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高中英语 unit5 canadathe true north 单元质量评估精练精析 新人教版必修3.docx

1、高中英语 unit5 canadathe true north 单元质量评估精练精析 新人教版必修3必修3 Unit5 Canada“The True North”单元质量评估. 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)21. You made the same mistake for _second time, dropping _“n” in the word “government”. A. a; the B. a; an C. the; an D. a; a【解析】选B。“a+ 序数词” 表示“又一, 再一”; “n”的发音是以元音音素开头, 故应用an 修饰。22. Sin

2、ce you are in a hurry, why not_ for a taxi_ stay here to wait for the bus?A. calling; or rather B. call; more than C. call; rather than D. calling; would rather【解析】选C 。 why not+ do, rather than “而不是”。or rather “或者, 更确切地说”; more than“多于, 不仅仅”; would rather“宁愿”。【举一反三】The family would rather they _at h

3、ome, or there would not be such an accident. A. will be B. were C. had been D. are【解析】选C 。考查would rather的用法。would rather接从句时从句用虚拟语气, 此处根据第二分句可知, 应表达过去的事情, 故应用had done形式来表示。23. Tan Zhuo_ be knocked flying and killed in a car accident, which made many people _. A. does; terrifying B. did; terrified C.

4、 has to; terrifying D. had to; terrified【解析】选B。考查强调谓语及形容词terrified。前面句子表示强调, 根据从句中时态, 此句应用过去时; 第二空则考查make后跟复合宾语, terrified形容词“害怕的”。24. Word came _the first patient who had been infected with A(H1N1) flu was cured. A. that B. when C. which D. whether【解析】选A 。考查同位语从句。从句中不缺少成分但需要引导词故选that, 且中间被谓语came隔断,

5、 避免句子头重脚轻。25. Our new English teacher made a strong _ on all of us with his humorous speech. A. description B. contribution C. impression D. expression 【解析】选C。句意:我们的新英语老师以他幽默的谈吐给我们留下了深刻的印象。make an impression on “给留下印象”。26. Whoever has a gift_ music can give us some advice. A. for B. of C. about D. o

6、n【解析】选A 。考查gift的固定搭配。gift表示“天赋”, have a gift for sth. 表示“在某方面有天赋”。27. I didnt know Jane _in Paris. How long _here? A. is; does she live B. was; has she beenC. has been; is she D. were; has she come【解析】选B。考查时态。根据didnt 第一空应用过去时态。由how long. . . 待在这里到现在有多久了, 故用现在完成时。28. The news _he was cheated surprise

7、d us. A. that B. what C. whether D. if【解析】选A。考查同位语从句。从句中不缺少成分但需有引导词, 意义完整, 故选A。29. The question came up at the meeting _we should put off the sports meet. A. that B. whatC. which D. whether【解析】选D。考查whether引导同位语从句。此处用whether引导同位语从句, 说明 question的内容, 因为主句谓语太短, 故从句后置。30. I need to post these letters now

8、. Is there a post office_?A. close B. closely C. nearby D. nearly【解析】选C。后句句意:附近有邮局吗?nearby“附近地(的)”, 符合语境。close作副词意为“靠近地, 接近”; closely仔细地, 密切地; nearly几乎, 差不多。31. News has spread _Mr. Smith has two people over him in this department. A. while B. that C. when D. as【解析】选B。考查同位语从句。这是一个同位语从句, that引导从句作new

9、s的同位语, 解释news的具体内容。由于news与同位语从句被has spread分隔开来, 增加了题目的难度。32. What is your plan for the holiday?Id like _the days with my family _climbing. A. to spend; going B. to spend; to goC. spending; going D. spending; to go【解析】选A。考查would like及spend 的用法。would like to do. . . “想干某事”及 spend time (in) doing sth.

10、“花费时间干某事”为固定搭配。【讲台挥洒一刻】spend, pay, cost与take(1)spend可指“花费时间或金钱”, 主语是人。常用句型:spend. . . on/doing sth. 。(2)pay是“花钱”的意思, 主语是人, 常用句型:pay sb. money for sth. 。(3)cost作“花费”讲时, 主语是物, 常用句型:sth. cost sb. some money/time。除此之外, 还可表示“使失去”, 常用句型:sth. cost sb. sth. 。(4)take的主语通常是物或形式主语it。常用句型:It takes sb. some time

11、 to do sth. ; buy是“买”的意思, 主语是人。常用句型:buy sth. for some money。33. After they got married, they decided to move back to the village and _there. A. put down B. calm downC. set down D. settle down【解析】选D。句意:结婚后, 他们决定搬到乡村并在那里定居。put down放下, 写下; calm down平静下来; set down放下, 记下; settle down定居, 平静下来。34. After_ b

12、y the police for several days, the robber had to give in. A. surrounding B. surrounded C. surround D. being surrounded【解析】选D。考查surround的非谓语形式。the robber与动词surround之间应为被动关系, 且after为介词, 故选D。35. Is it OK if I have another cup of coffee?Of course,_ . A. no problem B. dont worryC. no hurry D. help yourse

13、lf【解析】选D。情景交际。句意:我可以再喝一杯咖啡吗?当然了, 请便。help yourself “请随便”。. 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分) When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been 36 . Like most English children I learned French 37 school and I had often been to France, so I 38 speaking a fo

14、reign language to people who didnt understand 39 . But when I went to America I was really looking forward to 40 a nice easy holiday without any 41 problems. 42 wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 43 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 44 and tell her

15、 that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 45 he could help me. “Yes, ” I said, “I want to give my friend a ring. ” “Well, thats 46 , ” he exclaimed. “Are you getting 47 ? But arent you a bit 48 ?” “Who is talking about marriage?” I replied, “I 49 want to give my friend a

16、ring to tell her Ive arrived. Can you tell me 50 theres a phone box?” “Oh!” he said, “Theres a phone downstairs. ”When at last we 51 meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me. “Dont worry, ” she said to me. “I had so many 52 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 53 differen

17、tly in meaning from us British. Youll soon get used to 54 funny things they say. Most of the 55 British and American people understand each other!”36. A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad【解析】选D。该题根据上下文判断。从短文首句I made my first visit to the United States. 得知这是“我”到国外去, 因此选abroad, 意思是“到国外”。 37. A. from B.

18、 during C. at D. after【解析】选C。该题根据搭配判断。上学的时候学过法语。 38. A. get used to B. was used toC. used to D. used【解析】选B。该题根据句意判断。因为上学时学过法语, 又加上“我”经常到法国去, 因此“我”已经习惯与人们说外语了。在此A项有一定的干扰性, 全文叙述的是过去的情况, 因此应该用过去时。39. A. English B. French C. Russian D. Latin【解析】选A。该题根据上下文判断。因为我懂法语, 因此我能够与那些不懂英语的人讲话。40. A. buying B. havi

19、ngC. giving D. receiving【解析】选B。该题根据搭配判断。 have a nice easy holiday指“有一个轻松愉快的假期”。41. A. time B. human C. language D. money【解析】选C。该题根据上下文判断。前面讲的是“我”在语言上足以过关, 因此说“我”想没有语言问题。 42. A. Too B. What a C. What D. How【解析】选D。该题根据搭配判断。how引导感叹句, 用于修饰形容词wrong, 表示程度。 43. A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good【解析】选C。该

20、题根据上下文判断。因为这时“我”在机场, 因此“我”想找一个公用电话。44. A. letter B. ringC. news D. information【解析】选B。该题根据上下文判断。从下文I want to give my friend a ring. 得此答案。45. A. that B. if C. where D. when【解析】选B。该题根据句意判断。他问“我”他是否能帮助“我”。if引导宾语从句, 意思是“是否”。46. A. well B. over C. nice D. ring【解析】选C。该题根据上下文判断。从后文我们可以看出老人以为“我”要结婚, 因此他说“很好”

21、来表示祝贺。47. A. to marry B. to be marriedC. marrying D. married【解析】选D。该题根据搭配判断。从下句Who is talking about marriage?得此答案。 get married意思是“结婚”。48. A. small B. little C. old D. young【解析】选D。该题根据上下文判断。从短文首句When I was 16 years old, 可知老人觉得“我”的年龄还不适合结婚, 因此他说“但是, 你是不是有点儿小呀?”49. A. very B. just C. just now D. so【解析】

22、选B。该题根据搭配判断。just在此相当于only。50. A. where B. in whichC. over there D. that【解析】选A。该题根据上下文判断。很明显, “我”想让他告诉“我”电话亭的位置。51. A. did B. do C. could D. had【解析】选A。did用在肯定句中起强调作用。52. A. trouble B. difficultiesC. things D. fun【解析】选B。该题根据句意判断。联系上下文, Danny在这里说她也遇到过一些困难。53. A. write B. speak C. use D. read【解析】选C。该题根据

23、上下文判断。上文中所出现的情况是语言使用习惯的问题, 因此Danny说美国人用的许多单词在意思上与英国人不同。54. A. every B. these C. some D. all the【解析】选D。该题根据上下文判断。从下句Most of the 55 British and American people understand each other!可以看出, Danny对“我”说“我”不久就会习惯他们所讲的一切有趣的东西。55. A. chance B. situation C. condition D. time【解析】选D。该题根据上下文判断。大多数时候, 美国人和英国人能彼此理

24、解。. 阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)(A) You may have experienced this. The school bell sounds. The class is over. You need to go to the toilet, its a big one. You rush through the door of the toilet, and prepare yourself for the release of your life. Going to the toilet is easy down here on Earth, because

25、gravity(重力)pulls your solid and liquid wastes down, away from you. But in the gravity-free environment of space, waste tends to just float around. Since the early days of the spaceflight, NASA has learned a lot about what to do with human waste while their astronauts(宇航员) are away from Mother Earth.

26、 The very first “space toilet ”was not that comfortable. Alan Shepard, the first American to be put into space, had to pee(小便)inside his spacesuit just before the flight on May 5, 1961. Now, space toilets look similar to the Western style toilets that people use on Earth. However, instead of flushin

27、g, they work like a vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器)sucking away the astronauts waste. When nature calls, astronauts fasten their bodies to the toilet so that they wont float away. They are held on by a bar across their thighs. While the toilet is in use, it has a continuous flow of air blowing in through hole

28、s under the seat. This airflow pushes waste toward the bottom of the toilet, drawing it into a bag, holding solid waste, but letting the air through. The urinal(小便池)works for both men and women. Its a flexible hose(软管)with a funnel(漏斗). It can be used whether you are sitting on the toilet or standin

29、g. The hose then travels to the waste water tank. There are different ways of treating solid and liquid waste. All solid waste is brought back to Earth for treatment, while liquid waste is thrown out into space from time to time. One astronaut had commented :“There is nothing as beautiful as a urine

30、 dump at sunset. ”56. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Space toilets look similar to toilets on Earth but work differently. B. Women and men share the same urinal. C. What makes going to the toilet in a spacecraft difficult is gravity. D. Solid and liquid wastes in spac

31、e receive different treatment. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段、第七段的第一句以及最后一段的第一句可知A、B、D三项正确。C项与原文第二段中的最后一句不符, 原文是指在太空中上厕所难是由于没有重力, 不是因为太空船中的重力。57. The underlined word “they ”in Para. 5 most probably means“_”. A. astronauts B. natureC. solid waste D. toilets【解析】选A。词义猜测题。句意:当需要大小便时, 宇航员就把身体拴在马桶上, 以便他们不会飘走。根据句意可知they应指astronauts。58. The tone that the author uses to describe space toilets is_. A. playful B. indifferentC. disgusted D. ne

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