At this very moment, Im possessed by a conflicting emotion of happiness and sadness

15、. Im happy because Ill be back to my motherland to reunite with my relatives and friends there after long years of separation. And I am sad because Ill have to say goodbye to my old friends and new acquaintances in New York City” And in such a strain, Mr. Shard gave a free vein/ full play to his ima

16、gination and made a speech that was full of both passion and ornateness. When his “interpretation” came to an end, here swept across the hall a warm-hearted and thunderous applause. The Destructive TermitesDo you know how destructive termites are? If a tall building were infested with termites and n

17、othing were done to prevent and control them, the entire wooden floor and wall paneling inside it would have been eaten away in less than ten years. If seriously damaged, some houses of the ordinary kind might topple, causing deaths. Generally speaking, termite-eaten wire poles ought to be replaced

18、every two or three years. If slightly damaged by termite eating, goods on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink. If railway sleepers were eaten away by termites, trains would be in danger of running off the track. How disgusting pests like termites are! There is another kind of

19、 “termites” in our society. According to a recent press report, Wang Zhenyu, former vice director of Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau, abused his power by squandering a staggering amount of money wining, dining, holding dinner parties, giving gifts and seeking other pleasures, all at the expense of the st

20、ate. Isnt he as destructive as “termites” too? Text 10In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, prese

21、nt their visiting cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselve

22、s. Only when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. It will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way.Text 11Having heard this,the priest gave him a pillow,saying,“Just put your head on my pillow,I assure you that

23、youll be a man of high position and great wealth,and your wishes will come true.” Just then the inn-keeper began to steam a plate of milletLu Sheng merrily/happily took the pillow and lay down to sleep without even undressing himselfSoon he began dreaming.In his dream he became an official and was q

24、uickly promoted,finally becoming a prime minister,enjoying life to his hearts contentJust as he was beside himself with joy and ambition,Lu Sheng was awakened with a start by the inn-keepers shout,“Here comes our guest!” Rubbing his eyes,Lu Sheng found that the millet was not yet readyText12 During

25、his life time, Xu Xiake (1586-1641) visited 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. He never completely depended upon books to guide him in his tours, nor blindly accepted the conclusions given therein. As a result, he found many inaccuracies (inaccurate points) i

26、n the travel notes written by his predecessors. In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the places he visited, he seldom traveled by cart or boat.He would walk across hills and dales, and trudge long distances, and to find out the true features of the great world of nature, he would ventu

27、re far out into mountainous areas with the most treacherous trails and into jungles seldom visited by human beings. The reward for his work was the discovery of many fantastically beautiful scenes. Famous mountains in various places would find/ see him coming back revisit during different seasons. T

28、here he was, marveling at the kaleidoscopic spectacles during the different hours of the day.Undaunted MotherhoodThis is a true story in which the whole incident is like a nightmare.It occurred in the wilderness of the northern end of Queensland, Australia, where various species of animals inhabited

29、 the forests. Lisa, a 33-year-old mother, was preparing lunch in the kitchen, leaving Barney, her three-year-old son, playing all alone in the backyard.All of a sudden, barneys heart-wrenching cries pierced into the kitchen and sent Lisa flying into the backyard at lightning speed. She was petrified

30、 at the sight of the little Barney entwined by an ugly and clumsy mottled boa that was going to make him its refreshment. She was infuriated. She was determined to save her son.Undaunted motherhood made Lisa forget that it was a boa that she was facing. Picking up a rusty hoe, she struck the boa wit

31、h all her might.One, two, threeLiza felt as if she were hoeing a mass of stiff rubber. And little Barneys startled cries were getting feebler. Lisa was almost mad.Suddenly, Lisa cast aside the hoe, threw herself at the boa, and bit into it as if it were a rare steak. She was mad!At last, a small pie

32、ce of flesh was torn off. Then Lisa took up the hoe again and picked at the boas wound, and she was spattered with it all over. The boa was alarmed. It had never confronted more fierce human teeth. It let go its grip on Barney and beat a hasty retreat into the forest. It died on its way. Barney was saved.On that very day, the incident was headlined in nearly 100papers around the globe with the most widely-accepted title: Undaunted Motherhood.Text 20Nanjing the Beloved CityNanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and nobl

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