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1、八年级英语上册完型填空专项练习人教版八年级上完型填空专项练习姓名 班级 (一) Someone says,“Time is money.”But I think time is _1_important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back, but when time is _2_, itll never_3_.That is_4_we mustnt waste(浪费) time.It goes without saying that the_5_is usually limited(有限的). Ev

2、en a second is very important. We should make fuull use of our time to do_6_useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who_7_know the importance(重要) of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking, and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own_8

3、_.In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt_9_todays work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to_10_.( ) 1.A.much B.less C.much less D.even more( )2.A.cost B.bought C.gone D.finished( )3.A.return B.carry C.take D.bring( )4.A.what B.that C.because D.why( ) B.time )6.A.nothi

4、ng B.something C.anything D.everything( ) not B.does not C.did not )8.A.time )9.A.stop B.leave C.let D.give( )10.A.lose C.spend D.take (二)All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are_1_ peoples health. Many people like to watch_2_play sports games. The

5、y buy tickets_3_turn on their TV sets to sit_4_them.Sports_5_with the seasons. People play_6_games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can_7_sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting_8_people everywhere like them. Football, for exa

6、mple, is very popular in the world. People_9_different countries cant understand each other, but after a game they often become very_10_to each other.( )1.A.good for B.good at C.good D.good to( )2. A.other B.others C.the other D.the others( )3. A.and B.but )4. front the front C.i

7、n the front of front of( )5. A.change B.are D.start( )6. A.same B.different C.the same D.the different( )7. A.see B.look C.find )8. A.because B.but C.or D.and( )9. A.from C.outside D.inside( )10. A.friends B.friendly C.friend D.more friendly (三)One day Mrs. Jones went_1_. W

8、hen her husband(丈夫) came home in the evening, she began to tell him_2_a beautiful cotton(棉) dress. “I saw it is in a shop_3_this morning,”she said. “And”“And you want to buy it,”said her husband. “How much does it cost?”“Fifteen pounds(英镑).”“Fifteen pounds_4_a cotton dress? Thats too_ 5_!”But every

9、evening, when Mr. Jones came back from work, his wife continued to_6_only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said,“Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!”She was happy. But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked,“Did you_7_the nice dress?”She said,“No.”“Why not?”the husband

10、was_8_.“Well, _9_was still in the window of the shop after a week,so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, I dont want _1_0_, either?” ( )1.A.shops C.buying )2. A.for B.of C.about D.with( )3. B.todays D./( )4. A.for B.with C.on D.of( )5. A.many B.much C.high D.good

11、( )6. A.speak B.say C.tell )7. C.chose D.made( )8. A.asked B.angry C.surprise D.sorry( )9. A.dress B.this C.she )10. B.a one D.another (四)Its a good idea to_1_a small present when you go to a _2_party in England or in the USA. Flowers are always nice, or you can

12、take a bottle of wine(酒)_3_you know that the family_4_wine. You should arrive on time, or five to ten minutes late. Dont get there_5_.If youre going to be late_6_more than 15 minutes, you should call and tell the host or the hostess(女主人).Try to relax at the dinner table. If you dont know_7_to use a

13、knife and fork(叉), just watch_8_and copy them. You can also ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so.Before you leave, you should thank the host and the hostess_9_the meal and their kindness. Its a good idea to send a card or thang-you note(便条)the day_10_.( )1. A.bring B.take C.carry

14、 D.move( )2. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper( )3. A.when B.if )4. B.ate C.drink D.drinked( )5. A.lately B.later C.too early time( )6. B.for D.on( )7. A.why C.what D.when( )8. A.other B.the other C.another D.the others( )9. A.for B.of D.about( )10. A.l

15、ater B.before C.after D.ago (五)One morning, John_1_his house with six donkeys(驴) for the market(市场). After a time, he got very_2_and got on one of them. Then he counted(点数) the donkeys, and there were only five, so he_3_off and went to look_4_the sixth. He looked and looked, but did not_5_it. So he

16、went back to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there werte six. He got on one of them, and they all started.After_6_minutes, he counted the donkeys again, and there were only five again. While he was counting, a friend of his_7_and John said_8_him,“I left my house with six donkeys, then,

17、 I had five, then, I had six again, and now I have only five! Look! One, two, three, four, five.”“But John,”said the friend,“You are sitting_9_a donkey! That is the sixth. You are the_10_.”( )1. A.leaves B.left C.leaved D.leaving( )2. A.tired B.was tired D.tiring( )3. A.get B.gets

18、 getting( )4. B.for )5. A.found B.find C.finds D.finding( )6. A.a few B.few C.a little D.any( )7. A.past B.passed by C.passing D.passes( )8. A.on C.from )9. A.on D.with( )10. B.seventh C.sixth D.eighth (六)A good_1_is important for everyone._2_can easily u

19、nderstand(理解) it. Till(直到) breakfast time you dont eat_3_for twelve hours. Your body_4_food for your work in the morning.One good breakfast may be rice, bread, an egg and a glass of milkor fruit juice. On a cold morning, a cup of hot_5_is useful to keepyou warm. So what you need to do is to get up e

20、arly enough to have_6_to have breakfast.A good breakfast_7_you to smile(笑) more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work_8_and play more_9_. You whole day(整天) will be full of fun after you_10_a good breakfast.( )1. A.meal B.breakfast C.lunch D.supper( )2. A.Man B.I C.You D.They( )3.

21、 A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing( )4. A.has B.keeps C.needs D.finds( )5. A.cheese B.drinking C.oranges D.drink( )6. A.friends D.time( )7. A.helps B.lets C.keeps D.makes( )8. A.bad B.good C.better )9. A.sad B.happily C.wonderful D.suddenly( )10. A.enjoy C.

22、play (七)Betty didnt look_1_today. There was_2_wrong eith her. She had a headache and also got a fever, so her mother took her to_3_the doctor._4_the doctors. Betty told the doctor that she felt sick.“How_5_have you been like this?”the doctor asked. “Ever since yesterday afternoon,” answered Be

23、tty. The doctor_6_her temperature and said,“You_7_a bad cold, but dont worry._8_will give you some medicine_9_it. Take it on time, and youll get_10_better soon.”( )1. A.good B.nice C.fine D.well( )2. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.thing( )3. A.ask for B.see C.go to )4. A.On B.At C.To D.O

24、f( )5. A.soon B.long C.often D.much( )6. B.made C.took D.gave( )7. A.did B.grew C.took D.caught( )8. A.Mother B.It C.You D.I( )9. B.for D.of( )10. A.any B.very C.much D.little(八)One day, a Chinese student goes to study English in England. His family name is Sun. It is the 1 as the wo

25、rd sun.England is a country with 2 . It is often cloudy or misty(多雾的), and it 3 again, so the days there 4 get much sunshine(阳光) all the year.When the Chinese student gets to London, a tall 5 policeman with a long face 6 his passport(护照) to check(检查) it. The policeman finds the Chinese name sun in t

26、he passport. He 7 it is pronounced(发音) just like the 8 word sun. So he says to the Chinese student, I see your name is Sun, youre wanted here. You bring sunshine 9 England, so we dont want you to 10 . They smile. ( )1. A.same B.different ( )2. A.good weather(天气) B.bad people C.bad weathe

27、r D.good people ( )3. A.rains B.raining rains rains ( )4. A.dont B.doesnt C.also D.often ( )5. A.Chinese B.China C.English D.Japanese ( )6. open B.opens C.opening open ( )7. A.think B.thinking think D.thinks ( )8. A.English B.Chinese C.Japan D.French ( )9. B.of D.f

28、or( )10. A.go away B.goes away C.going away D.away(九)Its Wednesday afternoon. School is over. The students are putting their books, pencil-boxes 1 their school bags. The teacher comes in and says to the students, Wait a minute, please. I have something to tell you. Listen to me, 2 is Thursday. There

29、s going to 3 a 4 meeting in our school. The meeting is at nine in the morning. 5 are your school reports(成绩单) and letters 6 your parents. 7 them home. Give your parents the letters and 8 them your school reports. Ask them 9 to the meeting on time tomorrow because Im 10 tell them something about next

30、 term.( )1. A. into B. to C. in D. out( )2. A. today B. tomorrow C. it D. next day( )3. A. have B. has C. be D. is( )4. A. student B. teacher C. parent D. parents( )5. A. There B. Here C. Those D. The( )6. A. for B. with C. give D. to ( )7. A. Take B. Bring C. Taking D. Carry ( )8. A. tell B. say C.

31、 talk D. show ( )9. A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming ( )10. A. going B. going to C. go to D. want (十)Dear Robert,I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter. You ask me about Mid-autumn Day. Now, let me 1 you something about it. Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Day. It 2 comes in September or October. 3 that day, everyone eats mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. It 4 the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them, 5 some have meat or eggs in them. My friend Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat.

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