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八年级英语下册unit2 Ill help to clean备课资料.docx

1、八年级英语下册unit2 Ill help to clean备课资料 Unit 2 Ill help to clean。.备课资料能给你有所帮助 Part One 语言知识和目标 话题 志愿工作和慈善机构 重点词汇A cheer/ ti /v .欢呼;喝彩 volunteer/ vlnt(r) /v .义务做;n.志愿者 notice/nutis/n.公告牌;通告;布告 alone/ ln /adv.独自;单独 lonely/、lonely /adj.孤 独 的 ;寂寞的 several/sevr l/pron.几 个 ;数 个 ;一 feeling/ fi:l /n.感 觉 ;感触 sati

2、sfaction/stsfkn/n.满 足 ;满 joy/ d/n.高兴; owner/ n ( r)/n.物主;主人 journey/ d3:ni/n .( 尤指长途)旅行;行程 sign/sain/n.标志;信号 sick/sik/adj.生 病 的 ;有病的 raise/reiz/v .募 集 ;征集重点词汇B repair/rpe/v.修理;修补 fix/fiks/v 安装;使固定 wheel/wi:l/n .车轮;轮子 letter/ let(r)/n.信 ;函 miss/mis/n.女 士 ;小姐 blind/blaind/a心瞎 的 ;失明的 deaf/ def/ad j .聋的

3、 imagine/ mdn /v 想象;设想 difficulty/difiklti/n .困 难 ;难题 open/ pn /v 开 ;打开 door/d: ( r) /n.门 carry/ kaeri/v .拿;提;杠 train/trein/v.训练;培训 excited/iksaitid/ adj.激动的;兴奋 training/ treini/n.训 练 ;培训 kindness/ kaindnis/n.仁 慈 ;善良 clever/ klev ( r) /adj.聪明的;聪颖的 understand/nd(r) stnd/u ( understood/ nd (r) stud/)理

4、解;领会 change/ tend / v 变化;改变 disabled/diseibld/adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的 strong/ str /adj.强壮的;强健的 sir/s3:( r)/n.先生 madam/msedam/n.夫人;女士重点词组 cheer up(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来come up with想出 make a plan/make plans 制订计划 used to 曾经;过去 care for 照顾 at the age of.在 岁时 come true 实现 put up 张贴 put off 推迟 be worried about 担心 fix up 修理

5、 be similar to 与 相似 give away 赠送;捐赠 take after 像 set up 建起;设立 make a difference 有影响;有作用, because of 因为 thank sb. for.因 而感谢某人 be interested in 对 感兴趣 be good at擅长do well in on the phone通过电话work out产生结果 重点句型 1. The boy could give out food at the food bank. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。 2. Clean-Up Day is only two

6、weeks from now. 清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间。 3. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. 每周六上午,他都在一家动物医院当志愿者。 4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。 5. . . . you can see in th e ir eyes that they re going on a different journ

7、ey w ith each new book. 从他们的眼睛里你可以看到他们正在进行每本不同的新书之旅。 6. I want to put off my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。 7. Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money. 现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。 8. You helped to make it possible

8、for me to have Lucky. 在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。 Part Two Section AStudents Who VolunteerUNIT 2 Fill in the blanks Read the article. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do? Students Who Volunteer Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School _ several hours each week to help others.Mario loves ani

9、mals and wants to_ an animal doctor. He _ at an animal hospital _Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “Its _ work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to _ _ animals. I get such a strong _of satisfaction when I see the animals _ _ and the look of jo

10、y on their owners faces.”Mary is a book _. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try _for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there _a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in ” the library, but you can see _ their eyes that th

11、ey re going _ a different journey with each new book. _ here is a dream come true for me. I can do _ I love _ _and help others at the same time.”阅读这篇文章。马里奥和玛丽自愿做什么事? Students Who Volunteer 志愿者学生 来自河畔高中的马里奥格林和玛丽布朗每周都会腾出几个小时的时间来帮助他人。马里奥喜欢动物,他想成为一名兽医。他每周六早上都会在一家动物医院做志愿者。马里奥认为这会帮助他得到未来梦想的工作。“工作很艰苦,”他说:“

12、但我想学习更多关于照顾动 2a How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Discuss this with a partner. Skim the letter and answer the questions. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? What did Miss Li do? Dear Miss Li, Id like to thank you for _money to Animal Helpers. Im sure you know that this group _ _ _ to

13、 help disabled people like me. You helped to make _ possible for me _ _Lucky. Lucky makes a big _to my life. Let me tell you my story. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands _. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these _. I ca

14、nt use my arms or legs well, so normal things likeshow you how he helps me. Thank you again for _ my life. Best wishes, Ben Smith 他带回家了。 我的狗叫“幸运” 对他而言是个好名字因为我觉得拥有他我很幸运。你看.因为你的好心,我才拥有了 一个“狗帮手! 幸运”很聪明,懂得许多英语单词。当我给他发指令时,他能明白我的意思。 例如,我说: “幸运,把我的书拿过来,他马上就做。 幸运是一只很棒的枸。如果你喜欢,我可以寄一张他的照片给你,并给你展示他是如何帮助我的。再次感谢

15、你改变 了我的生活。 Best wishes, 致以最美好的祝愿, Ben Smith讲解 feeling 感觉;感触。它 为可数名词,表示人的喜怒哀乐 或冷热痛累等感受或感觉。 have a feeling that we are being followed.我有种正被人跟踪的 感觉。 care for照料;服侍;关心。 We must care for each other and help each other.我们要互相 关心,互相帮助。延伸 care for a)喜欢;宠爱。 dont much care for that sort of man.我不太 喜欢那种人。b)尊重。do

16、 care for what he says.我对他的 话的确很尊重。 I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners,faces.” 句意: 当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来。 此句中get的两次用法意义各不相同。第一个get的意思是“产生;形成”,为及物动 词,常与feeling (感觉;情感),idea (想法;主意)等词搭配使用。例如: Do you g

17、et the feeling that were not welcome here?你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗? How did you get such an idea? 你怎么会产生这样一个想法? 第二个get是系动词,后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变,通常译作 “变得;变为”。例如: satisfaction n.满足;满意。 I have a feeling of satisfaction. 我有一种满足感。延伸 a) satisfy v.(使)满足/ 满意。 It seems that no one can satisfy him.看起来好像无人能使他满 意。b) sat

18、isfied adj.感到满意 的。 Im satisfied at this result.我对这一结果很满意。c) satisfying adj.令人满意的。 His performance is satisfying this term.这学期他的表现令人 满意。2. She could read by herself at the age of four. 她在四岁时就能够独自看书 。 此句中“by+反身代词” 表示“独自地;独立地” ,常与动词或动词短语连用,作句 子的方式状语。再如: Children should learn to do things by themselves.

19、 孩子们应当学习独立做事。 3. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。 此句中a dream come true表示“梦想成为现实;梦想成真” ,是一种固定结构。再如: I got the latest CD player as a birthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come true ! 昨天我收到了一份生日礼物,是那种最新的C D播放机,真是梦想成真了!3 I get such a strong feeling of satisfactio

20、n when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. 当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来. How did you get such an idea? 产生 He got angry with me after that. 变得4 She could read by herself at the age of four. I could cook by独自地 myself (when I was ten) at the age of ten

21、在。岁在时候.5 Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. 在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。 I got the latest CD player as a birthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come true! 昨天我收到了最新的CD播放器作为一份生日礼物,真是梦想成真了。以上是我的课件材料 请链接XX文库 课件 ReadingDear Miss Li, Id like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. Im su

22、re you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.I cant use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or

23、 carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog. 5. She talked to Animal Helpe

24、rs about getting me a special trained dog. 她与“动物帮手” 组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特殊训练的狗。 此处Animal Helpers大写首字母,为专有名词,指“动物帮手” 这一组织。若小写, an animal helper则可指一只给人提供某种帮助的动物。其他见frankymana课件U2全Part Three难句解读 1. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.他们给我讲过去 的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。 used to be在此表示过去一度存在但现在已

25、经消失的某一特定的情形。作这一用法 时,used to常与be, have, live, stay, like, lo ve等词连用,表疋“曾;曾经” ,例如: She used to be a ve ry close friend of mine.她曾是我十分贴心的一位朋友。 I used to live in that city for the first twenty years of my life .我(一生)最初的 20 年 曾生活在那座城市。 usedto还可用来表示“过去常做某事,但现在不那样了”。例如: He used to arrive late last year, bu

26、t now he doesnt.他去年常常迟到,但现在不了 o D id you use to sing when you took a shower?你以前经常在洗澡时唱歌吗? 2. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到它们主人 脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来。 此句中get的两次用法意义各不相同。第一个get的意思是“产生;形成”,为及物动

27、 词,常与feeling (感觉;情感),idea (想法;主意)等词搭配使用。例如: Do you get the feeling that were not welcome here?你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗? How did you get such an idea?你怎么会产生这样一个想法? 第二个get是系动词,后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变,通常译作 “变得;变为”。例如: He got angry w ith me after that.那之后他生起了我的气。 I t s getting hotter now.现在天气变得热起来了。 3. She could re

28、ad by herself at the age of four.她在四岁时就能够独自看书 r 。 此句中“b y+反身代词” 表示“独自地;独立地” ,常与动词或动词短语连用,作句子的方式状语。再如: Children should learn to do things by themselves.孩子们应当学习独立做事。 4. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。 此句中a dream come tru e表不“梦想成为现实;梦想成真” ,是一种固定结构。再如: I got the latest CD

29、 player as a b irthday present yesterday. It was just a dream come tm e !昨天我收到了一份生日礼物,是那种最新的C D播放机,真是梦想成真了! I ve always wanted to v is it New York, so going there on vacation next month w ill be a dream come true for me.我一直都想去纽约,所以下个月到那儿度假对我来说将是梦想成真。 5. You helped to make it possible for me to have

30、Lucky.有 f 你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿” (狗名)。 此句中 make it possible for someone to do something是一种固定结构,表7K “使得某人有可能做某事” 。在这个句型中,it仅是一个形式上的宾语,真正的宾语是to do som e th in g ,又如: M r. Green makes it possible fo r us to learn English easily and in an interesting way in his class.格林先生使我们能够在他的课堂上通过有趣的方式轻松地学习英语。 Computer t

31、echnology makes it possible fo r many people to w o rk at home.电脑技 术使得许多人在家便可办公。 6. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.她与“动 物帮手” 组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特殊训练的狗。 此处A nim al H elp ers大写首字母,为专有名词,指“动物帮手” 这一组织。若小写, an animal h e lp e r则可指一只给人提供某种帮助的动物。例如: In my life, I see different animals used as animal helpers. We have, fo r example, dog helpers, monkey helpers, elephant helpers and so o n .在我一生中,见到过不同的动物用 作动物帮手。例如,我们有狗狗帮手、猴子帮手、大象帮手等等。 Part Four 课文导学 Wanrning-up 一、英汉互译 1.clean up make not

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