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1、EEC英语三年级下册期末测试题20062007学年度第二学期期末测试卷EEC英语三年级(下)一、根据汉语,补全单词。(24分)1. m_ _k(牛奶) 2. w_t_r(水) 3. f_ _l(饱的) 4. c_k_(蛋糕)5. h_ _gry(饿的) 6. d_ll_r(美元) 7. t_g_r(老虎) 8. sh_ _t(衬衫)9. bl_ _k(黑色的) 10. s_ _p(香皂) 11. sk_ _t(裙子) 12. sn_ _(雪)二、看图选词填空。(16分) in next to behind under三、选择。(20分)( )1. I play computer games _

2、Wednesday.A on B at C in( )2. Lets _ a snowman. A make B to make C making( )3. Im_a snow ball.A make B making C to make( )4. I get up _six.A on B in C at( )5. What time is it? _.A Its red B Its a book C Its four oclock( )6. How _this shirt? I dont like red.A about B on C at( )7. Show_that blue cap,

3、please.A my B I C me( )8. You _ great. A look B looks C looking( )9. How _is it? One dollar.A many B much C some( )10. Whats _is it? Its yellow. A color B much C time四、看问句,选答语。(24分)( )1.Where are you? A Im behind the door.( )2. Lets play”Hide-n-Seek”. B Great!( )3. Is it cold? C Yes, its very cold.(

4、 )4. Do you like snow? D Me, too.( )5. I like snow. E Yes, I do.( )6. Can I help you ? F Its red.( )7. Here you are. G Yes, please.( )8. What color is it? H Thanks.五、连词成句。(16分)1. I up eight get at . _2. I draw a can car . _3. It to sleep is time . _4. is a mouth Here red . _20072008学年度下学期期末质量监测三年级英语

5、(EEC)一、按顺序默写字母(25分)Aa_二、看图连线。(20分)三、选择正确答语。(25分)( )1.Whos that? A Its a bag.( )2. What are these? B How do you do?( )3. Whats this? C Thank you.( )4. How much is it? D Thats Mr. Smith.( )5. How do you do? E One dollar.( )6. How old are you? F No, Im not.( )7. Happy Birthday! G Theyre pineapples.( )8

6、. Are you sick? H Im ten.四、情景反应。 (30分)( )1. 初次见面打招呼时可以说:A How do you do? B How are you?( )2. 向别人表示感谢时,可以说:A Thank you B Sorry.( )3. 你想问John这些是什么时,你可以问:A What are these? B What is this?( )4. 询问年龄时,可以说:A How do you do ? B How old are you?( )5. 当你问物品的价钱时,可以说:A How much is it? B How many do you want?( )

7、6. 问物品颜色时,可以说:A What color is it? B What is it?( )7. 当你把东西给别人时,可以说:A Here you are. B You are here.( )8. 下午见面打招呼时,可以说:A Good morning! B Good afternoon!( )9. 询问时间时,你可以说:A What time is it? B How much is it?( )10. 问今天星期几,你可以说: A What day is it? B What time is it?20082009学年度下学期期末测试题三年级英语听力部分一、单词、短语:(12分)

8、听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1. A. fourteen B. fifteen C. sixteen( )2. A. hat B. cap C. cat( )3. A. go out B. get up C. clean up( )4. A. put on B. turn on C. go on( )5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. pizza( )6. A. in B. on C. next to二、句子理解:(12分)A)听音,选出你所听到的句子。( )7. A. I like milk. B. I dont like milk. C. I want

9、some milk.( )8. A. Im hungry. B. Im thirsty C. Im full.( )9. A. Its Sunday. B. Its Tuesday C. Its Saturday.B)听音,判断下列句子与你听到的句子意思是(T)否(F)一致。( )10. Im five.( )11. Im making a snowball.( )12. Where is the book?三、对话理解:(16分)A)听音,标号。13. watermelons ( ) 14. hot dog ( ) 15. cap( )16. clock ( ) 17. Blow out t

10、he candles. ( )B)听音,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答案。( )18. What color is the ball? A. Its yellow. B. Its red. C. Its orange.( )19. How about this skirt? A. Its big. B. Its small. C. Its nice.( )20. How much are the pears? A. Seven dollars. B. Eleven dollars. C. Seventeen dollars笔试部分四、汉译英(10分)21. 鞋 _ 22. 三十 _ 23

11、. 蓝色 _24. 裤子_ 25. 星期一_五、选择。(10分)( )26. Look _ this box. A. in B. to C. on( )27. _is Wangwang ? Its in the hat. A. Where B. What C. Which( )28. Here is _orange sun. A. a B. an C. the( )29. What _ those? Theyre cats. A. is B. am C. are( )30. Can you draw a tiger? _. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes

12、, I do.六、对话理解。(10分)( )31. How old are you? A. Hes on the desk.( )32. Wheres Mike? B. Its black.( )33. What day is it today? C. Im nine years old.( )34. What color is it? D. One dollar.( )35. How much is it? E. Its Friday.七、情景会话。(10分)A: What day is it today?B: (36)_.A: Oh, today is my birthday.B: (37

13、)_. A. I like it.A: Thank you. B. Happy birthday.B: (38)_. C. Its Sunday.A: Im ten. D. How old are you?B: This is for you. E. Youre welcome.A: Wow, a car. (39)_. Thanks.B: (40)_八、阅读判断,正确写“T”,错误写“F”(10分)。Its very cold terday. Xiaolan and Jack are making a snowman. Tutu is very happy. Mike and Pangpan

14、g are making snowballs. Wangwang is behind the snowman. Children like snow very much.( )41. Its very cold today.( )42. Xiaolan and Jack are making a snowman.( )43. Tutu is making a snowball.( )44. Wangwang is behind the snowman.( )45. Children(孩子们)dont like snow.九、写作。(10分)仿照例文,描述一下你的房间的物品。不少于五句。例文:

15、My book is green. My bag is red. My desk is yellow. My chair is yellow, too. My pen is blue._中华题王期末测试卷听力部分一、听音排序。(4分)二、听音选择。(6分)( )1. Are you _? B.cold C.sick D.hungry( )2. I want _ bananas. A.two B.three C.ten D.twenty( )3. I get up at _. A.six C. seven thirty D. eight笔试部分一、比较下列单词,写出中

16、文意思。(12分)1. shirt_ 2. thirty_ 3.great_ skirt_ thirsty_ green_4.cold_ 5.fifteen_ 6.water_ Color_ fifty_ watermelon_二、选择正确翻译。(6分)( )1.What time do you go to school? A你几点起床? B 你几点睡觉? C 你几点去上学? D 你几点回家?( )2.Turn off the TV. A 打开电视机 B 关掉电视机 C 打开收音机 D 关掉收音机( )3.I like pineapples. A 我喜欢苹果 B 我喜欢香蕉 B 我喜欢橘子 D

17、 我喜欢菠萝三、连线。(16分)1. How much is it ? A. Sure. Here you are.2. What time is it? B. Its eight fifteen.3. What day is it today? C. She is under the table.4. Can I have the pen? D. One dollar.5. What color is it? E. Yes, I am.6. Wheres Xiaolan? F. Im twenty-one.7. How old are you? G. Its Wednesday.8. Are

18、 you happy? H. Its green and red.四、看图填空。(8分)五、按要求写句子。(12分)1. me green that shirt show please .(连词成句)_2. I want six oranges.(对划线部分提问)_3. Here is an orange ball. (翻译句子)._4. You can see many stars in the hat.(对划线部分提问)_六、选出错误的一项并改正。(12分)( )1. I dont like black. _ A B C D( )2. My cap are blue and yellow.

19、_ A B C D( )3. How much pears do you want? _ A B C D( )4. Draw five banana in the bag. _ A B C D七、重新排列句子。(14分)( )All right. What time do you get up?( )Its ten oclock.( )I get up at six.( )See you in the morning.( )Its late. Its time to sleep.( )Well, good night.( )What time is it?八、用所给句子完成对话。(10分)Ja

20、ck: 1 Tutu: Yes, I do. Jack: Great! Lets go. Tutu: Give me the ball.Jack: 2 Tutu: Maybe its under the tree. Jack: No, its not there. Mike: 3 Tutu: Its Jacks ball. Mike: 4 Jack: Yes, it is. Thanks. 5 Mike: Okay.A. Wheres my ball? B. Is this your ball,Jack? C. Lets play together.D. Do you want to play

21、 the ball? E. Whose ball is this?欢乐英语期末测试一、找出每组中不同类的一个。(10分)( )1. A apple B pear C time( )2. A Wednesday B Friday C Ten( )3. A play B green C blue( )4. A pizza B bread C pineapple( )5. A cold B thirty C hot二、情景交际。(6分)( )1. 你想说“她会唱歌和跳舞。”,可以说:A She cant dance. B She can sing.C She can sing and dance.(

22、 )2. 你想请朋友喝一杯橘子汁,可以说:A Have some hot chocolate.B Have some orange juice.C Have a cap of coffee.( )3. 你想问Jack会不会画蓝色的月亮,可以说: A Can you draw a moom? B Can you draw a blue moon? C Have I draw a sun?三、从右栏中选出与左栏相应的答语。(10分)( )1. What time is it?( )2. See you in the morning.( )3.Turn on the water.( )4.Where

23、 are you?( )5.How old are you?A Im behind the door.B All right.C. See you in the morning.D. I am eleven.E. Its ten thirty.四、英译汉。(10分)1. What are these? _2. How many apples? _3. Today is my birthday. _4. How old is your sister? _5. This letter is for you. _五、连词成句。(10分)1. am under the I bed _2. make a

24、 Lets snowman. _3. Can draw a you tiger ?4. at I get up seven _5. under Put these balls the table _六、按顺序排列。(14分) Thursday Monday Sunday Friday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday_ _ _ _ _ _七、按要求写单词。(25分)1.写出五种水果的名称:_ _ _ _ _2. 写出五种食物的名称:_ _ _ _ _3. 写出星期日到星期六的英语单词:_ _ _ _ _ _4.写出五种颜色名称:_ _ _ _ _5. 写出三种饮料的名称:_ _ _八、看图表,回答问题。(15分)Where Can they do?NameCanCantLisaRunSkatePeterDraw a monsterDraw a monkeyCathyMake a hot dogMake a pizzaJackPlay Hide-n-SeekPlay computer( )1. What can Peter

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