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精选 动力分散与动力集中特点比较1119.docx

1、精选 动力分散与动力集中特点比较1119 动力集中与动力分散动车组特点比较(伊朗项目材料)Comparison between EMUs with Centralized and Distributed Power 目前,高速动车组按牵引动力和驱动设备的配置方型分类有两种:动力 分散型和动力集中型。At present, the high-speed EMUs can be divided as per power configuration into two categories - power-distributed EMU and power-centralized EMU. 动力集中型

2、动车组是将大部分机械和电气设备集中安装在位于列车两端的动力车即机车上,机车的动力转向架上装有牵引电机,驱动轮对牵引列车运行。中间客车没有动力,由机车牵引。机车不载客,客车载客。编组一 拖车形型,示意图如下:般为机车+electrical EMU, most of its mechanical and As for power-centralized equipment are mounted in the motor cars, i.e. locomotives, at the two ends, and the bogies of the locomotives are equipped w

3、ith traction motors which drive the train from wheelsets. The intermediate cars are not motored, but hauled by locomotives. The do. the intermediate cars locomotives The do not carry any passengers but as of locomotive+trailer, generally composition of such EMU adopts the mode shown below: 机车 拖车1 拖车

4、2 拖车3 拖车4 拖车5 Loco. Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3 Trailer 4 Trailer 5 注: 表示动力轴,表示非动力轴,下同。 for trailer axle, same below. stands for motor axle and Note: 动力分散型动车组是指将大部分机械和电气设备吊挂安装在车辆地板下面,牵引电机安装在列车的全部或部分转向架上,使全部或部分轮对成为 列车的驱动源,列车的全部车厢都可载客。electrical and of its mechanical for As power-distributed EMU, mo

5、st equipment are mounted below the deck and the traction motors mounted on all or parts of the bogies making all or part of the wheelsets the driving source, and all the cars are able to carry passengers. 全部为动力车 All motor cars 部分为动力车 Partly motor cars 动力集中和动力分散动车组特点比较Comparison between Features of E

6、MUs with Centralized and Distributed Power 序号 S/N 内容 Contents 动力分散动车组 Power-Distributed EMU 动力集中动车组Power-Centralized EMU 1 编组 Composition 通常为固定编组,不可随意增减车辆数量,但可以采取2列联挂方型,动车与拖车同步增加或减少,不会造成过载或欠载。 Composition usually fixed and increase or decrease of cars not permissible, yet pair operation 可任意加减拖车的数量,编

7、组灵活。加减车厢后牵引力不变(因但阻力变化,为动车数量不变)易造成过载从而达不到原定速 度,或欠载造成功率浪费。Flexible composition, increase or decrease of cars not permissible. function available, which maintains the portion between motor and trailer cars and thus avoid under load or over load. Traction force not changed after increase or decrease of

8、cars (number of motor cars unchanged) yet the resistance does, which easily leads to unsatisfied speed due to over load or power waste due to under load. 2 动力配置Power configuration 列车的牵引动力可以分散设置,使列车总功率按需要增减动轴, 不受机车功率所限制。Traction power source can be distributed and increase or decrease of motor axles

9、as per demands possible, i.e. total power of EMU not restrained by that of locomotives. 总功率受机车功率限制Total power of train restrained by that of locomotives 3 换向行驶Bidirectional operation 在两端都有驾驶室,可双向行驶,省却调车的时间,同时减少车务人员的工作及提高安全。 Cab available at both ends and bidirectional operation can be realized, whic

10、h reduces time for shunting, releasing working load and improving safety of service personnel.列车换向时需先把机车在一端脱钩后再移到另一端挂钩,折返时 间长。Locomotive needs to be decoupled from one end and coupled to another end for bidirectional operation, which takes a longer time for locomotive to reverse. 4 轴重 Axle load 最大轴重

11、轻,对轨道冲击小。高速情况下最大轴重对轨道的破这也坏作用远远大于平均轴重,是为什么越是高速的列车越趋 向于使用分散技术的原因Lower max. axle load and thus less impact to tracks. The destructive efforts of max. load under high speed is much higher than that of average axle load, that is why more and more high-speed EMUs tend to adopt distributed power. 机车最大轴重大,高

12、速运行下对 轨道冲击大。Max. axle load contributed by locomotive, imposing larger impact to tracks under high speed. 5 载客量Passenger 载客量较同等长度的动力集中型动车组高约20%,可充分利用机车不能载客。 Locomotive cannot carry capacity 站台长度。 Passenger capacity 20% higher than power-centralized EMU of same length and utilization of platform lengt

13、h more adequate. passengers. 6 启动加速度Starting acceleration 启动加速度高,列车加速时间短,更适合发车密度大、站间距短的路线。 Higher starting acceleration and thus less accelerating time, suitable for lines with short headway and inter-station distance. 启动加速度小,列车加速时间长,不适合发车密度大、站间距短的线路。 Lower starting acceleration and thus more accele

14、rating time, not suitable for lines with short headway and inter-station distance. 7 轮轨粘着 Wheel-rail adhesion 整体粘着性好,在加速时不易产(车轮的牵引力大于轮轨生空转间的粘着力,造成轮速异常上升),加速更稳定。 Better comprehensive adhesion and less possibility of slide (traction force of wheel larger than wheel-rail adhesion force, thus leads to a

15、bnormal increase of wheel speed) during acceleration, thus more stable acceleration. 集中动力车单轴粘着性能好于分散动力车,但由于动轴数量少,总的粘着性不如分散动力车,加 速时易产生空转。Adhesion of individual axle better than that of power-distributed EMU, however, comprehensive adhesion poor due to less number of motor axle, higher possibility of

16、slide during acceleration. 8再生制动 Regenerative brake 列车从高速减速到40km/h(不同的列车可能不同)的过程几乎不需要使用用空气制动,速度再降低空气制动开始补充,充分利用再生制动,将制动能量转换为电能反馈回电网,减少制动盘机械磨耗和能源浪费。 Pneumatic brake almost unnecessary when braking from high speed to 40km/h (may be different for different trains) and only applied if speed is to be fur

17、ther lowered. Regenerative brake fully utilized, converting and feeding brake energy back to catenary to reduce disc wear and 机车受粘着限制,不能充分发挥动力制动的优越性。大量拖车靠制动盘的摩擦制动,导致制动盘磨耗严重,既浪费材料又浪费能源。 Locomotive not able to put into full place the advantages of dynamic brake as restrained by adhesion, and rake larg

18、ely depends on friction brake of trailer cars, which leads to severe disc wear, wasting both material and energy. energy waste. 9 动力冗余Power redundancy 即使有一、两组电动机发生故障,列车也能正常行驶。动力冗余性高,减少个别车辆故障而造成机破救援。 Even if one or two sets of traction motors fail, operation of EMU still normal. Higher power redundan

19、cy and less possibility of towing operation due to breakdown of individual car. 机车故障即需要救援,动力冗余性差。 Towing operation needed in case of locomotive failure, poor power redundancy. 10 纵向冲动Longitudinal jerk 车辆间的作用力小,牵引、制动时的纵向冲动小。 Lower interaction between cars and longitudinal impact during traction and b

20、rake. 车辆间的作用力大,牵引、制动时的纵向冲动大。 Higher interaction between cars and longitudinal impact during traction and brake. 11 线路适应性 Adaptability to track 线路适应力强。由于动轴多,所 以更能适应陡坡,最大80。Higher adaptability to track. More adaptable to large gradient with more motor axles, max. gradient up to 80. 动轴少,线路最大坡度30。 Less

21、motor axles, max. gradient 30 only. 12期命全寿周成本LCC LCC 根据德国ICE2和ICE3动车组LCC研究结论:动力分散比动力集中低约10%。 According to LCC research of ICE3 and ICE3 by DB, LCC of power-distributed EMU is 10% lower than that of power-centralized EMU. 13 检修维护 Inspection and maintenance由于电动机多并分散在各节动力车,零部件维护较复杂,维修 成本也较高。Traction mo

22、tors distributed on motor cars, thus more complicated maintenance for compartments and parts and higher cost for it. 主要动力设备集中管理,维护相 对简单,维护成本相对较低。Major power equipment centrally managed, thus relatively easier maintenance and lower cost for it. 14 振动噪音车内动力设备分布在客车车下,动力设备集中布置在机车,车厢Vibration noise 振动、噪音

23、较大。 Power equipment distributed below deck, thus larger vibration and noise in compartment. 内振动、噪声较小。 Power equipment centralized in locomotive, thus lower vibration and noise in compartment. 根据上述比较,不难看出,在高速客运方面,动力分散型动车组比动力集中型动车组具有明显的优势。目前,世界上高速客运动车组趋向于采用动力分散型。法国高速动车组TGV为动力集中型,下一代AGV已改用动力分散型。德国高速动车组

24、ICE1/2为动力集中型,动车最大轴重达到19.5吨,DB运营数年后发现轨道变形频率加快,道砟粉碎现象严重,后来改用动力分散的ICE3,最大轴重减至16吨以下,才基本控制住了对轨道的破坏作用。日本高速动车组一直就是动力分散型为主。 With the above-mentioned comparison, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that. for high-speed passenger service, power-distributed EMUs feature obvious advantages compared wi

25、th power-centralized ones. At present, more and more high-speed EMUs for passenger service tend to adopt the mode of distributed power. The TGV of France is of centralized power and its next generation AGV has already been changed to distributed power. The ICE1/2 of Deutschland is of centralized pow

26、er and the axle load of the locomotive is as high as 19.5t, due to which, after years of operation, DB witnessed accelerated deformation frequency of track and severe ballast crush, and the severe impact from train to track was not generally controlled until the power-distributed ICE3 with a max. ax

27、le load of less than 16t was put into operation. As for Japan, the power-distributed EMUs have long been a major type.- 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后, 用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中药三大宝, 人参、鹿茸和阿胶。”阿胶的药用已有两千多年的悠久历史历代宫马作峰论疲劳源于肝脏J.广西中医药,2008,31(1):31.史丽萍马东明, 解丽芳等力竭性运动对小鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响J. 辽宁中医杂志王辉武吴行明邓开蓉内经“肝者罢极之本”的临床价值J .

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30、 etalEffects of Hong jing tian she u on eproductive xis function and exercise capacities n men. The5周志宏等补肾益元方对运动小鼠抗疲劳能力的影响J.中国运动医学杂志,001,20():83-84202-204.5InternationalCourseandConferenceonPhysiologicalChemistrand Natrition of exercise and training (Abstract)6杨维益等中药复方“体复康”对运动性疲劳大鼠血乳酸、p 一内啡肤、亮氨酸及强啡肤

31、l-13 影响的实验研。仙灵口服液可提高机体运动能力,加速运动后血乳酸的消除。F3 口服液能调整PCO2孙晓波等鹿茸精强壮作用的J.中药药理与临床,1987,():11.于庆海等高山红景天抗不良刺激的药理J中药药理与临床,1995,():83.牛锐淫羊藿炮制前后对小鼠血浆睾丸酮及附近性器官的影响J中国中药杂志,1989,14(9):18P 0.05) 。肝脏是动物机体重要脏器之一,Pi,同疲),肝主筋,人之运动皆由于筋,故为罢极之本”。人体肝脏的功能活动也必阿胶, 味甘性平入肺、肝、肾经, 具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效。神农本阿胶又称驴皮胶为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块是中国医药宝库中阿胶、熟地配伍能使补而不滋腻, 共奏益气补血之功, 主要治疗各种原因导致的气血阿胶对细有促进作用;提示阿胶能提高机体免疫功能。另外阿胶具阿胶具有很好的止血作用,常用来治疗阴虚火旺、血脉受伤造成的出血。比如,阿胶能治疗缺铁性贫血,再生障碍性贫血等贫血症状,阿胶对血小板减少,白细阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,经水解分离得到多种氨基酸,阿胶具有很多的药理作用和阿胶又称驴皮胶, 为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而

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