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1、精美篇排版浙江省衡州市衡州二中高一英语上学期期末考试浙江省衡州市衡州二中2016-2017高一上学期期末考试英语试题一 单项选择 20% (共40小题,每小题0*5分。)1* Oh, my feet hurt! We must have walked for four hours _ today* continue * straight C* timely D* direct2* Well, you want a solution and beggars cant be choosers* - Youre right* Desperate times _ desperate measures!

2、 * call on * call up C* call for D* call back3* I know I look terrible, but Ill get through it* Im using eye _, and Im taking cough medicine* I should be better by the time of the presentation* * tears * cleansing C* drops D* cream4* re you ready to make some money* Lets _* * get started * get start

3、 C* get a start D* get starting5* - Whos your best player? - That would be Sarah* Shes a _* * nature * natural C* talented D* telenting6* - _ Put your foot on the brake! - I am braking* - No, your foot is on the gas pedal! * Take care! * ttention! C* Relax! D* Look out!7* - I was just trying out the

4、 weight machine* I think I must be doing something wrong* - _ Ive been working out on these machine for a few months* So Im pretty used to them*A. Maybe you are* * Maybe it cant help* C* Maybe I can help* D* Maybe you are right*8* - I thought we might stay in a cabin near the lake*- _ That sounds a

5、little too rustic (乡村的) for me* Which is not a good choice? * cabine? * Near the lake? C* Do you think so? D* Great!9* - She is feeling depressed and doesnt want to talk about it* - I can think of a way _* Ive always wanted to go out with her* * to cheer her up * to make her laugh C* to calm her dow

6、n D* to recover herself10* - _the cash register breaks down? - Um*I guess youll have to write down all of the information and process (处理) it when the machine is working again* * Even if * s if C* Why if D* What if11* The computer _ in offices and homes since the 1970s* * was used * has been used C*

7、 had been used D* is used12* Last year our team went to Seattle, Washington in the US, _ we won _ second place* * where; the * which; the C* where; / D* which; /13* Many kings and princes wanted to _ tlanta even if they knew it was _* * marry with; difficult * marry; killed C* marry to; killed D* ma

8、rry; hopeless14* Pausanias, a _ writer 2000 years ago, has come _ a magical journey to find out about the present-day Olympic Games* * Greek; for * Greece; in C* Greek; on D* Greece; by15* n opinion is _ someone believes is true, but has not _* * what; been proved * what; proved C* that; proved D* t

9、hat; been proved16* The amber room, which was about _ long, _ as a small reception hall for important visitors* * four metre; was used * four metres; was considered C* four metre; used D* four metres; served17* s the moon gave _ light, I didnt dare open a window* * far too much * much far too C* too

10、 much far D* too far much18* Will Chinese English _ its own identity? Only time will tell* * improve * permit C* develop D* change19* My stubborn sister insisted that she _ the trip properly* * organize * organized C* would organized D* could organized20* Workers built shelters for survivors _ homes

11、 had been destroyed * who * whom C* which D* whose21* Mandela was generous with his time, _ I was grateful* * which * for which C* in which D* by which22* She wanted to draw my attention, but I _ her on purpose* * missed * noticed C* ignored D* punished23* When I met the little boy _, I found he was

12、 clever* * the first time * for the first time C* for the first D* first time24* Have you seen the three apples on the table? You can take _ of them* * none * either C* both D* any25* Stand _ there is a tower, and Ill take a photo of you* * where * the place where C* in which D* that26* Every few ye

13、ars, the coal workers _ their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health* * are having * have C* have had D* had had27* When changing lanes(车道), a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know _* * he is entering which lane * which lane he is entering C* is he entering which lane D* which

14、 lane is he entering28* The employee you had been thinking highly_ dishonest* of proved * of proving C* of to prove D* of being proved*29* He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science* which he believed would be * which he believed it would beC* which he believed it D* he be

15、lieved which would be30* cleaning environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which _ will promote its economic development* * in nature * in return C* in turn D* in fact31* This passage has too many long sentences* Im afraid they will be hard for most of the students* Could you help to _ th

16、em?* mix * take C* destroy D* simplify32* Only after I read the text over again _ its main idea* * that I knew * did I know C* 1 could know D* I did know33* Would you consider your homework first before you go to the cinema?* finishing * to finish C* being finished D* finish34* Mother is strict with

17、 me* She wont _ me to stay outside late at night* let * allow C* make D* refuse35* Last week he was caught stealing things in the store* _ his youth, the boss has decided not to charge him* * In spite of * In case of C* In charge of D* In view of36* These kinds of shoes _ well* * dont sell * are not

18、 sold C* wont be sold D* were not sold37* quarrel _ between the two neighbors when I happened to go by the building* * broke out * was broke out C* is breaking out D* is broke out38* oth my parents work at the power station that_ in my hometown recently* * has set up * was set up C* has been set up

19、D* is set up39* Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday* Every time you are absent, you _ an excuse* take up * give up C* send up D* make up40* It is a paradox (矛盾) that in a rich country there should be many poor people* * such; such * such; so C* so; so D* so; such二* 完形填空(20%)(共20 小题,每小题1分)Parents and c

20、hildren have at least three disagreements a day, with mothers 41 most of the rows(吵架), according to a new research*The most common rows are 42 household chores(家务), children “ 43 the house like a hotel” and couples 44 each other for granted, a survey of 3,000 families found* Fights 45 three times a

21、day, usually 46 for five minutes* Families spend 91 hours a year arguing, with mothers the worst 47 for shouting and raging* Mark De Netto, spokesman for family database Uinvue who organized the 48 - said: “It was interesting to note that 49 still seems to play the key role 50 the family* However th

22、e results do show that dads are getting 51 more involved(参与)*”Researchers found that daughters were most 52 to slam(砰地关上) doors during an argument, while fathers 53 to go for a long drive to 54 *Television was a big source of 55 , with mothers preferring soap operas, fathers 56 to watch sports or do

23、cumentaries(纪录片, and children arguing for films or reality TV shows* Mr De Netto said: “lthough arguments are a(an) 57 factor in all families, our results show 58 they play a vital role in building and strengthening ties within the family and act as a release valve(泄气阀) for family members, so minor

24、arguments do play a 59 role in family life* We do still think it is worthwhile 60 slowly to ten sometimes* “One in ten of the families polled(民意测验)said they were not on speaking terms at the time of the survey* 41* * to be causing * caused C* cause D* causing42* * with * over C* of D* for43* * think

25、ing * treating C* regarding D* considering44* * take * to take C* took D* taking45* * break out * come out C* turn out D* make out46* * staying * remaining C* lasing D* keeping47* * roles * members C* persons D* time48* * argument * research C* interview D* fight49* * dad * mom C* daughter D* couple

26、50* * inside * outside C* within D* without51* * far * farther C* further D* near52* * likely * perhaps C* possible D* probable53* * suggested * refused C* preferred D* required54* * kick off * cool off C* turn off D* cut off55* * disappointment * debate C* disagreement D* dissatisfaction56* * wante

27、d * wanting C* wants D* to want57* * common * ordinary C* general D* average(平均的)58* * that * which C* whether D* what59* * negative(负面) * objective(客观) C* positive(正面) D* imaginative60* * count * counts C* counted D* counting三* 阅读理解(30%)(共15小题,每小题2分)Ellen Parker was worried about her health* She co

28、uld not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs* She was soon out of breath* “I suppose I had better go to the doctor*” she thought*She went to the doctor and told him her problem* “Im not at all surprised*” he said, “I know what your problem is*” He examined her and then gave

29、 her some advice* “If you dont do what I say, Mrs Parker,” he said, “You will have a heart attack (心脏病发作)* It could kill you*”Ellen was very worried as she left the doctors* She knew that she had to take his advice but that it would not be easy and it would take time*The next day she went shopping*

30、The first shop she went into was a butcher shop (肉铺)* “Id like ten pounds of steak (牛排), please*” she said* “Certainly, madam*” the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak* He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and placed it on the scale (称)* “Thats just ten pounds*” he said* “Thats big enough*” Mrs Parker said* The butcher worked out

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