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1、产品安全申请认证所需资料UL 产品安全申请认证所需资料按标准要求,厂商在测试前需提供我方下列资料:1. 填写:产品安全验证申请客户资料表 附件2. 填写:产品基本资料清单 附件-此清单包括所有零件之産品型号、生産厂家、零部件编号及有关参数(电流、电压、功率、阻燃等级等)。-对於具有安规认证的元器件,例如:电源线、插头、开关、温控器、保-险管等,请提供欧洲认证证书复印件。与安全有关之零部件,如未具有安全认证,请提供技术参数,包括産品型号、生産厂家、额定电流、电压、工作温度等,以便由我方进行随机测试。.电路图.线路图-请标注实际尺寸。.最终定型样品-2-4个/型号(按我中心要求准备)。.爆炸图(分

2、解图)产品安全验证申请客户资料表 附件1. 认证标准 (Certification) UL 其他 2. 产品名称及型号: 附上产品相关资料(如目录、结构图、线路图、规格、功能等) 有 无3. 申请人(Applicant) 公司名称/Name (中文/Chinese) (英文/English) 地 址/Address(中文/Chinese) (英文/English) 电话(TEL) 传真(FAX) E-mail 联络人/负责人(中文/Chinese) (英文/English) Contact Person/Representative4. 工厂(Manufacturer) 同申请者 (若工厂数量

3、在一家以上,请自行加页一一列出) 工厂名称/Name (中文/Chinese) (英文/English) 地 址/Address(中文/Chinese) (英文/English) 电话(TEL) 传真(FAX) E-mail 联络人/负责人(中文/Chinese) (英文/English) Contact Person/Representative5. 登录者(Listee/Recognized Company/Classified Company) 同申请者 同工厂 公司名称/Name (中文/Chinese) (英文/English) 地 址/Address(中文/Chinese) (英文

4、/English) 电话(TEL) 传真(FAX) E-mail 联络人/负责人(中文/Chinese) (英文/English) Contact Person/RepresentativeProduct Technical Information (产品基本资料清单) 附件为协助验证单位对贵公司之产品有更进一步的了解,请提供贵公司产品之下列初步资料,以供正确估价或预估测试项目。若此表不便详述贵公司之产品,请以其他方式说明。1. 产品型号/Grade Designation:If you wish to submit more than one formulation please provi

5、de a unique designation for each formulation.2. 原料名称/Generic Polymer Material:如矽胶silicone or silicone rubber, PC, PP, ABS, PMI,等, for each formulation。若是含填充物, 请注明最大及最小百分比。 若是共聚合物(如分子量不同),也请注明成份重量百分比。 Please indicate the generic polymer (ABS, PPHOX, PC, etc.) for each formulation. If the material wil

6、l contain filler material, please indicate the composition of the filler material and the minimum and maximum percent of filler that will be used in the formulation. If the material is a copolymer, please indicate the percent of each polymer as well as the molecular weight of the copolymer. 3. 防火等级/

7、Flammability Class:(譬如: 94V-0, V-1, V-2, HB, VTM-0, VTM-1, VTM-2, HBF, HF-1. HF-2, 5VA/5VB)V test :启动开关後,不需使用者持续操作即可自行运作的家电产品,其所使用的塑料需通过V 燃烧测试。HB test:灯具及使用时必须由使用者持续操作的电器(家电)产品,如hair dryer等, 必须要通过HB 燃烧测试。HBF test:针对发泡塑胶材料使用在电器产品及其他装置的零件上(但是不用於结构支撑)VTM test:同V test,只是产品厚度太薄, 约0.25mm.4. 最大及最小厚度: Min.

8、Thickness (mm) Max Thickness (mm)如果只申请一个厚度,将来只能生产该厚度+10% 误差以内的产品。Please note that if only one thickness is specified, we will restrict your Recognition to that thickness only. In production an applicable tolerance, usually 10%, will be allowed.5. 产品运送型式/Form of Shipment:如颗粒、薄片、粉末、液体 .等。(For example,

9、 pellets, sheets, powder, two liquid components, finished products etc.)6. 所欲申请颜色/Colors:申请all colors请提供natural color(原料原色),白色,黑色,及红色, all colors代表以後可以生产任何颜色。Natural, White, Black, and Red will represent all colors.7. 产品成分百分比/Material Composition:建议提供。Please include all additives (glass, metallic, o

10、r other combustible fillers, lubricants, flame retardants, plasticizers, UV stabilizers, etc.) as well as the total percentage of each in the final polymer. This information will be for UL internal use only and is requested in order to help us determine what, if any, testing will be required if you

11、should decide to make a minor formulation change in the future. The information is not published in any UL public document. This information is not required for Recognition of your material but if you decide not to supply this information, additional testing will may be encountered if you decide to

12、make a formulation change.8. RTI-最大操作温度: Electrical 0CMechanical w/ impact 0CMechanical w/o impact 0C如silicone及silicone rubber皆已经认定为150,若要申请认证超过150,则需要另测 Long Term Thermal Aging Test (LTTA)。(各材料RTI请参阅UL 746B Standard Table 所示)。Depending on the use temperature in the enduse product, some materials ma

13、y be required to show temperature stability at elevated temperatures. Table of UL 746B presents a list of materials which have been assigned a generic Relative Thermal Index (RTI) in accordance with significant test experience and/or field experience UL has had with these materials. A copy of this t

14、able has been attached. If a material is not referenced in UL746B, the material will be assigned a generic RTI of 50C. If you wish to have a higher rating than the generic RTI, Long Term Thermal Aging in accordance with UL746B will be required. If you feel your material may require an elevated RTI,

15、please contact the undersigned and we will provide you with additional information concerning this test program.9. 产品制造步骤/Manufacturing Process:建议提供。In order to determine the appropriate generic RTI for your epoxy material, we will need to know how the material is processed (such as form molding, in

16、jection molding, etc.). Please advise if polymerization occurs at elevated temperatures (be sure to specify curing time and temperature) or pressures. If the material is furnished in the form of two or more liquid components we will need a separate identifier for each component, the mixing ratio of

17、the different components, and the curing conditions (Temperature/Time) for the material.10.加拿大认证/CUL: Yes NoUL将主动为您办理,并不额外收费,除非您告知不办理。CUL认证可以使您的产品进入加拿大。UL has established a Canadian Certification Service whereby your material will also receive Recognition according to a National Standard of Canada,

18、CAN/CSA No. 92. Because the service is generally requested in most cases, we will provide CUL Recognition with every UL Recognition unless you specifically state that you do not require this additional certification. You should be aware that Canadian certification includes a difference in the markin

19、g requirement, as follows:Marking: UL Company name or trademark and grade designation (on wrapper, container or part). CUL Manufacturers name, tradename or trademark, polymer identification, compound number, color number, where appropriate; batch number, lot number or date of manufacture on bag, car

20、ton or container.If you have any questions or require any additional information about the UL Canadian Certification Service, please contact us.11.其他测试项目/Additional Tests: Yes No H W I:Hot Wire ignition H A I :High-Current Arc Ignition Performance Level Categories HVAR:High-Vortage Arc Ignition Perf

21、ormance Level Categories HATR:High-Vortage Arc-Tracking-Rate Performance Level Categories D-495: C T I : Comparative Tracking Index GWI : Glow-Wire Ignition Test V R : Volume Resistivity S R : Surface Resistivity D S : Dielectric Strength(如Electrical Tests or Physical Tests等)。电气项目包括: HAI, HWI, HVAR,

22、 HVTR, CTI, D-495, Volume/Surface Resistivity (体积电阻与表面电阻), Dielectric Strength (耐压)。 如果您的产品是要用在电器成品上,可能需要做电气测试,此项由客户自选,但若没,您的产品可能不能用於电器成品或将来需要时,则可以另行补测,但Identification Test(成份/配方比对)可能需再测一次来与先前测试结果比对。请与您的客户联络, 了解他们的成品(如电视、电脑萤幕、电话, 烤箱, 烤面包机,., etc)在向UL申请该成品安全认证时,需要何种额外的安全测试项目。H A I:产品将来会与非绝缘材料(live pa

23、rts)接触或接近 arcing parts- in non-arcing parts 1/32 inH W I:产品将来用在end products 上时会与非绝缘材料(live parts)接(触)近於1/32 in以内HVAR:不同end products上使用时,会与非绝缘导体材料接触时都需要申请,视end products产品类别而定。C T I:同HWI条件但1. 导体材料有正向极/磁性。2. 金属材料在使用时有接地。3. 表面暴露於使用中,能接触得到。D-495:产品用於高电压电视产品上。VR/SR及耐压测试:产品用於电器绝缘上或非绝缘导体材料之外壳。The testing yo

24、u require on your material will depend on the needs of the endproduct manufacturer as defined by the UL Standard for that product. We recommend checking with the endproduct manufacturer and/or a UL engineer who evaluates the endproduct your material will be used in, to determine what testing should

25、be conducted on your material in order to meet the needs of your clients. Please let us know if you require any assistance in contacting the UL engineer who evaluates the endproduct your material will be used in and we will forward your request to the appropriate department.12.相关注意事项:第一次工厂生产检验/INITI

26、AL PRODUCTION INSPECTION (IPI):在工程部门完成报告後,UL会通知当地的检验中心至贵工厂进行第一次生产检验 (IPI),完成IPI 後,检验员会将临时的报告交给您,您即授权可以使用UL的标志。 Once our engineering investigation has been completed and your product is determined to comply with our requirements, a procedure report will be prepared. We will then send a copy of the pr

27、ocedure report to our field representative in your area. Our field representative will then contact the representative at your manufacturer and arrange for a time to deliver the new report and to conduct an IPI. The purpose of the IPI will be to determine that your product is appropriately described

28、 in our report and that you are aware of the requirements for marking your products with the UL Recognition mark. In order to avoid any delays please provide the following information for each manufacturer that will be producing a marking your product with the UL Recognition mark:1). Complete name a

29、nd address.2). Name, telephone, and fax number of the factory representative.3). Date you intend to begin production of UL Recognized Fabricated Parts.季检验/FOLLOW-UP SERVICES:UL检验员将会每季不定期至贵工厂检验及每年抽验样品复测。Once your IPI has been completed, you may expect to receive a visit from our field representatives quarterly. In addition, we will pick up samples of your product from the production line yearly in order to determine continued compliance with our requirements. 请您填写完毕之後,回传给台湾科技验证电子邮件,并请在主旨栏上注明 贵公司的名字敬祝工作顺利!

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