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1、高中英语作文精选21篇高中英语作文(精选21篇)高中英语作文(一): 高中英语作文范文 1。Facts About Ingredients List The ingredient list is like a recipe it tells you what is in the food。 You can tell a lot about a food just by looking at the ingredients。 Ingredients must be listed in descending order by weight。 So, the first ingredient in

2、the list is present in the highest amount, followed by the second, then the third and so on。 Lets look at the ingredient list on a loaf of bread as as example。 Ingredients : High protein flour, water, granulated cane sugar, vegetable shortening, bakers yeast, salt, soy flour, dough conditioners, vit

3、amin C, calcium, iron, calcium propionate。 High protein flour is the first ingredient listed so it is present in the greatest amount, followed by water, sugar, and vegetable shortening。 Vitamin C, calcium and iron have also been added。 Quite often, sugar, fat and sodium can appear in different forms

4、 e。g。 sugar may appear as dextrose, maltose, and sucrose; fat may appear as ghee, lard, vegetable oil, and shortening; while salt may appear as sodium bicarbonate, baking powder and MSG。 2。如何交朋友(How to Make Friends) Everyone needs friends。 A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and hap

5、piness。 But how can we make friends? First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others。 Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return。 You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be。 Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appe

6、arance and clothes。 Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel。 When you dont agree someone, please discuss with him。 Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble。 And never leave your friend when he is in trouble。 Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed。 Frie

7、nds should be faithful to each other。 So long as you can put your friends interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends。 高中英语作文(二): 高中英语作文:电子书 If you ask someone that do they often go to library, I think they will answer you with no, the reason I am saying this because of the deve

8、lopment of ebook. Many years ago, without computer, the only way to check the information that you need is from paper books. it means you need to go to the book shop or the library, while with the development of the Internet, people have access to the information very easily, you only need to click

9、on the computer, then what you look for is in front of you. Ebook is a very popular form for reading, people can find what they want to read in the computer, like the novel story, then download. It is so convenient and fast, it can save a lot of time, we dont need to go to the library if we are busy

10、. Ebook is a good way for reading. 如果你问一些人他们是否经常去图书馆,我觉得他们会回答不,我这样说的理由是因为电子书的发展。 很多年前没有电脑,你想要核查你所需要的信息,唯一的方法就是去找纸质书,这意味着你需要去书店或者图书馆,然而随着电脑的发展,人们能很轻易得到信息,你只需要点击电脑,然后你所寻找的就会在你眼前。 电子书是一种很受欢迎的阅读方式,人们可以在电脑上找到他们想要阅读的,比如小说,然后下载。这很方便快捷,能够省时,我们不需要去图书馆,如果我们很忙的话。电子书是阅读的好方式。 高中英语作文(三): 关于食品安全的高中英语作文 1. 你担心食品安全的

11、问题吗?评估一下你的日常饮食的.安全。 2. 说说食品安全的重要性。 3. 说说提高食品安全的建议。 4. 呼吁大家共同努力。 Frankly speaking,the great majority of chinese are a bit gluttonous,while unfortunately they have to be trapped in a terrible situation where they could hardly find safe food.They are unable to choose a reassuring milk powder for their

12、baby,and they cant find a cookshop without using gutter oil,and yesthey are worried about the food safety problems. Why are they so anxious about the food safety problems?Absolutely answer is the problems concern their physical health.Most importantly,inability of regulatory authorities to solve the

13、 problems makes them more fearful.In my opinion,food safety problem has a significant effect on the social stability. To figure out this matter,government and masses ought to be together in an effort to find ways out.First of all,there must be effective regulations to block the source of profit of t

14、he operator like tightening inspection of accounts and taxes.Secondly,treat the masses as a smart inspector.Clean off obstacles and accept the complaints of consumers.At last,the government should hold a press conference periodically to release the progress of governance activities. For above reason

15、s, the food safety problem is a long-term undertaking which needs everyones striving.And we must move right now! 高中英语作文(四): Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes

16、 away some of our freedom. As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many n

17、onsmokers are against smoking. In public places, the harm of smoking is greater. This is connected with another effect of smoking. That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous vapour off into the air. Therefore, that the government ban smoking is very necessary and important to us.

18、 It is a measure to protect our health and environment. So many people, especially nonsmokers are Ior tile policy. Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom. I think it is a one-sided view. If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places. In fact, smokers still

19、have the freedom of smoking. But, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial to all of us. 高中英语作文(五): As it is known to us, Ping An was chosen to perform on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with his melodious

20、 and strong voice. Also, he had a great achievement on this dream stage. Although he hadnt gain the popularity among the audience at the beginning, he always kept his dream in mind and never gave it up. It is his success that brings home to me the power of dream. 正如我们所知,安平被选上在中央电视台春节联欢晚会上表演他富含旋律和强有力

21、的声音。同时,在这个梦想舞台上他取得了很大的成就。 虽然一开始的时候他没有获得观众们的欢迎,但他总是把他的梦想牢记心中,并且永不放弃。是他的成功让我有了追求梦想的力量。 A life without a dream is a life without a sun. Therefore, in no circumstances can we give up our dream. Unquestionably, dreams are of great importance. For one thing, a person having a dream will be considered to b

22、e more responsible and unswerving. For another, in pursuit of our dream, there is a chance that good habits and positive attitudes can be formed, contributing to our success. 没有梦想的生命就像没有阳光的生活。因此,在任何情况下我们都不能放弃我们的梦想。毫无疑问,梦想是非常重要的。一方面,一个有梦想的人会被认为是更有责任感和坚定不移。另一方面,在我们追求梦想的时候,可以形成良好的生活习惯和积极的态度,这将有助于我们的成功。

23、 As for our students, what we should do is to choose a healthy seed and plant it on fertilized soil. Firstly, knowledge is the foundation of dream realization, so we should spend much time in study to enrich ourselves. Secondly, it also takes perseverance and confidence if we want to realize our dre

24、ams. Last but not least, we should not be craven and timorous but brave when we meeting obstacles. 作为学生,我们应该做的是选择健康的种子并把它种在肥沃的土壤里。首先,知识是实现梦想的基础,所以我们应该花更多的时间在学习上,充实自己。其次,如果我们要实现我们的梦想,毅力和信心也是需要的。最后但并非最不重要的,我们不应该懦弱和胆怯而是应该在遇到困难时变得勇敢。 高中英语作文(六): A Letter to a School-friend高中英语作文900字 dear iao li, you are

25、going to take cet-4 on june 25. having some eperience, id like to share my knowledge of the test with you and hope it will be helpful to you. first of all, you should have a clear understanding of the test and your english level. after that, you can prepare for the test accordingly. you can at the b

26、eginning focus on your weakest points. for eample, i was very bad at listening and i spent more time practicing it and i didnt find much difficulty when i was doing this part during the test. they you should do eercises of other parts included in the test. it is a good way to do a model test once a

27、week. when the eam is near, you can review all the eercises you have done and pay more attention to the mistakes you have made. it really helps. whats more important, when you are going to take the eam, be calm and confident about yourself. i believe you will do well in the test.yours ever,zhang qia

28、ng 高中英语作文(七): Autumn in Countryside高中英语作文 It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming. Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the

29、trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work. The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, whic

30、h shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky. It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime. I l

31、ove the beautiful season. 参考译文 它逐渐转凉。阳光不再那么强烈,蝉也停止了哭泣。炎热的夏天终于过去了。最喜欢的季节在一年即将到来。 到处都可以看到一派丰收的景象:田野里是金黄的水稻,树枝上挂满成熟的果实。农民的脸上满是笑容。现在他们正在通过一个夏天的努力有望获得好收成。 秋天的晚上特别漂亮。当夕阳去慢慢放下到西部,天空翻山越岭覆盖着傍晚的阳光,它映照蓝天浮云的红色光芒,就像枫叶秋天到了天空。 这是越来越凉爽的黄昏。风轻拂,月光洒在地面上,蛤蟆在叫,昆虫唧唧中的字段。这样的情况会让你忘记白天的所有不开心的事情。 我爱美丽的季节。 高中英语作文(八): The Drag

32、on Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Boat Festival in May five. AI doors,incense mantang.Eat rice dumplings,sprinkle sugar.Shimizu Kiyoyo dragon boat. This folk song singing is the Dragon Boat Festival May in Chinese lunar calendar.The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in China,the name of the Dragon Boat Festival in the traditional festival of our country names up to more than 20,such as: the Dragon Boat Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the D

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