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1、英语周报答案网七年级英语周报答案网七年级【篇一:七年级英语周报28期答案】 ii、听单词,在图示下标出所听到录音的番号。5分 ( )()()( ) () iii、情景反应,选择你所听录音的正确应答语。5分 ( )1. a. good morning. ( )3. a. whats this? ( )5. a. good morning. 笔试部分80分 iv、写出从b到k的大小写字母。20分 v. 找出以下字母中有相同发音的答案。(10分) ( )1. a. aa, ff b. cc, dd ( )2. a. hh, jj b. gg, kk ( )3. a. bb, jj ( )5. a.

2、aa, kk ( )4. a. aa, ii b. gg, hh c. gg, ff c. bb, iic. ee, iid. ee, aa d. ee, ff d. ii, cc d. ii, gg d. bb, gg b. good afternoon. c. good evening. b. this is a bed. c. its a bag. ( )2. a. nice to see you.b. nice to meet you.c. hello. ( )4. a. whats your name? b. hello, im amy.c. good. b. good aftern

3、oon. c. good evening. b. kk, dd b. hh, ff c. gg, jj c. jj, ee vi. 写出以下单词中你所学过的元音字母。10分 hello ( ) morning ()bed ( ) ) bag ( ) nice ( )afternoon ( )bike ( vii. 将以下单词与中文意思配对。20分 a. chickb. hi ()1. 蜜蜂 ()6. 小鸡 c. beed. good e. morning () 5. 相遇 ()10. 早晨 f. bike g. eveningh. meet i. afternoonj. bag ()2. 晚上

4、 ()7. 下午 ()3. 书包 () 4. 好的 ()8. 自行车()7. 喂 viii. 选择题。20分 ()1. 早晨见面问好, 你应该说_ a. good morning.b. good afternoon.c. good evening. ()2. 想知道对方的名字时, 你应该说_ a. im amy. b. hello. c. whats your name? ( )3. 向别人介绍自己, 你应该说_a. good morning.b. im ben.c. whats your name? ( )4. 向第一次见面的人问好, 你应该说_ a. nice to meet you. b

5、. my names dale.c. hello, im ben. ( )5. 想向别人介绍自己, 你不可以说_ a. im cara.b. hello, ben.c. my name is amy. ( )6. 想向别人打招呼问好, 你不可以说_ a. hello. b. good evening, ben. c. whats this? ( )7. 你想知道这个是什么? 你应当问_ a. hi, whats this? b. hello, whats your name? - _ a. im ben.b. good afternoon, ben. -_ b. im emma.c. good

6、 morning, dale. c. hi, this is ben. c. nice to meet you. ( )8. - good afternoon, amy. ( )9. -hello! cara! a. hello! dale. ( )10. - hi! im amy. - _ a. hello! im amy. b. nice to see you. c. hello, my name is frank.【篇二:七年级牛津英语周报】 class=txt听力部分 第一节 1-5 abbcb 6-10 aacbb 第二节 a. risingb. dirtier c. polluti

7、ond. harmful e. shopping 笔试部分 11-15 bcdcc 16-20 adbcd 21-25 bcdba 26-30 dcbdc 31-35 dabcb 36-40 acdcb 41-45 dcadc 46-50 ddbdc 51. delicious 52. visitors53. noise 54. pass 55. minutes 56. to take part in 57. try / do our best to 58. its, without any help59. does not belong to 60. quite a few students

8、 one possible version: dear jane, guangzhou is a busy city with a long history. there are many places of interest. you can see beautiful flowers all around the year, so people often call it “flower city”. guangzhou is famous for its delicious food. visitors from around the world can enjoy the delici

9、ous dishes here. all these make life in guangzhou more comfortable and colourful. guangzhou is a lovely and beautiful city. welcome to guangzhou! i hope you can come and enjoy yourself here. yours, tom 选做题 1. 6 / six 2. argentina 3. different 4. car 5. drive 6. travel 7. 12 / twelve 8. least 9. frie

10、nds 10. enjoyed 第2版参考答案unit 1 一、 1. visitors 2. fresh 3. delicious 4. coasts 5. sending 6. relax7. concerts 8. wonderful 9. central 10. restaurant 二、 1. took part in 2. these days, such as 3. get through 4. from place to place 5. millions of 三、 1-5 cabbd unit 2 一、 1. danger 2. burn 3. rubbisharticle

11、 5. furniture 6. communicating 7. warns 8. waste 9. destroyed 10. natural 二、 1. cut down 2. start out small 3. stopped him from playing 4. in her opinion 5. did / tried his best 三、 1-5 ddcbc unit 3 一、 1. minutes 2. useful3. simple 4. dead 5. blind 6. programme 7. close 8. themselves 9. against 10. s

12、moke 二、 1. belong to 2. safety first 3. seconds later, showed up 4. all day 5. went off 三、 1-5 cabbc 第3版参考答案 任务型阅读 (a) 1. they make paper and many other things with them. 2. the earth may be full of water in the near future. (b) 1-3 tft【篇三:2015-2016年初中英语七年级上册英语期末试卷及答案】 总分值:100分 时间:90分钟第一部分 听力20分 i.

13、听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(每题1分,共5分) ()1. a.b. c. ()2. a. b.c. ()3. a.b.c. ()4. a. b.c. ()5. a. b. c. ii. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(每题1分,共5分) ()6. a. im in class one.b. im in china. c. im in grade seven. ()7. a. its tom. b. its mikes. c. its new. ()8. a. sorry, i dont know him. b. li dong is at school. c. yes, y

14、oure right. ()9. a. where is the fish?b. thank you. c. i dont think your fish is very nice. ()10. a. good idea. b. ok, playing guitar is my favorite.c. yes, id like to. iii. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(每题1分,共5分) ()11. a. new. b. old. c. nice. ()12. a. apples. b. bananas. c. oranges. ()13. a. 8723-5691

15、. b. 8732-5691. c. 8271-5693. ()14. a. in an office.b. she teaches english. c. in a school. ()15. a. he would like a red jacket. b. he would like a white jacket. c. he would like a yellow jacket. iv.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每题1分,共5分) ()16. jim is _ years old. a. 14b. 13c. 11 ()17. jims father is _. a. a dr

16、iver b. a teacher c. a farmer ()18. jim and susan study in _. a. the same grade b. the same school c. different schools ()19. jim is in _. a. grade seven b. grade eight c. grade nine ()20. jims family is from _. a. china b. england c. the u.s.a. 第二部分 笔试80分 i. 单项选择。每题1分,共10分 () 1. -_ is the school tr

17、ip? -_ may. a. when;in b. where;inc. what;on d. when;on () 2. -what about _ football after school? -good idea. a. playb. to playc. playingd. plays () 3. -do you like this skirt? -no, i want a short one. this one is _ for me. a. big b. small c. long d. short () 4. -how much _ the blue socks? -_ three

18、 dollars. a. is; they is b. are; theyre c. is; its d. are; it are () 5. -is this _ dictionary? -no, _ isnt _ dictionary. a. his; it; me b. your; it; myc. your; this; myd. my; it; my () 6. -are bobs pens _ the pencil case?-yes, _ are. a. on, it b. on, we c. in, they d. in, it () 7. -whats your favori

19、te-pears. a. color b. fruit c. day d. vegetable () 8. -can you help me my math homework, miss zhang? -ok. come to my house sunday morning. a. with; in b. do; at c. to do; on d. to do; in () 9. i am years old today. and my parents have a party for my birthday. a. twelfth; twelve b. twelfth; twelfth c

20、. twelve; twelfth d. twelve; twelve () 10. - - , i dont know. a. excuse me, excuse meb. excuse me, sorry c. sorry, sorryd. sorry, excuse me ii. 阅读理解。每题1分,共20分 (a) there is a little cat in the house. she likes playing with a ball. the ball is very nice. it is the cat s good friend. one day the little

21、 cat makes a mistake. the owner ties (系) her to a big tree. she wants to play with the ball. but she cant get it. the little cat is very sad. “how can i get the ball?” the little cat says. she uses her forepaw (前爪) to get the ball. but it is too hard. she can t get the ball. the little cat thinks an

22、d thinks. then she has an idea. she turns round (转身) and soon she gets the ball. now she can play with the ball again. how happy she is! but do you know how she gets the ball? 根据短文内容判断正t误f ( ) 1 .the ball is the cats good friend. ( ) 2. the owner ties the cat to a big tree, because she doesnt catch

23、the mouse. ( ) 3. she can get the ball easily轻易地. ( ) 4. the chinese for the word “hard” is “困难的”. ( ) 5. the cat is very happy because she can get the ball at last (最后). (b) all around the world, people drink tea. but tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. in different countries people have

24、very different ideas about drinking tea. in china, for example, tea is always served when people get together. the chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in teahouses. they prefer their tea plain, with nothing else in it. tea is also important in japan. the japanese have a special way o

25、f serving tea called a tea ceremony仪式. it is very old and full of meaning. everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. there is even a special room for it in japanese homes. another tea-drinking country is england. in england, the late afternoon is “teatime”. almost everyone has a cup

26、of tea then. the english usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. they also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches at teatime. in the united states people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. tea bags are faster and

27、easier than making tea in teapots. in summer, many americans drink cold tea “iced tea”. sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 () 6. iced tea is popular _. a. in winter b. for breakfast c. in england d. in the usa () 7. the english like to _. a. drink their tea plain b. eat

28、 cakes and cookies with their tea c. have tea with dinner d. drink their tea in a special room () 8. the chinese drink tea _. a. in a special ceremonyb. only in teahouses c. when they get together d. for breakfast () 9. tea is popular _. a. in asian countriesb. only in english-speaking countries c.

29、only in the usa d. all around the world () 10. the passage is about _. a. chinese teab. different ways of drinking tea c. the teatime in englandd. why tea is important (c) my ideal school is not far from my home. it takes me 15 minutes to walk there. in the school, there are a lot of trees and flowe

30、rs. its very beautiful. we also have a big school library, a swimming pool and seven computer rooms. we begin our classes at 8:00 a.m. and finish them at 4:00 p.m. so we have a lot of time for after-school activities. every day we only do our homework for an hour. every month we can go on a school trip. how wonderful the school life is! 阅读以上短文,完成下面各题,每空一词。 11. the boy goes to his ideal school on _. 12. there is a _, a swimming pool and seve

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