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1、C1时间状语从句副词性从句1.方式副词:bravely勇敢的 fast快 happily愉快地 hard艰难地quickly快 well好She danced beautifully她舞姿优美。当动词带宾语时,它位于宾语之后:He gave her the money reluctantly他勉勉强强地给了她钱。They speak English well他们英语说得好。It was foolish of me to forget我真蠢,竟然忘记了。It was kind of him to wait多蒙他好心等候。Would you be kind enough to wait?劳驾您等一

2、等,好吗?2.地点副词:by近旁 down下 here这里 near附近 there那里up上away,everywhere,here,nowhere,somewhere,there等She went away她走开了。He lives abroad他住在国外。Bill is upstairs比尔在楼上。The parrot sat on a perch鹦鹉停歇在栖木上。He stood in the doorway他站在门口。He lives near me他住得离我近。3.时间副词:now现在 soon不久 still仍然 then那里 today 今天yet迄今afterwards,ev

3、entually,lately,now,recently,soon,then,today,tomorrow等和表示时间的副词短语at once,since then,tillThen we went home/We went home then然后我们回家。Write today今天就写。Ill wait till tomorrow我等到明天。Well soon be there我们马上会到那里。B before,early,immediately和late位于句末:He came late他来晚了。Ill go immediately我马上就走。yet和still(时间副词)yet常常位于动

4、词或动词+宾语之后:He hasnt finished(his breakfast)yet他还没吃完(他的早饭)。如果宾语由许多词组成,yet也可位于动词之前:He hasnt yet applied for the job we told him about他还没去申请我们跟他说的那个工作。still位于be动词之后或其他动词之前:She is still in bed她还在睡觉。4.频度副词:always总是 never从不 occasionally偶尔 often时常twice两次continually,frequently,often,once,twice,periodically,r

5、epeatedly,sometimes,usually等(b)ever,hardly ever,never,rarely,scarcely ever,seldomHe is always in time for meals他总是赶得上吃饭They sometimes stay up all night他们有时整夜不睡。He can never understand他永远也不会明白的。You have often been told not to do that多次告诫过你别干那事。Have you ever ridden a camel?你骑过骆驼吗?Can you park your car

6、 near the shops?Yes,I usually can你可以在商店附近停车吗?是的,通常可以。I know I should take exercise,but I never do我知道我应该进行体育锻炼,但我从来没这样做过He walked quite often5.句子副词:这些词修饰整个全句/从句,通常表达说话者/叙述者的观点。A 表示不同程度的确定的副词(a)actually(=in fact/really),apparently,certainly,clearly,evidently,obviously,presumably,probably,undoubtedly(b

7、)definitely(c)perhaps,possible,surelyHe is obviously intelligent很明显,他是个聪明的人。也可位于其他动词的一般现在时形式之前:They certainly work hard他们确实工作很努力。He actually lives next door他实际上就住在隔壁。也可位于第一个助动词之后:They have presumably sold their house他们据信已经把房子卖了。Honestly,Tom didnt get the money老实说,汤姆没有拿到钱。6.程度副词:absolutely,almost,bar

8、ely,completely,enough,entirely,extremely,far,just,much,nearly,only,really,scarcely,so,fairly相当 hardly几乎不 rather十分 quite非常 too也very很You are absolutely right你完全正确。Im almost ready我差不多准备好了。但enough要放在形容词或副词之后:The box isnt big enough这个盒子不够大。He didnt work quickly enough他干得不够快。far需要带比较级或too+原级:It is far bet

9、ter to say nothing不说话要好得多。He drives far too fast他车开得太快了。(超出正常车速很多)这里可以用much替代far。也可以与最高级连用:This solution is much the best这种解答是最好的。only也可以修饰动词,从理论上讲它应紧挨所修饰的词,位于动词、形容词、副词之前,位于名词、代词之前或之后:(a)He had only six apples他只有六个苹果。(不超过六个。)(b)He only lent the car他只是把车借出去了。(他没有把车送给人家。)(c)He lent the car to me only他

10、只是把车借给我了。(不是借给别人。)(d)I believe only half of what he said7.疑问副词:when?何时 where?何地 why?为何(参见第60节。)关系副词:when何时 where何地 why为何(参见第75节E。)副词可修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,副词性从句即状语从句也是如此。副词和副词性从句在句子中做状语,状语通常由副词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词和从句等担当。例如: 1. Naturally , our grandparents were pleased to get our phone call . 2. We worked hard,

11、 from sunrise to sunset. (介词状短语) 3. To help my old aunt, I spend an hour working in her house every day. (不定式) 4. Seen from a distance, the farmhouse looked deserted. (过去分词) 5. I know how to light a camp fire because I had done it before .(原因状语从句)注意副词(从句)在句子中的位置副词性从句(即状语从句)1.时间状语从句2.地点状语从句3.原因状语从句4.

12、比较状语从句5.方式状语从句6.条件状语从句7.目的状语从句8.结果状语从句9.让步状语从句1 时间状语从句常用引导词: when, while, as, since ,as soon as, before, after, till, until , by the time,特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely when时间状语从句就是在从句中表示主句动作发生时

13、间的状语从句。时间状语从句是所有状语从句中用得最经常的一种,并且用于引导时间状语从句的引导词也比较多,在学习时间状语从句时最重要的是记住这些引导词有哪些,它们的意思怎样等。到底时间状语从句可以用哪些词来引导呢?请看下文:1. I didnt realize how special my mother was until I became an adult.2. While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.3.The children ran away from the orchard(果园) the moment they saw the

14、guard.4. No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.5. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.1. 用when引导:when表示“当时候”。如:Things were different when I was a child. 我小时候情况与现在不同。People breathe more slowly when they are asleep. 人睡觉时呼吸比较缓慢。2. 用while引导:while表示“当时候”。如:We must strike w

15、hile the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。I went swimming while the others played tennis. 我去游泳,其余的人都打网球去了。注意:while 所引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词必须是持续性的,不能是短暂性的。3. 用as引导:as表示“当时候”“随着”。如:He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他站起来时,把杯子摔了。We get wiser as we get old. 随着年岁的增长,我们也变得聪明些了。辨析 when, while, as, sincewhenwhileassince动作先后主

16、从句动作同时发生或从句动作先发生主从句动作同时发生主从句动作同时发生从某时开始时间内涵或动作的连续性点 或 段时间持续/短暂动作段时间持续性动作点或段时间持续/短暂动作段时间时态规定从句多用一般过去时,或用一般现在时代替将来时从句多用进行时态主从句用同样时态主句用一般现在时或完成时态意思当时候1 既然2 每当时候当时候;一边一边3 尽管;只要而当时候;一边一边5 随着(变化)自从以来当主句谓语动词表示短暂动作,而从句动作可以持续一段时间时,三个连词都可以用。Tom broke his leg while / when / as he was playing football.表示“一边一边”的

17、意思时用as / while.She sang as she cooked.when还可表示原因“既然”:It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes. 表示“每当的时候”(暗示一种规律性),一般要用 when:Its cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。要表示两个正在发展变化的情况,相当于汉语的“随着”,一般用 as:Things are getting better

18、and better as time goes on. 随着时间的推移,情况越来越好。As it grew darker, it became colder. 天色越晚,天气越冷。while除引导时间状语从句外,还可以引导让步或条件状语从句及作并列连词连接两个并列的简单句.While he was respected, he was not liked. (尽管)There will be life while there is water and air.(只要)He is a worker while I am a doctor.(而,然而)He likes coffee, while s

19、he likes tea. 他喜欢咖啡,而她却喜欢茶。as 和 when 后均可直接跟一个名词,构成省略句,但 while 一般不这样用:As When a boy, he lived in Japan. 他小时候在日本。when 和 while 后可接现在分词、介词短语、形容词等构成省略句,但 as 一般不这样用:When While reading, he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。When While in trouble, ask her for help. 遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。练习:It was raining hard _ I got there. _ I

20、 had read the article, he called me. _ I got to the cinema, the film had begun.He was about to leave, _ the telephone rang.She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter._ the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. Mother was worried becau

21、se little Alice was ill, especially _ father was away.It was raining hard when (as) I got there. ( 动作同时发生,when可换为as, 但不能换为while,因为get是点动词.) When I had read the article, he called me. ( 从句动作发生在主句之前,注意时态表达,只能用when ) When I got to the cinema, the film had begun. (从句的动作发生在主句之后,只能用when,并要注意时态) He was abo

22、ut to leave, when the telephone rang. ( 此时不能放在句首。主句动词一般表达 “正在” “即将”. while, as不能代替She thought I was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, I was talking about my daughter. (表转折,对比,when, as都不能代替它) While the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. (表示主句,从句的动作同时发生,while后引导的状语从句的动词

23、必须是延续动词不能是点动词,因为它表示较长时间) Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially as (when/ while) father was away. (此时as ,when, while可通用)1._ I got on the bus, he got off.2. He was writing _ I was reading.3. The students were talking _ the teacher came in.4. He was watching TV _ she was cooking.5

24、. He was waiting for me _ I was working.6. He asked me a question _ I was speaking.7._ he came in,she went out.8. Jim hurt his arm _ he was playing tennis.9._ Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.10._ he came back,I was doing some washing.11._ she was waiting for the train, s

25、he became very impatient. 12.A:Im going to the post office. B:_ you are there, can you get me some stamps?13. I always listen to the radio _ Im driving.14. He didnt ask me in; he kept me standing at the door _ he read the message. 15. He swung his arms _ he walked.16. I couldnt remember a story to t

26、ell the children, so I made one up _ I went along.17. It was raining hard _ we arrived.18. The ice cracked _ I stepped onto it. 20._ he came in, I was listening to the radio. 21. He jumped to his feet _ the boss came in. 22. I caught him just _ he was leaving the building. 23. Just _ the two men wer

27、e leaving, a message arrived. 24. The room grew colder _ the fire burnt down. 25. The boy looks at her _ shes not looking. 26._ time goes by my memory seems to get worse. 27._ he arrives hell tell us all about the match. 28._ she had finished she waited for a reply. 29. He stole the money _ no one w

28、as by. 30. I was just about to go to bed _ I heard a knock on the door. 31. One person may like to spend his vacation at the sea shore, _ another may prefer the mountains. 32. You must study hard _ you are young, or you will regret _ you are old. 33. We were having a meeting _ someone broke it.34. W

29、e were about to set off on our way, _ it suddenly began to rain.1.As I got on the bus, he got off.2. He was writing as I was reading.3. The students were talking as the teacher came in.4. He was watching TV while she was cooking.5. He was waiting for me while I was working.6. He asked me a question

30、while I was speaking.7.When he came in,she went out.8.Jim hurt his arm whilewhen, as he was playing tennis.9. When Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.10.When he came back,I was doing some washing.11.AsWhen, While she was waiting for the train, she became very impatient. 12.A:Im going to the post office. B:While you are there, can you get me some stamps?13. I always listen to the radio while Im driving.14. He didnt ask me in; he kept me

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