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1、商务谈判例谈2 商务谈判例谈商务谈判实例(一)Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert Liu第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert Liu既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思他肯定是沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下: D: Id like to get the ball rolling(开始)by talking about prices. R: Shoot.(洗耳恭听)Id be happy to answer any questions you may have.D: Your products are very good. Bu

2、t Im a little worried about the prices youre asking.R: You think we about be asking for more?(laughs)D: (chuckles莞尔) Thats not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what Id like is a 25% discount.R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I dont know how we can make

3、 a profit with those numbers.D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future businessvolume sales(大笔交易)that will slash your costs(大量减低成本)for making the Exec-U-ciser, right?R: Yes, but its hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over(销磬)so many? (pause)

4、Wed need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further. 商务谈判实例(二)Robert回公司呈报Dan的提案后,老板很满意对方的采购计划;但在折扣方

5、面则希望Robert能继续维持强硬的态度,尽量探出对方的底线。就在这七上七八的价格翘翘板上,双方是否能找到彼此地平衡点呢?请看下面分解: R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser wont go down much.D: Just what are you proposing?R: We could take a cut(降低)on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin(毛利率).We suggest a compromise10%.D: Thats a big

6、 change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas?R: I dont think I can change it right now. Why dont we talk again tomorrow?D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground(共同信念)on this.NEXT DAYD: Robert, Ive been instructed to reject the num

7、bers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this dealbut Im try very hard to reach some middle ground(互相妥协).D: I understand. We propose a structured deal(阶段式和约). For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and

8、the next six months we get 15%.R: Dan, I cant bring those numbers back to my officetheyll turn it down flat(打回票).D: Then youll have to think of something better, Robert. 商务谈判实例(三)Dan上回提议前半年给他们二成折扣,后半年再降为一成半,经Robert推翻后,Dan再三表示让步有限。您知道Robert在这折扣缝隙中游走,如何才能摸出双方都同意的数字呢?他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢?请看下面分解: R: How about

9、 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units?D: Thats a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.R: Its about the best we can do, Dan. (pause) We need to hammer something out (敲定)today. If I go back empty-handed, I may be coming back to you soon to ask

10、 for a job. (smiles)D: (smiles) O.K., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?!R: Good. Lets iron out(解决)the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery(取货)?D: Wed like you to execute the first order by the 31st.R: Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1500 units, to be

11、 delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.D: Right. We couldnt handle much larger shipments. R: Fine. But Id prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next 2000. The 31st is quite soon - I cant guarantee 1500.D: I can agree to that. Well, if theres nothing else, I think weve settled everything.R: Dan

12、, this deal promises big returns(赚大钱)for both sides. Lets hope its the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship. 商务谈判实例(四)今天Robert的办公室出现了一个生面孔Kevin Hughes,此人代表美国一家运动产品公司,专程来台湾寻找加工。接洽的加工产品市运动型“磁质石膏护垫”,受伤的运动员包上这种产品上场比赛,即可保护受伤部位,且不妨碍活动。现在,我们就来看看两人的会议现况: R: We found your proposal quite interestin

13、g, Mr. Hughes. Wed like to weigh the pros and cons(衡量得失)with you.K: Mr. Robert Liu, weve looked all over Asia for a manufacturer; your company is one of the most suitable.R: If we can settle a number of basic questions, Im confident in saying that we are the most suitable for your needs.K: I hope so

14、. And what might be the basic questions you have?R: First, do you intend to take a position in(投资于)our company?K: No, we dont, Mr. Liu. This is just OEM.R: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. Well have to invest a great deal of money in the new production process.K: If

15、you can guarantee continuing quality, we can sign a commitment for 75,000 pieces a year, for five years.R: At U.S. $1000 a piece, well make an average return of just 4%. Thats too great a financial burden for us.K: Ill check the number later, but what do you propose?R: Heres how you can demonstrate

16、commitment to this deal. Make it ten years, increase the unit price, and provide technology transfer. 商务谈判实例(五)Robert在前面的谈判最后提出签约十年的要求,Kevin会不会答应呢?如果答案是否决的话,Robert又有何打算?他一心为公司的利益打算,极力争取技术转移地协定,而对方会甘心出让此项比金钱更珍贵的资产吗?请看以下分解: K: We cant sign any commitment for ten years. But if your production quality i

17、s good after the first year, we could extend the contract and increase our yearly purchase.R: That sounds reasonable. But could you shed some light on(透露)the size of your orders?K: If we are happy with your quality, we might increase our purchase to 100,000 a year, for a two-year period.R: Excuse me

18、, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me were giving up too much in this case. Wed be giving up the five-year guarantee for increased yearly sales.K: Mr. Liu, youve got to give up something to get something.R: If youre asking us to take such a large gamble(冒险)for just two years sales, Im sorry, but youre no

19、t in our ballpark(接受的范围).K: What would it take to keep Pacer interested?R: A three-year guarantee, not two. And a qualilty inspection(质量检查)tour after one year is fine, but wed like some of our personnel on the team.K: Acceptable. Anything else?R: Wed be making huge capital outlay(资本支出)for the produc

20、tion process, so wed like to set up a technology transfer agreement, to help us get off the ground(取得初步进步). 商务谈判实例(六)Robert在前面的谈判最后提出签约十年的要求,Kevin会不会答应呢?如果答案是否决的话,Robert又有何打算?他一心为公司的利益打算,极力争取技术转移地协定,而对方会甘心出让此项比金钱更珍贵的资产吗?请看以下分解: K: We cant sign any commitment for ten years. But if your production qua

21、lity is good after the first year, we could extend the contract and increase our yearly purchase.R: That sounds reasonable. But could you shed some light on(透露)the size of your orders?K: If we are happy with your quality, we might increase our purchase to 100,000 a year, for a two-year period.R: Exc

22、use me, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me were giving up too much in this case. Wed be giving up the five-year guarantee for increased yearly sales.K: Mr. Liu, youve got to give up something to get something.R: If youre asking us to take such a large gamble(冒险)for just two years sales, Im sorry, but yo

23、ure not in our ballpark(接受的范围).K: What would it take to keep Pacer interested?R: A three-year guarantee, not two. And a qualilty inspection(质量检查)tour after one year is fine, but wed like some of our personnel on the team.K: Acceptable. Anything else?R: Wed be making huge capital outlay(资本支出)for the

24、production process, so wed like to set up a technology transfer agreement, to help us get off the ground(取得初步进步). 商务谈判实例(七)2001年11月19日 上午11时57分26秒 行至此处,谈判都还算是在和谐的气氛下进行,双方各自寻求获利的方案。但针对技术转移这一项,Robert所提的保证和要求能否消弭Kevin心中的顾虑,而今此谈判终露曙光呢?以下对话即为您揭晓:K: If we transferred our technical and research expertise(技

25、术与研究的专业知识), what would stop you from making th esame product?R: Wed be willing to sign a commitment. Well put it in writing (书面保证)that we wont copycat(仿冒)the Sports Cast within five years after ending our contract.K: Sounds O.K., if its for any similar product. That would give us better protection.

26、But wed have to interest on a ten year limit.R: Fine. We have no intention of becoming your competitor.K: Great. Then lets settle the details of the transfer agreement.R: Well need you to send over some key personnel to help us purchase the equipment and train our technical people. How long do you a

27、nticipate that will take?K: A week to put the team together, three weeks to train your people. If so, when do you estimate starting production?R: Our first production run(一批的生产)should be one week after our team finishes its training. But Id like your team to stay a full week after that, to handle an

28、y kitches that pop up(处理突发的事件).K: Can do. Everything seems to be set, Robert. Ill bring in a sample contract tomorrow. If you like, we can sign it then. 商务谈判实例(八)Botany Bay是家生产高科技医疗用品的公司。其产品“病例磁盘”可储存个人病例;资料取用方便,真是达到“一盘在手,妙用无穷”的目的。此产品可广泛使用于医院、养老院、学校等。因此Pacer有意争取该产品软硬件设备的代理权。以下就是Robert与Botany Bay的代表,M

29、ark Davis,首度会面的情形: M: Mr. Liu, total sales onthe Medic-Disk were U.S.$ 100,000 last year, through our agent in Hong Kong.R: Our research shows most of your sales, are made in the Taipei area. Your agent has only been able to target the Taipei market(把作为目标市场).M: True, but we are happy with the sales.

30、 Its a new product. How could you do better?R: Were already well-established in the medical products business. The Medic-Disk would be a good addition to our product range.M: Can you tell me what your sales have been like in past years?R: In the past three years, our unit sales have gone up by 350 p

31、ercent; profits have gone up almost 400 percent.M: What kind of distribution capabilities(分销能力)do you have?R: We have salespeople in four major areas around the island, selling directly to customers.M: What about your sales?R: In terms of unit sales, 55 percent are still from the Taipei area. The re

32、st comes from the Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan areas. Thats a great deal of untapped market potential(未开发的市场潜力), Mr. Davis. 商务谈判实例(九)2001年12月4日 上午11时50分24秒 Robert说明Pacer在行销与技术上的基础后,终于取信了Mark, 也为此谈判迈开成功的第一步。在谈判佣金鱼合约期限这类议题之前,Robert想先确定一些条件,包括独家代理权与Botany Bay所能提供的协助。你知道Robert运用了哪些技巧,才不会让Mark以此作条件来威胁Pacer让步?我们看看Robert怎么说:M: Mr. Liu, what kind

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