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外研社初一下册英语module2 知识点讲解及习题.docx

1、外研社初一下册英语module2 知识点讲解及习题初一(七年级) 外研版(下)Module 2 短语 Module 21. the Spring Festival 春节2. Lantern Festival 元宵节3. New Years Eve新年前夜4. get ready for 为。准备好5. clean the house 打扫房屋6. cook the meal做饭7. learn a dragon dance学舞龙8. make lanterns做灯笼9. sweep the floor扫地10. Whats happening?正在发生什么?11. at work在工作12.

2、sweep away扫去13. a few(+pl.)一些/ a little (+U) 一些14. all the year round 一年到头15. at the Spring Festival在春节期间16. on Spring Festivals Eve在除夕17. paint sth. red把。漆成红色18. good luck / bad luck好运/坏运气19. paper cuts剪纸20. have a haircut剪头发21. on New Years Day在新年22. a kind of一种23. at midnight在午夜24. bring sb. sth.

3、=bring sth. to sb.给某人带来某物25. the most important festival 最重要的节日26. in the western countries 在西方国家27. the birth of Jesus Christ.耶稣的生日28. be interested in对。感兴趣29. a fat man with a long white beard一个有着长长的白胡子的胖胖的男人初一英语Module 2必记单词和短语name _ Class_ 节日_ 有准备的_ 弄干净_ 做饭_ 一餐,一顿饭 _ 学会_ 龙_ 灯笼_ 打扫_ 地板_ 发生_ 帮助_ 传统

4、_ 坏的_ 运气_ 涂,绘画_ 意味,意思是_ 装饰(动词)_ 装饰(名词)_ 每个人_ 理发_ 给_ 饺子_ 甜的_ 布丁_ 焰火_ 不多_ 想要_ 星期_ 圆的 _ 带来_ 颜色 _ 某事 _ 剪,切_ 圣诞节_ 长的_初一英语Module 2必记短语name _ Class_Unit One为、作准备get ready for 舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance 学舞龙learn a dragon dance 春节(at)Spring Festival 元宵节(at) Lantern Festival 圣诞节(on)Christmas Day 扫去sweep away

5、 新年New Year 新年前夜(on)New Years Eve新年礼物New Year Presents 一些a few/ some 一年到头all the year around 在工作at work/be working 打扫房子clean the house 打扫地板sweep the floor 做饭cook the meal 做灯笼make lanterns做饺子 make dumplings 看照片look the photos 许多传统a lot of traditions/ lots of traditions/many traditions Unit Two扫走sweep

6、 away 霉运bad luck 好运good luck 扫走霉运sweep away bad luck 涂门/窗/墙paint doors/windows /wall 把窗涂成红色paint windows red 剪纸paper cuts 装饰门decorate doors 用剪纸装饰门decorate doors with paper cuts 买衣服buy clothes / shop for clothes 理发have a haircut 穿新衣服put on new clothes 在午夜at midnight 汤圆rice dumpling 买东西go shopping/do

7、some shopping 唱圣诞歌sing christmas songs 吃圣诞晚饭eat/have christmas dinner 对、感兴趣be interested in 一种饺子a kind of dumpling 年糕a rice sweet pudding一般现在时和现在进行时的辨析 在初一阶段我们已经学习了一般现在时和现在进行时。在实际运用中,两者易混淆,所以今天我们再来“接触”一下这两种时态,要在比较中“学”,在比较中“用”。一、辨“个性”一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作,以及主语的特征或状态。1 表示主语现在的状态或特征。例如:Lily is at work. 莉莉在

8、工作。2表示经常性或习惯性动作。例如:My father goes to work by bike every day. 我的爸爸每天都骑自行车上班。3表示自然现象或普遍真理。例如:Sunday is the first day of the week. 周日是一周中的第一天。现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:What are you doing these days? 这些日子你在干什么?Im cleaning the new house.(这些日子)我在清扫新房子。二、辨结构一般现在时的结构是:主+动词+。谓语动词通常用动词原形。但当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词词尾要加“-

9、s”或“-es”。现在进行时的结构是:“主+be(are/ is/am)动词的-ing形式+。”三、辨“信息词”一般现在时常和always, often, usually, sometimes以及every day, on Sundays等时间状语连用;现在进行时的时间状语通常为:now, these weeks, at the moment等。试比较:Sometimes they have lunch at home. 他们有时在家吃午饭。They are having lunch at home now. 他们现在正在家吃午饭。四、辨“特异功能”在英语中,come, go, leave等表

10、示位移的动词的现在进行时常用来表示将来的动作。例如:Im coming now. 我就来。Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?Im going to school. 我要去上学。光说不练,那也是纸上谈兵。下面有几道时态填空题,能顺利闯关者,才是识时态的俊杰。1. Lucy often(help) me with my English. She_(help) me now.2. Mr. Green_(teach) in a middle school.3. The twins_(work) on a farm these days.Keys: 1. helps, is help

11、ing 2. teaches 3. are working外研社新目标小学起点初一英语下Module 2-背景知识圣诞节Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world. Christmas regard this day as the birthday of Jesus Christ, but many of the customs and celebrations are not of a religious natu

12、re. In the large shops preparations for Christmas are begun five or six weeks before the actual day. Shop owners like Christmas because it is a time when people exchange presents. This means more goods are bought than at any other time of the year. In larger towns decorations are put up in the main

13、street two or three weeks before Christmas-usually these decorations are lit up at night. Preparations are also made at home. Special puddings and cakes are eaten on Christmas Day and these have to be made three or four weeks in advance. Two or three days before Christmas, people decorate their hous

14、es with paper decorations and leaves and branches. People also like to have a Christmas tree in the living room. This is a very small fir tree decorated with silver paper and colored lights.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day, it is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very excited because o

15、f the presents they know they are going to receive. Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas. Father Christmas is a kind old man who, the children are told, lives at the North Pole. He travels through the sky on a sledge which is pulled by reindeer and loaded with p

16、resents. Stopping on the roofs of houses, he enters by climbing down the chimney. When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve, they hang a stocking at the end of their beds. The parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas or he will not leave them anything. When they wake up, they fi

17、nd their stockings filled with presents. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Notes: celebrate v. 庆祝Chrisian adj. 基督教的religious adj. 宗教的preparation n. 准备actual adj. 实际的exchange v. 交换advance n. 预先fir n. 枞树particularly adv. 特别地sledge n. 雪车reindeer n. 驯鹿chimney n. 烟囱

18、 Father ChristmasIt is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happ

19、y old man with a long white beard and a long red robe. On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that n

20、ight, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, its really their parents who fill the stockings. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus. 过年celebrate the spring festival 春联spring festival couplets剪纸paper-cuts年画new year paintin

21、gs买年货do shopping for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping敬酒propose a toast灯笼lantern 烟花fireworks爆竹firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮lion dance (the lio

22、n is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)舞龙dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)戏曲traditional opera杂耍variety show 灯谜riddles written on lanterns灯会exhibit of lanterns守岁staying-up拜年pay new years call; give new years greetings; pay new years visit禁忌taboo去晦气get rid o

23、f the ill- fortune祭祖宗offer sacrifices to ones ancestors压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note: in the old days, new years money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a

24、hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year扫房spring cleaning; general house-cleaning年糕nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake 团圆饭family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on new year

25、s eve 初中英语语法口诀歌1.数词变化规律及读法口诀 两大数词基和序,前表数量后第几。 构成先谈基数词,1至12请认真记。 13至19teen结尾齐,ty结尾表示几十。 若要表达几十几,几十短横1到9。 One hundred 一百记,若表几百几十几。 几百 and几十几,基数规律上述里。 再把序数谈仔细,第一至三独立记。 第四至十九结尾th,第廿到九十有规律。 基数基础y变ieth。第几十几有特例,第几十由基数起,几用序数有道理。 第一百one hundred。若说第一百几十几。 One hundred and第几十几。谈此即告一段落。 序有缩式莫忘记,上述须用心体味。 2.句子种类口诀

26、 句子按用途分四大体,陈述疑问感叹和祈使。陈述用来叙述一件事。疑问主要用来提问题。 祈使表达命令和请求。表达强烈感情感叹句。 上述九是句种之定义。祈使主语you被抛弃。 若将其变成否定形式,动词之前加dont是正理。 3.陈述句变感叹句口诀 英语陈述变感叹两句套。What 或How加其他成分表。What a(an)形加名用的妙。 剩余照写句末用感叹号。 How 后副和形是正确道,其后照写感叹号堪称妙。 4.一般现在时用法及句型转换口诀 经常习惯动作和真理,是一般现在时的定义。构成除单三皆动原式。若逢动词第三人称体, 动词变单三式有道理。若要变成否定的形式, 动词原形之前加dont,除单三人称外

27、无特例。 单三式前doesnt动原基。句首Do,Does疑问起,Does用单三人称限制,单三还原形没大问题。 5.变动词单三人称口诀 一般情况动词尾-s加。O,s,ch,sh结尾“-es”没有差。 辅音加y 去y为“-ies”是方法。 6.现在进行时及句型转换口诀 现在正在进行之动作,用现在进行时来掌舵。构成be加现在分词妥,be的用法如同系动词。 切记be是助动词没错,be后面加not否定拓。Be提句首疑问有把握,上述内容记清好处多。7.现在分词构成口诀 词尾直加-ing是一般式,若遇无音e去之加-ing。 重读闭音一辅音字母尾,双写该字母-ing是正里。 8.形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成

28、口诀 结尾直加-er,-est属一般,详细构成方法逐一来侃谈。 一辅音结尾重读闭音节看,辅音双写-er,-est是习惯。 辅音加y(ly)除外有型感,按照去y,-er,-iest方法办。 上述皆属单音部分双音段,下面把多音节规律来看看。 词前加more,most此规律唤。规则变化到此已全都谈完。 有些不规则变化请你记全。“双好”better,best记的宽。 “坏病”worse,worst莫记乱。“双多” more,most不用管 “老、远”两种形式别记篡,“有点”less,least记清盼。9.感观使役动词记忆和使用口诀1.记忆口诀:二听四看一感觉,使役动词有三个。 或:一感二听三使四看。

29、一感;feel 二听:hear,listen to 三使:make ,let ,have 四看:look at,see,watch,notice 使用口诀:感使动词真奇怪,to在句中象妖怪。 主动句里它走开,被动句里它回来。 动词let要除外,to词可来可不来。10.规则动词加-ed的读音口诀 元音后t,浊音后d,td 后读id。 注:浊音包括浊辅音和元音。11.时刻表达法口诀 时刻表达法作用大,衣食住行离不开它。 整点时把点钟数打,时分俱全不好表达。 请记下列几种方法:先时后分莫给弄差。 若要说明几点过几分,可把past和after来抓。 前分后时不能搞差,要说几点几分差,to前分后时来表达。12.形容词和副词的比较等级及用法句型口诀 一者比较用原级。比较级限二者比。三者三者往上比,最高级的用法起。 若要比项掌握齐,比较范围要搞细。比较级二句型记,做出句子没问题。 若甲乙程度相同,asas 结构体。甲某方面不及乙,用 not so/asas表示。 上述内容全记起,比较

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