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1、介词词组初二介词词组:1. in the past 在过去2. at one time 一度,曾经3. on special occasions 在特备的场合4. in the clothing store 在服装店5. out of style 过时6. at last 最后7. in most parts of China 在中国大部分地方8. in the Qing dynasty 在清朝9. in the 1920s 在20世纪20年代10. across the world 全世界11. from then on 从那时起12. in other Asian countries 在亚

2、洲别的国家13. the other decorations on Tang-style clothes 在唐装上其他装饰14. in the center of 在的中心15. in minority costumes 穿少数民族服装16. in a dark color 穿黑色17. wear clothes in warm colors 穿暖颜色衣服18. in our lives 在我们的生活里19. at school 在学校20. in the forest 在森林里21. how to fly 如何飞22. on the street 在街上23. in uniform 穿制服2

3、4. on every/ any occasion 在每个/ 任何场合25. on different occasions 在不同的场合26. pants with two big pockets 有两个大袋的裤子27. before entering someones home 进入某人的家前28. on the first floor 在第一层29. on the playground 在操场上30. at work 在工作31. wear uniforms for our work 为我们的工作穿制服32. in trouble 处于困境中33. look ugly on us 穿在我们

4、身上难看34. a man in a uniform 一个穿了一件制服的男子35. buy sth. for sb. 买某物给某人36. on low heat 低温37. in fact 事实上38. on birthdays 在生日39. at Christmas 在圣诞节40. in northern China 在华北41. at the school gate at 8 a.m. 早上8点在学校门口42. in short 总之43. in the end 最后 at the end of 在末44. over $ 100 超过100美元45. in ten minutes 10分钟

5、内46. at No. 62 on Beishihuan Road 在北市环路62号47. a table for two 两人桌48. for sale/ on sale 待售49. far away from 远离50. at the same time 在同时51. in the south of China 在华南52. point at/ to 指着53. start with 以开始54. on the right / left 在右边/ 左边55. for the first time 第一次56. at the table 就餐57. on your lap 在膝盖上58. o

6、n your plate 在你的碟子上59. spread on 在上涂60. in another pot 在另一个锅里61. for a few minutes 共几分钟62. over / on the phone 在电话里63. on May 16th. 在5月16日64. on Sunday 在星期天65. on the Internet 在网上66. at least 至少67. in the middle of 在中间 68. a key to the door 门钥匙 the question to the answer 答案70. an MP3 一部MP3 an iron 一

7、个烫斗 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 an hour 一个小时 an area of 40 km 40公里的地区 an important decision 重要的决定 a useful book 一本有用的书71. in danger 处于危险中72. ran into 撞上73.millions of 数以百万74. the path to success 成功之路75. at night 在晚上76.on the left-hand side of 在左手面 77. on the bicycle 在单车上78. a sharp turn to the left 一个向左的急

8、转弯79. in public 在公众场所80. in the old days 在古代81. in all directions =in every directions 向四面八方 in ones direction 朝着某人的方向82. out of sight 看不见,消失83. in the +方位词+ of 指在某一范围之内的地区 Beijing is in the north part of China. (在内部) to the +方位词+ of 指互不接壤并互不管辖的两个地区 Japan is to the east of China. (不接壤) on the +方位词+

9、of 指相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区 Shandong is on the northeast of Henan.(接壤)84. at the foot of 在的脚下85. on both sides of 在.的两边 on each side of 在的每一边86. by the way 顺便说87. on vacation 度假88. in the open air 在野外89. the beginning of 的开始90. in the daytime 在白天91. at the weekend 在周末92. at noon 在中午93. in a good mood 好心情 in

10、good spirits 好精神 in good health 健康状况良好94. in the sky 在天空95. on Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节96. at the English Corner 在英语角97. at the end of 在. 末 in the end 最后98. in a car accident 在一次车祸中99. at that time 在那时100. at ones age 在某人的年龄 at the age of 在.岁时101. on the night of April 15th,1912 在1912年4月15日的晚上102. o

11、n the way to 去的路上103. at first 首先,起初 the fashion show 看时装秀 the poster 看海报3.sound interesting 听起来有趣4. a business suit 一套西装5. wear my own clothes 穿我自己的衣服6. catch ones eye 吸引某人7. take a size L skirt 买大码的短裙8. Womens Wear Section 女装区 Mens Wear Section 男装区 Sportswear Section 运动装区 Shoes and Ha

12、ts 鞋帽区9. never too much or too little 不太多也不太少10. half of the students 一半的学生11. not only but also 不但 而且12. either or 要么要么 或者.或者13. bothand 和.都14. Its said that 据说15. not all students 不是所有的学生16. order a meal by phone 用电话定餐17. two or more courses for every meal 每餐有两道或更多的菜18. drink to sb. 为某人干杯19. take

13、only a sip 只喝一小口20. just do as other people do 就像别人那样做21. help yourself to 随便吃22. not bad = very good 不错,挺好23. whether or not 是不是24. hear about/of 听说25. hear from 收到的来信26. everywhere else 别的任何地方27.Whats worse. 更糟糕的是28. What a surprise! 多么令人惊讶!29.Its a pleasure. 别客气。 = With pleasure.30.Its a great pi

14、ty. 太可惜了/ 真遗憾31. never mind. 没关系32. Whats more 而且33. good enough 足够好34. turn to = ask sb. for help 向某人求助35. get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系36. deal with 处理 magic tricks 玩魔术38. a dark horse 一匹黑马(指深藏不露的人或在比赛中出人意料的获胜者)39. ride into history 跻身于历史40.Its certain that 肯定41. get hurt 受伤42. bring us hap

15、piness 带给我们幸福 make us happy 使我们高兴43. badly hurt 严重受伤44. two and a half hours 两个半小时 = two hours and a half 45. cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事46. jump up and down 上下跳47. have a two-day trip 有一个为期两天的旅游48. come along with sb. 与某人一起去49. look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事 be/get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 enjoy

16、doing sth. 喜欢做某事 mind doing sth. 介意做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 go on doing sth. 继续做某事 avoid doing sth. 避免/ 防止做某事 be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 (be worth + 钱 值钱) 50. be famous for 以著名 stand for 代表51. catch up with 赶上 get in touch with 与取得联系 come up with 想出 get on / along well with 与和睦相处 fill with 用.填 be

17、 strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 be strict in / about 对某事严格 have a talk with 与谈话 be popular with 受欢迎 be satisfied with 对满意 agree with 同意 make peace with sb. 与某人和平共处52. What exciting news! 多么令人兴奋的消息! What good news! What bad whether! 多么糟糕的天气!53. Its common to do sth. 做很常见54. spend (in ) doing sth. spend on s

18、th. 在花费55. one room with one single bed 有一张单人床房间56. a sense of happiness 幸福的感觉 57. smile at life 笑对生活58. instead of 代替59. not . any longer no longer 不再60. go well (进展)顺利 go mad 变疯了61. How time flies! 光阴似箭62. as usual 如常63. call sb. at + 电话号码64. do badly in 在做得差65. be proud of 以为荣66. be able to 能e in

19、to being 形成68. be interested in 对产生兴趣69. be pleased with 对.感到高兴70be sorry for 对感到抱歉/ 难过69. be nervous about 对 感到紧张70. be angry with / at sb. 对某人生气71. be angry at / about sth. 对某事生气72. be excited about / at sth. 对某事感到兴奋 /激动73. seem to do sth. 似乎, 看来74. be shown 上演75. what for = why76. end with 以结尾77.

20、 happen to do sth. 碰巧干某事78. happen to sb./ sth. (事情)发生在身上,降临到头上79. even though = even if 即使,虽然80. follow ones advice采纳某人的建议81. take turn to do sth. 轮流做某事in turn 依次,轮流82. get back to sth. 继续做某事,回到某事上83. go on a visit to 去参观/ 旅游84. decide on sth.决定某事 decide to do sth.决定做某事85. 21 tickets for the hard s

21、leeper21张硬卧票86. be surprised at 对感到惊奇87. run into 撞上88. ride into 进入,跻身于89. beat sb. at sth. 在中战胜对手90. have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食91. widely known = well known众所周知的92. a ticket to / for sth. 的票/劵/入场劵1. in modern society clothes do more than just keep us warm.1. As the saying goes, ”You are what you wear

22、”.2. Whats on your menu?3. Practice makes perfect.4. The roads are very difficult to ride on. (I want to a pen to write with.I want to buy a house to live in.)6. But sometimes bicycle accidents do happen.7. You bet.8. Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing?9. That would be very interesting

23、.10. Could/ Can you come along with me? 你能和我们一起去吗? 11. May I have your name and telephone number, please?12. The best way to raise money is to sell newspaper.13. Your classmates make you monitor.14. Thats very nice of you.15. How long have you feel like this?16. Its about two and a half hours ride.= Its about two and a half hours ride.骑自行车大约需要两个半小时。

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