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八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present学案.docx

1、八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present学案Unit 1 Past and Present【课时导航】一、重难点分析。1. - Eddie,have you seen my food? 埃迪,你看到我的食物了吗? - Yes. Ive just eaten it. 是的。我刚刚把它吃了。 have you seen和Ive just eaten都使用了现在完成时。现在完成时由“助动词have/has过 去分词”构成,其中Ive是I have的缩略形式,seen是see的过去分词,eaten是eat的过 去分词。2. You used to share food with

2、me! 你过去常和我分享食物! (1)used to意为“过去常常”,后接动词时,动词用原形。used to do sth意为“过去常常 做某事”。 e.g. I _ the old man.我过去常常帮助那位老人。 (2)be used to doing sth意为“习惯做某事” e.g. I _ at six in the morning. 我习惯于早上六点起床。 (3)be used to do sth或be used for doing sth意为“被用来做某事”。 e.g. A knife _things. 刀子是用来切东西的。二、翻译下列短语。1.在碗里_2.等待下一个_3.对我好

3、_4.乘公共汽车_5.骑车上学_6.一个小时前_7.和某人分享某物_8.在不同的时期_【实战演练】根据首字母或中文提示写单词。1. We didnt have enough food to eat in the b_.2. Theres no u_ in this city. You can take a bus.3. I dont like to travel by c_. Its too slow.4. I was very h_, so I ate your food.5. Its easier to travel if you have your own _ (交通工具).6. He

4、is very stubborn (顽固), so he wont _ (改变) his mind.7. There are two different styles of fashion at different _ (时代).8. At _ (现在), we are living a happy life.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. _ you (read) this story book before?2. - Why do you have so many _ (present)? -Tomorrow is my birthday.3. In the past, I often

5、 _ (take) the bus to school. Now,I _ (drive ) the car to work.4. He is too lazy. The girl doesnt like him any _ (much).5. He ate too much food, because he felt too _ (hunger).6. - Have you _ (see) my key? - No, I havent.7. You have _ (change), but before you were kind.8. - Where is my food? - I _ ju

6、st _ (eat) it.9. Jimmy with his family _ (live) in Beijing for ten years.10. Taking a plane is much _ (fast) than taking a bus.11. Look! Some boys _ (play) football in the playground.12. In the past, I often _ (fly) kites with my father in the park.三、单项选择。( ) 1. The Greens moved to Nanjing _.A. last

7、 week ago B. a week before C. a week ago D. in a week( ) 2. I have taught English in this school since I _ a teacher.A. become B. have become C. became D. becomes( ) 3. He _ want to play computer games _.A. dont; any more B. doesnt; no more C. doesnt; any more D. isnt; no more( ) 4. Shes read the ar

8、ticle in the magazine _, _ she? A. ago; isnt B. before; hasnt C. ago; hasnt D. before; isnt( ) 5. She has already been there _.A .two weeks ago B. since two weeks C. for two weeks D. in two weeks ( ) 6. It _ me about 3 days to finish my project.A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took( ) 7. -Why not go to s

9、ee the dolphin show with me? -Because I _ it.A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen( ) 8. He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to_ in a big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live( ) 9. Do you know what the box _? A. is used to doing B. is used to d

10、o C. use to do D. used to d( ) 10. We didnt enjoy the picnic _ there was a sudden rain.A. if B. because C. however D. because of( ) 11.You were very kind to us, _ you arent now.A. and B. so C. but D. or( ) 12. - Can I have some information about these countries? - _.A. Yes, you can have them now B.

11、Sorry, I dont have it right nowC. Yes, Im busy now D. Sorry, here you are【拓展延伸】一、翻译下列句子。1- 你看到过我的书包了吗? -是的,我刚好把它放桌上了。 _2我花了很长时间等公共汽车。_3他过去对我很友好。 _4你想坐公交车去公园吗?_5. 他经常乘火车去别的城市旅行。_6. 米莉的书五分钟前在讲台上。_7. 公交上总是有太多的人。_8. 这部电影有助于帮你了解一些中国的过去和现在。_.二、根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Hobo (1)p some food in his (2)b_ and went

12、 away. When he (3)c_ back, the food wasnt there any (4)m_. So he asked Eddie, “Have you (5)s_ my food?” Eddie told him, “I have just (6)e it.” Hobo became very (7)a_. He thought Eddie was (8)k_ in the past, but now he (9)c_. He doesnt want to (10)p with him any more.Unit 1 Reading【课时导航】一、重难点分析。1. ma

13、rry意为“嫁;娶”,一般不与介词with连用,而与介词to连用,即be/get married to sb 意为“与某人结婚”。get married意为“结婚”,表示结婚的动作,不能和一段时间连用。 marry sb意为“嫁给某人;与某人结婚”。 e.g. My parents _ twenty years ago. 我的父母是二十年前结婚的。 ( ) Catherine got married _ a policeman twenty years ago. A. with B. for C. to D. /2. Anyway, its good to see the amazing ch

14、anges in the town. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊奇的变化还是不错的。 It is + adj + to do sth中,it是形式主语,无实际意义,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。 e.g. It is not easy _ (learn) a foreign language.二、翻译下列短语。1.非常了解某人_2.搬到两个街区外_3.在城镇北部_4.住在这个地区_5.从那时起_6.改变许多_7.在镇中心_8.把变为_9.一个钢铁厂_10.把废料放入河中_11.采取行动做某事_12.在某种程度上_13.下中国象棋_14.感觉有点孤单_15.在某人一生中_16.像以前一样经常

15、_【实战演练】一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1. _ (污染) is a problem because people keep dumping waste into rivers. 2. It is said that the _ (情况) was under control.3. The reporter was having an _ (采访) with Michael Schumacher. 4. There are 200 million people playing Chinese _ (象棋) only in China. 5. The big factory became a

16、 big _ (电影院) last year. 6. Though the old man lives alone, he never feels _(孤独). 7. She _ (意识到) the thing and took action immediately.8. The park is in the _ (南部的) part of the city.9. Jerry and John are brothers. Their _ (妻子) are both nurses.10. We lived together till 1965 when I got _ (结婚).二、用所给单词的

17、适当形式填空。 1. We should take any possible action _ (reduce) the pollution. 2. Now the Sunshine River is much _ (clean) than before.3. It s nice _ (have) someone to talk with your old parents. 4. I _ (finish) my work since a week ago. 5. Lily _ (see) the movie twice since then.6. Who can sing the song _

18、 (one) again?7. The girl _ (live) here over the years.8. They used to _ (study) hard in the school.9. It took me a long time _ (take) a bus.10. Mr Green is an engineer. He _ (work) in China for about two years.【拓展延伸】一、句型转换。1. Sometimes he is late for school. (改为同义句) _2. Sandy plays the piano very we

19、ll. (对划线部分提问) _3. We had some restaurants years ago. (改为一般疑问句) _4. It is difficult. He sees his old friends. (合并为一句) _5. Max has lived here since he was born. (对划线部分提问) _6. I have collected 1000 stamps so far. (对划线部分提问) _二、翻译下列句子。1你对阳光镇很了解吗? Do you _ the Sunshine Town _?2我们彼此像以前一样经常见面已经变得不可能了。 It _

20、for us to see each other _.3我和妻子搬到城市中心的另外一个公寓。 My wife and I _ in the center of city.4这里以前有很多树,但现在都不见了。There _ many trees here, but now they are all gone.5政府已经把市场变成了公园。 The government _ the market _. 6在某些方面生活比以前好的多。 _, the life _ than before.三、完形填空。 One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the wa

21、y we 1 a lot of people. We went up and 2 a look. Oh, dear! 3 did we see? There 4 a donkey (驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get past. Then a policeman came. “ 5 donkey is this?” he asked. “Its mine,” said a farmer, “but I 6 move it.” The policeman and the

22、 farmer did 7 best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the 8 of the cars and the buses were worried. “We cant move the donkey,” the farmer and the policeman said. “What shall we do?” “Give him a carrot ,”my father said. “ 9 a good idea!” said the farmer. Soon he found a carrot

23、 and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. 10 the cars and buses could get past at last.( ) 1. A. saw B. looked C. looked for D. watched( ) 2. A. enjoyed B. had C. played D. gave( ) 3. A. When B. Where C. What D. Which( ) 4. A. is B. was C.

24、has D. had( ) 5. A. Who B. Whos C. Whichs D. Whose( ) 6. A. can B. cant C. could D. wasnt( ) 7. A. his B. her C. their D. its( ) 8. A. drivers B. workers C. riders D. teachers( ) 9. A. Hes B. Shes C. Which is D. Thats( ) 10. A. Some of B. Little of C. All D. Few ofUnit 1 Grammar ()【课时导航】一、重难点分析。现在完成时(1)含义: 表示过去发生的事并且持续到现在。 e.g. Eddie has lived with M

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