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1、英文童话故事TheWhiteCat英文童话故事: The White CatOnce upon a time.There was a king who had three sons, who were all so clever and brave that he began to be afraid that they would want to reign over the kingdom before he was dead. Now the King, though he felt that he was growing old, did not at all wish to give

2、 up the government of his kingdom while he could still manage it very well, so he thought the best way to live in peace would be to divert the minds of his sons by promises which he could always get out of when the time came for keeping them.So he sent for them all, and, after speaking to them kindl

3、y, he added :You will quite agree with me, my dear children, that my great age makes it impossible for me to look after my affairs of state as carefully as I once did. I begin to fear that this may affect the welfare of my subjects, therefore I wish that one of you should succeed to my crown; but in

4、 return for such a gift as this it is only right that you should do something for me. Now, as I think of retiring into the country, it seems to me that a pretty, lively, faithful little dog would be very good company for me; so, without any regard for your ages, I promise that the one who brings me

5、the most beautiful little dog shall succeed me at once.The three Princes were greatly surprised by their fathers sudden fancy for a little dog, but as it gave the two younger ones a chance they would not otherwise have had of being king, and as the eldest was too polite to make anyobjection, they ac

6、cepted the commission with pleasure. They bade farewell to the King, who gave them presents of silver and precious stones, and appointed to meet them at the same hour, in the same place, after a year had passed, to see the little dogs they had brought for him.Then they went together to a castle whic

7、h was about a league from the city, accompanied by all their particular friends, to whom they gave a grand banquet, and the three brothers promised to be friends always, to share whatever good fortune befell them, and not to be parted by any envy or jealousy; and so they set out, agreeing to meet at

8、 the same castle at the appointed time, to present themselves before the King together. Each one took a different road, and the two eldest met with many adventures; but it is about the youngest that you are going to hear. He was young, and gay, and handsome, and knew everything that a prince ought t

9、o know; and as for his courage, there was simply no end to it.Hardly a day passed without his buying several dogs- big and little, greyhounds, mastiffs, spaniels, and lapdogs. As soon as he had bought a pretty one he was sure to see a still prettier, and then he had to get rid of all the others and

10、buy that one, as, being alone, he found it impossible to take thirty or forty thousand dogs about with him. He journeyed from day to day, not knowing where he was going, until at last, just at nightfall, he reached a great, gloomyforest. He did not know his way, and, to make matters worse, it began

11、to thunder, and the rain poured down. He took the first path he could find, and after walking for a long time he fancied he saw a faint light, and began to hope that he was coming to some cottage where he might find shelter for the night. At length, guided by the light, he reached the door of the mo

12、st splendid castle he could have imagined. This door was of gold covered with carbuncles, and it was the pure red light which shone from them that had shown him the way through the forest. The walls were of the finest porcelain in all the most delicate colours, and the Prince saw that all the storie

13、s he had ever read were pictured upon them; but as he was terribly wet, and the rain still fell in torrents, he could not stay to look about any more, but came back to the golden door. There he saw a deers foot hanging by a chain of diamonds, and he began to wonder who could live in this magnificent

14、 castle.They must feel very secure against robbers, he said to himself. What is to hinder anyone from cutting off that chain and digging out those carbuncles, and making himself rich for life?He pulled the deers foot, and immediately a silver bell sounded and the door flew open, but the Prince could

15、 see nothing but numbers of hands in the air, each holding a torch. He was so much surprised that he stood quite still, until he felt himself pushed forward by other hands, so that, though he was somewhat uneasy, he could not help going on. With his hand on his sword, to be prepared for whatever mig

16、ht happen, he entered a hall paved with lapis-lazuli, while two lovely voices sang :The hands you see floating above Will swiftly your bidding obey; If your heart dreads not conquering Love, In this place you may fearlessly stay.The Prince could not believe that any danger threatened him when he was

17、 welcomed in this way, so, guided by the mysterious hands, he went toward a door of coral, which opened of its own accord, and he found himself in a vast hall of mother-of-pearl, out of which opened a number of other rooms, glittering with thousands of lights, and full of such beautiful pictures and

18、 precious things that the Prince felt quite bewildered. After passing through sixty rooms the hands that conducted him stopped, and the Prince saw a most comfortable-looking arm-chair drawn up close to the chimneycorner; at the same moment the fire lighted itself, and the pretty, soft, clever hands

19、took off the Princes wet, muddy clothes, and presented him with fresh ones made of the richest stuffs, all embroidered with gold and emeralds. He could not help admiring everything he saw, and the deft way in which the hands waited on him, though they sometimes appeared so suddenly that they made hi

20、m jump.When he was quite ready-and I can assure you that he looked very different from the wet and weary Prince who had stood outside in the rain, and pulled the deers foot-the hands led him to a splendid room, upon the walls of which were painted the histories of Puss in Boots and a number of other

21、 famous cats. The table was laid for supper with two golden plates, and golden spoons and forks, and the sideboard was covered with dishes and glasses of crystal set with precious stones. The Prince was wondering who the second place could be for, when suddenly in came about a dozen cats carrying gu

22、itars and rolls of music, who took their places at one end of the room, and under the direction of a cat who beat timewith a roll of paper began to mew in every imaginable key, and to draw their claws across the strings of the guitars, making the strangest kind of music that could be heard. The Prin

23、ce hastily stopped up his ears, but even then the sight of these comical musicians sent him into fits of laughter.What funny thing shall I see next? he said to himself, and instantly the door opened, and in came a tiny figure covered by a long black veil. It was conducted by two cats wearing black m

24、antles and carrying swords, and a large party of cats followed, who brought in cages full of rats and mice.The Prince was so much astonished that he thought he must be dreaming, but the little figure came up to him and threw back its veil, and he saw that it was the loveliest little white cat it is

25、possible to imagine. She looked very young and very sad, and in a sweet little voice that went straight to his heart she said to the Prince :Kings son, you are welcome; the Queen of the Cats is glad to see you.Lady Cat, replied the Prince, I thank you for receiving me so kindly, but surely you are n

26、o ordinary pussycat? Indeed, the way you speak and the magnificence of your castle prove it plainly.Kings son, said the White Cat, I beg you to spare me these compliments, for I am not used to them. But now, she added, let supper be served, and let the musicians be silent, as the Prince does not und

27、erstand what they are saying.So the mysterious hands began to bring in the supper, and first they put on the table two dishes, one containing stewed pigeons and the other a fricassee of fat mice. The sight of the latter made the Prince feel as if he could not enjoy his supper at all; but the White C

28、at, seeing this, assured him that the dishes intended for him were prepared in a separate kitchen, and he might be quite certain that they contained neither rats nor mice; and the Prince felt so sure that she would not deceive him that he had no more hesitation in beginning. Presently he noticed tha

29、t on the little paw that was next him the White Cat wore a bracelet containing a portrait, and he begged to be allowed to look at it. To his great surprise he found it represented an extremely handsome young man, who was so like himself that it might have been his ownportrait! The White Cat sighed a

30、s he looked at it, and seemed sadder than ever, and the Prince dared not ask any questions for fear of displeasing her; so he began to talk about other things, and found that she was interested in all the subjects he cared for himself, and seemed to know quite well what was going on in the world. Af

31、ter supper they went into another room, which was fitted up as a theatre, and the cats acted and danced for their amusement, and then the White Cat said good-night to him, and the hands conducted him into a room he had not seen before, hung with tapestry worked with butterflies wings of every colour

32、; there were mirrors that reached from the ceiling to the floor, and a little white bed with curtains of gauze tied up with ribbons. The Prince went to bed in silence, as he did not quite know how to begin a conversation with the hands that waited on him, and in the morning he was awakened by a nois

33、e and confusion outside of his window, and the hands came and quickly dressed him inhunting costume. When he looked out all the cats were assembled in the courtyard, some leading greyhounds, some blowing horns, for the White Cat was going out hunting. The hands led a wooden horse up to the Prince, and seemed to ex

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