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1、水压试验及冲洗程序中英CONTENT 目录1 Scope 范围2 Reference 参考文件3 Personnel Safety 人身安全4 General Requirements 一般要求5 Record 记录6 Revision 修订1 Scope 范围This work details the method of hydrotesting for the CSPC Nanhai Petrochemical Project HDPE/PP Pipes above /under ground to be tested. 本程序叙述了南海石化项目HDPE+PP装置管线系统进行水压试验及冲洗

2、的一般要求。该试验程序适用于所有地上和地下管线的试验和冲洗。2 References 参考文件2.1 NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-208 PREFAB.&ERECTION PROCEDURE FOR PROCESS PIPING 工艺管线施工程序2.2 PR-8710-0000-0067-CSPC 管道工程试压试漏2.3 PR-8130-0000-0007-CSPC FLUSHING AND BLOWING OF LINES AND EQUIPMENT管道和设备的冲洗与吹扫2.4 ASME B31.3 Process pipeline工艺管道3 Personnel Safety人生安全 Pe

3、rsonnel Safety refer to the section 14 of PROCEDURE FOR PROCESS PIPING CONSTRUCTION- NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-208.人生安全要求见“工艺管线施工程序”,文件号为NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-208中第14节。 4 General Requirements 一般要求4.1 This procedure applies to a range of different type of tests for different combinations of assemblies and pipe. 本程序适用于

4、对组件与管子的不同组合所进行的各种不同类型的水压试验及冲洗要求。4.2 Notice to TCM通知TCM Notice of inspection shall be given to TCM prior to cleaning/gauging, filling, Hydrotesting and dewatering the pipe. 在对管路进行清洗、水压试验之前,应将检验通知送达TCM工程师。4.3 Water sources and filling 水源与充水 Mainline pipe sections (gathering lines) will be filled from

5、an approved water source. Samples of water will be analyzed and the resulting report will be reviewed by QC department, prior to filling the pipe. Temporary pump station(s) will be established at the required location(s) and will typically consist of one (1) centrifugal pumps (60 mm NPSH) with a cap

6、acity of 60 m3/hr fitted with inlet basket filter and foot valve (if necessary), and interconnecting pipework and valve. Cl content of the water is no more than 25ppm when testing the stainless steel with samples taken for analysis, from the filling point for the test-system. This requires that spec

7、ial tanks, hoses, etc. are dedicated for handling the demin water for testing stainless steel pipe. All such equipment shall be washed clean prior to use and then flushed out, prior to filling a SS pipe system. 在不锈钢管系统冲水前,应将所有设备清洗干净后再对其进行彻底冲洗,然后再投入使用。 管道水压试验及水冲洗用水,来自一处经过批准的水源,并应取水样进行分析,在冲水之前,分析记录由QC

8、部门确认。在需要的位置建立临时泵站,这种泵站典型的构成形式包含有能力为60m3/小时,且装配有入口管式过滤器和吸管端逆止阀(如必要的话)的离心泵(60mm NPSH)、互连管路和控制阀门。当使用从测试系统冲水点中抽出的水样对不锈钢管道进行测试时,水中氯离子含量不得超过25ppm。不锈钢管的实验需要使用专用罐和软管等来装运DEMIN水4.4 管道清洗 Pipeline Flushing4.4.1 管道清洗方式为水冲洗、空气吹扫、蒸汽吹扫。 In general, piping shall be washed by flushing, air blowing or steam blowing.a)

9、 DN100mm的管道及仪表风管、氮气管、燃料气系统管线采用压缩空气吹扫。 Pipes of DN100mm and instrument air tubes, nitrogen pipes and fuel gas system pipelines shall be blown with dried compressed air. b) 蒸汽介质管线采用蒸汽吹扫。 Steam media pipelines shall be blown with steam.c) DN100mm的其它介质管道采用水冲洗。 Other media pipelines of DN100mm shall be f

10、lushed with water.d) Certain process systems may require alternative flushing methods, due to process or cleanliness requirements.由于工艺和清洁度要求,一些工艺系统需要可选择的冲洗方法。4.4.2 Prior to cleaning and purging piping system, the following conditions shall be met. 系统清洗和吹扫前应具备以下条件a) Make up the purging and cleaning f

11、low diagram for piping system. The purging, cleaning direction and sequence shall be clearly marked on the flow diagram, as well as location and capacity of water storage tanks, pumps, isolation points, temporary spools, valves, hoses, etc. Example calculations shall be attached to demonstrate that

12、minimum required flushing velocities will be achieved in all sections of the planned flushing system. 编制系统冲洗和吹扫流程图,图中需要标出吹洗方向和顺序,储水罐、泵、隔绝点、临时管、阀和软管等的位置和容量。应附上计算书,以说明原计划冲水系统中的所有环节都能达到水速的最低要求。b) 准备系统冲洗和吹扫所需的记录资料。 Get ready all recording information required for system flushing and blowing.c) All orifi

13、ces, venturi tubes, nozzles, strainers, adjustable valves, flow meter shall be removed from piping system and replaced with nipple jointing and detail record in flushing document.管道系统上的孔板、文丘里管、喷嘴、过滤网、调节阀和流量计等应拆除换上短管并做好记录。d) All pipes or equipment which are not included in testing system for cleaning

14、 and purging shall be segregated from system.不参与吹洗的管道和设备已与系统隔离。e) Each flushing system shall be analyzed for hydraulic force during flushing and sufficient temporary supports and restraints shall be installed to prevent pipe movement and to protect workers, equipment and the environment. 在冲洗期间,每个冲洗系

15、统都应分析其水压力。应安装足够的临时支撑和障碍物来防止管道移位并保护工人,设备和环境不受损害。4.4.3 吹洗顺序 sequence of flushing and blowing 按先主管,后支管,最后疏排放管。 Main lines first followed by branches and finally discharge lines.4.4.4 水冲洗 water flushingThe purging by water shall be done continuously, the minimum flow rate shall be no less than 1.5m/s, t

16、he temporary discharge pipe shall be routed to the ditch or drains well. For larger volume systems, consider capturing the water or transferring it to other flushing systems. According to GB50235, cleaning result can be accepted at the condition that the water quality at both the inlet and outlet of

17、 piping are the same. 水冲洗应连续进行,水的流速不小于1.5米/秒,临时冲洗排放管应通向排水井或沟。对大容量系统的冲洗水,应考虑重复利用或将其转换到其它冲洗系统。按照GB50235,冲洗则以出口的水色和透明度与入口一致为合格。4.4.5 空气吹扫 air blowinga) 吹扫压力不得超过管道的设计压力,流速不宜小于20m/s。 the blowing pressure shall not be higher than the design pressure and the velocity of flow shall be less than 20m/s.b) 质量检

18、验:管道系统重复吹扫后,当目测排气无烟尘时,在排气口设点贴白布或涂白漆的木制靶检验,然后再次吹扫。对于标准工艺管道,假如5min后靶板上无铁锈、尘土、水分及其它杂物为合格,除非TCM 或BSC有其它要求。 Quality inspection: After repeated blowing of a pipe-system, when no dust and fume are seen during blowing, put a target with a piece of white cloth or painted with white paint at exhaust outlet. T

19、hen repeat air-blowing, For standard process piping, after 5 minutes, if the white target shows no rust, dust, moisture and other impurities, then the air-blowing will be considered acceptable, unless advised otherwise by TCM or BSC.4.4.6 蒸汽吹扫 steam blowing a) 从总汽阀开始,沿蒸汽流向逐个拆开集水管下面的法兰,分段进行。 Steam bl

20、owing shall be carried out section by section by removing the flanges under the collecting pipe along the flow direction of steam starting from the master valve. b) 吹洗时,应先向管内注入少量蒸汽,使集管慢慢变热,关闭蒸汽供给,通过开启集管阀门吹扫管线。 When blowing, a small amount of steam shall be injected into the pipe to gradually warm up

21、 the header, and then stop supplying steam, blowing the pipeline by opening the header valve.c) 吹洗集管采用总汽阀控制流量,吹洗支管采用管路中各分支处控制阀门。 The flow is controlled by the main valve when blowing the header and by branch control valves when blowing the branches. d) 吹洗压力尽量保持在管道设计工作压力的75%左右,吹洗流量为管道设计流量的4060%。 The

22、blowing pressure shall be kept at as close to 75% of the design working pressure as possible.e) 吹洗次数不低于两次,间断进行,直到管道干净。 Blowing activity shall be performed at least two times in an intermittent way until the cleanness of the pipeline is achieved. f) 质量检验:以置于排汽口处的靶板检查,靶板上冲击斑痕的粒度及点数要求如下表。 Quality inspe

23、ction: the pipeline is inspected by setting a board at exhaust outlet. The particle size and number of points of impact marks shall be seen as follows. 吹扫质量标准Blowing quality standard 项目Item 质量标准Quality standard 靶板上痕迹大小 Size of mark on target below0.6 痕深 Depth 0.5mm 粒数 Number 1 piece/ cm2 时间Time 15mi

24、n(两次均合格)Both are qualified4.4.7 The TCM representative and operations personnel at their option shall be present during drying, and cleaning of pipes. The records of cleaning and purging shall be made after purging. 管道清洗时,TCM有关人员应参与,合格后填写管道系统清洗记录。4.5 Pressure testing 水压力试验4.5.1 Prior to testing pipi

25、ng system, the following items shall be complete管道系统试验前应具备以下条件:a) Construction for piping system has been completed as per drawings, supports and hangers have been erected and thoroughly checked as per drawing.管道系统按图纸施工完毕,支、吊架安装完毕,并按图纸核对完毕。Test system has been walked-down to confirm that all high-po

26、ints have vents and low-points have drain-connections installed. Missing vents and drains shall be installed and associated NDE, prior to proceeding with testing.分解测试系统以确保所有高点装有通风孔,低点装有排水口。在试压之前应完成所缺的通风孔和排水口的安装并对其进行无损实验。b) Non-destructive tests have been completed, no paint can be coated at welding

27、seams and other position which are going to be tested. 无损检测和管道冲洗完毕,焊缝及其它应检部位,不应涂漆。c) All buried pipes coordinates, elevation, grade, pipe basis and padding have been verified, documented and accepted, all temporary reinforcement measures have been verified to ensure that they are tightly secured. 埋地

28、管道的坐标、标高、坡度及管基、垫层等经复查合格。试验用的临时加固措施经检查确认安全可靠。d) All QC forms shall be documented according to QUALITY PLAN & PROCEDURE and accepted by QC department and other related divisions. 按照质量计划和程序应填写的各种QC表格齐全,并经QC部及有关部门认可。e) Test gauges have been calibrated, the accuracy shall be no less than +/-1% and the ma

29、ximum scale range shall be 1.5-3.0 times of the maximum test pressure. At least two gauges are needed in one system, one located at the highest point and one at the lowest point.试验用的压力表已经校验,精度不低于+/-1%,表的满刻度值为最大压力的1.5-3.0倍,一个系统中至少需要2块压力表,分别安装在最高点和最低点上。All mandatory punchlist inspections have been per

30、formed by all parties and all identified pre-test items have been completed and the punchlists signed-off by the authorized parties.各方都已进行必须的整改检查, 所有确认的预测试项都已完成并由有关方签字认可。f) The location of gauge and blind board shall be marked in the test system flow diagram. Test package shall be prepared.编制压力试验包。试

31、验流程图中要求标出压力表位置,需要加盲板的部位。g) The test application shall be verified, approved and accepted by related department.试压申请单经有关部门审批、认可。4.5.2 All the equipment, instruments and pipe fittings which are not included in the test system shall be segregated or removed from the pipe-system before testing , the bli

32、nding location shall be clearly marked and recorded. 试压前应将不参与试压的系统、设备、仪表以及管道附件等与管道系统隔离开来,加盲板的部位应有明显标记和记录。4.5.3 Check the process flow and open the relative valves to their half-open positions before pressure-test. In case flow direction of testing medium is reversed to flow direction of non-return valve, the valves core which has been taken out shall be labeled, and records made, and reinstalled after testing and cleaning, using new gaskets supplied by the vender

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