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1、中国电信中国移动信号覆盖详细方案中国电信_中国移动_信号覆盖详细方案室 内 覆 盖 系 统 ,公司内部培训资料, 一、项目简介 1.1室内覆盖系统:什么是室内覆盖 室内覆盖是针对室内用户群、用于改善建筑物内移动通信环境的一种成功的方案,近几年在全各地的移动通信运营商中得到了广泛应用室内覆盖系统为上述问题提供了较佳的解决方案。其原理是利用室内天线分布系统将移动基站的信号均匀分布在室内每个角落,从而保证室内区域拥有理想的信号覆盖。室内覆盖系统的建设,可以较为全面地改善建筑物内的通话质量,提高移动电话接通率,开辟出高质量的室内移动通信区域;同时,使用微蜂窝系统可以分担室外宏蜂窝话务,扩大网络容量,从

2、整体上提高移动网络的服务水平。 1.2什么要建设室内覆盖系统 随着城市里移动用户的飞速增加以及高层建筑越来越多,话务密度和覆盖要求也不断上升。这些建筑物规模大、质量好,对移动电话信号有很强的屏蔽作用。在大型建筑物的低层、地下商场、地下停车场等环境下,移动通信信号弱,手机无法正常使用,形成了移动通信的盲区和阴影区;在中间楼层,由于来自周围不同基站信号的重叠,产生乒乓效应,手机频繁切换,甚至掉话,严重影响了手机的正常使用;在建筑物的高层,由于受基站天线的高度限制,无法正常覆盖,也是移动通信的盲区。另外,在有些建筑物内,虽然手机能够正常通话,但是用户密度大,基站信拥挤,手机上线困难。特别是移动通信的

3、网络覆盖、容量、质量是运营商获取竞争优势的关键因素。网络覆盖、网络容量、网络质量从根本上体现了移动网络的服务水平,是所有移动网络优化工作的主题. 室内覆盖系统正是在这种背景之下产生的。总之,进行室内覆盖系统建设的直接理由是: 室内移动通信环境有太多需要完善的地方; the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum plantin

4、g soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of

5、selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.57.0, humidity 3070%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, fo

6、cus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also

7、 planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a

8、short time. Seedlings should have . Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at

9、 the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 覆盖方面,由于建筑物自身的屏蔽和吸收作用,造成了无线电波较大的传输衰耗,形成了移动信号的弱场强区甚至盲区. 容量方面,建筑物诸如大型购物商场、会议中心,由于移动电话使用密度过大,局部网络容量不能满足用户需求,无线信道发生拥塞现象; 质量方面,建筑物高层空间极易存在无线频率干扰,服务小区信

10、号不稳定,出现乒乓切换效应,话音质量难以保证,并出现掉话现象。 1.3什么地区需要室内覆盖 室内盲区,新建大型建筑、停车场、办公楼、宾馆和公寓等。 话务量高的大型室内场所车站、机场、商场、体育馆、购物中心等,增加微蜂窝建立分层结构。 发生频繁切换的室内场所高层建筑的顶部,收到多个基站的功率近似的信号。 1.4实现室内覆盖的方法 实现室内覆盖的技术方案可分为三种: 微蜂窝有线接入方式 是以室内微蜂窝系统作为室内覆盖系统的信号源,即有线接入方式。适用于覆盖范围较大且话务量相对较高的建筑物内,在市区中心使用较多,解决覆盖和容量问题。 宏蜂窝无线接入方式 是以室外宏蜂窝作为室内覆盖系统的信号源,即无线

11、接入方式。适用于低话务量和较小面积的室内覆盖盲区,在市郊等偏远地区使用较多。 直放站(Repeater) 在室外站存在富余容量的情况下,通过直放站(Repeater)将室外信号引入室内的覆盖盲区。 微蜂窝有线接入方式 改善高话务量地区的室内信号覆盖,微蜂窝是最佳解决方案。与宏蜂窝方式相比,微蜂窝方式是更好的室内系统解决方案。微蜂窝方式的通话质量比宏蜂窝方式要高出许多,对宏蜂窝无线指标的影响甚小,并且具有增加网络容量的效果但微蜂窝在室内使用时,受建筑物结构的影响,使其覆盖受到很大限制。对于大型写字楼等,如何将信微蜂号最大限度、最均匀地分布到室内每一个地方,是网络优化所要考虑的关键。且窝方式的弱点

12、在于成本较为 昂贵需要进行频率规划,需要增建传输系统,网络优化the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type

13、herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.57.0, humidity 3070%,

14、 completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for pl

15、ants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling

16、selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have . Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest a

17、nd disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribu

18、tion of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 工作量大。因此,对宏蜂窝方式亦或微蜂窝方式的选取,需要综合权衡移动网络和运营商的多方面因素才能定夺 。 宏蜂窝无线接入方式 宏蜂窝方式的主要优势在于成本低、工程施工方便,并且占地面积小;其弱点在于对宏蜂窝无线指标尤其是掉话率的影响比较明显。目前,采用选频直放站并增加宏蜂窝的小区切换功能可以缓解这一矛盾:当对应的宏蜂窝频率发生变化时,直放站选频模块需要作相应调整。随着运营商对成本和网络资源利用率的注重,宏蜂窝方式在最近一年出现升温的势头 直放站(Repeater) 在室外站存在富余容量的情

19、况下,通过直放站(Repeater)将室外信号引入室内的覆盖盲区利用微蜂窝解决室内问题也存在很大的局限性。建设微蜂窝的设备投入与工程周期都较大,只适合在话务量集中的高档会议厅或商场使用。在这种情况下,直放站(Repeater)以其灵活简易的特点成为解决简单问题的重要方式。直放站不需要基站设备和传输设备,安装简便灵活,设备型号也丰富多样,在移动通信中正扮演越来越重要的角色。 直放站的应用场合主要有以下几种 扩大服务范围,消除覆盖盲区; 在郊区增强场强,扩大郊区站的覆盖; 沿高速公路架设,增强覆盖效率; 解决室内覆盖; 将空闲基站的信号引到繁忙基站的覆盖区内,实现疏忙。使用微蜂窝和直放站的比较:

20、使用基站 使用直放站 1. 是否增加容量 根据需要增加容量 不能增加容量 2. 信号质量 好 一般 3. 设置优先级 可以 不可以 4. 对网络的影响 小 控制不好影响很大 5. 是否需要传输设备 需要 不需要 6. 是否需要重新频率规划 需要 不需要 7. 是否需要调整参数 需要 支持 8. 是否支持容量动态分配 不支持(容量预分配) 支持 9. 是否支持多运营商 不支持 支持 10. 是否支持多频、多系统环境 不支持 支持 11. 安装时间 较长 较短 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such a

21、s pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30

22、 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.57.0, humidity 3070%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm).

23、 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for

24、plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to p

25、lant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have . Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, r

26、oot system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 12. 投资 较多 较 1.5室内覆盖系统的组成 室内覆盖系统主要由信号源和信号分布系统两部

27、分组成。 1.6信号源提取的几种方法 直放站做信号源 1. 通过直放站的施主天线直接从附近基站提取信号; 2. 用耦合器从附近基站耦合部分信号通过光纤传送到盲区内的直放站。 3. 用耦合器从附近基站耦合部分信号通过电缆传送到盲区内的直放站。 增加微蜂窝(基站) 直放站做信号源 1. 通过直放站的施主天线直接从附近基站提取信号 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth

28、 by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should

29、 selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.57.0, humidity 3070%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 25cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from plannin

30、g to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of

31、 the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to

32、achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have . Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 2. 用耦合器

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