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届中考英语教材基础知识复习 七年级下 Unit 16.docx

1、届中考英语教材基础知识复习 七年级下 Unit 16七年级下册 Units 16 一、考试目标 类别 新课标要求 重点词汇拓展 1.sing(v.)singer (n.)歌手 (adj.)中心的;中央的 3.sometimes(adv.)at times (同义短语)有时 4.true(adj.)truly (adv.)真正;确实truth (n.)实情;事实 5.noisy(adj.)noise (n.)声音;噪音noisily (adv.)吵闹地 6.luck (n.)lucky (adj.)幸运的luckily (adv.)幸运地;好运地

2、autiful (adj.)beautifully (adv.)美好地;漂亮地beauty (n.)美;美丽 8.south(n.& adj.)southern (adj.)南方的 9.sleep(v. & n)sleepy (adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的asleep (adj.)睡着的 wake(v.反义词) 醒来 10.friend(n.)friendly (adj.)友好的friendship (n.)友谊;友情 11.danger(n.)dangerous (adj.)有危险的;不安全的safe(adj.反义词)安全的 12.child(n.)children (pl.)儿童 13.vis

3、it(v.)visitor (n.)访问者;游客 14speak(v.)spoke(过去式)spoken(过去分词) 15write(v.)wrote(过去式)written(过去分词)writer(n.)作者 16teach(v.)teacher(n.)教师 17up(adv.)down(反义词)向下 18tooth(n.)teeth(复数)牙齿 19early(adj.)earlier(比较级)earliest(最高级)late(反义词 adj.)晚的 20run(v.)runner(n.)跑步者running(现在分词)ran(过去式) 21new(adj.)old(adj.反义词)旧的

4、 22many(adj.)more(比较级)most(最高级) 23leave(v.)left(过去式) 24young(adj.)old(adj.)年老的 25dirty(adj.)clean(adj.反义词)干净的 26cross(v.)across(adv.&prep.)过;穿过crossing(n.)十字路口 重点短语 good atdo well in 擅长于 to 跟说 the piano 弹钢琴 4.make friends 结交朋友 记忆 5.on the weekendon weekends (在)周末 6.get dressed 穿上衣

5、服 night 在夜里;在晚上 8. take/have a walk 散步;走一走 9.either. or. 或者或者;要么要么 10.get toarrive in(at) 到达 11.ride a bikego to. by bike 骑自行车 12.between. and.在和之间 e true 实现;成为现实 14.listen to 听 the dishes 清洗餐具 strict with 对某人要求严格 17.follow the rules 遵守规则 18.kind of 稍微;有点儿 fromcome from 来

6、自 made of 由制成的 a newspaper 看报纸 22speak English 说英语 23play chess 下国际象棋 24tell stories 讲故事 25swimming club 游泳俱乐部 26be good with. 善于应付的 27talk to 跟说 28help (sb.)with sth. 在某方面帮助(某人) 29make friends 结交朋友 30get up 起床 31brush teeth 刷牙 32take a shower 淋浴 33eat/have breakfast 吃早饭 34do ones home

7、work 做作业 35lots of 大量;许多 36half past six 六点半 37take the subway 乘地铁 38every day 每天 39drive a car 开车 40think of 认为 41be afraid 害怕 42(be) on time 准时 43be late for class 上课迟到 44go out 外出 45make (ones) bed 铺床 46get lost 迷路 47be in great danger 处于极大危险之中 48cut down 砍倒 49make soup 做汤 50go to the movies 看电影

8、51eat out 出去吃饭 52drink tea 喝茶 53wish to do sth. 希望做某事 54watch the boat races on TV 在电视上看龙舟赛 重点句型整理 1.Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? Yes,I can/No,I cant是的,我会。/不,我不会。 2.What can you do?你会做什么? I can dance/I can sing我会跳舞。/我会唱歌。 3.What club do you want to join? 你们想参加什么俱乐部? We want to join the chess clu

9、b. 我们想参加象棋俱乐部。 4.What time do you usually get up? 你通常几点起床? I usually get up at six thirty. 我通常在六点半起床。 5.In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.晚上我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。 6.How do you get to school?你怎样去上学? I usually ride my/a bike我通常骑自行车。 How long does it take to get to school?到达学校要花多长时间? It

10、takes about 20 minutes.大约 20 分钟。 How far is it from your home to school?你家距学校有多远? Its about ten kilometers.大约 10 千米。 7.To many students,its easy to get to school.对于许多学生,到学校是很容易的。 8Hes like a father to me.对我来说,他就像父亲一样。 9.Dont run in the hallways. 不要在走廊里跑。 10.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?

11、在校他必须穿校服吗? Yes, he does. 是的,他必须穿。 11. We must be on time我们必须准时。 12Does she have to be quiet in the library?她不得不在图书馆保持安静吗? 13There are too many rules!有太多的规定! 14What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物? I like koalas.我喜欢树袋熊。 Why do you like them?你为什么喜欢它们? Because theyre kind of cute.因为它们有几分可爱。 Where are they

12、from?它们来自哪里? Theyre from Australia.它们来自澳大利亚。 15.Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪儿? Theyre from South Africa. 它们来自南非。 16.What are you doing?你在做什么? Im watching TV.我正在看电视。 17They can walk on two legs.它们会用两条腿走路。 18What time is it?现在几点了? 19Theyre talking on the phone他们正在电话里交谈。 20Do you want to join me for din

13、ner?你想和我一起吃晚餐吗? 【常考词汇】 【知识点睛】show 名词,意为“展览”;动词,意为“出示”。show sb./show sb.sth.把展示给某人看。send, give, pass 也可用于这两个结构。 Please show me your new pen.Please show your new pen to me. 请让我看一看你的新钢笔吧。温馨提示:当 sth.是代词时,则只能用“show/send/give/pass sth. to sb.”结构。相关短语: on showon display 展览 show sb.around.带领某人

14、参观 show up 露面;出面 show off 炫耀 What can you do in the school show?在学校表演会上你会做什么? Please show me your photos you took in Emei.请把你在峨眉山拍的照片给我看看。 【即时演练】1)I want a ticket to Shanghai this afternoon,please. OK.Will you please _D_ me your ID card? Atell Bserve Csend Dshow 2)Could you please _B_ your ID card _

15、 me? Sure. Atake;to Bshow;to Cgive;for Dshow;for 2.make 【知识点睛】 make 作实义动词讲时,意为“做;制作”,后面可直接接名词或代词作宾语。 make 作使役动词讲时,意为“迫使;促使”,通常构成 make sth.和 make sb./sth. adj.结构,这两个结构分别表示“使某人做某事”和“使某人/物处于某种状态”。 温馨提示:make sth.结构在变被动语态时,要加上动词不定式符号 to,即 made to do sth.。 Can you make models?你会制作模型吗? He

16、 made the baby cry just now.他刚才把这个婴儿弄哭了。 That made me very happy.那使我很高兴。 【即时演练】1)Li Jun always makes his little sister _C_ Acrying Bto cry Ccry Dto crying 3.stop 【知识点睛】stop 意为“停止”,常用结构如下: stop doing sth.停止做(正在做的)某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事 stop sb.(from) doing sth.prevent sb.(from) doing sth.keep s

17、b.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.老师进来后学生们停止了谈论。 You look tired,please stop to have a rest.你看起来很累,停下来休息一下吧。 Nothing can stop us (from) reaching our aims.什么也阻止不了我们达到我们的目标。 【即时演练】1)A heavy rain made him stop going (go) hiking in the mountains.He stopped to_

18、have (have) a rest in the small hotel. 2)I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _B_ for a while? Arest Bto rest Cresting Drested 4.leave 【知识点睛】eave for地点,动身去某地;前往某地 leave 动词,留下;遗忘;剩下;离开 leave sth.sp.把某物忘在(落在)某地 have sth.left 意为“剩下某物”。温馨提示:leaves 可作 leaf(树叶)的复数形式。 He left (home) for the station a few

19、minutes ago.几分钟前他(离开家)去车站了 I left my bag under the tree.我把我的包落在树下了。 I have little money left.我几乎没剩下多少钱了。 【归纳拓展】leave 和 forget 都可以表示“忘记”,但用法不同:“leave sth.地点”表示“把某物落在某地”;forget sth.后不接地点。 I left my computer on the bus. 我把电脑落在公交车上了。 Sorry, I forgot the money. 对不起,我忘带钱了。 leave for sp.表示“前往某地”。 【即时演练】1)S

20、how me your homework,Dave? Sorry,Mrs.Brown.Ive _D_ it at home. Amissed Bforgotten Clost Dleft 2)May I have a look at your plan for the robot competition, Smith? Sorry, Mrs. Brown. Ive _ it at home. Amissed Bforgotten Cleft Dlost 解析:根据“at home”可知用 leave,故选 C。 5.keep 【知识点睛】keep 作及物动词,用于“keep宾语宾语补足语”结构

21、,意为“使保持某种状态”,其中宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、介词短语等充当。 I have to keep my hair short.我必须留短发。 Keep the child away from the fire.让孩子远离火。 How long can I keep the book?这本书我可以借多长时间? Everyone should keep the rules.大家必须遵守规章制度。 Keep quiet,please.请保持安静。 keep 作及物动词还可意为“保存”,后接时间段时,代替 borrow。 keep 作及物动词,意为“遵守”,相当于 follow。 keep

22、作连系动词,后接形容词等作表语。 【即时演练】1)Some of the tired students keep their eyes _C_ in breaks. Aopened Bclose Cclosed Dopen 6.hundred num.一百 【知识点睛】hundred 前加基数词,表示“一百,二百,三百”,hundred 要用单数形式;hundred 与 of 连用表示“数百”时,hundred 要用复数形式。 Its five hundred kilometers from my hometown to Beijing.从我的家乡到北京有 500 千米远。 There are

23、 hundreds of people in the park.公园里有数百人。温馨提示:与 hundred 用法相同的还有 thousand“千”、million“百万”、billion“十亿”。 【即时演练】We planted _ trees last year. Ahundreds of Bhundred of Cfive hundreds Dfive hundred of 解析:考查数词的用法。hundred、thousand、million 等数词与具体数字连用时,用单数形式,后面不加-s;若与 of 连用表示约数时,后面必须加-s,且不可与数词连用。hundreds of 意为“

24、成百上千的”,故选 A。 7.teach v. 教,讲授 【知识点睛】(1)teach sb. sth.意为“教某人”。 Miss Smith teaches us English. 史密斯老师教我们英语。 (2)teach oneself learnby oneself 自学 I teach myself French.I learn French by myself. 我自学法语。 【常考句型 易错辨析】 1 Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?(Unit1) 【知识点睛】 play the guitar 意为“弹吉他”, play 意为“玩;打;弹奏”。当和西洋

25、乐器类名词连用时,名词前必须加定冠词 the。 【归纳拓展】 play 还有“玩;打(球)”之意。当 play 与球类、游戏类名词连用时,名词前不加任何冠词。 play soccer 踢足球 【即时演练】1)The young man in a blue coat is my PE teacher.He often plays _C_ basketball with us. Athe Ba C/ 2I want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。(Unit 1) 【妙辨异同】join、join in/take part in 与 attend join 加入党派、团

26、体、组织、俱乐部等;join sb.“与某人一起” join in 意为“加入;参加(某种活动)”,表示“加入某人的某种活动”时,可用 join (sb.) in (doing) sth.。 take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动,重在强调句子的主语 参加该项活动并在其中发挥作用。 attend “出席(会议),到场”;只强调人到场,不强调其作用 Its been 5 years since Mr. Liu joined the Party.刘先生入党已经 5 年了。 Will you join us in playing basketball?你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗? How m

27、any countries took part in the last Olympic Games?有多少个国家参加了上届奥运会? Why didnt you attend the meeting yesterday?你为什么没有参加昨天的会议? 【即时演练】He_C_ an English club last year and has improved his English a lot. Aprotected Bproduced Cjoined Dreceived 3I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. 有时我打半小时的篮球。(Unit

28、 2) 【知识点睛】 sometimes, 副词,意为“有时”,表示频率。类似的频率副词还有 always, usually, often, hardly ever, never 等。 【妙辨异同】 sometimes,some times,sometime 与 some time sometimes 有时 相当于 at times sometime 在某时 表示过去或将来的不确定时间 some times 几次/几倍 time 是可数名词,表示“次;倍” some time 一段时间 time 是不可数名词,意为“时间” Sometimes she goes for a walk after

29、 supper.有时她晚饭后出去散步。 I have been to Qingdao some times.我去过青岛好几次了。 When will you start?你何时动身? Sometime next month.下个月的某个时候。 Ill be away for some time.我要离开一段时间。 4In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上, 我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。(Unit 2) 【知识点睛】either 用作代词,“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。 Either (of the books

30、) is popular with the students.(两本书)随便哪一本都受到同学们的欢迎。(主语) I have bought two cakes. You may have either.我买了两块蛋糕,你要哪块都行。(宾语) either 用作副词,在否定句作“也”解释,通常置于句末。 Lily doesnt like action movies. I dont like, either.莉莉不喜欢动作片,我也不喜欢。 either.or.表示“要么要么;或者或者”,连接句子中两个并列的成分,表示两者之一。 When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 当这个女孩高兴时,她要么唱歌要么跳舞。温馨提示:either. or.连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,即遵循“就近”原则。 Either you or I am going there tomor

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