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1、图纸常用英语解析复合剖视compound section剖面图section, sectional view重合剖面coincide section, revolved section移出剖面removed section剖面线section line剖面符号symbols for section-lining习惯画法conventional drawing局部放大图 drawing of partial enlargement零件图detail drawing, working drawing第三角投影third angle projection粗实线continuous thick lin

2、e, full line, visible line细实线continuous thin line虚线dot line, dashed line, hidden line点划线dash and dot line双点划线double dots line波浪线断裂线break line剖切平面迹线cutting plane line尺寸线dimension line尺寸界线extension tine尺寸dimension size箭头arrowhead基准datum基准线datum line基准面datum plane中心孔central hole中心距center distance轴shaft

3、, axle孔hole斜孔inclination装配图assembly drawing性能尺寸characteristic dimension大小尺寸size dimension总体尺寸外形尺寸outer dimension配合尺寸fit dimension内圆角fillet外圆角round尖角sharp corner倒角chamfer轮缘flange of wheel缘、边、环rim轴肩shoulder凸台boss凹坑concave pit轴颈shaft neck轮毂hub轮辐spoke, spoke of wheel直纹滚花straight knurling s网纹滚花hatching k

4、nurling键槽key-way退刀槽escape拔模斜度pattern draft填料盒gland box油槽oil groove油封oil seal标准件standard parts螺纹thread外螺纹external thread内螺纹internal thread大径major diameter小径minor diameter螺距pitch of thread牙型form of thread旋向direction of turning右旋螺纹right-hand thread左旋螺纹left-hand thread头数number of thread导程lead粗牙coarse th

5、read细牙fin thread螺栓bolt螺钉screw螺柱stud螺母nut垫片washer公差tolerance公差带tolerance zone零线zero line标准公差standard tolerance公差等级tolerance grade基本偏差fundamental deviation配合fit间隙配合clearance fit过盈interference过盈配合interference fit过渡配合transition fit基孔制hole-basic system of fits 基轴制shaft-basic system of fits间隙clearance形状公差

6、tolerance in form, form tolerance直线度straightness平面度flatness圆度roundness圆柱度cylindricity线轮廓度profile of any line面轮廓度profile of any plane位置公差tolerance in position, position tolerances平行度 parallelism齿轮gear圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear正齿轮spur gear斜齿轮spiral gear轮齿gear tooth节圆pitch circle齿顶圆addendum circle, outside c

7、ircle齿根圆root circle, addendum circle模数modulus齿数number of teeth齿高tooth height齿顶高height of addendum齿根高height of addendum齿厚circular thickness齿间tooth space齿宽tooth width压力角angle of pressure弹簧spring销pin圆柱销round pin圆锥销taper pin开口销cotter pin, split键key平键flat key半圆键half round key, woodruff key轴承bearing滚动轴承ro

8、lling bearing向心铀承radial bearing密封装置sealing equipment锁紧装置locking equipment粗糙度roughness基本尺寸basic size实际尺寸actual size极限尺寸limits size最大极限尺寸maximum limit of size最小极限尺寸minimum limit of size偏差deviation上偏差upper deviation下偏差lower deviation垂直度perpendicularity倾斜度angularity同轴度concentricity对称度symmetry位置度true pos

9、ition跳动run-out圆跳动cycle run-out全跳动total run-out 轴测投影axonometric projection轴测投影面plane of axonometric projection轴测图axonometric drawing正等轴测投影isometric projection正二测bimetric projection斜二测oblique bimetric projection轴测轴axonometric axis轴间角axis angle, angle between ales缩短foreshortened轴向缩短率coefficient of axia

10、ldeformation ratio offore shortening for any axis切割法cutting method, by cutting方箱法boxing method坐标法coordinate method方框法enclosing-square method四心近似法four-center approximate method机械工程图中常用的英语词汇 Abbreviation 缩写Accuracy 精度、准确性Acme thread 梯形螺纹(29)Addendum 齿顶高Addendum angle 齿顶角Addendum circle 齿顶圆Addendum of

11、mating gear 啮合齿轮的齿顶高Adjacent-part lines 相邻零件线Aligned sections 旋转剖视Aligned view旋转视图Allowance 容差、加工余量Alloy 合金Alloy steel 合金钢Alphabet 字母Alteration 变更、更改Alternate-position views 位置改变的视图Alternator 交流发电机 Induction alternator 感应(交流)发电机 Motor alternator 电动(交流)发电机 Single-phase alternator 单向(交流)发电机 Synchronou

12、s alternator 同步(交流)发电机 Three-phase alternator 三相(交流)发电机Amount 总量、总计Analyzable assembly 分析装配图Anchor bolt 地脚螺栓Angles 角 Acute angle 锐角 Blunt angle 钝角Right angle 直角Sliding angle 摩擦角Spiral angle 螺旋角Taper angle 锥角Angular 有角的Angular bearing 径向止推轴承 Angular bevel gears 斜交伞齿轮 Angular gear人字齿轮 Angular section斜

13、剖面Anneal 退火Approval 批准、许可Arc 弧、圆弧 Arc thickness 弧长厚度(齿厚) Arc welding 弧焊Arrangement 布置、装置 Arrangement of views 视图的布置 Clamping arrangement 夹紧装置 Cramping arrangement 紧固装置 General arrangement 总体布置Arrow 箭头Arrowheads 箭头Assembly 装配图、组装图 Assembly drawing 装配图 Assembly drawing number 装配图图号 Assembly for instal

14、lation 安装图 Assembly parts 组装配合零件 Assembly sections 装配图剖视 Assembly sketches 装配草图Auxiliary elevation 辅助立面图Auxiliary line辅助线Auxiliary section 辅助剖视Auxiliary surface 辅助面Auxiliary view 辅助视图Average 平均数Axial 轴的、轴向的 Axial pitch 轴向节距 Axial plane 轴向平面 Axial thickness 轴向厚度Axis 轴线、中心线 Axis of revolution 回转轴线 Axi

15、s of rotation 旋转轴线 Axis of symmetry 对称轴线 Horizontal axis 水平轴 Major axis 长轴 Minor axis 短轴 Vertical axis 垂直轴 X axis X轴 Y axis Y轴Axle 轴Axle bearing 轴向(止推)轴承Axle sleeve 轴向(止推)套筒Axonometric drawing 轴测图Babbitt 巴氏合金Back cone 背锥Back cone radius 背锥半径Back elevation 后视图Backstop 托架、棘爪Ball bearing 球轴承Bar 杆 Angle

16、 bar 角钢 Channel bar 槽钢 Flat bar 扁钢 Round bar 圆棒、圆钢Base 基础、底座、基线、基面、基准 Base circle 基圆 Base circular thickness 基圆弧线齿厚 Base cylinder 基圆柱 Base helix angle 基圆上的螺旋角Base plane 基平面Base point 基点Key base 键座Basic circle 基准圆 Basic hole system 基孔制 Base shaft system 基轴制Basic size 基本尺寸、公称尺寸、标称直径Basis 基础、基准、基线Batte

17、ry 电池、蓄电池Bearing 轴承、支撑、方位 Bearing accuracy 定位精度 Bearing box 轴承箱 Bearing brass 铜轴衬 Bearing bridge 轴承支架 Bearing oil seal 轴承油封圈 Bearing support 轴承架 Bearing unit 轴承组合件Anti-friction bearing 减摩轴承 Ball and socket bearing 球窝轴承 Conical bearing 锥形轴承 Journal bearing 径向轴承 Needle bearing 滚针轴承 Plain bearing 滑动轴承

18、Roller bearing 滚柱轴承 Self-aligning bearing 自位轴承 Thrust bearing 止推轴承Belt 带、皮带Bench 工作台 Work bench 工作台Bend 弯头、接头 Elbow bend 肘形弯管 Normal bend 正弯管(90)Bender 弯曲机Bending 挠曲 Bending strength 抗弯强度 Bent axle 曲轴Bevel 倾斜的、斜角的、斜面 Bevel gear 圆锥齿轮、伞齿轮 Bevel pinion 小圆锥齿轮 Bevel washer 斜垫圈 Bevel wheel 伞齿轮、斜摩擦齿轮Bilate

19、ral tolerance 双向公差Bill of materials 送料单Block in、block out 画草图Blue paper 蓝晒纸Blueprint 蓝图、设计图Board 板、(管理)局、厅Bottom board 底板 Moulding board 模板Body 机体、机身Boiler 锅炉Bolt 螺栓、插销 Adjusting bolt 调整螺栓 Assembling bolt 装配螺栓 Binding bolt 连接螺栓 Bright blot 光制螺栓 Captive bolt 固定螺栓 Double-screw bolt 双头螺栓 Fitter bolt 装配

20、螺栓 Foundation bolt 地脚螺栓Hexagonal head bolt 六角头螺栓Hook bolt 钩形螺栓Screw bolt 全螺纹螺栓Snap bolt 圆头螺栓Tension bolt 拉紧螺栓Bolted joints 螺栓连接Book 书、册 Hand book 手册 Instruction book 说明书Bore face machine 镗孔 端面加工机床Borer 镗床 Jig borer 坐标镗床 Table borer 台式镗床 Boring 镗孔Boring machine 镗床Boring mill 镗床Bottom case 底座Bottom cl

21、earance 径向间隙Bottom view 底视图Bracket 托架、支柱Brake 制动器、闸Brass 黄铜、铜轴衬Braze 铜焊 Brazing 铜焊Breadth 宽度、厚度Break line 断裂线Brinell figure (number) 布氏硬度Brinell hardness 布氏硬度Broacher 拉床、绞孔机 Broaching 扩孔机、拉床、拉削Broken circle 虚线圆 Broken out section 断裂剖面 Broken view 局部视图Bronze 青铜Burnishing 抛光、磨光Burr 三角矬、毛刺、去毛刺Bush 衬套、轴

22、瓦Bushing 轴衬、衬套、套管Butt joint 对接焊Butterfly nut 蝶形螺母 Butterfly valve 蝶形阀Button 按钮Push button 控制按钮 Cable 电缆Cage 盒、罩、箱Caliper 卡尺、卡钳 Gauge caliper 卡规、量规Internal caliper 内卡钳Sliding (vernier) caliper 游标卡尺Cam 凸轮 Cam design 凸轮设计 Cam shaft 凸轮轴 Actuating cam 主动凸轮 Adjustable cam 可调凸轮 Control cam 控制凸轮Cap 盖、帽、罩 Ca

23、p screw 带帽螺钉Capital 大写字母Carburizing 渗碳Card 卡片Cartographer 制图员Cartography 制图学、制图法Case 箱、盒、容器、表面 Case hardened 表面淬火、硬化 Nitrogen case hardening 渗氮硬化 Casing箱、盒、壳 Oil pump casing 油泵(壳)Casting 铸造、铸件 Defect casting 铸件缺陷 Die casting 压铸 Sand casting 砂型铸造 Spun casting 离心铸造 Steel casting 铸钢Cast-iron 铸铁Castle c

24、ircular nut 六角圆螺母 Castle nut 蝶形螺母Catalogue data 表列数据Cave 凹槽、内腔Centre 中心、圆心 Centre distance 中心距Centre hole 中心孔Centre line 中心线Centre-section 中心剖面Centre to centre 中心距Centesimal 百分的、百分之一的Centimeter 厘米、公分 Central hole 中心孔 Central plane 中心平面 Central projection 中心投影Chafe 摩擦、磨损Chain 链 Drive chain 主动链 Transm

25、ission chain 传动链Chamfer 倒角、倒棱、斜面 Dimensioning of chamfer 倒角的尺寸注法Changes on drawing 图的更改Channel 沟槽Chapter 章Chart 图表、计算图 Chart of symbols 符号图表Auxiliary chart 辅助图 Dimensions chart 外廓尺寸图Graphical chart 图表 Process chart 工艺程序图 Progress chart 工艺程序表、工作进度表 Charting 制图(表)、填图Check 校验、校核、制动装置 Check drawings 校图

26、Check nut 防松螺母Check ring 挡圈Check test校核试验Chief draftsman 主任制图员Chromium 铬Chromizing 镀铬处理Circle 圆、圆周Circle of reference 参考圆 Addendum circle 齿顶圆 Base circle 基圆 Graduated circle 分度圆 Imaginary circle 虚圆 Outside circle 齿顶圆、外圆 Pitch circle 节圆Rack circle 平面齿轮、扇形齿轮Root circle 根圆Top circle齿顶圆Circular cylinder

27、 圆柱Circular pitch 弧线节距Circular thickness 弧线(齿)厚度Circumference 圆周长Clamp 夹紧、夹板Class 种类 Class of fit 配合级别Classification 分类Claw 爪、钩、卡爪Clearance fit 间隙配合Clevice /clevis U形钩、U形夹 Clevis bolt 套环(插销)螺栓 Clevis pin U形夹销Clockwise 顺时针方向Clutch 离合器、联轴器Coat 外层、涂镀层 Coat of metal 金属镀层 First coat 底漆Coating 镀、覆盖Electro

28、deposited coating 电镀层Coaxial circle 共轴圆Cock 旋塞Coil 蛇形管、螺管、线圈Coil spring 盘簧Coincident line 重叠线Cold-rolled steel 冷轧钢Collet 夹头 Collet chuck 弹簧夹头Color-harden 着色硬化、发蓝、煮黑Common difference 公差Company 公司 Joint company 股份公司Limited company 有限公司Compass 圆规Compass of proportion 比例规Component 零件、构件Compression sprin

29、g 压力弹簧Compressor 压缩机Computer 计算机Concave face 凹面Concentricity 同心度Cone 圆锥Cones development 锥面展开Cone pulley 锥形轮、塔轮Conical spring 锥形弹簧Connection 联接 Bolt-on connection 螺栓联接 Flange connection 法兰联接 Rivet connection 铆钉联接 Screw connection 螺钉联接Contact 接触、接合、啮合 Contact angle 啮合角 Angular contact ball bearing 向心止推球轴承Contour 外形、轮廓线Contracted drawing 缩图Contrast 对比、对照、比较Convention 惯例、常规、习惯 Convention for materials 材料的习惯表示法 Conventional break 习惯断裂画法 Conventional diagram 习惯画法 Conventional intersection 习惯交线(画法)Conventional practice 习惯画法Conventional sign 图例、习惯符号|Convex 凸面Conveyer 输送机、传送机

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