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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第四册第一版New WordsU1A temptation n. 1.U the action of tempting sb. or the state of being tempted诱惑avoid temptation 避开诱惑yield to / give way to the temptation of 经不住 . . 的诱惑I know I shouldnt eat chocolate cake when Im dieting, but I find it hard to resist the temptation. 我知道在节食期间不该吃巧克力,但我很难抗拒诱

2、惑。2.C a thing that tempts or attracts sb. 诱惑物All that money is certainly a big temptation. 那些钱当然是个极大的诱惑。 plantation n. 1.C a large piece of land, esp. in a tropical country, where tea, cotton, sugar, tobacco, etc. are grown 大农场,大种植园a rubber plantation 橡胶种植园C an area of land planted with trees 造林地,森林

3、plantations of fir and pine 枞树和松树林 idle a. 1. without any particular purpose 无目的的an idle glance漫不经心的一瞥I dont know why I asked just idle curiosity. 我不知道我为什么问这个问题,只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。2. (of people) unwilling to work or be involved in any activity; lazy; wasting time 闲散的,懒散的,无所事事的Men are left idle when machin

4、es break down. 机器出故障时,人们就闲着没事干了。There are few idle people in their department. 他们部门几乎没有闲散人员。3. not working or operating productively 空闲的,闲着的We cant afford to have all this expensive machinery lying idle. 让所有这些贵重机器闲置着,我们可担负不起损失。The new financial supervisor intends to make full use of the companys idl

5、e capital. 新来的财务总监打算充分利用公司的闲置资本。 mill n. 1. C a building where grain is crushed into flour 磨坊2. C a factory where a particular substance is produced 制造厂,工厂a cotton mill 棉厂a steel mill 钢厂a paper mill 造纸厂 penetrate v. move into or through (sth.) 穿透,渗入,进入Our eyes couldnt penetrate the darkness. 我们的眼睛无法

6、透过黑暗看东西。The rain penetrated through to his skin. 雨把他淋得浑身湿透了。 nuisance n. C a person, thing or situation that causes trouble or inconvenience 恼人的人或事物These cars are a real nuisance. 这些车真惹人讨厌。They claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public nuisance. 他们声称从音乐会上传来的嘈杂声引起了大众的反感。 sleeve n.

7、C the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm 袖子the short sleeves 短袖Youd better roll your sleeves up or youll get them dirty. 卷起袖子,否则你会把袖子弄脏的。 waist n. C the part of the body above and slightly narrower than the hips 腰,腰部a slim / slender waist 细腰have no waist 没有腰/曲线The trouser

8、s are a bit tight around my waist. 这条裤子腰部紧了一点。 merry a. happy or showing enjoyment 快乐的,愉快的,兴高采烈的She is a merry person, always smiling and laughing. 她是个快乐的人,总是笑呵呵的。He wished me a merry Christmas. 他祝我圣诞快乐。 merrily ad. in a cheerful way; cheerfully 快乐地,愉快地,兴高采烈地Her eyes sparkled merrily. 她的眼睛闪着快乐的光。 no

9、nsense n. U meaningless or foolish ideas, words or behavior 胡说,废话I believe that the report is nonsense and nothing but a waste paper. 我认为这报告废话连篇,只不过是张废纸。They think the governments new ideas are nonsense. 他们认为政府的新构想是一派胡言。 wit n. 1. U the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way 机敏风趣a convers

10、ation full of wit 机智风趣的谈话2. C a person who is skilled in using words in a clever and humorous way 机敏风趣的人Oscar Wilde was a famous wit. 奥斯卡王尔德是个出名的机敏风趣的人。 bat n. 1.C a flying mouse-like animal that usually eats insects or fruit and is active at night 蝙蝠Some species of bats are on the edge of dying out

11、. 有些种类的蝙蝠濒临灭绝。2. C a specially shaped stick for hitting the ball in games球棒,球拍Just because I had a bat and had played at school, they assumed I was some kind of expert. 仅仅因为我有球拍并且在学校里打过球,他们就认为我是专家。 barn n. C a large building on a farm for storing crops and food for animals, or for keeping animals in

12、 谷仓;牲口棚Farm animals are kept in barns. 农场的牲口被关在牲口棚里。 presence n. U the state of being in a particular place 出席,在场She is usually quite polite in my presence. 在我面前,她通常很有礼貌。The document must be signed in the presence of a witness. 这份文件必须当着证人的面签署。 sheer a. 1. (esp. of clothes) very thin, delicate and we

13、ighing very little (织物)极薄的,轻的sheer nylon tights 透明的尼龙连裤袜2.(used for emphasis)nothing except; complete 完全的,彻底的It is sheer nonsense. 这纯粹是胡言乱语。It would be sheer folly to buy such a large car - we wouldnt be able to afford to run it. 买这样大的一辆车真是愚蠢,我们根本开不起它。 fabric n. C, U(a type of ) cloth of woven mater

14、ial 布(毛、丝)织物cotton fabric 棉织品woolen fabric 毛织品dress fabric衣料 lap n. C the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down (人坐着时)腰以下到膝的大腿部分Come and sit on my lap. 来,坐在我腿上。 observation n. 1. C a spoken or written remark based on sth. one has seen, heard, or otherwise observed

15、 评论He made some interesting observations on the current economic situation. 他对当前的经济形势作了一些有趣的评论。She made a few general observations about my work.她对我的工作笼统地作了些评论。2. U,C the action of watching sb. / sth. carefully; recording of what one observes 观察;观察记录close and careful observation of an animals behavi

16、or 对动物行为的密切仔细的观察The patient was kept under observation all night. 这位病人被观察了一整夜。They have published their observations of these birds. 他们发表了对这些鸟的观察报告。 breeze n. C a light wind 微风,轻风Theres a nice breeze today. 今天和风习习。 gaze n. C a long steady look 注视,凝视He turned his head away, feeling too ashamed to mee

17、t her gaze. 他把头扭开了,不敢与她凝视的目光对视。She felt uncomfortable under his intense gaze. 在他的密切注视下,她感到不自在。 v. look (at sth. / sb.) for a long time, esp. in surprise, admiration and often without being conscious of what one is doing注视,凝视She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news. 当我告诉她这个消息时她难以置信地注视着我。

18、He sat for hours just gazing out of the window. 他注视着窗外坐了几个小时。 melt v. 1. slowly go away or disappear 慢慢走开或消失Her anger melted away when she read the letter. 她的愤怒在读信时渐渐平息了。The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 当警察赶到时,示威的人群逐渐散去了。2.(cause to)turn from sth. solid into sth. soft

19、or liquid (使)融化The spring sun usually melts the snow by mid March. 春天的太阳通常在三月中旬将雪融化。It was so hot that the butter started to melt. 天太热,黄油都化了。 keen a. 1. extreme; strong; active 强烈的,激烈的,敏锐的a keen eye 敏锐的目光a keen desire 强烈的愿望Many people are taking a keen interest in the result of the vote. 许多人对投票结果非常感

20、兴趣。2. very interested; eager or wanting (to do) sth. very much 热衷的,热心的,渴望的He wanted to go to a movie but I wasnt keen. 他想去看电影,可我并不热心。We were keen about going to the picnic. 我们渴望去野餐。Shes keen on (playing) tennis. 她很喜欢打网球。 yawn v. open the mouth wide and deeply breathe in and out without conscious eff

21、ort, usu. when tired or bored 打哈欠I cant stop yawning I must be tired. 我无法停止打哈欠-我一定是累了。Every few minutes he stopped to yawn and stretch. 每隔几分钟他就停下来打个哈欠,伸伸腰。 n. C an act of yawning 哈欠His yawns suggested he was tired or bored. 他连打哈欠,表明他很疲乏或者是厌烦了。She gave a yawn and then fell asleep. 她打了个哈欠便睡着了。 upright

22、 a. honest, responsible and moral 正直的,诚实的She behaved as any upright citizen would have done under the circumstances. 她像所有正直的公民在这种情况下会做的那样做了。 a.&ad. (standing or being) vertical and as straight as possible 挺直的(地),竖立的(地),垂直的(地)Stand upright when youre being spoken to! 别人对你说话时你要站直! farewell n. C (forma

23、l) goodbye 告别,再见We said our farewells to our dear friends. 我们跟亲爱的朋友们道别。They waved farewell to their friends. 他们挥手向朋友们告别。 porter n. 1. C a person whose job is to carry things, esp. travelers bags at railway stations, airports, etc. 搬运工;脚夫a railway porter 火车站的搬运工We tipped the porter for each box. 每个箱子

24、我们都给搬运工付了小费。2. C a person whose job is to take care of a building and be present at its entrance in order to help visitors 门房,守门者The hotel porter will call a taxi for you. 旅馆的门卫会给你叫出租车。 trunk n. 1. C a large strong case for storing clothes and personal possessions when traveling or going to live in

25、a new place 行李箱He packed his trunk and sent it to China by sea. 他把衣物装进旅行箱并由海路寄到中国。2. C the thick main stem of a tree, from which its branches grow 树干I sawed through the tree trunk. 我锯断了树干。 hono(u)rable a. deserving, bringing or showing honor and respect 可敬的,光荣的a decent, honorable man 一个体面诚实的男子 propo

26、se v. 1. intend to do sth. 打算,计划I propose to go to London on Monday. 我打算星期一去伦敦。We propose a holiday in the early spring. 我们打算春天开始的时候去度假。2. offer or state (a possible plan or action) for other people to consider 提议,建议,提出He proposed resting for half an hour. 他提议休息半小时。They proposed that we deal directl

27、y with the suppliers. 他们提议我们直接和供应商打交道。They proposed cuts in public spending. 他们建议削减公共开支。 wholly ad. completely; entirely 完全地,完整地Im not wholly convinced by your argument. 你的观点没有完全说服我。Thats a wholly different matter. 那是截然不同的一件事。 overcome (overcame, overcome) v. 1. defeat or succeed in controlling or d

28、ealing with (sth.) 战胜,克服overcome the enemy 战胜敌人overcome a bad habit 克服一个坏习惯2. make helpless or weak by smoke, fumes, or feelings 被(烟、气、感情等)压倒,使受不了She was overcome with emotion. 她激动得不能自持。 dislike n. a feeling of not liking sb. / sth. 不喜欢,讨厌She has a dislike of / for cold air. 她讨厌冷空气。When the two men

29、met, they took an instant dislike to each other. 这两个男子一见面就不喜欢对方。 v. consider sb. / sth. unpleasant; not like不喜欢,讨厌She dislikes big cities. 她不喜欢大城市。He dislikes having to get up early. 他讨厌不得不早起。 deserve v. have earned by ones actions or character; be worthy of 应得,应受,值得After all that hard work you deserve a holiday. 凭你的一番勤奋工作,你理应休一次假。He deserves our special thanks for all his efforts. 他的一切努力应得到我们特别的谢意。Your suggestion deserves to be considered seriously. 你的建议值得认真考虑。Some points in this report deserve being discussed in more detail. 报告中的一些要点值得进行更详细的讨论。 tender a. 1. gentle and loving 温柔的 She ga

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