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外企年会中英主持词精选多篇范文word版 16页.docx

1、外企年会中英主持词精选多篇范文word版 16页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 外企年会中英主持词(精选多篇)第一篇:外企年会中英 主持 词 外企年会中英主持词scc annual dinner 201X201X 年会主持人串词开幕词(18:00-18:05)leo:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾亲爱的同事们,朋友们大家晚上好!tina: dear leaders, distinguished guests, friends and colleagues, good evening!leo

2、:我是主持人leo from bu4tina:i am tina gong from hr.leo: 今天大家在这里汇聚一堂,参加scc201X年新年晚会!tina: today we travel across distances to have a joyous gathering and greet the approach of the new year.leo:我们在这里相约,在 、在苏州吴江。tina: we get together in 201X annual dinner to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new.leo:

3、在201X年的年夜饭的圆桌上,让我们轻轻地做个道别,说一声:再见,二零一三。tina: 201X is filled with wonderful stories. we enjoyed happiness together while spared no efforts to work towards the common goal.leo:201X年对我们所有人来说都是非常不平凡的一年tina: looking back on the past year, all of us worked hard day in and day out to build a stronger and be

4、tter .leo:201X年对我们 公司也是意义重大的一年。在过去的这一年,我们的工厂从广州逐步迁至吴江,招才纳士群英汇集,为 注入了更多的新鲜血液。tina: thanks to the concerted efforts of everyone here, is relocating from guangzhou to wujiang. at the approach of the new year 201X, carbon technology (suzhou)is walking to a brighter future .l: ,是我们相聚在这里的缘分,也是我们共同奋斗的理想。在这

5、个团聚之夜,让我们一起放飞祝福和理想。tina: now i announce, 201X annual dinner begins!lets warmly welcome mr.purkart to deliver a speech!leo:有请重量级嘉宾为我们送上新年 贺词 。 tina: mr. speech is a lighthouse leading everyone here to a brighter future.we firmly believe that with the guidance ofmanagement team and with the diligence

6、of all staff, will surely acquire more competitive advantage and enjoy a greater reputation .leo: 都听明白了么。领导发话指示我们要全面贯彻leader的领导,为建设更好更强大的 做出自己应有的贡献。团建各部门群众,稳中求进,锐意进取。为实现 的伟大复兴,努!力!奋!斗!台奖:tina: now its time for sunshine prize.leo:相信大家都看到桌子底下的阳光普照奖。每个桌台上面都有一张小卡片,每个小卡片对应着一句祝福和礼品。接下来我们会有更多的礼品奉送给大家。tina:

7、 english version for sunshine prize.取名回忆的时光:leo:今天不仅仅有丰厚的礼品,还有我们多才多艺的员工们准备的精彩纷呈的节目。今天的年会,一定给你好看。tina: besides dinner and gifts, we have also prepared wonderful shows for you. lets enjoy the song sweet memories.leo: 下面有请dcs部门的xx为大家献唱,取名回忆的时光tina: welcomeleo: 这首歌取名回忆的时光是不是唱给广州公司,为了忘却的纪念?*无论这回忆是美好的还是酸楚

8、的,我们都相信,战斗过的地方总有最温馨的足迹。谢谢xx,也祝福你和你代表的dcs部门在新的一年,新的工厂,更加给力,再创佳绩!草裙舞:tina: what would be on your mind when talking about hawaii? clear sky? blue ocean or hawaiian dance?leo:当说起阳光、沙滩、夏威夷、蓝色的海洋,你会想起什么?除了比基尼美女,我们还应该想到有种热辣的舞蹈,叫做草裙舞。leo: boss多才多艺吗?帅吗?威武吗?sexy吗?大家开心吗?还想看吗?愿意上台一起表演吗?感谢superstar的精彩表演。希望今天你们能给

9、大家带来好运。tina: thanks again for superstar! hope you will bring good luck to us!幸运奖:leo: 接下来是我们今天的第一轮抽奖。我们的奖品分两种,一种高端大气上档次,一种低端奢华有内涵。接下来这个奖,就属于低调奢华有内涵的幸运奖。tina:now lets invite psi chris, psii switt and psiii ivan to draw the lucky prize.心中的美女:leo:游戏规则介绍tina: introduce the game吉祥三宝:tina: happy families

10、lead to stable countries while stable countries nurture happy families. this can also be applied to departments and companies, look, a happy department, and also a happy family is coming.leo:网络上有句话叫,女神有三宝,干嘛呵呵去洗澡。高富帅有三宝, iphone跑车和名表。谎言有三宝:天长、地久、爰到老。下面来看看dcs的吉祥三宝。leo:送上祝福三等奖:leo: 年会有三宝,美食,节目,奖品好。接下来又

11、到了激动人心的抽奖环节。(拖地机器人)tina: martin游戏:超级挑战leo:介绍规则tina: introduce the rules.小丑杂耍:leo: 大家耍的很happy哈。接下来我们看一下专业杂耍的。tina:leo: 我们颁过了很多低调华丽有内涵的奖项,接下来的这个奖终于有点高端大气上档次的迹象了。二等奖:洗衣机leo: cathytina:武术表演:leo: 接下来这个节目,据说很神奇、很具有观赏价值、很有中国特色。你一定想不到,我们 公司其实是个卧虎藏龙的地方。在我们上海办公室,有一位硬汉。身怀绝世武艺,笑傲江湖,天下无双。tina: originating in chi

12、na, chinese kongfu is the combination of wisdom and long-term practice of chinese people. listed as national cultural heritage, chinese kongfu enjoys greater popularity worldwide. now please enjoy martial art.leo: 由请我们的硬汉 hardy, 武术表演。leo:这位爷台,我看你根骨清奇,资质极佳,日后必非池中之物。我久涉江湖,很少见到像你这样的武学奇才,遂一见如故。不如这样,你把你的

13、红包分我一份,我们一起拯救世界如何。五年年资奖:leo: 接下来要颁发的奖项是五年年资奖。五年是一段很宝贵的青春。201X年度有两位同事,在 贡献了他们宝贵的五年。julie:leo:接下来有请 颁发五年年资奖。leo: 希望下一个五年,你仍然站在这里。不忘初心,执着向前。游戏:猪八戒背媳妇心愿大放送:歌曲恭喜发财leo: 感谢bu1为我们送上的真诚的祝福。恭喜发财。bu1是一个年轻态的团队。有我们奋斗在一线的帅气的销售,有漂亮的助理,有给力的后援团,有经验丰富的工程师。还有运筹帷幄的好领导。bu1也是第一个完成工厂搬迁的部门。今天他们的祝福是恭喜发财,下一句红包拿来。问问我们的领导,有没有红

14、包,没有回去补上。leo:一位青年问禅师,大师我现在很富有,可是我一点不快乐。禅师问,何谓富有。青年说,银行卡里八位数,五道口三套房算富有吗?禅师没说话只伸出了一只手,青年恍然大悟,禅师是让我懂的感恩与回报吗?禅师说,不,土豪,我们可以做盆友吗? 一等奖:michael颁奖:优秀员工接下来我们要颁发一个重要的奖项,优秀员工奖。这个奖年年都有,一次又一次的送到我们优秀员工的手中。这个奖不仅仅只与寥寥数位的得奖者有关,而是与我们每个人都息息相关。它不仅仅代表一次嘉奖,更代表着我们对待工作的态度、责任、奉献和职业操守。接下来有请xx办法201X年度优秀员工奖。 请各位发表获奖感言:劳模是怎样炼成的。

15、这一个又一个奖项像一枚又一枚的路标,清晰的记录着我们每个人在这里走过的路,无论这条路崎岖还是平坦,无论你得了奖还是没得奖。我们都希望并且相信,这条路会越走越顺越走越坦荡。也希望明年的这个舞台上,有属于你的奖项。 一条铁链的强度取决于其最弱的一环strength is determined by a chain to its weakest link特等奖:结束语:男:快乐的时光总是那么短暂,女:团聚的日子特别让人感动,男:今天我们欢歌笑语,我们畅想未来,女:让我们记住今天,让我们期待明天。男:现在我宣布: *(苏州)有限公司201X年年会到此结束女:大家为新的一年尽情的畅饮吧第二篇:公司年会主

16、持词中英对照 原创dbs青岛年度晚会主持词一、开场词(主持人上场)a :金牛奋蹄开锦绣,b: 玉虎添翼舞新春,c:虎啸青山千里锦,d:虎震神州百业兴。合:虎跃新春迎盛世,虎虎生威续辉煌a:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾c:亲爱的同事们合:大家晚上好! d:the year of the ox is coming to the end. we are now expecting the new year of the this particular moment, we wish we can spent a pleasant evening together . b:ladies

17、and gentlemen ,welcome to 201X annual diner party of dbs shandong district. a:又是一季雪飘过。201X年已经迈着坚定的脚步离我们远去,在这一年中,我们有欢笑,有泪水,有惊喜,有感动。 b:accompanied by the melting snow, we waved our hands to the year of 201X, in which, there were laughter, tears, surprises, and impressions. c:辛辛苦苦又一年。dbs山东区全体员工奋力拼搏,在不寻

18、常的一年里创造了不寻常的成绩。d:it has been a tough year. nevertheless, after the hard work surrendered by the whole dbs shandong district, we have earned a notable achievement in this unusual year.a:辞旧迎新贺新春。新的一年给了我们新的希望,我们必将以激昂的斗志,饱满的热情,为dbs山东区谱写新的乐章!b:we get together here to memorize the old days in 201X and wel

19、come the new of 201X. the new year gives us new hope and we will fight for a greater development of dbs shandong district with our full courage, passion and enthusiasm.c:而今迈步从头越。回首09,展望10,我们将用永恒的信念,炽热的豪情为dbs山东区续写新的辉煌!d:we are reaching the new starting point. looking back on 201X and looking forward

20、to201X, we will try our utmost to add a new glory to dbs shandong district.a:201X,新的一年,新的祝福,新的期望!b: 201X, there is our longing for a happy life and our blueprint of a bright future. c:201X,我们为了同一个目标而奋斗,愿dbs山东区的明天更加灿烂辉煌! d:201X, we are striving to achieve one objective, the more brilliant tomorrow of

21、 dbs shandong district. a:dbs山东区201X年新春年会,现在开始!b:now, please let me announce the start of the 201X annual dinner party of dbs shandong district.二、review videoc:首先,让我们重温09年身边的发生的点点滴滴,共同分享我们的成长与快乐!请看大屏幕。d :firstly, we would like to review the matters that took place around us in 201X to share our grow

22、th and happiness!please see the big screen.(开始播放review video)三、mr. fa:温馨的记忆已经深深的铭刻在每个人的心里,美好的明天等待着我们继续为之奋斗!过去的一年里经济危机席卷全球,但在dbs北方区总裁mr. f的英明领导下dbs北方区的业绩仍然保持高速增长。今晚我们非常荣幸的请到dbs北方区总裁mr. f来到了晚会现场。现在,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎mr. f致新年贺词! b:those warm memories have been treasured up in everyones heart. a bright future

23、requires our continued hard work. over the past year, the economic crisis has been sweeping over the world.however, mr. f, with his particular wisdom and hard work, led all of us in dbs north china overcome the difficulties and create the economic miracle - the continuous rapid growth of the perform

24、ance of dbs north china. tonight, we are much honored to have the director of dbs north china mr. f came to the party here. now, let us, with our warm applause, welcome mr. f to issue the new year message! 四、e致辞c:谢谢mr. f的美好祝愿!俗话说的好,火车跑得快,全靠车头带,dbs山东区09年取得骄人的业绩与e辛勤付出分不开的。下面,有请e为我们致新年贺词。d :many thanks

25、 for the good wishes from mr. an old saying, the high speed of the train owes to fabulous capacity of the locomotive. without the hard work and great contribution of e, we can not achieve such remarkable achievements in 201X. here, let us welcome e make a speech for us. c:谢谢e的祝福和勉励。我们坚信在即将

26、到来的201X年,dbs山东区全体员 工会 携手共进,共同抒写新的历史篇章! d: thanks e for her kind blessing and encouragement. we firmly believe that in the coming year of 201X, all of us in dbs shandong district will work together to jointly achieve a new stage o(小编推荐你关注 网)f success五、颁奖c:接下来,又到了激动人心的颁奖时刻。谁是dbs山东区201X年先进工作者,特殊贡献奖的得主呢

27、?答案马上揭晓。now we are going to the exciting moment. who are the best performers and the strong performers of shandong district in 201X? the answer will be immediately announced.六、共同演唱dbs主题曲a:你与我同在这全球,心手相连同为一家人。共同分担欢笑和忧愁,一起迈向更美好的明天b: you and me in this world, hand in hand like a family. we share laughte

28、r and sadness together, walking towards a better tomorrow.c:每当这熟悉的旋律萦绕在耳边,我们倍感温暖。因为这唱出了我们心声我们就是相亲相爱的一家人!下面,让我们共同唱起这首dbs之歌,为dbs美好的明天送上我们祝福!d: whenever this familiar melodies lingering around my ears, warm filled in our hearts. because it is the feeling from our hearts - we are a family who love each

29、other!here, let us sing the song and bless a better tomorrow for dbs.第三篇:【外企面试】外企面试技巧(中英对照)外企面试技巧(中英对照) 外企面试技巧(中英对照) 不清楚外国人的面试和我们的面试有和区别?那么现在来一窥其详吧。 不清楚外国人的面试和我们的面试有和区别?那么现在来一窥其详吧。 看看他们对于面试时候需要注意的问题是如何介绍的。 看看他们对于面试时候需要注意的问题是如何介绍的。 the competition for a great job opportunity can be intense beingprepa

30、red with th e right interviewing skills can give you a clearadvantage to beat the competition. h ere are some dos and dontsfor the job interview: 好的职位自然竞争激烈, 但是如果掌握了一定的面试技巧, 则会使您在竞争中取得一定优势。 以下是一些在面试中需要注意的几点。 1. do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early. late arrival for a job intervie w is ne

31、ver excusable. 要确保准时或者提前几分钟到达面试场所。面试迟到可是大忌。 2. if presented with an application, do fill it out neatly andcompletely. dont rely o n your application or resume to do the sellingfor you. interviewers will want you to speak for yourself. 如果需要填写申请表格, 要确保字迹清晰, 填写完整。 别指望申请表和 简历 能帮你推销自己, 面试官希望看到你自己把自己的特点展现

32、出来。 3. do greet the interviewer by last name if you are sure of thepronunciation. if n ot, ask the employer to repeat it. give theappearance of energy as you walk. smile! shake hands firmly. begenuinely glad to meet the interviewer. 如果你确定面试官姓氏的发音,要称呼他的姓来问好;如果你不确定发音,要请他重复。走 路要看起来神采奕奕。 保持微笑。 握手干脆有力。 对于与面试官的见面要表现出真诚的愉悦。 4. do wait until you are of

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