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1、人教版初中英语八年级下册知识点人教版八年级英语下册知识点归纳2020年2月Unti1 whats the matter?【短语归纳】1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on .在.上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.

2、wait for等待 ones surprise 使.惊讶的13.thanks to多亏于;由于 time及时15.think about 考虑 16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦 the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 20.put . on sth把.放在某物上21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 interested in 对.感兴趣 used to 习惯于. 24.take risks/take

3、a risk 挑战25.lose ones life 失去生命 26.because of 因为 out of 用完 28.cut off 切除29.get out of 从.出来 30.make a decision/decisions 做决定 in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放弃【用法归纳】1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事5.agree to do sth 同意做某

4、事 sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困难 10.use sth to do sth用某物去做某事 used to doing sth 习惯于做某事12.seem to do sth 好像做某事13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事14.mind doing sth 介意做某事【语法点】1.询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法2.情态动词should的用法3.不定代词的用

5、法【精细解读】1. What s the matter(with you)?怎么了?出什么事了?What s the trouble/ the problem/wrong with sb. sth?had a cold我感冒了。have a cold= catch a cold= have the flu感冒have a fever发烧 have a cough咳嗽have a stomachache胃疼,肚子疼have a toothache牙疼have a headache头疼3.身体部位+ache(疼痛)构成新的复合词stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=

6、headachetooth+ache= toothache back+ache= backache后背痛4. much too+形容词或副词,意为太, too much+不可数名词,意为太多5. enough形容、副词足够的/地, enough放在名词后,形副后。good enough足够好, enough money足够的钱6. lie down躺下,le躺,躺着,过去式lay;le说谎,过去式led7. maybe“或许”,常用于句首表示可能性,后加句子。 Maybe you are rightmay be,是情态动词+be的结构,意为“可能,也许”,后加名词、代词或形容词。 He may

7、 be angry8. sound like+名词代词和从句: It sounds like you don t know the truthIt sounds like a good ideasound+形容词,“听起来,好像”, The music sounds nice.9.need需要,实义动词need+名词,需要某物need to do sth需要做某事,主语通常是人,表示人主动的动作: You need tolisten carefully during classneed doing sth主语通常是物,表示被动的动作: Your dirty clothes needwashin

8、g10. get off(the bus)下(公交车) get on上车11. agree同意,赞同洞意做某事 agree to do_同意某人的看法、观点 agreewith sb。12 trouble问题,麻烦 be in trouble陷入困境, make trouble制造麻烦have trouble (in) doing sth.= have difficulties(n) doing sth做某事有难13. right away= right now= at once,意为立刻,马上14. run out用完,用尽 When his water run out, he knew t

9、hat he wouldhave to do something to save his own life物sth. run out.某物用尽了。人 sb. run out of sth人用尽了某物。 He runout of all his money last night15.risk(sb) to do sth.冒险去做某事 take a risk= take risks冒险16 the importance of( doing)sth(做)某事的重要性 We students shouldknow the importance of (learning) EnglishImportan

10、ce n.重要性), important adj重要的 unimportant ad不重要的17. decision名词决定;抉择; make a decision做决定18 be in the control of掌管,管理 The headmaster is in the control ofthis new schoolbe out of control无法控制,无法管理【重点语法】反身代词英语中共有八个反身代词,在使用时应注意和它所指的相应的对象在人称、性别、数上保持一致用在某些固定短语当中。如: look after oneself/ take care of oneself照顾自己

11、teach oneself sth /learn sth. by onesel自学enjoy oneself玩得高兴,过得愉快help oneself to sth请自用(随便吃/喝些)hurt oneself摔伤自己say to onesel自言自语eave sb. by onesel把某人单独留下buy oneself sth给自己买东西introduce oneself介绍,.自己提醒1.反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。如:我自己能完成作业。(i )Myself can finish my homework. (IE) I myself can finish m

12、yhomework. /I can finish my homework myself2.反身代词表示“某人自己”不能表示“某人的东西”,因为它没有所有格的开式。表达“某人自己的(东西)“时,须要用onesown如我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误) I m drawing with myself crayons.(正I m drawing with my own crayons练习1. My classmate, Li Ming, made a card forJust now.2. Bad luck! i cutwith a knife yesterday3. They tell us they

13、can look aftervery wellMy cat can find food by5. Helpto some beef, boys6. Jenny enjoyed_ in the park yesterday afternoon7. We can finish our homework by8. The blind girl lost_-_in the beautiful music9. Xiao Hui, can you introduce10. Bill wants to teachFrench from now onUnit 2 Ill help to clean the c

14、ity parks【短语归纳】1.clean up 打扫干净 2.cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来3.give out 分发 4. used to 曾经.;过去.5.give away 赠送;捐赠 6.set up 建立;设立7.make a difference有作为 e up with 想出9.put off 推迟 10.put up 张贴 up 打电话给 out 帮助.摆脱困难 for 照顾;照看 14.give up 放弃15.try out for 参加选拔 e true 实现 out of 用光 18.take a

15、fter 与.相像19.fix up 修理 similiar to 与.相似【用法归纳】1.need to do sth 需要做某事 2.make plan to do sth 制定计划做某事3.ask sb (not ) to do sth 要求某人(不要)做某事4.used to do sth 过去常常做某事 5.decide to do sth 决定做某事 sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事 7.make a difference to 对.产生影响8.make it possible for sb to do sth 使得做某事对某人来说是可能的【拓展链

16、接】动词+副词 短语cheer up 使高兴起来 clean up 打扫干净 put up 张贴 mix up 修理give away 赠送 give out 分发 give up 放弃 use up用光 get up 起床hand in 上交 put off 推迟 pick up 捡起 think over 仔细思考 turn down 关小音量set up 建立 set off 出发 look out 小心动词+介词 短语look after 照顾 belong to 属于 take after 与.相像 hear from 收到.来信hear of 听说 pay for 支付 wait

17、for 等待动词+副词+介词 短语get out of 避免 come up with 想出 catch up with 追上赶上look forward to 期待盼望go on with 继续动词+名词 短语have a rest 休息一下 take a walk 散步 make mistakes 犯错 have a try 试一下take place 发生 tell a lie 撒谎 make a decision 做决定动词+名词+介词 短语have a look at 看一看 make a friend with 与.交朋友pay attention to 注意 make fun o

18、f 取笑Be+形容词+介词 短语be late for 迟到 be angry with 生气 be fond of 喜欢 be good at 擅长 be good for 对.有好处 be short of 缺乏 be similiar to 与.相似be strict with 对.严格要求 be pound of 骄傲 自豪【语法点】动词不定式归纳只跟动词不定式做宾语的动词决心学会有希望( decide,learn,wish,hope)同意计划莫假装(agree,plan,pretend)忘记拒绝会失望(forget,refuse,fail)准备设法来帮忙(prepare,try,ma

19、nage,help)提供请求负担起(offer,beg,afford)记得阻止理应当(remember stop,be supposed)【习题链接】1.-Tom failed the exam again -Sorry to hear that. We should do something to .A. cheer him up B.cheer on him C.cheer him on D.cheer uo him 2.The boys volunteer three hours up the park near their school.A. cleaning B. to clean

20、C. cleaned D. with cleaning3.The woman in red a teacher.She works in a hospital now.A. used to be B. is used to be C.was used to be D.is4.The old man lives ,but he doesnt feel .A. alone;alone B. lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D. alone;lonely5.Tina, I have something important you.A.telling B.tells C.te

21、ll tell6.-The old man all his money to a charity.A.took away B.put away C.went away D.gave away7.We all feel after hear of the news.A.excited;exciting B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excitedUnit3 Could you please clean your room?【短语归纳】 the dishes 洗餐具 2.take out the trash 倒

22、垃圾 least 至少4.throw down扔下 5.all the time 一直;反复 surprise 惊讶地 soon as 一.就.8.spend.on.在.花费(时间、金钱、精力)9. in order to 为了 10.provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物11.depend on 依赖;信赖 12.look after 照顾;照看13.take care of 照顾 a result 结果【用法归纳】1.finish doing sth 做完某事 2.want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事3.try (not)

23、 to do sth 尽力(不)做某事 4.let sb do sth 让某人做某事5.spend.(in) doing sth 花费.做某事6.mind doing sth 介意做某事 7.learn to do sth 学习做某事8.learn how to do sth 学习怎样做某事 9.The +比较级,the+比较级 越.,就越.【语法点】情态动词could 的用法表示请求与准许,could 委婉有礼貌;表示能力会不会,could只把过去表 Unit 4 why dont you talk to your parents?【短语归纳】1.too much太多(修饰不可数名词) 2.

24、hang out 闲逛3.too many 太多(修饰可数名词复数) 4.get into a fight 争吵 sb up 给某人打电话 about 谈论7.look through 浏览 8.give back 归还 angry with sb 生某人的气 10.a big deal 重要的事情 out 解决;算出 12.get on with sb 与某人和睦相处municate with sb 与某人交流 worried about 担心 afraid of 害怕. front of在.前面17.not

25、. any more 不再. much/many 那么多pete with sb 与某人竞争 20.cut out删除;删去21.all kinds of 各种各样 pare.with.比较;对比 ones opinion 依.看 24.turn down 调小【用法归纳】1.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 2.why dont you do sth?为什么不做某事呢?3.why not do sth ?为什么不做某事呢? 4.find sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事5.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 6.refuse

26、 to do sth 拒绝做某事7.let sb do sth 让某人做某事 8.offer to do sth 主动提供做某事9.not.until.直到.才. 10.its time to do sth 该做某事了 +adj+to do sth 做某事是.的 12.keep on doing sth 继续做某事13.what do you think of.?你认为.怎么样?【语法点】1.Why dont you+V.?等提出建议的句型及常用的答语2.连词until,so that 以及although 引导的状语从句 Unit5 what were you doing when

27、 the rainstorm came?【短语归纳】1.wait for 等待 2.look for 寻找3.go off (闹铃)发出声音 4.take a shower 洗澡5.pick up 接电话;捡起 6.make sure 确信;务必7.have fun 玩的开心 8.fall asleep入睡;睡觉9.die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 10.wake up 醒来;叫醒 a mess 乱七八糟 12.take photos 照相 13.turn on 打开 silence 沉默地;无声地15.take down摧毁;拆卸;记下 16.tell the tr

28、uth 说实话17.point out 指出 18.go away 消失 well 也 【用法归纳】 busy doing sth/be busy with sth 忙于(做)某事2.see sb /sth doing sth 看见某人或某物正在做某事3.begin/start to do sth 开始做某事4.try to do sth 努力去做某事5.have trouble(in)doing sth做某事有困难【语法点】过去进行时过去进行最好记,was/were+doing特定时间有暗示,过去某刻某时段肯定主语在句首,一般问句Be提前否定句式更简单,Be后只把not添

29、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains【短语归纳】 on 从事 soon as 一.就.3.take.away 拿走,带走 4.a good way to do sth 做某事的好方法5.a little bit 一点儿 6.once upon a time 从前7.turn.into.变成 e out出现,出版,结果是 9.get married 结婚 10.fall in love with sb 爱上某人 born 出生 12.all over the world全世界 13.make a plan t

30、o do sth 制定计划做某事14.along the way 沿路 lost 迷路16find out 找出 17.learn about 了解【用法归纳】1.try to do sth 设法做某事 2.finish doing sth 完成做某事3.continue to do sth 继续做某事 4.make sb do sth 让某人做某事5.keep doing sth 一直做某事 6.instead of doing sth 代替做某事 able to do能够做某事 8.It takes/ do sth 花费.做某事 9.have no time to do sth 没有时间做某事10.become i

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