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1、北师大版高中英语选修八第二十四单元过关检测第二十四单元过关检测.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.They think they should some of their salary for their childs schooling.A.spend B.costC.deposit D.take提示:句意为:“他们认为应该把部分工资存起来,以备孩子上学用。”spend“花费”;cost “花费”;deposit“储蓄”;take“花费”。deposit.for.“为存钱”。故选C项。答案:C2.Theyve a ce

2、rtain amount of working experience in their volunteer work in the past two years.A.attempted B.accumulatedC.abandoned D.accomplished提示:句意为:“在过去的两年里,他们在志愿者工作中积累了一定的工作经验。”accumulate experience“积累经验”。attempt“尝试”;abandon“抛弃,放弃”;accomplish “完成”。答案:B3.Only in this way did the people build a society ofcult

3、ures.A.complicated B.technicalC.diverse D.ripe提示:句意为:“人们通过这个方式建立了一个多元文化的社会。”complicated“复杂的”;technical“技术的”;diverse “多元化的”;ripe“成熟的”。diverse cultures“多元文化”。答案:C4.Our country is by the representatives of the people.A.purchased;electing B.governed;electedC.expanded;elects D.acknowledged;elect提示:句意为:“我

4、们国家是由国民选出的代表来管理的。”purchase“购买”;govern“统治”;expand“扩张”;acknowledge“认可”;elected“被选举的”,过去分词作定语,修饰representatives。答案:B5.The police has announced that they will a full investigation into the accident.A.resist B.obtainC.convey D.undertake提示:句意为:“警方已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。”resist“抵抗”;obtain“获得”;convey“表达”;undertak

5、e“进行”。答案:D6.Im sorry to hear that your office waslast week.A.broken down B.broken intoC.broken out D.broken away提示:句意为:“很遗憾,听说上周你的办公室被撬”。break down“抛锚”;break out“爆发”;break away from.“脱离”;break into “破门而入”。答案:B7.The game will be by satellite to the audience all over the world.A.repaid B.returnedC.rel

6、ied D.relayed提示:句意为:“这场比赛将通过卫星向全世界的观众进行转播。”repay“偿还”;return“归还”;rely“信赖”;replay“转播”。根据句意选D项。答案:D8.I think we to write a letter to express our thanks to the policeman.Why not?A.should B.mustC.ought D.need提示:句意为:“我认为我们应该给警察写封信,以表达我们的感谢。为什么不呢?”由to可知排除A、B、D三项。ought to“应该干某事”。答案:C9.She likes to show her

7、new clothes in public,which makes other girls a little angry.A.around B.inC.up D.off提示:句意为:“她喜欢在公共场合炫耀她的新衣服,这使得其他的女孩有点生气。”show around“带某人参观”;show in“领进来”;show up“显露,出现”;show off“炫耀”。答案:D10.No one knows how the river.A.came into power B.came into beingC.came into view D.came into effect提示:句意为:“没有人知道这

8、条河是怎样形成的。”come into power“掌权”;come into being“产生,形成”;come into view “出现”;come into effect “生效(实施)”。B项合乎题意。答案:B11.The driver suddenly stopped his car just before it an old man.A.knocked at B.knocked backC.knocked about D.knocked into提示:句意为:“司机突然刹车,差点撞着一位老人。”knock into sb.“撞上某人”,宾语在介词后面。knock back“阻碍,

9、妨碍”。 knock at“敲门”;knock about“漫游”。答案:D12.Nicotine affects your health,andyou should stop smoking cigarettes.A.hardly B.nearlyC.dangerously D.consequently提示:句意为:“尼古丁影响你的健康,因此,你应该戒烟。” 第一句是原因,第二句是结果,空白处要填consequently“因此”,作状语。nearly“几乎”;dangerously“危险地”。故选D项。答案:D13.Call 110 when you are at risk.A.Its a

10、good idea B.Its none of your businessC.Its very kind of you D.Its all right提示:Its a good idea.“好主意。”表示赞同别人的建议。Its none of your business.“这不关你的事。”Its very kind of you.“你真是太好了。”Its all right.“没关系。”根据句意选A项。答案:A14.Its high time that we ourselves to the motherland.A.may contribute B.can contributeC.contr

11、ibute D.contributed提示:句意为:“到了我们为祖国献身的时候了。”在Its high time that.中,从句中谓语动词用一般过去时。故选D项。答案:D15.the passing cars when you are crossing the streets.A.Keep an eye on B.Keep your words toC.Keep back D.Keep in mind提示:句意为:“过街道时,要注意过往的车辆。”keep an eye on“留意”;keep your words to“遵守诺言”;keep back“隐瞒”;keep in mind“铭记

12、在心”。答案:A.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.We had not seen rain in almost a month.The crops were 16.The rivers were long gone back into the 17.If we didnt see some rain soon,we would lose everything.It was on this

13、day that I learned the true18of sharing and 19the only miracle.I had seen with my own eyes.I was in the kitchen making lunch when I saw my six-year-old son,Billy,walking toward the woods.Minutes after he disappeared20the woods,he came running out again,toward the house.I went back to making sandwich

14、es,21that what he had been doing was completed.Moments later,22,he was once again walking toward the woods.This 23went on for an hourwalked 24 to the woods,and ran back to the house.25 I couldnt take it any longer,so I went out of the house quietly and 26 him on his journey.As I leaned in(斜身) to spy

15、 on him,I saw the most 27 sight.Several large deer were in front of him.Billy walked right up to them.And I saw a tiny young deer lying on the ground,28 suffering from dehydration(脱水) and heat exhaustion,lifting its head with 29 effort to drink up the water in my beautiful boys 30.When the water was

16、 31,Billy jumped up to run back to the house.I followed him back to a tap that we had 32 off.Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle(细流) began to creep out.When he stood up and began to 33,I was there in front of him.His little eyes were just filled with tears,“Im not34,”was all he said.A

17、s the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly 35 by other drops.more drops.and more.All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm,just like one little boy saved the deer.16.A.dying B.producingC.harvesting D.drying提示:由上文的“We had not seen rain in al

18、most a month.”可推断,如果天不下雨的话,庄稼就要因干旱而死去,故dying符合语境。答案:A17.A.sea D.land提示:由于干旱少雨,河流已经流回了大地。earth与天空、海洋相对,指大地。field指“田野”;land指“大陆,陆地”。答案:C18.A.skill B.lessonC.impression D.opinion提示:从下文可知就是在这一天我从儿子那里学到了共享的一课。答案:B19.A.found B.watchedC.noticed D.witnessed提示:从下文作者亲自尾随儿子到小树林所看到的情景可知,她亲眼目睹了所发生

19、的一切,故witness一词符合语境要求。答案:D20.A.into B.underC.behind D.over提示:与本句前后两句相照应,这里应为“消失在树林中”。故用介词into。答案:A21.A.expecting B.thinkingC.imagining D.wondering提示:此处是现在分词作伴随状语“认为”。答案:B22.A.otherwise B.besidesC.however D.instead提示:与作者所想的不同,儿子又被看见朝树林走去,故选C项,“然而”。答案:C23.A.experience B.activity C.exercise D.arrangemen

20、t提示:文章中孩子为口渴的小鹿取水,用activity表示“行动,活动”。experience“经历”;exercise“锻炼,练习”;arrangement “安排”。答案:B24.A.hurriedly B.secretlyC.worriedly D.carefully提示:根据故事中所发生的事件,小男孩从家里取水之后要回到小树林,必须小心翼翼,以免将水浪费掉,故用carefully更适合语境。答案:D25.A.Immediately B.Finally C.Fortunately D.Unexpectedly提示:最后,我再也忍不住了,于是就悄悄走出房子,一路跟踪他。答案:B26.A.s

21、topped B.caughtC.followed D.showed提示:follow在句中表示“跟随,尾随”,下文的“I followed him back to a tap that.”也提到跟踪儿子。答案:C27.A.amusing B.interestingC.exciting D.amazing提示:当作者斜着身子向里面暗中监视儿子时,她看到了最惊人的一幕。amazing“令人惊异的”;amusing和interesting均表示“有趣的”;exciting“令人兴奋/激动的”。答案:D28.A.directly B.disappointedly C.naturally D.obvi

22、ously提示:一只小鹿躺在地上,显然是已经脱水,热得筋疲力尽了。答案 B.braveC.great D.poor提示:根据上面“lying on the ground,28suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion”可知,with great effort“费力地”。答案:C30.A.hands B.faceC.eyes D.legs提示:根据常识,这里孩子只能用手去捧水。答案:A31.A.gone B.emptyC.lost D.faded提示:当水喝光之后,比利就会跳起来回到房子里去。gone在句中为形容词,意为“用光”

23、。答案:A32.A.put B.takenC.shut D.set提示:shut off“切断,中断(供水、供气)”,与上面的tap水龙头及“Billy opened it all the way.”相对应。答案:C33.A.stop B.leaveC.turn D.run提示:当他站起开始离开时,我答案:B34.A.wasting B.drinkingC.littering D.washing提示:母亲站在儿子面前,儿子满眼泪水,向母亲说自己并不是在浪费水,而是在救那只饥渴的小鹿。答案:A35.A.connected B.addedC.attached D.joined提示:此时上苍似乎也被

24、感动,也开始下起雨来。join“汇合”。答案:D.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIt is true that the first Olympic Games of the modern times in 1896 were not open to women.Baron Pierre de Coubertin,who gave new life to the Games,was very much a man of his time.He didnt like women showing up for t

25、he Games.But since this time,things have changed.History shows that the number of women participating in the Olympic Games has been increasing over the years,since their first participation in the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years.This development is of social,political and cult

26、ural significance(意义).The progress is the result of the cooperation(合作)of the entire Olympic Movement and of proper measures that the International Olympic Committee(IOC),International Sports Federations(IFs),and National Olympic Committees(NOCs)have taken.Especially in the last 20 years,the IOC has

27、 enlarged the womens programme at the Olympic Games,in cooperation with IFs and the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games(OCOGs).This development was further strengthened(巩固)by the IOCs decision that all sports must have womens events.The IOC also started to work on increasing the number of wo

28、men at leadership level in sport in 1981.Former President Juan Antonio Samaranch,who wanted to have women as IOC members made a great contribution(贡献).Many sports volunteers have worked to increase the number of women joining in the Olympic Games.This progress has been made also thanks to the strong

29、 determination of women from different countries of the world who have worked to make sure women are fully represented in all sports.36.The underlined part “participating in” in the first paragraph can be replaced by“”.A.getting close to B.taking part inC.calling for D.taking over提示:词义猜测题。根据第一段“But

30、since this time,things have changed.”的语境可知越来越多的女子参加奥运比赛。答案:B37.According to the first paragraph,all of the following are true EXCEPT that .A.women were not allowed to join in the 1896 Olympic GamesB.Baron Pierre de Coubertin was very famous when he was aliveC.many women have competed in the Olympic

31、Games in the last 30 yearsD.Baron Pierre de Coubertin tried his best to let women join in the Olympic Games提示:细节理解题。根据第一段“He didnt like women showing up for the Games.”可知Baron Pierre de Coubertin并不支持女子参加奥运比赛。答案:D38.What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?A.Why women were not allowed to join in the Olympic Games.B.How more and more women were able to join in the Olympic Games.C.What some organisations have done

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