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1、五年级英语第一学期期末复习资料五年级英语第一学期期末复习资料Module1-Module2一、 词组: go to school get up eat/make noodles at my friend Sarahs 上学 起床 吃/做面条 在我朋友的家go shopping buy some Chinese toys at the weekend after dinner 购物 买一些中国的玩具 在周末 晚餐后go to bed go for a walk surf the Net take exercise on holiday去睡觉 散步 上网 锻炼身体 度假fly very high

2、jump very far dance well climb trees talk with飞得很高 跳得很远 跳得好 爬树 和谈话walk with speak English tell stories in English count from to.用走路 说英语 用英语讲故事 从数到ride a bike write a letter 骑自行车 写一封信 二、 句型:、1. Would you like to +动词原型?e.g. Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow?Yes, that would be fun. / OK. /

3、 Yes, Id like to./ No, thanks.2. Would you like +名词?e.g. Would you like some coffee ?Yes, please. / No, thanks.3. How many terms are there in your school year?There are two.The first (the autumn) term starts in September and ends in January.The second (the spring) term starts in February and ends in

4、 July.4. When / What time does (单数) start? It starts at/in .5. How often do/does ? 隔多久 ?e.g. How often do you watch TV? Every day. How often does Jiamin watch TV? He often watches TV .6. How well ?有多好?(做事的程度)quite / very well. 相当/ 很好 not very well. 不怎么好not at all. 一点也不三、 语法:1. 频度副词:never sometimes o

5、ften usually always2. 介词 in, at, on, with的用法1) in+地点 Im in the classroom. We live in Guangzhou/China.(国家、省、市) in+时间 It starts in May / spring.(年,季节,月)2) at+地点 I stay at home/时间 I go to work at eight/ the weekend.3) on+地点 I stand on the bench.on+时间 I often run on Sunday. (具体某一天) My birthday

6、 is on the 1st of March.4) with 和,用,跟,拿,带 Lets talk with the robot. I can walk with my legs. The boy with a book is Jiamin.3.can,cant情态动词,句子动词用动原。1)I can jump high and I can swim fast.(并列句)2)He can run, but he cant fly.(转折句)3)Can you/he/she/they ? (表示能力) Yes, can. / No, cant4)Can I have some fried r

7、ice ?(请求)Can you help me take photos?(请求)Yes, please. / Yes, of course. /OK./ No problem.4.动词时态:一般现在时表示经常做,习惯做的事情。(见表格)1)标志词:频度副词、every day/weekend/Sunday 2) 注意主语第三人称单数动词在各种句型中的变化。Module3-Module4一、 词组:a lovely day the flower show go with you take the camera阳光明媚的一天 花展 和你一起去 带相机take photo ( of) sit on

8、 the grass under the big tree take a rest(和。)照相 坐在草地上 在大树下 休息help us take a photo plant trees grow/water flowers use the tools帮我们照一张相 植树 种/浇花 使用工具line up leave my bag over there the city flower of Guangzhou排队 留下我的书包 那边 广州的市花I see look like grow in spring pick flowers sleep on the bench我明白 看起来像 在春天生长

9、 摘花 睡在长凳上do some reading the start of school holiday get to=go to读点书 。的开始 学校假期 到达get there=go there get home=go home leave for+地点 stay with去那里 回家 出发去+地点 和.一起逗留near my home on foot by plane/ship/car/underground/bus/train在我家附近 步行 做飞机、船、汽车、地铁、公交车、火车by bike Xiangjiang Zoo see the white tigers stay in Gu

10、angzhou骑自行车 香江动物园 看白老虎 逗留在广州stay at home/school visit the Window of the World a day trip 逗留在家、学校 参观世界之窗 一天游二、 句型:1. Can I ?(请求) Yes, of course./Sure./OK.2. We mustnt pick the flowers.3. They look like cups, dont they?(反义疑问句)Yes, they do.4. Every one likes flowers.5. We must leave the flowers in the

11、park.6. Where are you going on holiday? Im going to+地点.7. How are you going to get there ? Im going by/on .8. What are you going to do on holiday? Im gong to +活动.9. How would you like to travel?(你想怎么去旅游?)Id like to travel by/on .10. How can you get to . ?(你可以怎么去?) I can get there by /on .11. What pl

12、ace are you going to visit?你打算参观什么地方? Im going to visit +地点.三、 语法:1. 时间表达:(1) past, 几点过了几分(分针在30分钟之前) twenty past two 2:20(2)to, 差几分到几点(分针在30分钟之后) a quarter to ten 9:45 (3) half past 几点半(分针刚好在30分钟) half past six 6:302. 情态动词:can, cant, must, mustnt, need, neednt would, wouldnt, could, couldnt(带有一定态度和

13、情感)1) 在情态动词的句子中,不受主语和时态的限制,动词用原型。e.g. I cant fly. / You must do homework. / Would you like to go shopping? / Could you tell me how to get to Guangzhou Zoo ?2)一般疑问句及回答:Can ? Yes, can. / No, cant. Must ?Yes, must./No, neednt. Need?Yes, need./No, neednt.3. 动词时态:一般将来时表示打算做,将要做的事情。(见笔记和表格)主要结构:be(is/are/

14、am) going to+动原 = will +动原 will be +名/形/副 Module5-Module6一、 词组:favourite animal take some food feed the animals in the zoo最喜爱的动物 带一些食物 喂动物 在动物园里at the gate of the zoo at half past nine see you tomorrow在动物园门口 在9点半 明天见leave litter throw things at the monkeys Why not? the zoo rule留下杂物 向猴子扔东西 为什么不? 动物园规

15、则strong and dangerous go too near Who knows? turn right强壮和危险的 走太近 谁知道? 转右out of the hotel take the first/second/third right/left near here出了宾馆 在第一/第二/第三个路口转右/左 在这儿附近on the right/left by the way take a No.2 bus meet a friend 在右边/左边 顺便问问 坐2号公共汽车 见一个朋友come back Im lost. Thats easy. Youre late. at the g

16、ym回来 我迷路了。 真是简单。 你是迟到的。 在体育馆二、 句型:1Whats your favourite animal?-My favourite animal is the .2Would you like to+动原?-Yes, thanks. That would be great/ fun / good / nice / super / fantastic.3.My mum always says“Dont feed the animals in the zoo!”4.See you tomorrow at the gate of the zoo at half past nin

17、e.5.Look at the monkeys. They are running and jumping.=give your banana to them .6.They are lovely, but dont give them your banana.7. It is beautiful, but dont go too near.8.Why not?-Its the zoo rule.9.Where is the lion from?-Its from Africa.10.Can a lion kill a tiger?-Who knows?11.Excuse me. Could

18、you tell me the way to , please?Yes. Turn12.Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to,please?Yes.13.Excuse me. Where is the ? Go14.Go straight ahead. / Straight on. / Straight ahead.15. Turn right / left out of the .16. Take the first / second / third right / left . First/Second/Third right / left.

19、17.Is on the right or on the left ?- Its on the right / left .18.Thank you very much.-Youre welcome . 19.Youre late for school / work . 三、 语法:1. 祈使句:句子开头没有主语,以动词开头,带有命令语气。(1)肯定祈使句:Stand up! Go for it! Sit down! See you tomorrow.(2)否定祈使句:在句子开头加Dont .Dont feed the animals ! Dont forget ! Dont take pho

20、tos. Dont pick flowers. Dont be late(形容词)!2. 选择疑问句:必须选择其中一个内容回答问题e.g. Do the lions eat meat or grass? They eat meat. Is the zoo on the right or on the left? Its on the right.Unit1-Unit2明天_ 开始;出发_ 总是_ 从不;决不_ 在之前_ 伦敦_玩具_ 周末_ 打开的_ 去工作_ 读点书_ 隔多久? _博物馆_ 相当;十分_ 行走;走路_ 去散步_ 喝_ 锻炼身体_下课后_ 生活_ 结束;末端_ 开始_ 度假_

21、元旦;新年_春节_ 儿童节_ 教师节_ 日期_ 第一;首先_ 第二_ 第三_ 第四_ 第五_ 第八_ 第九_ 第十一_ 第十二_ 第二十_ 第二十一_ 第二十二_ 秋天_ 夏天_春天_ 冬天_一月_ 二月_ 三月_ 四月_ 五月_ 六月_七月_ 八月_ 九月_十月_ 十一月_ 十二月_surf_ net_ surf the Net_palace_ Childrens Palace_ term_去上学_ 在七点半_起床_ 在七点半前_做面条_ 去购物_在周末_ 晚餐后_参观博物馆_ 学年_在九月开始_ 在一月结束_在广州_ 秋季学期_Unit4-Unit5袋鼠_ 远的_ 青蛙_龟;海龟_ 飞_

22、每个人_自己的_ 攀登;爬_ 写_猴子_ 山;小山_ 机器人_说_ 别的;其他的_ 明白_工作日_ 数_ 骑;坐_gift_ Russia_skate_跳得很高和很远_ 飞得很高_自己的天赋_ 爬树_读和写_ 爬山_说英语_ 和谈话_用脚走路_ 用手工作_用英语讲故事_ 用英语写一封信_唱和跳_ 看我!_ 骑自行车_ 相当好_很好_ 不怎么好_一点也不_Unit7-Unit8花_ 当然_ 照片_照片(复)_ 拍照_ _草;草地_ 榕树_ 休息_休息一会儿_ _ _ = _ _ _玫瑰_ 向日葵_ 种;生长_种植;植物_ 水;浇水_ 使用_ 不应该;不允许_ 应该;必须_摘_ 沿着排列;线_ 排队_ _准备;打算_ 公园_ 课_留下;离开_ 需要_ 你将_笔记本_ 叫;打电话_ 城市_市花_ 睡觉_ 长凳_camera_ tired_ lily_tulip_ pine tree_ tool_kapok_ bluebell_ violet_阳光明媚的一天_ 花展_和你一起去_ 带相机_和花拍照_ 坐在草地上_在大榕树下_ 帮我们拍一张照片_种花_ 植树_使用工具_ 给花浇水_读一本书_ 摘花_留下我的书包_ 那边_广州的市花_ 我明白_看起来像杯子_ 在春天生长_

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