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1、海运代理合同中英文对照海运代理合同Shippi ng Agency Con tract甲方:Party A :乙方:Party B:为明确甲乙双方的代理关系,规范业务操作,经双方友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代办海运事宜,达 成以下协议:For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and sta ndardiz ing operati onal procedures, through frie ndly con sultati ons it has

2、 bee n agreed by the parties as follows:1. 甲乙双方责任、义务 Resp on sibilities and Obligati ons1.1乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或 交通部批准登记的 NVOCC资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。若乙方作为提单等相关单证上的承运人,应当具有无船承运业务经营资质;乙方作为承运人代理人身份的,对 承运人的行为承担连带保证责任。Party B shall have legitimate corporate bus in ess lice nse, TAX

3、 payer ID, orga ni zati on code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualificati on approval by mini stry of com muni cati ons, which allow it con duct forwarder bus in ess in certa in area. Party B shall have NVOCC once it could issue B/L and

4、 releva nt docume nts as carrier with its own title on. As age nt role, Party B shall assume joi nt and several guara ntee liability for carrier and carrier act.1.2甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负 责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单 为准。Party A shall no tify Party B complete and authe

5、 ntic book ing in formatio n before shipme nt of goods via Shipping Order; Party B is responsible for chartering, booking, customs declaration,in specti on, sig ning and other related export bus in ess per requireme nts on Shipp ing Ordercon firmed by both parties.1.3甲方负责为乙方提供办理业务所需要的单据(包括装箱单、发票、合同、

6、核销单、报关委 托书、报检委托书、合同、商检证书、许可证、报关单、手册及有关批文等) ,并对其内容的真实性和一致性负责。Party A is resp on sible for providi ng Party B authe ntic and con siste nt docume nts n eeded tocon duct and perform duties and works (in cludi ng pack ing lists, in voices, con tracts, verificati on forms, customs proxy, En trust Letter o

7、f In spect ion, etc.).1.4乙方应及时向甲方提供船期预报以及截止接单日期,作为甲乙双方办理海运订舱事宜的参 考。Party B shall notify and keep Party A updated of the information of shipment schedule timeously for Party A adva need pla n and arran geme nt.1.5订舱内容要求更改或取消时,甲方必须最迟于货物装入集装箱的当天以书面形式通知乙方, 并与乙方的相关操作人员书面确认 。Party A shall notify Party B n

8、ot late then loading day in written form once shipping requireme nts n eed to be modified or can celled.1.6乙方在收到船公司或其代理配舱回单后,应及时将定舱配载的船名、航次、关单号等 信息告知甲方,甲方可在收到乙方订舱确认书后一日内书面提出异议。Party B shall ack no wledge Party A of Book ing Con firmati on about vessel, voyage, book ingRef etc after gett ing shipp in

9、g space from Shippi ng Compa ny. Party A may put forward a demurrer to Party B in writing within 24 hours upon receipt of Party B Booking Confirmation or SO.1.7乙方保证对甲方提供的信息包括但不限于客户资料和相关费用严格保密。Party B shall keep all information including but not limit customer data and related costs provided by Party

10、 A strictly con fide ntial.1.8乙方保证甲方的货物不会向没有持有正本提单的任何人或任何公司放行,除非有甲方的书 面同意。如果乙方违反本义务,乙方愿意承担无正本提单放货的全部责任。若客户主动偿还甲方全 部或者部份货款,亦不能免除乙方的违约责任。甲方主动向客户追索货款,并不代表甲方放弃向乙 方索赔和追究违约责任的权利。Party B warra nt that Party A goods will not be released to the any party without origi nal Billof Ladi ng, or otherwise approve

11、d by Party A in writi ng. Party B shall assume full resp on sibility for breach thereof. The Importer refund Party A entirely or partially on its own initiative could not relieve Party B liability. Party A has recourse aga inst Importer for losses in curred, which shall not be operated as a waiver h

12、ereof.2. 代理费用Accounting2.1甲方向乙方下达订舱单前,应以乙方的书面报价为准并在订舱单上注明有关费用,乙方须 回传确认;双方确认后,甲方保证发运,乙方保证舱位。Party A shall mark dow n details of charge on Shippi ng Order base on Party B writte nquotati on, and Party B shall confirm back via fax with sig nature on. After con firmati on. Party A shall ship the goods o

13、ff and Party B must en sure shipp ing space.2.2甲方向乙方支付相关港口及海运费,币种为人民币或者美元,乙方银行信息如下。The curre ncy of payme nt from Party A to Party B shall be in RMB or USD uni ess specified.Payme nt shall be made via telegraphic tran sfer to follow ing acco unt.开户银行:Ben eficiary Bank Name:银行地址:Address of Bank:SWIFT

14、代码:SWIFT CODE:银行户名:Acco unt Name:人民币账号:RMB Account No.:美元账号:USD Accou nt No.:2.3甲方订舱发生的应由甲方支付的费用(具体费用以双方确认的订舱单及费用发票为准)按 种方式结算:Party A shall pay Party B the acco un table charge by way of _A)_,which con firmed by bothparties upon Shipp ing Order and In voice.A)付款买单,即甲方付清全部款项,乙方交付甲方的所有单据,包括但不限于提单和核销单。

15、Payme nt aga inst docume nts.B) 备用金结账:甲方先付 备用金至乙方账户,乙方根据实际进出口货物的应付费用进行销账,并签发提单。甲方在备用金不足时应及时将不足部分汇付至乙方账户。Deposit deduct ion.C) 航次结账:甲方以航次结账的方式与乙方结算所有费用, 即在实际开航天内将该航次应付的所有费用汇付至乙方账户予以结清,并附上所付费用的发票号,以便双方对帐。Check out per voyage.D) 月度结算:每月日前结清上一月全部运杂费。0/A 30 days.3. 保险条款In sura nee3.1甲方可以对其托运的货物自行投保,也可委托乙

16、方代为办理保险事宜,保险费由甲方承担, 此费用不在双方约定的费用以内,如甲方未予保险 ,则非乙方原因产生的货损乙方不予负责。Party A may self- in sure their eon sig nment, and can also commissi on Party B to han dle in sura nee issues, in sura nee premiums shall be bor ne by Party A, the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed; In case

17、 Party A is not insured, Party B shall not be resp on sible for the damage from non-B causes.4. 索赔条款Claim Terms4.1乙方在办理甲方货物出口运输的过程中应尽心尽责,对于因乙方的过失而导致甲方遭受的 损失和发生的费用承担责任,以上损失包括但不限于货物因延迟等原因造成的经济损失。Party B must use Dilige nt Efforts to con duct and perform certa in works here in for the delivery of Party

18、 A goods. Party B shall be liable for all cost and damage caused to Party A due to failure of Party B, i ncludi ng but n ot limited the lost because of late delivery.4.2运输途中乙方将甲方货物运错,或由于箱体残损、箱封缺失的情况下造成的实际损失,由乙 方协助办理索赔,力求确保甲方利益。由于不可抗力、货物本身的自然属性或瑕疵、货物的合理损耗 及托运人或收货人自身过失造成的货损乙方免责。In case Party B tran si

19、ts the wrong goods, or causes the actual loss of Party A by damagedcab in et, or the abse nee of box seali ng, Party B shall assist with claims, and strive to en sure in terests of Party A. Party B shall be exempted for damage due to force majeure, n atural properties of the goods themselves or defe

20、ctive goods, reas on able loss or loss from fault of the shipper or the con sig nee.4.3由于不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时, 遇有不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况以书面形式通知对方,以避免损失或扩大 。The Party claimi ng Force Majeure shall promptly in form the other Party in writ ing and shallfurnish immediately. The Party clai ming For

21、ce Majeure shall also use all reas on able en deavors to termin ate the Force Majeure .In the eve nt of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediately con sult with each other in order to find an equitable soluti on and shall use all reas on able en deavors to mi ni mize the con seque nces of such For

22、ce Majeure.5. 争议解决条款 Dispute Settlement5.1本合同项下产生的任何争议, 双方应友好协商。协商不成,应提交中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁地为深圳,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力Any dispute aris ing un der this Con tract shall be solved by frie ndly n egotiati on. In case n egotiati on fails, it shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitrati on Commissi

23、on (CMAC). Shan ghai Commission, for arbitration in accordanee with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitrati on. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.5.2本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行、争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。This Con tract applies the law of the People Republic of Chi na.6. 其他 Misce

24、llaneous6.1本合同后附乙方提单样本和签章授权书,乙方向甲方签发的提单须以此样本为准。The templates of Bill of Ladi ng and Letter of Authorizati on with authorized sig natures are setforth in suppleme ntal Appe ndixes. The Bill of Ladi ngs issued to Party A by Party B shall match the templates.6.2为履行本协议经双方确认的往来传真、电传、 信函、电子邮件等内容均构成合同的一部分。

25、The back-up records of facsimiles, letters, telexes and E-mails con firmed by both partiesduri ng executi on activity con stitute parts of this con tract.6.3在任何情况下,乙方都不得留置甲方的货物和相关文件单据。In no eve nt should Party B exercise lie n upon Party A goods and releva nt docume nts.6.4没有甲方书面同意,乙方不得将本合同项下的任何权利和义

26、务转让给第三人。Party B may cannot delegate an d/or assig n all or part of the performa nee of its rights andobligati ons here un der to its Affiliated Compa nies or to any third party to which it has outsourced the performa nee of its activities uni ess approved by Party A with writte n words.6.5乙方的法定代表人及在

27、本合同上签名的乙方授权代表对乙方在本合同所有应履行义务承担连带保证责任Party B Legal representative and the person signing this letter is duly authorized by ourcompa ny, both are fully aware of this con tract and willi ng to assume joint and several guara ntee liability un der this con tract.6.6本合同一式二份,双方各执一份。合同未尽事宜,双方另行商议,作为对合同的补充。合

28、同自签订之日起生效, 有效期为一年,合同期限届满后如续约,则需另签。如一方提前解除合同,需提前一个月通知对方并一次性结清费用及退单。 当本合同中文文本与英文文本发生歧义时, 应以中文文本为准。The con tract is in duplicate, with each party holds one. Parties hereto may revise or suppleme ntthrough n egotiati on matters not men ti oned here in. The con tract becomes effective since the dateof si

29、g ning and rema ins in force for one year. I n case of ren ewal, ano ther con tract shall be n eeded.If either party term in ates the con tract in adva nee, it shall inform the other party in adva nee for onemon th and settle all the costs at one time. The Chin ese vers ion of this con tract will pr

30、evail if thereis any con flict betwee n the Chin ese vers ion and En glish vers ion of this con tract.甲方乙方(Party A)(Party B)法定代表人法定代表人(保证人)Legal Represe ntativeLegal Representative ( Guarantor)授权代表人(保证人)Authorized representative ( Guarantor)(公章)(公章)(Seal)(Seal)日期日期Date 2012-11-12Date 2012-11-12【附提单(带签章)样本】 【Attach B/L Template with Sig nature and Stamp 】【附授权委托书】【Attach Letter of Authorization】欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合冋简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求

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