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1、SOP翻译参考北 京 大 发 正 大 有 限 公 司 熟 食 加 工 厂BEIJING DAFA CHIA TAI CO., LTD FURTHER PROCESSING PLANT标 准 操 作 程 序STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE 编制: HACCP 小组 ORGANIZER: HACCP GROUP豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO: SOP01项目:辅料验收和储藏Item: checking, accepting and storing of subsidiary materialsCP01负责人:辅料验收员、库管P

2、rincipal: QC for subsidiary materials, administrators for subsidiary materials操作程序:Operation procedure:按研发部提供的验收标准进行检验和接收;Inspect and receive the subsidiary materials according to the standards provided by the R.D. department.1 豚角煮专用调料:检验厂家提供的检验报告,并抽测糖度、盐分、粘度、温度等理化指标,查看色泽、品尝口味等;保存期限不得超过180天;Seasonin

3、gs special used for steamed nock: check the inspection report provided by the supplier, spot-check the saccharin, salt, viscosity, temperature, color, taste etc, keep time not more than 180 days.2 一般调味品如味精、盐、香辛料等,验看品质、包装完好,无异物,具有其特有的味道;并在保质期内;General seasonings such as: monosodium glutamate, flavor

4、etc, check the quality, package, requires no foreign materials, with its special taste, and within its guarantee limits.3 经检验合格的入辅料库标识并分区存放;Receive the qualified subsidiary materials and keep in subsidiary materials storage room separately with correct label.4 填写辅料验收报告单 Fill in “the subsidiary mater

5、ials checking and accepting report”.5 远离地面和墙壁30cm以上; Put them apart from floors and walls 30cm up.6 先入先出先用。 Follow the principle of “first in, first out and first use”纠正措施:Correction Action:1. 不合格品拒收,并填写物料反馈单,由采购部门反馈给厂家;Reject the unqualified subsidiary materials fill “the subsidiary materials feed

6、back report”, announce the suppliers by the purchase department2. 对多次发生产品质量问题的,须重新组织对供应商进行评估,必要时取消分供方资格。 Drop or re-evaluate the suppliers, which have quality problems for many times.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP02项目:包装物料的验收和储藏Item: checking, accepting and storing of packing materialsC

7、P02负责人:包装材料验收员、材料库管理员Principal: QC for packing materials, administrators for materials操作程序:Operation procedure: 1. 按验收标准进行验收; Check and accept according to “the check and acceptance standard”.2. 对于第一次送货的供应商,要有国家有关机构开具的食品级证明及出厂检验报告单;For the first delivery, the supplier should provide the food grade c

8、ertification issued by the national authorities and the delivery inspection report.3. 检验员对照包装材料采购单,用游标卡尺、卷尺、电子称测量包装物料的规格、克重是否符合要求;The inspectors measure the size and weight with venires caliper, tape measure, and electro-balance to see if they meet the standard according to the specifications on the

9、 purchase order. 4. 比照标准比色卡检查印色是否符合要求; Check if the print color meets the requirement contrast standard color card.4.1依据验收标准检验强度、防潮性、耐低温性、套色牢固程度、封粘牢固程度等;According to the receiving standard check the intensity, moistureproof ability, cold resistance, color process firmness, bended firmness etc.4.2检验卫

10、生状况,必要时进行微生物检验; Check the hygiene state, if necessary do microbe analysis.4.3开具包装物料验收报告单; Write “packing materials checking and accepting report”.4.4记录检验结果。 Put down the inspection results. 5合格的包装物料分别储存在内包装材料库、包装箱库、物料库内; Store qualified packing materials in inner packing materials storage, cartons s

11、torage, and materials storage separately.6按批次先入先出。 Follow the principle of “first in, first out.”7远离地面和墙面30cm以上。 Put them apart from floors and walls 30cm up.纠正措施:Correction action: 1. 超过验收标准的,对该批产品根据验收标准的有关规定分别予以让步接受、拒收同时填写包装物料质量 反馈单通知厂商要求其反馈原因及改进措施; If the materials are not up the standard, accord

12、ing to relatively stipulations accept concussively or reject, meanwhile fill inthe feedback report of the packing materialsand announce the supplier for advice.2. 对于多次严重违反验收标准或涉及食品安全的供应商,取消其供货资格。 Drop the suppliers that violate the standard and the food safety for many times.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR

13、 COOKED PORK NO:SOP03项目:培根原料验收和储藏Item: checking, accepting and storing of porkCCP1/CP03负责人:原料验收员、库工Principal: QC for raw materials, storage workers操作规程:Operation procedure:1 收验检疫证、消毒证、检验报告或相关的证明资料。Check the quarantine certificate,the disinfecting certificate of the vehicle, test report or relevant c

14、ertificate of manufacturer.2 感官检验:查看培根肉原料的色泽、鲜度等; Inspect by sense organ: check the color, freshness of the pork.3 抽验原料重量是否符合要求,按5%抽检并记录; Check if the weight of the pork meets the standard, check percentage: 5%, and record.4 抽测产品温度:将温度计探插入袋中,待温度计稳定后读取数值并记录; Check the temperature of the products, pok

15、e the probe of the thermograph into the bag, and get the stable readings and record.5 每批抽测5袋,检验脂肪厚度是否符合工艺要求。 Check 5 bags/batch; see if the thickness of the fat meets the craft requirement.6 填写原料验收单; Fill in “the raw materials checking and accepting report”.7 储存在0库内,定时抽测产品温度; Keep in the 0 storage,

16、check the products temperature periodically.8 先入先出。 Follow the principle of “first in, first out.关键限值(CL): 每批原料均有来自非疫区的证明药残检验合格Each batch of raw materials comes from the non-epidemic disease area and its drug residues are quality.操作限值(OL)1. 原料接收温度4 The temperature of accepted raw materials4.2. 0库库温0

17、2 The temperature of 0 storage: 02.纠正措施:Correction action: 不合格产品退货处理 Reject the unqualified products.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP04项目: 预煮Item: fore-steamingCP04负责人:生区品管员、蒸煮工人Principal: QC in raw materials processing area, steaming workers 操作规程:Operation Procedure:1 将培根原料用清水洗净后放入放有适量水的

18、夹层锅. Wash the pork with clean water, then put into the interlining boiler, which filled with water previously.2 用夹层锅或蒸箱进行蒸煮,蒸煮温度在95-100,蒸煮80分钟;Steam the pork with boilers or steaming box, steaming temperature is at 95-100, steaming time is 80 minutes.3 80分钟后,停止蒸煮,观察蒸后产品色泽,记录蒸煮的温度和时间; Stop steaming i

19、n 80mins, observe the color of the products, record the temperature and time of steaming.标准(standard): 蒸煮温度95-100,蒸煮时间80分钟steaming temperature is at 95-100, steaming time is 80 minutes.纠正措施: Correction action: 温度未达到标准时,需重新蒸煮。 If the temperature didnt reach the standard, re-steam it.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序

20、SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP05项目: 冷却Item: chillingCP05负责人:生区品管员、生区工人Principal: QC and workers in raw materials processing area 操作规程:Operation procedure:1 蒸后培根肉放在不锈钢斗车中,用流水冷却; After steaming, put the pork in the stainless steel carts, chilling with flowing water.2 随时抽测产品温度,将温度计插入产品中心,测定中心温度; Check the

21、products temperature at all times, poke the thermograph into the center of products, get the center temperature.3 当产品中心温度达到20, 停止冷却,取出产品。 Take out the products when the center temperature is not less that 20, stop chilling.标准(standard): 产品中心温度20。 Center temperature of products20.纠正措施: Correct action

22、: 1 控制每批斗车内产品数量; Control the quantity of the products in the stainless steel carts.2 将未达到温度要求的产品重新用流水冷却。 If the temperature of the products doesnt meet the requirement after chilling, re-chill it.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP06项目:切块Item: cuttingCP06负责人:生区品管员、生区工人Principal: QC and worke

23、rs in raw materials processing area 操作规程:Operation Procedure:1 将培根肉切成25-28g/块,脂肪比例小于1/2; Cut the pork into 25-28g/blocks, fat proportion is less than 1/2.2 用电子秤抽检重量并计算合格率; Weighing with electro-balance and calculate the qualified percentage.3 检查形状合格率; Check the shapes qualified percentage.4 使用电子温度计抽

24、检切块后的中心温度并记录; Spot-check the center temperature after cutting, record.标准(standard): 1产品中心温度20。Center temperature of products20.2单块重量、形状符合工艺要求,合格率大于95%; 95% of the weight, shape the requirement.3切块后中心温度20; Center temperature after cutting20.纠正措施: Correction action 1 不符合重量、形状要求的应剔除; Get rid of the pro

25、ducts that the weight, shape doesnt meet the requirement.2 对切块后温度过高的产品及时降温处理。 Cool it down if the temperature of the products too high.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP07项目: 配放辅料、真空包装Item: Mixing of subsidiary materials, vacuum packingCP07负责人:生区品管员、生区工人Principal: QC and workers in raw mate

26、rials processing area 操作规程:Operation Procedure:1. 生产前将内包装沿人员通道运进生处理区储存柜内; Before production, transfer the inner packing materials into the raw areas, stored in the cabinet through the workers passage way.2. 装袋:24块豚角煮,180g香菇12个,豚角煮调料酱; Put into bags: 24 pieces of steamed pork, 12pieces of 180g mushro

27、oms, flavor soy sauce. 3配重:每袋净重:1005-1015g/袋(净重); Weight: net weight/bag: 1005-1015g/bag. 4真空包装: Vacuum packing: 4.1使用前检查真空泵的油位是否正常; Check the oil level of the vacuum pump. 4.2检查真空室密封是否良好; Check if the vacuum room sealed tightly. 4.3检查冷却水供应系统是否良好; Check if the chilling water supplying system works w

28、ell. 4.4启动真空包装机,检查运转是否正常; Turn on the vacuum packing machine and see if it works well. 4.5检查封口情况:无漏袋,封口不平; Check the sealing line, no bags leak and seal unevenly. 4.6每小时抽检净重,抽测20袋; Check the net weight 20 bags/hour.标准(standard):1. 豚角煮及香菇数量合格率100%。 Steamed pork and mushroom quantity are 100% qualifie

29、d.2. 无异物; No foreign materials.3. 无漏袋。 No bags leak.纠正措施: Correction action: 将不合格品返工。 Rework the unqualified products.豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序SOP FOR COOKED PORK NO:SOP08项目:高温杀菌Item: high temperature sterilizingCCP2/CP08负责人:熟区品管员、蒸煮机操作工Principal: QC in heat treatment area, operators of steamer操作规程:Operatio

30、n Procedure:1 使用蒸柜进行杀菌,蒸柜内设有自动温度记录仪; Sterilizing with the steam cabinet, there is auto-thermo recorder in the steaming cabinet.2 使用前检查设备运行是否良好,是否漏水、漏气; Before using, check the equipment to see if it runs well, if there is water leaks or air leaks.3将产品码放在蒸柜内; Put the products into the cabinet.4打开蒸汽,调

31、节温度至100,蒸煮70分钟。 Open the steam valve, adjust the temperature to 100, steam for 70mins.关键限值(CL):1 设定蒸柜温度:100,加热30分钟以上;Set the cabinet temperature at 100 for 30 min.2 保持产品中心温度70,1分钟。 Keep center temperature of products at 70 for 1min.操作限值(OL):1 设定蒸柜温度:100,加热70分钟以上;Set the cabinet temperature at 100 for

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