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Unit 5Vocabulary Preparation Exercise.docx

1、Unit 5Vocabulary Preparation ExerciseUnit 5 In-depth Reading- Home, Sweet HomeVocabulary Preparation 1. behave vi.行为;举止(端正);表现 * 如果你表现得这么愚蠢,你必须准备自食其果。 _,youmustbereadyto take theconsequence. * She behaved in a very responsible way. Chinese meaning: _。vt.使守规矩;使表现得 to behave oneself*早该有人教你如何待人接物了。Itis

2、 ( high )timethatsomebody_.* Thechildrendonotknowhowtobehavethemselvesdecently. Chinese meaning: _。behavior n. 行为;举止 well-behaved adj. 有礼貌的,行为端正的 badly-behaved adj.没有礼貌的2. vanish v. 消失;突然不见; 从视线中消失,尤指迅速地消失 to vanish from sight消失不见;不翼而飞*我的钥匙刚才还在这儿,可是现在他们却突然不见了。My keys were here a minute ago but _. *

3、Wonderfuldreamsmaycometrueormayvanishintotheair.Chinese meaning: _. C.f.: vanish, disappear, fade这些动词均有“消失”之意。vanish: 语气强,指完全、往往是神秘而突然的消失,不留任何蛛丝马迹。* He just vanished and was never seen again. Chinese meaning: _。disappear: 普通用词,强调从视线或脑海中消失。这消失可能是暂时的、突然的或永久的,视上下文而定。* 黑色的小汽车驶离了他们便消失了。The black car drov

4、e away from them _. fade: 侧重逐渐消失。* 这布料不褪色。The color in this material _.3. definitionn. 定义;释义 by definition本质上,本性上*“智力”一词目前还没有一个普遍认可的标准释义。There is no general agreement _.* People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.Chinese meaning: _。n. 清晰;分明;明确*几位发言者批评他的新方案不够清楚明确。 The speake

5、rs criticized his new program_.define v. 给下定义;解释; 阐明;使明确4. raise v. 抚养,养育*我们盼望把孩子们培养成举止得体的人。 We want _decent men and women. *This is the village where (in which) the writer was raised.Chinese meaning: _。v. 提起,举起; * She raised her head and went out without a word.Chinese meaning: _。v. 提高(价格,嗓门等)* 据说下

6、学期又要涨学费。 It is said that _. v. 募捐,筹(款)* The only way you can raise money for a business is through a bank.Chinese meaning: _。n. (美)(工资、薪金的)提升;增加*您答应过我六个月试用期后给我加薪。You promised _ after six-month probation.C.f.: arise,rise,raise这些动词均有“上升,举起”之意。arise: 书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。* However, the differences

7、arise in how to achieve that objective. Chinese meaning: _。rise: 不及物动词,普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。* 我唯一想做的是从餐桌旁站起身来,离开这所房子。The only thing I wanted was _ and leave this house. raise:及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。* He raised himself into a sitting position. Chinese meaning:_。5. adopt v. 收养,领养* 她想到她可以收养一个无家可

8、归的孩子.Itoccurredtoherthat_.* Theadopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.Chinese meaning: _。v. 采用,采取,采纳 * 要达到这些目的,我们必须采取上述措施。 To achieve these ends, we _.v.通过,批准* Theprovincialpeoplescongressesandtheirstandingcommitteescouldadoptlocal regulations.Chinese meaning: _。adoption n. 收养,领养 a

9、doptable adj.可采用的,可收养的 adoptive adj.收养了孩子的,养父母的 adoptee n. 被收养者 adopter n. 收养人,领养人6. conformvi. 遵照,遵守;符合 conform to/with 符合,遵守* 如果你不遵守交通法规, 就可能会受伤._, youmightgethurt.* Inwritingone hastoconformtousageaswellasto therulesofgrammar.Chinese meaning: _。vt. 使遵守;使一致;使顺从 *我们应使自己的思想适应新的形势.Weshould_.* Everyst

10、udentisrequiredtoconformhis behavior to theschool rules.Chinese meaning: _。conformity 符合;一致;遵从7. mix n. 混合,混合物*这个故事是幻想与现实的奇妙结合。The story is _.*His first reaction was a strangemixof joy and anger.Chinese meaning: _。v. 混合 mix up混合;把(某人)搞糊涂,分不清;混同*你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色。 You can _ to make green one.* People

11、are always mixing me up with my twin brotherChinese meaning: _。v. (使)结合*许多女人能成功地将婚姻和事业结合起来。Many women _.v. 结交,相容 * Rose has never liked parties, as she doesnt mix with others easily. Chinese meaning: _。mixture n. 混合,混杂;混杂的事物、人群 mixer n. 搅拌器;混合器;调音师 8. advantage n. 利益,好处,优点 *使用太阳能的一个好处是它不会制造任何污染._ is

12、thatitwontcreateanypollution.*This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel. Chinese meaning: _。n.有利条件,有利因素,优势,利用 take advantage of 利用;占便宜 to ones advantage有利于某人*要是你愿意认真听几分钟的话,你可能会学到一些对你有用的东西.Ifyouwouldlendanearfor acoupleofminutes_.* Wetookfulladvantageof thelaboratorysequipments.Chinese me

13、aning: _。9. blamev. 责备,归咎 blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 be to blame 该受责备,应该负责* 自己做错了,不应该怪别人。_for what is your own fault. * The information confirms me in the belief that he is to blame. Chinese meaning: _。n. 责备,责任;过失* 他们把一切功劳归于自己,把一切过失推给别人。Theyclaimallthecreditforthemselvesand_.10. guiltn. 罪行;内疚,自责 * 她

14、企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。 Shetried _.* Guilthasbeeneatingintohisconscienceforsomemonths.Chinese meaning: _。C.f.: crime, guilt, offence这些名词均含有“犯法,犯罪,罪恶”之意。crime: 指严重的违法行为或罪行。* 他一口咬定自己从未犯过罪。He insisted that _.guilt:多用于指违反道德或社会标准的不法行为,含应予惩办之意。这种惩办是以证据为根据的。 *The courts determine questions of guilt and innocence. Ch

15、inese meaning: _.offence:使用广,可泛指对任何规则、道德标准、法律、纪律等的违反与触犯,其罪行可重可轻。*In Britain the law makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe.Chinese meaning: _。guilty adj. 内疚的,有罪的11. handlev. 处理,管理 * 她心里承认自己不知道该如何处理这个问题。 She admitted to herself she didnt know _.* To tell the truth, I dont know if I

16、 can handle the job. Chinese meaning: 说实话,_。 n.手柄;柄状物* 她的手指紧张地扭动着手提包的把手。 Her fingers tensely twisted _.* He polished up the handle of the big front door. Chinese meaning: _。C.f.: deal with, cope with, handle这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理,对付,应对”之意。deal with:既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。*大学生应该学会如何应对压力。College student

17、s should learn _.cope with:指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。*It takes a very buoyant personality to cope with frustrations in life. Chinese meaning: _。handle:从原义手柄,转引申为作处理解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。handler 处理者,管理者12. arise v. 开始存在;出现 * Problems arise when the bodys immune system is not functioning adequately. Chinese mea

18、ning: _。*一有机会鸟儿们也会破坏庄稼。 The birds also attack crops when _.v. 起床 * He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual. Chinese meaning: _。v. 起来,起身,站立*When I arose from the chair, my father and Alices father were in deep conversation. Chinese meaning:_。13. prevent v. 阻碍,阻止 preventfrom *考试题保密以防作弊。The test questions are k

19、ept secret _. * Thewindowshadbeenboardedandnaileduptopreventthievesfromenteringtheempty house.Chinese meaning: _。prevention n. 预防;阻止,妨碍,阻碍物 preventive adj. 预防的;防止的 preventable adj. 可阻止的,可预防的14. qualifyvi. 有资格,合格 qualify for(使)有的资格* 要获得医师资格需时六年。It _.* They are training hard to qualify for participati

20、on in the National Games.Chinese meaning: _。vt. 使合适;使有资格;证明合格* 有英语学位并不能证明你有资格教英语。A degree in English _.* These people seem to think that reading a few books qualifies them as experts.Chinese meaning: _。qualification n. 资格,授权;条件,限制;合格证书 qualified adj.有资格的,胜任的,适当的,合格的 15. retainv. 保持,保留* The interior

21、of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere.Chinese meaning:_。* 我们拥有一个咨询业务帮助公司引入、留住高级年轻人才。We have aconsultingbusinessthat_.v. 留在心中,记住* I cannot retain so much information within two hours.Chinese meaning: _。 retainable 能保持的,可保留的16. relationn.亲属关系,关系 in relation to 关于; 与相比* Itismyrelati

22、onwithmyrelativesthatIsometimesfindembarrassing.Chinese meaning: _。在两国外交关系建立之前,已经有些间接的接触.*Thereweresomemediatecontactsbetweenthetwocountries_.relate vt.& vi. (把)联系起来;讲,叙述(故事等) related adj. 有关系的;叙述的 relative adj. 相关的;相互有关的;比较而言的 n. 亲属,亲戚 relatively adv. 关系上地;相对地;比较地;17. prior adj. 优先的;在之前的 prior to 先于,在之前* I took up one-yearpriorcourse in German in this college.Chinese meaning: _。* 你来这里之前做什么事?Whatdidyoudo_?priority n. 优先,优先权,优先事项;首要事情 18. adjust v. 使适应,使适合 adjust to 适应于 *Animalscan adjustthemselvesto theirenvironment.Chinese meaning: _。* 你最好习惯这一切, 因为一切想征服他的努

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