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1、不定式 不定式The Infinitive分解口诀1:不定式构成to +do短语to do +sth不定式主动与被动时态不过有四种有一般时 进行时完成与完成进行时不定式被动有两种 一般 /完成变被动动词不定式的时态一般时进行时完成时完成进行时to workto be doingto have doneto have been doingto studyto be workingto have workedto have been working不定式的被动态一般被动态完成被动态to be doneto have been doneto be workedto have been worked分

2、解口诀2:不定式时态把握好句中谓语为核心不定式发生谓语后时态常用一般时不定式谓语同发生时态这时用进行不定式发生谓语前时态此刻用完成例句:I wish to visit Hong Kong with you. (不定式发生谓语后时态用一般时)我想和你一起参观香港。He appears/seems to be living in the area.他似乎住在这个区域。(不定式 谓语同发生)The house is to have been ready today but as there has been a builders strike it still only half finished.

3、这所房子现在本应该竣工,但由于建筑工人罢工,现在才只盖完了一半。(不定式发生谓语前)They were seen to go out. ( 不定式发生谓语后)有人看见他们走出去。You are supposed to have finished. (不定式发生谓语前)你早该完成了。例题:1. They want the station _ as soon as possible.A. to set up B. to be set up C. being set upD. to have been set up答案:B2. The poem is said _ into many languag

4、es.A. to translateB. to have been translatedC. to being translatedD. having been translated答案:B3. They appeared _ in the accident.A. to be injuringB. being injuredC. to injureD. to have been injured答案:D分解口诀4:不定式句中责任重主/表/宾/补/状与定独立成分它常做句子之中插入语多例句:To see is to believe .(不定式作主语)眼见为实。To know all is to fo

5、rgive all. (不定式作表语)了解一切就能宽容一切。Would you care to read this? (不定式作宾语)你喜欢读这个吗?We were made to wait for two hours. (不定式作主补)让我们等了两个小时。The children went to the hospital to be examined. (不定式作状语)孩子们去医院检查身体。Do you have anything more to say? (不定式作定语)你还有什么话要说吗?To tell you the truth, I dont believe in him mysel

6、f. (不定式作插入语)告诉你实话吧,我本人不相信他。例题:1. He was made _ .A. goB. goneC. going D. to go 答案:D2. I havent decided which hotel_ .A. to stay B. is to stay atC. to stay at D. is for staying答案:C3. _ bricks, workers press clay into blocks and bake them to the requisite hardness in a kiln. A. Being made B. The making

7、 ofC. To makeD. Made答案:C分解口诀5特殊不定式像从句功能主表宾定语复合结构有逻主作用宾主表定状例句:How to do it well is an important question. (疑问词+不定式作主语)怎么样作它是个重要的问题。Do you think it worthwhile for them to make that experiment? (复合结构作宾语)你认为他们做那实验值得不值得?For Tom to think of such a thing was madness. (复合结构作主语)汤姆想这种事真是疯了。My question is for

8、you to decide. (复合结构作表语)我的要求是你别干涉我的工作。We had better find some work for him to do. (复合结构作定语)我们最好给他找点工作做。I stepped aside for the children to pass by. (复合结构作状语)我走到一旁,让孩子们过去。例题:1. Do you know _ the repairs?A. to do B. how to do C. to make D. how to make答案:B2. Its really kind _.A. for you to say so B. of

9、 you to say so C. for you saying so D. of you to saying so 答案:B3. I dont know _ him or not.A. whether to helpB. if to helpC. to helpD. if that I should help答案:A常跟不定式做宾语的动词Agree to do sth.同意做某事Attempt to do sth.企图做某事Claim to do sth.要求做某事Decide to do sth.决定做某事Ask to do sth. 要求做某事Hesitate to do sth. 犹豫

10、做某事 Beg to do sth.乞求做某事Fail to do sth .失败做谋事Care to do sth .小心做某事Consent to do sth .同意做某事Promise to do sth . 许诺做某事Desire to do sth .想要做某事Hope to do sth . 希望做某事Intend to do sth .倾向做某事Learn to do sth .学习做某事Offer to do sth . 提出做某事Refuse to do sth .拒绝做某事Prepare to do sth. 准备做某事Pretend to do sth .假装做某事St

11、rive to do sth .努力做某事Require to do sth .要求做某事Appear to do sth .显得要做某事Arrange to do sth .安排做某事Tend to do sth .想要做某事Wish to do sth .希望做某事Want to do sth . 想要做某事Seem to do sth .好像要做某事Struggle to do sth .努力奋斗做某事Swear to do sth .发誓要做某事Threaten to do sth .威胁要做某事Wait to do sth .等待做某事Demand to do sth .要求做某事E

12、xpect to do sth .期望做某事Manage to do sth设法做某事分解口诀7:有些动词跟宾语,再跟不定式作补语。这些动词多掌握口语表达常用着主语+谓语+宾语+ 不定式(作宾语的补语)Force sb. to do sth强迫某人做某事Hire sb. to do sth雇佣某人做某事Tell sb. to do sth告诉某人做某事Require sb. to do sth要求某人做某事Teach sb . to do sth教某人做某事Warn sb. to do sth警告某人做某事Allow sb. to so sth允许某人做某事Ask sb. to do sth要

13、求某人做某事Beg sb. to do sth乞求某人做某事Convene sb. to do sth召集某人做某事Expect sb. to do sth期望某人做某事Invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事Order sb. to do sth命令某人做某事Permit sb. to do sth允许某人做某事Promise sb. to do sth答应某人做某事Instruct sb. to do sth指导某人做某事Prepare sb. to do sth准备某人做某事Urge sb. to do sth激励某人做某事Remind sb. to do sth提醒某人做

14、某事Want sb. to do sth想要某人做某事Advise sb. to do sth建议某人做某事Persuade sb. to do sth劝说某人做某事Cause sb. to do sth导致某人做某事Dare sb. to do sth激励某人做某事Forbid sb. to do sth阻止某人做某事Like sb. to do sth喜欢某人做某事Change sb. to do sth改变某人做某事Request sb. to do sth要求某人做某事Get sb. to do sth使某人做某事Need sb. to do sth需要某人做某事Oblige sb.

15、to do sth强迫某人做某事Encourage sb. to do sth鼓励某人做某事Enable sb. to do sth能使某人做某事Compel sb. to do sth强迫某人做某事例句:She advised me to wait until tomorrow. 她劝我一直等到明天。His conscience compelled him to confess. 他的良心迫使他承认。She reminded him to buy petrol. 她提醒他买汽油。He encouraged me to try again. 他鼓励我再试一次。I want you to be

16、happy. 我要使你幸福。Tell him not to wait any longer. 告诉他别等了。I supposed him to be washing the car. 我猜想他在洗车。例题:1. Toms parents should _ because his grades are poor.A. force him studyB. insist on him studyC. make him studyD. tell him study答案:C2. _ almost seven hours to run through the book.A. It spent meB. I

17、t took meC. I spent D. It took答案:B3. I found _ to answer all the questions within an hour.A. no possibilityB. there was impossibilityC. impossibleD. it impossible答案:D分解口诀8:be+形容+不定式形容词常译成动词句法当中怎确定形容词补语可确定be+形容+不定式To be boring to do sth .讨厌做某事To be dangerous to do sth .做某事危险To be pleased to do sth .高

18、兴做某事To be hard to do sth .做某事困难To be eager to do sth .渴望做某事To be easy to do sth .容易做某事To be fortunate to do sth幸运做某事To be strange to do sth .奇怪做某事To be good to do sth . 高兴做某事To be ready to do sth. 准备做某事To be prepared to do sth . 准备做某事To be common to do sth .共同做某事To be useless to do sth .没用做某事To be s

19、ure to do sth .确信做某事To be careful to do sth.细心做某事To be difficult to do sth困难做某事To be likely to do sth .可能会做某事To be sorry to do sth .抱歉做某事To be glad to do sth .高兴做某事To be lucky to do sth .幸运做某事To be usual to do sth .一贯做某事To be bored to do sth .讨厌做某事例句:The little girl is usual to do her homework with

20、care.这个小女孩做作业一向认真。Lily is lucky to have the opportunity go aboard. 莉莉很庆幸有机会出国。 I am so sorry to disturb your businesses.很对不起我耽误你的工作。分解口诀9:有些名词+不定式名词短语就形成名词也常译动词这样翻译行得通名词+不定式Failure to do sth.失败做某事Offer to do sth .愿意做某事Plan to do sth .计划做某事Ability to do sth . 有能力做某事Decision to do sth.决定做某事Desire to d

21、o sth .愿意做某事Chance to do sth .有机会做某事Permission to do sth .允许做某事Occasion to do sth . 有机会做某事Fun to do sth .很快乐做某事Honor to do sth .很荣幸做某事Capacity to do sth. 有能力做某事Wish to do sth . 希望做某事Pleasure to do sth . 高兴做某事Opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事Demand to do sth . 要求做某事Way to do sth .做某事的方法Refusal to do sth 拒

22、绝做某事Responsibility to do sth .有责任做某事Freedom to do sth .自由做某事Promise to do sth答应做某事例句:I didnt expect his refusal to do what I asked.我没有想到他会拒绝做我要求他做的事。I have no chance to get away.我没有机会脱身。Our decision to wait was wise. 我们决定等待是明智的。He has few occasion to speak French. 他很少有机会说法语。例题:1. Now the need _ othe

23、r peoples language is becoming greater and greater.A. to learn B. learning C. to be learnedD. being learning答案:A2. The order _ pumps will come from the control room.A. stopping to B. to stopC. stoppedD. stops答案:B3. “Id like to buy an expensive camera.” “Well, we have several models_.”A. to choose fr

24、omB. of choiceC. to be chosenD. for choosing答案:A分解口诀10感官动词虽不多不定式用语有规则主动语态to 不带变成被动to 必带主动语态被动语态See sb. do sth Sb. be seen to do sth看见某人做某事Watch sb. do sth Sb. be watched to do sth 观看某人做某事Notice sb. do sthSb. be noticed to do sth 注意某人做某事Observe sb. do sth Sb. be observed to do sth观察某人做某事Hear sb. do s

25、th .Sb. be heard to do sth 听见某人做某事Listen to sb. do sth .Sb. be listened to to do sth 倾听某人做某事Feel sb. do sth . Sb. be felt to do sth感觉到某人做某事Smell sb. do sth Sb. be smelled to do sth 闻到某人做谋事Look at sb. do sth Sb. be looked at to do sth 盯着某人做某事Have sb. do sth .Sb. be had to do sth 让某人做某事Let sb. do sth

26、.Sb. be let to do sth让某人做某事Help sb. do sth .Sb. be helped to do sth 帮助某人做某事Know sb. do sth .Sb. be known to do sth 知道某人做某事Make sb. do sth .Sb. be made to do sth 使某人做某事例句对照:主动态表达被动态表达He helped me wash the clothes.I was helped to wash the clothes.他帮我洗衣服。I often hear them sing this song.They are often

27、heard to sing this song.我经常听见他们唱这首歌。I notice her ponder over something.She is noticed to ponder over something.我注意到她在沉思某事。He saw the sun and moon rise and fall.The sun and moon are seen to rise and to fall.他看见太阳和月亮升起和落下。例题: 1. Did you notice the boy _ away?A. took the candy and runB. taking the cand

28、y and runC. take the candy and runD. take the candy and runs答案:C2. I want to have someone _ this fact.A. knowB. knewC. knownD. being known答案:A3. Things are known _ when they unite with the oxygen of the air.A. burningB. to burnC. burnD. being burned答案:B分解口诀11:特殊短语+不定式常常省略小品 to这些短语不很多多表最好与宁愿特殊短语+不定式Had better do sth 最好做某事Would rather do sth宁愿做某

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