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辽宁省沈阳二中届高三暑假验收考试 英语.docx

1、辽宁省沈阳二中届高三暑假验收考试 英语沈阳二中20152016学年度上学期暑假验收高三(16届)英语试题 命题人:高三英语组 审校人: 高三英语组说明:1.测试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 2.客观题涂在答题纸上,主观题答在答题纸的相应位置上。第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分110分)第一节 单词填空(共100小题:每小题0.5分,满分50分)1. Daily _ (supply) were sent to children in poor areas.2. The _(面试者) for the job is a graduate from Peking University.3. -

2、 Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu! - What a _ !(真欣慰) Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious !4. Jiuzhaigou attracts tens of thousands of visitors by its beautiful natural s_ .5. It was difficult to know her because she always kept everyone at a _. (距离)6. The girl is always _ (energy

3、) as though she never knows tiredness.7. Read the i_(说明) on the bottle carefully before taking the medicine.8. The trip to Paris was so _ (印象深刻的) that the girl went back to Paris again.9. To the _(amaze) of these scientists ,they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, sh

4、ows no fatigue at all!10. The homeless children _ (感激) receiving your gifts on Christmas Eve.11. The mother is _ (耐心的) with her children, and she always speaks in patience.12. Tom appeared _ (放松) and confident before the match, and to our excitement, he got the first place in it.13. No one is allowe

5、d to leave early without _. (permit).14. High school students should learn to develop their _ (独立) thinking.15.One _ (优势,好处) of living in the countryside is the clean and fresh air.16. I realized he had been doing what music teachers stress: c_ on the music and pretend the others arent there.17. Aft

6、er the meal, she placed a little box _ (contain) an old pen in my hand.18.Besides,without much experience, its easy for us to make bad friends and be _ (影响) to do stupid things.19. The headmaster made a _ (结论) at the end of speech contest.20. Beijing has built many sports centers, which have the lat

7、est _(设施).21. The professor mixed milk with cola and asked the students to taste the m_.22. It is no use _(抱怨) about the bad weather.23. Please state your name, age and _(occupy).24. Only very rich people can _ to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.25. Its five years since we

8、 separated, but I still find the memories quite _(pain).26. He suffered serious _ (injure) in the car crash, and die on the way to hospital.27. If one often takes cannabis and cocaine, he will be _ (上瘾) to them.28. If a serious addict cant get timely _ (treat), he is likely to die.29. All the labore

9、rs were arrested, because they entered the country _(legal).30. By the time he was 14, Mozart had _(作曲)many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as foe orchestras.31. Bill marched off angrily in the opposite _(direct).32. Everyone agrees that _(传统的) Chinese painting is considered to

10、 be very pretty.33. Fish-keeping is a widespread hobby and the keeper can _(观察)their behaviour in the glass tank and study its entire life cycle.34. People already take too many pills instead of a_(采纳) a healthier lifestyle.35. The house looks very old, but in _ (realise) its quite new.36. The flood

11、s led to many deaths and serious _(destroy) to the area.37. - I got that job I wanted at the public library. - C_! Thats a good news.38. The plane crashed killing all 200 people a_.39. My brother has never been _ (出国)before, so he thinks this trip very exciting.40. It is important to look at the nov

12、el in its _(历史的) context.41. There is an _(argue) within the Government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms impact on the countryside.42. After the war, my uncle was awarded a medal for _(brave).43. It is generally agreed that the more expensive the goods, the higher the _(质量).4

13、4. Paris is the capital and the largest city of France, _ on the River Seine.45. We feel that wearing a red ribbon to support AIDS victims is an important _(symbol) gesture.46. It is a great honor to attend the conference as a _(代表) of our company.47. Jack is _(体贴的), while his wife is just the oppos

14、ite.48. We need an effective strategy to fight _(poor).49. The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. _(类似的), fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.50. Hearing his voyage experiences, I knew that he was an e_ sailor.51. They have bought some _(家具) for their new home, mostly se

15、cond-hand.52. Teenagers are deeply influenced by the _ (暴力) shown on TV.53. The government has taken measures to cope with the _(紧急的) needs of the earthquake victims.54. Jobs made a great _(contribute) to the development of the iPhone.55. Bell was the _(invent) of the telephone.56. The new school fo

16、r homeless children is still under c_.57. These books are mainly _ (设计) for the use of the beginners.58. Universities have to provide a_(住宿) for first-year students.59. Ebola virus is spreading with frightening speed, which has aroused _(globe) attention.60.You must have a good education, but practi

17、cal training is _(同等的) important.61. The general c _ (命令)his men to defend to the end. 62. She is not _ (optimist) about the future.63. There is a _ (limited) to the amount of pain we can stand.64. Is it _ (方便的) for you to come out now?65. There is only one _ (solve) to the problem.66. Can you imagi

18、ne his _ (react) when he heard that?67. She s_ (张开) her arms and her child ran to her.68. They were in a state of _ (恐慌) on hearing the big explosion.69. The_ (受害者)suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood.70. Scientists have made a great _(突破)71. Only a small q_ (数量) of water was polluted.

19、 72. He found no way to _ (逃跑).73. _ (brief), what he said was of importance.74. _ (surround) by a crowd of fans, the famous star couldnt get off.75. Leaping on a _ (狭窄的) board is not safe.76. The doctor f_ him to drink wine because of his poor health.77. She sighed, then continued in a soft,_ (平静的)

20、voice. 78. Tigers will not a_ people unless they sense they are in danger.79. She soon built her r_ (声誉) as a first-class cook.80. He _ (宣称) himself to be an artist. 81. C_ with English, Chinese is rather difficult to learn.82. John made an a_ to leave early, but was stopped.83. His expression sugge

21、sted he got _ (confuse) by the problem.84. He always asks _ (vary) questions beyond your expectation.85. Cold drinks will be a_ (可获得的) at the Sports Center.86. It seems that more than 100 applicants will a_ for the position.87. The company s_ huge losses in the financial crisis.88. There was much_ (

22、curious)about what manner of man he was. 89. Im _ (决心) to find out the murder.90. We believe he can be _ (quality) for his job.91. They are going out to _ (庆祝) Jacks passing the exam.92. In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong _ (culture)tradition.93. Susans idea of_ (free)was to have var

23、iety in her life style. 94. The play was first _ (表演) in 2012.95. Germany d_ war on France on 1 August, 1914. 96. I have to change my approach to facing the_ (compete). 97. Finally, the number has i_(增长) to 2,000.98. A strong man will s_ (奋斗) no matter what difficulty is facing him.99. I got from th

24、e article that sandstorms are_. (danger)100. Your arms and legs need_ (protect)from light bouncing off glass.第二节 短语填空(共30小题:每小题1分,满分30分)1. Today is April 29th. He is to arrive the day after tomorrow. _ _ _, he will be here on May 1st. 2. What the teacher said at class_ _ _every student.(适用于)3. In 19

25、44, he met Edith Piaf, and his career_ _.(腾飞)4. He decided that he would arrive all the way home instead of_ _at a hotel for the night.5. Getting close to nature_ _the joy of life.(增添)6. Most commentators fail to_ _ _a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.(提出)7. The driver stopped t

26、he bus and_ _three more passengers.(搭载)8. A burglar_ _the house from the window last night.(闯入)9. As is well known, Edison was one of the greatest scientists_ _ _.(有史以来)10. Our daughter is a great dancer, and she_ _above the rest.(脱颖而出)11. How much do you have to pay_ _ if four of you go together.(总

27、共)12. When will the new dictionary_ _?(出版)13. They are brothers, but they_ _ _ _ with each other.(毫无共同之处)14. Four and a half hours of discussion took us_ _midnight.(直到)15. Thanks to the help of Mr. Smith, or our task would have_ _ _failure.(以失败告终)16. To improve my health, Im trying to_ _on smoking.(削减)17. The Smiths are praised for the way they_ _their children.(抚养)18. Their friendship_ _ _their college days.(追溯到)19. After a day of hard work, my strength_ _completely.(用光)20. I hadnt thought we would_ _ _the traffic jam on the freeway on National Day.(困在)21. He smiled and didnt_

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