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1、学年下学期七年级英语期末复习专练02完型填空人教版2020-2021学年下学期七年级英语期末复习题型专练(人教版) 专练02 完形填空(含解析)一、完型填空 01阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。Bob is a lazy boy. He 1 finishes his homework on time and spends all day playing computer games. Every night he goes to bed late. So he cant sleep well. Thats 2 he always sleeps in c

2、lass. His mother asks, “Why dont you finish your homework, Bob?”“Im busy, mom. I have 3 time for my homework . ”“What are you busy 4 ? You just play computer games all day long! Now I will spend all my time on computer games like you. I have no time to 5 you. I wont take you to school every day, I w

3、ont cook for you, and you cant get money from me.”The next day, Bob has to ride to school without breakfast. After he gets home from school, he is really hungry. He goes to the supermarket 6 some food. It 7 him 20 dollars. But he finds he has no money 8 it. So he has to go back to cook noodles for h

4、imself. After he takes a shower in the evening, he cant find a clean shirt to wear. Mom doesnt wash his clothes. Where is his mom then? She is playing computer games 9 the desk!“ 10 lazy woman! I dont like a lazy mother.”“I know, dear. I dont like a lazy son, either!”1. Aalways Boften Cnever Dno2. A

5、because Bwhy Cso Dthen3. Anot Ba little Cmuch Dlittle4. Afor Bwith Cat Dto5. Alook after Blook out Clook around Dlook for6. Abuys Band buy Cto buy Dbuy7. Atakes Bcosts Cpays Dpays for8. Ato pay Bfor Cpay for Dbuy9. Aby Bat Cnear Don10. AYou BHow CWhat DWhat a二、完型填空 02阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,

6、结构完整。Dear Gray, Thank you for your letter and your photo. You are an interesting boy and Im 11 to be your pen friend.My name is Li Hong. Im a(an) 12 girl from Huzhou. I am twelve years old. There are 13 people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my brother and me. My father is a 14 . He wor

7、ks in a hospital(医院).My mother has a 15 store and she has many beautiful clothes on sale. My brother and I go to school five days a week, from Monday to 16 . We study in the same school, 17 we are in different grades. I am in Grade 7 and he is in Grade 8. My favorite 18 is math. I like listening to

8、music, playing football and watching TV. We have a pet dog. 19 name is Snow. He loves chicken very much. Here is a photo of my family. Please write back soon and I want to 20 more about you.Yours, Li Hong11. Ahappy Bbusy Cfine Dwelcome12. AEnglish BAmerican CChinese DJapanese13. Athree Bfour Cfive D

9、six14. Ateacher Bdoctor Cpoliceman Dmilkman15. Abook Bfood Cclothes Dfruit16. ATuesday BWednesday CThursday DFriday17. Abut Band Cso Dbecause18. Asport Bcolor Csubject Dday19. AMy BHis CYour DHer20. Adraw Bread Cknow Dsay三、完型填空 03阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。Here are Timmys diaries.Monday, 2

10、5th JulyToday I started making our school farm in teams of five. Jack, Mary, Becky, Laura and I work in the same team. First we made a house for the 21 . We put some wooden bars(木条)in the house 22 chickens like to sleep above(在.上方)the ground. Then we 23 a nest(窝)box for the chickens to lay(下蛋)their

11、eggs in. We had a lot of fun.Tuesday, 26th JulyToday our team went to the farm again. Luckily, there were 24 eggs in the nest box. We took one each. Jack asked me, “Did you eat a fresh farm 25 before?” “No,” I said. “Im looking forward to(期待)eating it for my breakfast tomorrow.” Then we 26 the chick

12、en house and put in some clean and fresh straw(稻草). Chickens always like to have a clean house.Wednesday, 27th JulyFor 27 , I had a boiled egg this morning. I 28 ate fresh farm egg before. It was 29 ! I wanted to have more! I told Jack about it. “I dont want to eat supermarket eggs again,” I said. “

13、I dont either. 30 egg was delicious, too.” he said.21. Achickens Bsheep Ccows Ddogs22. Aif Band Cafter Dbecause23. Abought Bmade Cfour Dfive24. Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive25. Aegg Bstrawberry Capple Dtomato26. Aput up Bcut down Ccleaned out Dlooked for27. Abreakfast Blunch Cdinner Ddessert28. Asometimes

14、 Boften Calways Dnever29. Aexpensive Bdelicious Cdirty Dfree30. AMy BYour CHis DHer四、完型填空 04阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。My family spent a few weeks in London last year. We went there in autumn. We think it is the best 31 to visit England. The weather is 32 quite good and there are not too m

15、any 33 in October.We stayed 34 a small hotel in the West End. We went shopping 35 spent too much money buying a lot of things. What we liked most was going to the cinemas. We didnt have the chance to see such 36 films at home. A lot of people say English 37 is too bad. We didnt think so. It is true

16、that most of the restaurants are French, Italian, or Chinese, but Britain had some very 38 meals.In fact, we 39 our holiday so much that we have already decided to go there again this year. But we are going to take our umbrellas. I m sure well need 40 sometimes.31Asymbol Bweek Cseason Dway32Ausually

17、 Bnever Calso Dsometimes33Aplayers Bvisitors Cplaces Dthings34Aof Bas Con Dat35Ayet Bor Cbut Dand36Awonderful Bdifficult Cterrible Dwell37Alanguages Bfilm Cclothes Dfood38Adelicious Bpoor Cfresh Dexpensive39Aspent Benjoyed Cpaid Dfinished40Aher Bhim Cthem Dit五、完型填空 05阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,

18、结构完整。“A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Sometimes in life, you find a special friend:Someone who changes your 41 just by being part of it;Someone who makes you laugh until you cant 42 ;Someone who makes you believe that there really is 43 in the world;Someone who convinces(使相信

19、) you that there really in an 44 door just waiting for you to open it.This is Forever(永远的) Friendship.When youre 45 , and the world seems dark and empty, you forever friend 46 you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and 47 .You forever friend gets you 48 the hard t

20、imes and the sad times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend 49 . If you lose your way, your forever friend guide (引导) you, encourages(鼓励)you, holds your 50 and tells you that everything is going to be OK.And if you 51 such a friend, you feel happy, because you 52 not worry. You have a for

21、ever friend for life, and forever has no 53 .A true friend is someone who gives you a hand and touches your heart.Remember: 54 happens, happens for a reason.How many people have eight true friends in fact? Hardly 55 I Know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.41Afood Btime Clife D

22、work42Athink Bstop Cstand Dsay43Agood Bhealth Chuman Dscenery44Aunpacked Bunlocked Cunfixed Dunborn45Ahigh Babove Cacross Ddown46Acheers Bshuts Ccatches Dstands47Anatural Bfull Cfunny Dupset48Aaround Bbelow Cthrough Dbeside49Aleaves Btravels Cmoves Dfollows50Ahead Bhand Cheart Dback51Ahave Btreat Cs

23、ee Dneed52Aneed Bmust Cmay Dhave53Ajob Bend Ctop Dgoal54Anothing Banything Ceverything Dsomething55Asomeone Beveryone Cnone Danyone六、完型填空 06阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。It was a good day yesterday. The weather was fine, 56 Mary and her mother went to buy something. The things in Huaxing Supe

24、rmarket were on sale. And there were lots of different 57 of things in the supermarket.Mary saw a nice cake with a flower 58 it , but it too small. Shed like a big one .Then she saw a hamburger with beef in it. It was big ,so she 59 asked her mother to buy it for her .when she saw some 60 ,she asked

25、 her mother to buy some for her, too. At last, her mother bought a 61 hamburger ,some orange juice and green tea for her. After that, her mother 62 to buy something for her pet , Jenny. Jenny is a cute dog. She 63 playing with balls, so her mother bought her a ball. 64 were the things? Only 50 yuan.

26、 And Mary was 65 . She got a gift from the supermarket for free. It was a red hat. Mary liked it very much.56Abut Bso Cbecause Dthen57Akinds Bsizes Ccolors Dnames58Awith Bin Con Dunder59Aonly Breally Cluckily Dquickly60Adrinks Bvegetables Cfruits Dbooks61Anice Bsmall Clarge Dcute62Aforgot Bwanted Ct

27、aught Dstopped63Aremembers Bstops Ckeeps Denjoys64AWhat kind BWhat size CHow much DHow many65Apopular Blucky Cfunny Dkind七、完型填空 07阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文通顺,结构完整。It was Mothers Day. A man (66)_ his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his m

28、other, (67)_ she lived two hundred miles away and he was (68)_ busy with his work.When he got out of his car, he found a little girl (69)_ in the corner(角落) crying. He asked her (70)_ was wrong and she answered, I want to buy a red rose for my mother. (71)_ I only have seventy-five cents. A rose nee

29、ds two dollars. Its too(72)_ for me.The man smiled and said, Come into the shop (73)_ me, and Ill pay for the rose.He bought the little girl the rose and also ordered (74)_ mothers flowers. When they were leaving, he wanted to give the little girl a (75)_ , and she told him where to go. To the mans

30、(76)_ , she took him to a cemetery(陵园). She put the (77)_ near the photo of her mother. The mother (78)_ the little girl just a few days ago.The man was moved. He (79)_ to the flower shop quickly, picked up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred miles to his mothers house. If today is the day (80)_ your mother, remember to show your love to your mothe

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