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1、托福口语task12编话素材破解IBT口语-23分并不难-序在介绍人任何经验以前,先给大家推荐一篇文章,偶是考前天才看到,有点想见恨晚的感觉,也就是这个帖子,让偶领悟到如何准备口语效果最佳。请大家好好看,领悟这个帖子的精华所在,这个时间绝对值!看完了偶再介绍技巧!下面转贴:(非原创)IBT speaking一二两题.无敌备考方法新托福口语考试得分标准:1、详细具体(空洞的形容词和花哨的句子结构不能得分);2、词汇量和语法现象要多;3、规定时间内尽可能说快一点,多说一点,信息量大一点。我深深知道,中国学生缺乏大量的语言环 境,在仅有15至30秒的准备时间内要完美地做到以上几点是基本不可能的。那么

2、,是不是要因为一个小小的口语考试就放弃我们在加州的阳光下散步的权利呢? 当然不会!既然我们不能依赖于现场发挥,那么就通过平时准备,来大大减低现场难度要求。其核心就是转化原则,在充分领会转化原则的基础上,创建自己的模板,以精练的短句,清楚的表达为主。独立口语题破解(一)新托福口语考试六大题型中的第一种是问你一个你所熟悉的人、地方、东西或者事件,你需要在回答中加入具体的例子和细节。例如:choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.请看看袁老师是怎么回答的:Well, the place I enjoy the most i

3、s a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is b

4、lowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends wi

5、th some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.看出奥妙来了吗?1、这个回答里用的全部是口语化的短句子;2、按照正常的语速念完正好是45秒;3、出现了多处非常具体的细节描写(得分点)。4、有景色描写(beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friends),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。然后让我们换一个题目再看看,还是用这些内容怎么进行回答:题目:Choose a restaura

6、nt you like and explain why you like this restaurant参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know

7、 how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important,

8、 I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship. 在新托福口语考试中,本题型能够涉及到的范围包括事件、人物、具体事物和地方。现在你是不是开始有些明白为什么袁老师的口语模板要包括人、地、事、物?然后我们再来做一些难度稍大的扩展训练,看看转化原则是怎么能够帮助我们以不变应万变。Choose an important event/ a favorite activity

9、and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a little trip to France. I like this trip so much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean vi

10、ew. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this little trip to France also because t

11、here are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of ou

12、r friendship. 注意一定要有两到三句转化句,也叫点题句,即在文中标注出的句子。扩展训练:1 Describe one object that is of special value to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.2 Choose a teacher you like and explain why you like him or her. Include specific de

13、tails in your statement.3 Everyone has a goal to fulfill. Whats your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.(在看下面的参考答案之前,请自己先用转化原则处理一下上面的题目。这几个题目是袁老师精心收集的仿真题,仿真度可以达到90以上,同学们要好好利用)参考答案:1. Well, the object of special value t

14、o me is a little watch. 点题,复述原题 the watch was designed for women and one of my French girlfriends gave it to me as a souvenir of our friendship. This little watch is of very special meaning to me because it always reminds me of those days I spent in a beautiful French town located by the beach. My w

15、atch is deep blue, as blue as the charming ocean view on the beach. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls.

16、 One of them gave me this little watch as a gift. I cherish the watch just as much as we cherish our friendship. 2Well, the teacher I admire so much is a gorgeous French lady. She was from a beautiful French small town located by the beach. She has very charming deep blue eyes, as blue as the ocean

17、view on the beach. I admire her so much because she is not only a teacher to me but also a very good friend. Last summer, she invited me to travel to her hometown. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing a

18、nd the seabirds are singing. Also, she brought me to some restaurants offering the best seafood such as lobsters and tuna fishes. Finally, she gave me a little watch as the souvenir of our friendship.3. Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream to travel to France. My parents told me that there is a lit

19、tle French town located by the beach. It has very charming ocean view. They told me the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabir

20、ds are singing.Of course I want to travel to this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, there is a good chance to make friends with some gorgeous French girls. 同学们请谨记一点,袁老师提供


22、卡在理由上,例子上。下面主要介绍第一题考试的范围,偶当时准备就是按照这个范围准备的,参考了不少口语书,几乎逃不出偶下面列的范围:我相信大家已经研究过,里面其实对每一题的出题范围都有介绍:第一题的出题范围分为四个方面:(1) 地点类(place)ex: Describe your favorite place in the city and explain why you like this place. (2006/1/6) (2006/7/15)这是2006年1月和7月的真题(2)事情或活动类(event or activity)ex: Describe the most important

23、 decision you have made in your life. (2005/12/2)(3)人物类(person) ex: Describe your favorite teacher and explain how this teacher influenced you.(4)物体类(objects)ex:Describe the best/worst invention in the 20th century and explain how it affects your life. 以上4个范围,就是ETS考察第一题的内容。接下来,就一个个主题来看怎么准备:(我在下面举的例子

24、大部分以上海为例,大家可以根据自己的情况改写就可以)准备的核心原则:详见序II主题IV:物体An Object这个主题又可以分为3类:(一) Describe an object1. Describe an important machine/ means of transport/ a work of art and explain why you think it is important in your life.Important machine:Computer1. Make possible rapid access of large amounts of information

25、within several seconds, save me lots of time and energyEx: writing essay, save the time to go to library and bookstore2. Entertain me, watching movies, listening to the music, playing games online, make my life more colorfulMeans of transportation Subway1. It wont be influenced by the weather: not l

26、ike other transportations, say the plane, the bus, would be largely influenced by weather. Ex: the plane was delayed by a large storm during my trip to Beijing, wait for several hours2. cheap and fast, shanghai advanced subway system, take me to almost every corner of the city A work of artStamp col

27、lecting1. Habit, stamps have their own meanings, like the stamps for the 2008 Olympic Games, it would be of great value to me, it is a pride for Chinese people, 2. Make many friends who also like to collect stamps; exchange stamps, appreciate each others collection2. Describe the best/worst inventio

28、n in the20th century and explain how it affects your life. Computer3. Describe an important invention before computer/a normal commodity in your family and explain its advantages and disadvantages. Television:Advantages:1. Keep people informed the latest information without going outof homeEx: the l

29、atest scientific discovery from the program of discovery2. Entertain people, movies, basketball games, football gamesEx: F1 fans, watch the match at homeDisadvantages:1: Make people more isolated from the outside world2: some unhealthy programs would be harmful to children, say theviolent movies4. D

30、escribe an important gift/letter/photograph and explain why it is special to you.Souvenir of friendship, Show an American friend around China1. Beijing, capital of China, historical places, like the TianAn Men Square, the great wall, the summer place, historical background2. Shanghai, the Oriental P

31、earl Tower,Send me a watch, write me a letter, take a photograph together as a good memory of the happy time5.Describe something expensive you want to buy and explain why you want to buyit.Car1. Make my life more convenient; drive to work, save a lot of time, far away from home2. Take my friends and

32、 family to other cities for a travel, as a way of relaxation and entertainment enhance the relationship看真题: 1. 你认为对你最有用的书?并解释原因。(2005/11/19)(1)书是什么?Well, to me, the most useful book is the encyclopedia.(2)最有用的理由The reasons why I think it is the most useful book is as follows:Firstly, it covers knowledge almost in every field in the world. For example, if I want to know

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