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1、网络营销外文文献及翻译毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 计算机科学与技术学院 专 业: 网络工程 姓 名: 王灿 学 号: 0125 外文出处: 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文网络营销一、网络营销的概念网络营销是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分,是建立在互联网基础上,借助于互联网的特性来实现一定营销目标的一种营销手段。它以现代营销理论为基础,以开拓市场、增加盈利为目标,利用因特网的技术和功能,最大限度地满足客户需求的经营过程。网络营销的实质是利用互联网对产品的销前、销中、售后个个环节进

2、行跟踪服务,它自始至终贯穿在企业经营的过程。网络营销在英文中有多种表达方式,每种表达方式都有相应的侧重点和内涵,如Internet Marketing,强调的是以因特网为工具的市场营销;Web Marketing指网站营销,着重于网站的推广,站点与顾客的沟通;Cyber Marketing指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作;E-marketing指与电子商务相对应的电子化、信息化、网络化的营销活动。现在常用的翻译方式是online Marketing和Internet Marketing,且专指国际互联网营销。网络营销不一定包括完整的商业交易过程(例如,它可以不考虑网上支付等环节),但它是








10、防火墙通过读取外来数据的源地址、目标地址等判断是否来自安全站点,并及时拒绝来自危险站点的数据;有的防火墙通过对防火墙内部地址和外部地址转换的方法来隐藏内部IP地址,借以隐藏内部网络的各种信息。2加密技术加密技术用于对重要的信息进行加密。在这过程中需要用到密钥。原理是将文中字母a,b,c,d, ,w,x,y,z的自然顺序保持不变,但使之与E,F,G,Z,A,B,C,D分别对应,然后用E代替a,用F代替b,每每相差四个字母。这条规则叫做加密算法,而4就是密钥。加密方法有:私钥密码加密、公钥密码加密、数字签字和数字认证等。(1)私钥密码加密私钥密码加密的工作原理如下:发送方A和接受方B共享共同的有密

11、钥分发中心分发的密钥K。A用密钥K加密得到密文传送到B处,B用相同的密钥解密。常用私钥密码有DES、IDES、GOST、RC-5、Blowfish、CRAB等。(2)公钥密码加密公钥密码加密的工作原理:用户A和B各自拥有一对密钥(Ka,Ka-1)和(Kb,Kb-1)。私钥Ka-1、Kb-1分别由A和B各自秘密保管,而公钥Ka 、Kb则以证书的形式对外公布。当A要将明文消息P安全地发送给B,则A首先应用B的公钥Kb加密P,得到密文C=EKb(P);而B收到密文P后,用私钥Kb-1解密恢复明文,得到:P=DKb-1(C)=DKb-1(EKb(P)。常用的公用钥加密算法有RSA,DSS等。(3)数字


13、度、人员和法律等许多方面。其基本策略是综合治理,不仅要注意技术上的创意,更重要的是加强管理。从管理方面加强电子商务安全的对策主要有:制定严格的法律与法规,做到有章可循,使非法分子慑于法律,不敢轻举妄动。制定安全管理措施,具体包括电子商务安全标准的建立、网络的安全管理、设备和密钥的安全管理、安全组织机构与安全责任制度的建立、安全措施的确定和检查实施等。重视安全检测和评估。其中包括入网前和运行中的安全检测和评估。附件2:外文原文(复印件)Network Marketing First, the concept of network marketingNetwork Marketing is the

14、 overall corporate marketing strategy as an integral part of the establishment on the basis of the Internet, through the use of Internet marketing to achieve a certain goal of a marketing tool. It is the basis of modern marketing theory to open up markets, increase profit objectives, the use of the

15、Internet technologies and features to meet customer needs to maximize the business process. Network Marketing is the essence of the use of the Internet to sell products, sales, after-sales tracking service session, it permeated throughout the business process.Network Marketing in the English express

16、ion in a variety of ways, each expression has a corresponding focus and content, such as Internet Marketing, stressed on the Internet as a tool for marketing; Web Marketing Web site refers to marketing, focusing on the promotion website , the site of communication with customers; Cyber Marketing Net

17、work Marketing is that the computer in the virtual space to operate E-marketing and e-commerce refers to the corresponding electronic information, Internet-based marketing activities. Now the translation method is commonly used online Marketing and Internet Marketing, and refers specifically to Inte

18、rnet marketing.Network marketing does not include the integrity of the process of commercial transactions (for example, it can not consider online payment, etc.), but it is an important component of e-commerce. In China, the enterprises should first of all the development of the network marketing, a

19、nd through improving the enterprise network platform steady transition to e-commerce.Network Marketing main content including on-line market research, online consumer behavior analysis, network marketing strategy development, network marketing pricing strategy development, online marketing channel s

20、election and marketing network management and control. Marketing means of a specific E-mail marketing, online advertising and the establishment of networks, such as marketing sites.Second, the characteristics of Network MarketingThe emergence of the Internet has a profound impact on human life in ev

21、ery corner of it as a Monaijiao, their organizations and individuals linked across time and space. In such a new marketing environment, the network marketing has its own unique characteristics.Global: network marketing to enterprises brought unlimited business opportunities and will also push enterp

22、rises a broader, more selective on the global market. Internet information, long time, and the exchange of information is not time constraints, can be anywhere, anytime 24 hours a day to provide global marketing services.Interactive: network marketing allows companies through electronic bulletin boa

23、rds, online forums and e-mail, and other information tools, and customers for two-way interactive communication, real-time understanding the needs of consumers, enterprises marketing activities rational and effective rules.Personalized: the size of a traditional make marketing products can only meet

24、 the general needs of customers, customer demand for the individual one-on-one difficult to meet. Network Marketing made in accordance with the special needs of consumer product design, development possible.Efficiency: the rapid dissemination of information and access, which allow the enterprise mar

25、ket and can quickly master. Customers can be achieved in the online shopping transactions, save time and effort and improve work efficiency.Economy: network marketing to bring the parties to the transaction economic interests. Network vendors through direct contact with customers, a decrease of comm

26、unication links, making more direct sales channels, speed up the flow of goods, capital and information flow. Network sales for consumers to save a great deal of time and effort. Network makes prices more transparent, reduce consumer and marketing staff face-to-face potential conflict, a shopping wi

27、ll be more rational. They can log different companys Web site, compare, select and inexpensive products. For producers, and network media capabilities, all manufacturers will display their products and services, the actual savings funds set up shop, reduce costs, and at the same time provide SMEs wi

28、th the opportunity for development. Any business, large or small, can no longer restricted by its own size, and large enterprises equal competition.Third, Network Marketing StrategyAlthough network marketing has a strong competitive advantage, but it is not suitable for every company marketing netwo

29、rk, the ability of the Company to consider the implementation of the network marketing companys business needs, goals scale, customers buy, technical support. Launching Internet sales, as still 4 PS main, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, at the same time implementing the 4 CS idea that Consumer, Co

30、st, Convenience and Communication. Product StrategyNetwork marketing is carried out in the virtual market. In the Internet Age, personality and become mainstream consumer market dominance from the enterprise to consumers, the company faces rising development, the production and marketing costs of th

31、is, we must first network marketing products and services positioning. Through market research network fully understand consumer demand for customers involved in the whole process of product development. Should make full use of the Internet is two-way communication features, the process of developin

32、g a marketing, making enterprise customers through the Internet under the guidance of the choice of products and services designed.Pricing StrategyIn the network marketing, enterprises reduce production costs, reduce the circulation chain, the more intense price competition, consumers will collect extensive online information, goods than many, which makes online product prices lower. To this end, we must first be accepted by consumers at the cost of pricing, customers are given first

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