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八年级上册句子翻译填空 期末复习无答案.docx

1、八年级上册句子翻译填空 期末复习 无答案八年级上册1-10单元配套填空题练习UNIT11.张楠待在家里度假。Zhang Nanhome.2.她没有去山里。Sheto the.3.他们去了夏令营。Theysummer.4.你做了些有趣的事吗?you?5.昨天他在为考试而学习。Heyesterday.6.Did you keep a(日记)?7.It rained for(大多数)of the summer.8.They(似乎)to know what they are doing.9.My grandma keeps some(母鸡)in our yard,so we neednt buy eg

2、gs.10.我为妈妈的生日买了特别的东西。I boughtmy mothers birthday.11.这种蛋糕尝起来的确很可口。This kind of cake.12.机器人所做的工作似乎很令人厌倦。The work that robots do be boring.13.他们需要找个地方过夜吗?Do they needstay for the night.14.记日记是一个好习惯。It is a good habit.15.Yesterday the weather was cool,so we (决定)to play tennis.16.I(想知道)which country Alic

3、e comes from?17.What(活动)do you have in your school?18.Look!The(鸟)are singing in the tree.19.He(尝试)Mapo Tofu and said it was very delicious.20.他们决定去沙滩。They go to the beach.21.我确实喜欢绕着小镇散步。I really the town.22.我通常骑自行车上学。I usually to go to school.23.我想知道那只小鸟是什么样的。I what the is like.24.商人们喜欢各种各样的活动。The l

4、ike all of .25.你们决定去哪儿度假?Where did you on vacation?26.他没有足够的钱坐出租车,所以他步行返回了学校。He didnt have a taxi,so he the school.27.这个城市有许多古老的建筑。There are many in this city.28.我午餐吃了一碗米饭和两个鸡蛋。I had and too eggs for lunch. 29.在山顶,你能看到下面的一切吗?Can you at the top of the mountain?30.Lisa(不喜欢)everything in Thailand.31.He

5、 (忘记)all the new words and the teacher was angry.32.Did you buy anything (特别的)in Li River?33.They jumped up and down in (激动)。UNIT21.托尼经常去看电影。Tony to the movies.2.他几乎都不帮忙做家务。He with .3.我爸爸很忙,他从不去购物。My father is very busy.He .4.有时周末我在家读书。Ibook at homeweekends.5.我爷爷一周上两次网。My grandpathea week.6.Im(忙的)th

6、is week so I didnt have time to play with you.7.(大概)he didnt have breakfast.8.My parents like learning(摆动)dance.9.He watches TV at(最少)twice a week.10.What do they do on(周末)?11.Its good for our(健康)to drink milk every day.12.Does your brother have good (习惯)?13.你想去乡村野营吗?Do you want to ?14.他一点儿也不感觉累。He

7、doesnt feel tired .15.汤姆每周使用因特网一到五次。Tom uses the Internet times a week.16.这个问题的答案非常有趣。17.The thisis very interesting.18.学习英语的最好方法是用英语。 to learn English is to use English.19.The river runs (穿过)the city.20.This is (这样的)a beautiful garden.I love it very much.21.A year later,my dog (死亡).22.I dont want t

8、o go there myself.Lets go (一起).23.Reading a lot can open your (心智).24.我们可以通过上网来放松。We can the Internet.25.积习难改。Old hard.26.运动很有趣,比如参加体育运动。Exercise sports is fun.27.它有利于我的身心健康。Its for myand.28.他的宠物猫和狗是一起死的。His pet dog and cat .29.你多长时间去看一次电影? do you go to the movies?30.你妹妹正在学习什么种类的音乐?is your sister le

9、arning?31.吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。Eating vegetables is your .32.不要熬夜熬得太晚。Dont too late.UNIT31.People who like to go to parties are(爱交际的)。2.Your idea is good,but my idea is(更好的)。3.Tim got first place in the dancing(比赛)。4.Tina is more(辛勤的)than Tom.5.The old man died(安静地)in his bed.6.Tony is 15.Toby is 15,too.(合并为

10、一句)。Tony is Toby.7.Peter gets up early.But Tom gets up earlier.(合并为一句)。Tom gets up Peter.8.Sam plays the drums well. Tom plays them better.(合并为一句)。Tom plays the drums Sam.9.Sam has longer hair than Tom.(改为同义句).Toms hair isthan Sams.10.This book is 12yuan.That book is 20yuan.(合并为一句)。That book is this

11、 one.11.(哪一个)do you like better,the red one or the green one?12.Claire(赢)a toy car in the game and she liked it very much.13.Miss Yang is good at teaching.She can always explain(解释)problems(清楚地)。14.(尽管)he is only 4 years old,he can ride a bike.15.The children had a(极好的)time in the park last weekend.

12、16.你弟弟比你高很多吗?Is your brother?17.琳达和他的堂妹一样大。Linda isher cousin.18.李芳和李平,谁的头发更长一些?Whohair,Li Fang Li Ping?19.露西比玛丽跑得快多了。Lucy runsthan Mary.20.在学校,李丽比王红更受欢迎。21.Li Li isWang Hong in school.22.His brother is (有才能的)in English.23.Thank you for (关心)about me so much.24.He is (真正)hungry and wants three hambur

13、gers.25.Their parents (都)like playing tennis in the afternoon.26.Dont (嘲笑)at others.Its very bad.27.My little dog always(逗我们笑)。28.His sister likes(买时髦的服装)。29.I think a good friend truly(关心我)。30.Peter likes(做同样的)things as me.31.Mally is(有天才的)music.32.The math teacher is so(严肃的).We dont want to talk w

14、ith him.33.Johns English is very good.However,he didnt get a good g in the last test.34.你喜欢跟不同于你的朋友交往吗?Do you like to have friends who?35.她比我学习努力多了。Shethan me.36.我们俩都喜欢在周末去爬山。Weenjoymountains on weekends.37.我最好的朋友帮助我展现最优秀的品质。My best friend helpsthe bestme.38.一个真正的朋友是给予你帮助且触动你心扉的人。A true friendyour h

15、and andyour.39.Can you(摸到)the top of the door?40.Billy usually(分享)candy with his brother.41.You must remember these new words by(心)。42.昨天我把我的手臂弄折了。Yesterday I my.43.事实上,我愿意和你拼车。,Id like tothe car with you。44.别用手摸它,危险!Danger.Dontit with!45.他不如我勤奋。Hesthan me.46.Lucy is quieter than.UNIT41.If you dont

16、have a t to the movie,you wont be let into the theater.2.Bruce doesnt have much money,so he often buys things (便宜地)。3.The (屏幕)of the iPhone 5 is very big.4.Yesterday she (选择)a gift for her mother.5.That school is the (最近)my home.6.Movie Palace has(最舒适的座位)7.I think Jaxx 107.91FM is(最好的无线电台).8.Can I a

17、sk you(几个问题)?9.The DJs choose songs(最仔细)。10.哪家电影院离你们学校最近?Whichis theto your school?11.这家电影院里的座位是所有当中最舒服的。The seats in the cinema areof all.12.哪家宾馆的服务更好?Which hotel has the?13.目前为止,你觉得这个社区怎么样?How do youthe neighborhood?14.这名记者昨天在这里买了最新鲜的水果。Theboughtfruit here yesterday.15.Doing chores at home all day

18、 is very(乏味的)16.Li Yundi is a famous piano(演奏者)17.Its(喧闹的)outside.Go and see what is happening.18.My brother is(富有创造力的)and he always comes up with good ideas.19.The girl has a great(天资)for music.20.You play the piano(漂亮地)21.Li Yundi gets many(奖品)in the piano competition.22.他们的答案有很多相似之处。Their answers

19、 have a lot.23.这完全取决于你自己。That is allyou.24.父母通常也在你的学习中发挥作用。Usually parents alsoin your study.25.我认为这件事是他们编造出来的。I think they arethe thing.26.比如,汤姆是我的好朋友。Tom,is my good friend.27.We should do our homework(严肃地)。28.你应该认真对待你的家庭作业。29.You shouldyour homework.30.他的书包比我的书包漂亮多了。His schoolbag is than.31我认为王磊是我

20、们班最有天赋的学生之一。I think Wang Lei isin our class.32.我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。Our school is becomingbeautiful.33.中心公园是周末可以去的最好的地方。The Center Park ison weekends.34.他努力工作让自己的梦想成真。He works hard to make her dream.35.我们将尽力寻找最好的歌手。We will try tothesinger.UNIT51.Do you like watching(情景喜剧)。2.Mr. Li is very strict so I cant(

21、容忍)him.3.(肥皂剧)are pretty boring for me.4.她妈妈希望今晚和她一起看访谈节目。Her mothertalk show with her this evening.5.仔细阅读这篇文章并且找出这些问题的答案。Read the passageandthe answers to these questions.6.房间里太热,把窗户打开好吗?Its hot in the room.How about?7.爸爸,为什么我要停止玩电脑游戏呢?Dad,why should Icomputer games?8.让我们去公园吧,那是一个玩乐的好地方。Letsto the

22、park.Its a good place to.9.I like my uncle because he often tells me(笑话)。10.We had a(讨论)about saving the trees.11.Look!Whats(发生) over there?12.When I was 8 years old,I(期望)to have a bike.13.我无法忍受长时间工作。Iworking for a long time.14.这本书是这里最有教育意义的书之一。It is one ofbooks here.15.我经常看电视新闻,了解世界各地蒸发生的事情。I often

23、 watch TV news to learn whats going on.16.我希望有一天成为一名英语老师。I hopean English teacher.17.I want to learn about American(文化)。18.Thinking it(可能)rain,I decided to go in the car.19.Its time to take(行动)20.He is going to(出现)on CCTV next week.21.Mr. Wang has a lot of money,Hes very(富有的).22.在20世纪90年代,他制作了两部动作片。

24、,he made two action movies.23.这是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。This iscartoonsound and music.25.我想去买两双鞋。I want to buyshoes.26.他总是努力面对任何危险。He always triedany.27.汤姆总是愿意帮助别人。Tom is alwaysothers.28.我们都认识那位大眼睛的女孩。We all know that girl.29.二十多年前,这个村庄还很穷。,this village was still very poor.30.他哥哥非常勤奋,因此在25岁就成功了。His brother wa

25、s very hard-working,so heat the age of 25.31.他能取得好成绩,其中一个主要原因是他学习努力。He can get a good grade,andisthat he works hard.32.我刚才看到20多名学生在操场上踢足球。I sawtwenty students playing soccer on the playground just now.33.Can you tell me the(主要的)idea of the article?34.我计划今晚去看喜剧片。Ia comedy tonight.35.我准备帮助吉姆学汉语。ImJim

26、study Chinese.36.我们今晚期望看英语新闻。Wethe English news tonight.37.我喜欢跟随故事看接下来发生什么。I likethe story and seenext.38.那期杂志每月出一期。That magazineonce a month.39.He (打架)with me yesterday.40.The(村庄)is not far from my home.41.He met a lot of(明星)at the meeting.42.The party for Anns birthday was(极好的)43.Many young people

27、 want to join the(军队)。UNIT61.Lang Lang and Li Yundi are both famous(piano).2.Yuan Longping is a great(science)in the world.3.His sister is good at violin and she is a(violin).4.Im going to see you when I(be)free.5.Tomorrow morning,Bill(have)his first Chinese lesson.6.我妈妈上周寄了封信给我。My mothera letterme

28、last week.7.他确信他会成功。Heshis success.8.她确定她已经关了灯。She wasthat shethe light.9.我打算在大学里学医。Im going to studyat a.10.你打算什么时候开始工作。Whenyou start working.11.I promise I(improve)my English next term.12.Students have all kinds of(resolution).13.Did you enjoy(them)in the park yesterday?14.I dont like English beca

29、use a word may have a lot of(mean) and I cant remember.15.At the(begin)of this term,three new students came to our class.16.Kate should do more(身体的)exercise,such as walking,running and playing sports.17.The police(质询)him about the missing 10,000 yuan.18.You should(讨论)this problem with your parents.1

30、9.What are you going to do in the(come)vacation.20.My parents promise(they)they are going to get a lot of exercise next year.21.You should eat(little) junk food to keep healthy.22.现在他能说两种外国语言。Hespeak two foreign languages now.23.下个月初,我将要去北京。next month,Im going to Beijing.24.在我们学校的图书馆里,有许多不同种类的书。There are manybooks in our school library.25.当我从学校回来的时候,妈妈正在做饭。My mother is cooking when Ischool.26.良好的生活方式和你的健康有关系。A good lifestyleyour health.27.My brother has many(hobby)such as painting and dancing.28.我不能许下诺言,但我一定尽力而为。I cant, but Ill do my best.29.他努力学习为了提高英语水平。He studied hardEnglis

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