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最新人教版选修8高中英语unit2 section3using language过关习题及答案.docx

1、最新人教版选修8高中英语unit2 section3using language过关习题及答案Unit 2Section 单词拼写 1S_afterwards,the police stopped the car and both men were arrested2As students,we should obey school r_3Dont b_him with such silly questions;he is busy receiving foreign guests now4His suggestion sounds quite r_to most of us5I just c

2、ant r_chocolate6They have just finished the_(装饰) of their bathroom7Its not necessarily a bad thing to_(崇拜)film stars8The_(最初的) response has been encouraging9One cant learn a language well_(仅仅) by learning rules of its grammar10Our_(设想) that we would win was wrong at last答案:1Shortly2regulations/rules

3、3bother4reasonable5resist6decoration7adore8initial9merely10assumption完成句子1童年的经历使他对贫穷刻骨铭心。The experience in his childhood_poverty _ _ _2古代埃及的法老期望他们的后代使他们复活。In ancient Egypt Pharaohs expected their future generations to_ _ _ _ _3当他长大时,他明白了为什么他有必要不时地去看望父母。When he grows up he understands why it is neces

4、sary for him to visit his parents_ _ _ _4只要那座旧房子状况良好,我们就买下它。We will buy the old house as long as it is_ _ _5我们企图说服他跟我们一起去,但是白费力气。We tried to persuade him to go with us,but_ _答案:1struck;into his heart2bring them back to life3from time to time4in good condition5in vain完形填空I am a very lucky girl and my

5、 family is the nicest in the worldWhen were out we have to behave_1_but when were at home we play and laugh and have lots of fun“ You _2_them!” Mummy says,but then she laughs and kisses him so I know shes not really_3_We have all sorts of games like the one where the hall is the_4_and the tables and

6、 chairs are different countriesThen Daddy tells us all about his travels,but he says the best thing was when he _5_Mummy and fell in love with her“Now thats a (n) _6_ending,” he saysHes a wonderful Daddy and is always nice and funnyWhen Mummy_7_and says shes getting lots of white hairs he laughs and

7、 says,“ Ill be_8_them soon” Then he hugs her till she_9_And he lets me ride on his back round the room making horse noisesOr sometimes we play hideandseek or blind mans buff_10_Daddy doesnt really like it,he laughs and_11_it anywayNobody is as nice as my Daddy and when I was little,I wanted to_12_hi

8、mWhen I told him,he said,“What about Mummy? You dont want me to make Mummy_13_,do you?” Of course I didnt,and he said that I would always be his best and favourite_14_and that we would always be special friendsMummy is nice too but_15_a different wayShe tells us bedtime storiesI like the one about a

9、 little girl learning how to be a(n)_16_to control a powerful countryShe says her Mummy and Daddy were very_17_and never had any fun and she only started having fun when she_18_DaddyThen she tells us how and it is a wonderful_19_,just like the old tales but not_20_like them文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,充满了一股浓浓的亲情,读

10、后会让很多为父母者羡慕不已。1Abadly BsecretlyCproperly Dfairly答案:Cbehave properly举止得体。此处是说在家中,孩子们可以有说有笑,但是出去的时候则要注意行为的得体。2Aspoil Bselect Close Dsave答案:A这是母亲对父亲开玩笑的话。them指代孩子们。母亲说:“你把他们都惯坏了!”3Aexcellent Bserious Chonest Dafraid答案:B前文的laughs和kisses提示此处选B项。母亲说完后大笑并且亲吻爸爸,可以看出她是在和父亲开玩笑,不是认真的。4Aplace Bschool Cstadium D

11、world答案:D所选词表达的范围要大于后面的countries,因此选D项。我们会把大厅当成世界,把桌子和椅子当成不同的国家来做游戏。5Aleft Brecognised Cknew Dappointed答案:C后文的fell in love with her决定此处选C项,即先认后恋爱。6Ahappy Bterrible Cmoving Dordinary答案:A从女儿的叙述可以看出,现在父母非常恩爱,因此应该说结局很幸福。7Adoubts Bjokes Ccries Dsighs答案:D因为发现自己有白发了,所以母亲叹息。误解分析:易误选C项,但C项未免过于夸张了,有了很多的白发不至于要

12、哭闹,另外假如母亲哭了,父亲也不能用laugh的方式安慰。8Agetting Bowning Cgrowing Dremoving答案:A空后面的宾语them指代white hairs,由此可应该选择A项。父亲安慰母亲说,自己不久也会长白头发的。误解分析:易误选C项,但grow用作及物动词时意为“种植”。9Abreaks up Bcheers up Cshows up Ddresses up答案:B母亲因为长出了许多白发而叹气,父亲便哄她,然后抱着她直到她开心起来。cheer up振作起来;break up分解;show up出现;dress up乔装打扮。10AEven if BNow th

13、at COnce DBecause答案:A设空处所在句子的逗号前后两部分相互矛盾,因此应该用表示让步的连词。even if意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句。now that既然,表原因。once一旦,表条件。because因为,表原因。11Achanges Brefuses Cplays Dstops答案:C空后面的it是解题关键。it指前面提到的游戏,因此选择C项。虽然父亲不是真正喜欢那个游戏,但是还是陪孩子玩。12Arespect Bleave Cpraise Dmarry答案:D没有人会像父亲那样好,因此作者小时候甚至想要嫁给他。误解分析:易误选其他选项而将D项排除掉,女儿怎么能嫁给父亲呢

14、?但是别忘了此处是女儿表达自己儿时对父亲的喜爱程度的。13Aexcited Bunhappy Cdead Dproud答案:B这是父亲对天真的女儿示爱的回复。你要是嫁给我,那你妈妈呢?你不想让你妈妈不高兴,对吗?C项太夸张了,不合常理。14Agirl Blover Csister Dteacher答案:A这仍然是父亲开导女儿的话。父亲说作者永远是他最优秀、最喜欢的女儿。此处girl相当于daughter。15Aon Bin Cby Dwith答案:Bin away以的方式。16Ateacher Bking Cqueen Dactress答案:C根据空后面的to control a powerf

15、ul country可,选择C项合理。17Akind Bstrict Chonest Dcruel答案:B结合空后面的never had any fun这一细节可,应该选B项,母亲的爸爸妈妈对她非常严厉。18Adefeated Bfooled Cmet Dmissed答案:C只有选择C项才符合逻辑。母亲说只有遇到了作者的父亲后才开心。19Astory Bplan Cfamily Dmarriage答案:A所填词与空后面的tales是同义词。母亲然后开始讲述过程,作者认为这是一个非常精彩的故事。20Adirty Bboring Cscary Dscientific答案:C四个选项中只有C项用来描

16、述tales并且与wonderful形成对比。阅读理解In 1961,two biologists named Leonard Hayrick and Paul Moorehead discovered that old age is built into our cellsAt the time,many scientists believed that if healthy human cells were put in a container with a steady supply of nutrients,they would multiply foreverBut when DrH

17、ayflick and DrMoorehead cultivated fetal human cells,thats not what they foundTime and again,their cells would divide about 50 times and then simply stopCells that stop growing this way came to be known as senescenceMany scientists suspected that cells became senescent only in the unnatural conditio

18、ns of a labBut researchers then discovered that cells stop growing in the human bodyIn fact,it turned out,senescent cells are involved in the destructive effect of old ageGiven all this research,the_last_place_you_would_expect_to_find_senescent_cells_would_be_at_the_very_start_of_lifeBut now three t

19、eams of scientists am reporting doing just thatFor the first time,they have found senescent cells in embryos,and they have offered evidence that senescence is crucial to proper developmentThe discoveries raise the prospect that the dawn and dusk of life are closely connectedFor life to get off to th

20、e right start,in other words,youth needs a small amount of old ageScott Lowe,an expert on senescence at Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center who was not involved in the research,praised the studies for pointing to an unexpected role for senescenceHe predicted they would promote a spirited debate am

21、ong developmental biologists who study how embryos form“Theyre going to really love it or really hate it,”DrLowe saidAs scientists came to realize the importance of senescent cells to aging,they began to work out what causes them to stop growingThey found as cells divide,they accumulate damage to th

22、eir DNAOnce a cell becomes too damaged,it switches on a set of genes that causes it to become senescentBesides stopping their growth, scientists found,senescent cells also produce a mixture of chemicalsThe chemicals they release can create chronic inflammationThey also attract certain immune cells,w

23、hich seek out the senescent cells and kill themThis behavior can actually be good for our healthIn the mid2000s,William Keyes,a biologist then at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island,was studying how senescence leads to aging with experiments on miceBy shutting down a gene called P63,he coul

24、d accelerate the rate at which the mice accumulated senescent cells and accelerate their agingTo observe the senescent cells,DrKeyes added a special stain to the bodies of these miceTo see the difference between these mice and normal ones,DrKeyes added the same stain to normal mouse embryosMuch to h

25、is surprise,however,DrKeyes found pieces of senescent cells in the normal mouse embryos文章大意:科学验表明,生命之初就有衰老细胞存在,发生些许衰老是必然的生理过程,对人体也是有好处的。1What can be learned from the first paragraph?AThe general belief is falseBFetal human cells are the healthiestCThe discovery by the two biologists is wrongDFetal h

26、uman cells are not found by the two biologists答案:A细节理解题。由第一段中的healthy human cells were put in a container with a steady supply of nutrients,they would multiply forever可,普遍的认是,健康的人类细胞可以一直分裂下去。接下来But笔锋一转,用胎儿细胞验把这个流行的观点推翻了。由此可答案为A项。误解分析:B、C项没有依据;D项曲解了thats not what they found的意思,what依然指的是那个错误的认。2What d

27、oes the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean ?ASenescent cells reach the last place at the very start of lifeBThe very start of life is the least likely place for senescent cellsCSenescent cells grow old in a lower speed at the very start of lifeDThe very start of life is the healthiest p

28、eriod people expect to spend答案:B推理判断题。由画线部分下文Butin embryos这一转折可,科学家发现的(胚胎中有衰老细胞)与人们料想的刚好相反,由此可推句意:人们最想不到的是,生命之初(胚胎期)就存在衰老细胞,与B项所述一致。3What is the unexpected role for senescence?ASenescence leads to agingBSenescence is necessary for youthCSenescence switches on a set of genesDSenescenee will promote a

29、 lively debate答案:B细节理解题。由第五段中的Scott Lowepraised the studies for pointing to an unexpected role for senescence可,the studies指的依然是上文的验,而在第四段明确指出了senescence所扮演的一个出人意料的角色youth needs a small amount of old age。即要保持青春,发生些许衰老是必然的生理过程。4DrKeyes might have expected that senescent cells_Awould be found in the no

30、rmal mouse embryosBwould be found in neither kind of mouse embryosCwould be found only in both kinds mouse embryosDwould not be found in the normal mouse embryos答案:D推理判断题。由最后一段中的Much to his surprise,however可,验结果正常老鼠胚胎也存在衰老细胞在DrKeyes意料之外,由此可推,DrKeyes原来可能认为,正常老鼠胚胎不存在衰老细胞。语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。As we all know,water is necessary for our bodyAnd to keep_1_(health),we should make it a habit to drink water every day

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