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三册听力unit 12.docx

1、三册听力unit 1 2UNIT ONE UNDERSTANDING SHORT CONVERSATIONS 1. M: Did you read todays newspaper? Lord Williams was arrested two days ago. W: Why? I heard he poured a lot of cash into a beautiful mountain village and gave jobs to many people. M: You could never have possibly guessed the truth. He stole fu

2、nds from Scotland Yard, and the fund was supposed to be used to pay spies and conduct secret activities against the Irish Republican Army. Q: What is the conversation about? 2. M: Did you attend yesterdays lecture? W: Yes. M: The lecture was supposed to start at 9:00 , m., but the professor was an h

3、our late. W: He would have arrived on time, but an accident jammed the main road for one and a half hours. Q: What does the woman mean? 3. W: Robert, what a surprise! Its nice to see you again! M: Hello, Susan! My gosh! How long has it been? Wasnt it several months ago, the last time we saw each oth

4、er? W: I think youre right. You know, we bought a cottage in a mountain village. Weve been transforming it from a mess into a good place to spend our holiday. M: Sounds good! Q: What can be learned from the conversation?4. M: Did you hear that they are going to build a first-class hotel here, with f

5、urnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs and an outstanding restaurant? W: Oh, no. Its going to ruin the neighborhood. They will have to tear down all those nice old houses. Q: What is the womans reaction to the new hotel?5. W: Hows your job going? M: Great! Im enjoying it a lot. At first I was chosen to

6、 manage the construction work. And now Im in charge of running the business. The only problem we have is that its hard to obtain all the bank loans we need. Q: What is the problem the man has in his job?6. M: Did you hear the latest about David? He is going to move to Seattle. W: To Seattle? Thats a

7、 long way from here! What in the world made him decide to move there? M: He inherited a large sum of money from a rich uncle there. Q: How does the woman feel?7. M: I know the foundation has given the community $10,000 to improve its environment. W: The money will bring the community back to life. $

8、10,000! They gave twice that amount, I bet. Q: How does the woman feel about the money?8. W: I can hardly believe it! Such a soft-spoken, well-dressed middle-aged man fired three shots into a crowded birthday party, killing one man. M: To be more exact, he killed one man and wounded two other people

9、. W: Has he already been sentenced? M: Yeah, he was arrested soon after the police arrived. He has been brought into court and sentenced to thirty years in prison. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?9. W: Im taking my daughter out for her birthday tonight - you know, to that outstanding resta

10、urant. M: You cant go like that. Youd better change. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?10. M: Whats your opinion of the village? Youve spent your holidays twice there. W: It captured my heart when I first saw it. M: Is it a special village? W: Yes, there are fine stone cottages, a central ar

11、ea of green grass and a fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests. M: If only I had some free time. Q: What does the man mean?11. M: More and more people are paying attention to the problem of computer crime. Have you heard about it? W: Of course. A month ago one of my colleagues was arreste

12、d because she transferred funds at our bank to accounts she had set up in other banks. M: How did they find out? W: Her bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the banks management. The bank notified the police. Q: What are the man and woman talking about?12. M: How do you like our bos

13、s?W: I find him a very charming man, very friendly, considerate - not at all proud. M: I certainly cant disagree with you on that. Q: What does the man think of the boss?13. W: To his terrible embarrassment, there were many people around at the time. M: Youre right. He was really embarrassed. He sti

14、ll turns red when anyone mentions what happened. The best thing to do is not to talk about it when he is around. Q: What does the man think they should do?14. M: How did you enjoy your trip to China? W: It was a wonderful trip. We went to Beijing to see the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and Beijing s S

15、iheyuan. M: But I heard they have tom down a lot of such houses because people in the city need better housing. W: Yeah, I think no one goes anywhere in the world to see apartment houses. How can Beijing be Beijing without Hutongs? Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation?15. W: What ma

16、de you steal so much money? Did you need so much? M: First, I discovered this huge amount of money. Then I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. W: You just couldnt hold back your greed for money? M: Yeah, there is no way to justify it. Q: What is the poss

17、ible relationship between the two speakers?16. W: Good evening. Can I help you? M: Oh, good evening. Yes, please. Id like to have some information about nice places where I can have a drink. W: Well, you could go to the pub not far from the hotel. Its a fine place to have a glass of Scotch whisky. M

18、: Oh, thats a good idea. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?17. W: Harry, I heard you bought an estate with a fine brick house and a run-down hotel. M: Yes, indeed. Im trying to have the hotel totally restored. W: Hows it coming along? M: Im just taking it one step at a time. Q:

19、 What does the man imply?18. M: The city is going to put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood. W: Another shopping center? Thats nothing new. Q: What does the woman mean?19. M: Id like to know some information about Mr. Smith. W: He was born in Scotland and educated in England. He has worked

20、 for the London police since the 1980s. M: Thanks a lot. Q: Where did Mr. Smith get his schooling? 20. M: Whats your family like? W: Well, I come from the mountain area. My family has been farming the surrounding hills for generations. M: Dont your parents want to live in the city? W: No, they are u

21、sed to the life there. Q: How do the womans parents get along?Key: 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (A) 11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (B)UNDERSTANDING LONG CONVERSATIONS Conversation1 (Dr. Scott and Thomas Hunt talk abou

22、t a man called Martin.)M 1: Dr. Scott, I have had some problems since my father died and left me all his money. Do you remember Martin, the man who took care of my fathers gardens for many years?M2: A smiling, polite fellow, right?M 1: Thats the man. I told him his job ended the day my father died.

23、Well, three days ago he came to my office, smiling as always, and demanded that I pay him $100,000. He claimed to have been taking care of the trees outside my fathers room when Dad prepared another will, leaving all of his money to his brother in New Zealand.M2: You believed him?M 1: I admit the ne

24、ws surprised me. Sometime during the last week in November, Dad and I had argued about my plans to marry Elizabeth. Dad did not want us to marry, so it seemed possible that he had decided to change his will and leave all his money to his brother instead of to me. Martin said he had my father s secon

25、d will and offered to sell it to me and keep it a secret for one hundred thousand dollars. He told me that the second will would be considered legal because it was dated November 31, the day after the will that left my fathers money to me. I refused. He tried to bargain, asking $50,000, and then $25

26、,000. M2: You paid nothing, I hope? M 1: Nothing at all. I told him to get out of my house. M2: Quite right. The story is clearly not true! Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. Who was Martin?2. According to Martin, who did Thomas father leave his money to?3. What di

27、d Thomas and his father argue about?4. How much did Martin demand first in order to keep the secret?5. Why did Dr. Scott say the story was clearly not true?Conversation 2 M: Excuse me, madam.W: Yes? M: Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg your pardon? M: Id like to look into yo

28、ur bag, if you dont mind. W: Well Im afraid I certainly do mind, if its all the same to you. Now go away. M: Im afraid I shall have to insist, madam. W: And just who are you to insist, may I ask? I advise you to go away before I call a policeman. M: I am a policeman, madam. Heres my identity card. W

29、: What? Oh. well., and just what right does that give you to go around looking into peoples bags? M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that theres something in the bags belonging to someone else? W: What do you mean belonging to someone else? M: Well, perhaps, things that havent been

30、paid for? W: Are you talking about stolen goods? I dont know what things are coming to when perfectly honest citizens get stopped in the street and have their bags examined. M: Exactly, but ifthe citizens are honest they wouldnt mind, would they? So may I look in your bag, madam? We dont want to mak

31、e a fuss, do we? W: Fuss? Whos making a fuss? Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what theyve got in their bags. Now go away. Ive got a train to catch. M: Im sorry. Im trying to do my job as politely as possible but Im afraid youre making it rather difficult. However, I must insist on

32、 seeing what you have in your bag. W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there? The jewels? M: Madam, if theres nothing in there which doesnt belong to you, you can go straight off and catch your train and Ill apologize for the inconvenience. W: Oh, very well. There you are. M: Thank you. And ten mens watches? W: Er, yes. I get very nervous if I dont k

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