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1、商务英语视听说教学大纲新商务英语视听说教学大纲一、课程基本情况总 学 时:32 讲课学时: 32 实践学时:0总 学 分:2课程类别:专业必修考核方式:考查适用对象:英语专业先修课程:基础英语参考教材: 商务英语视听说 马龙海 李毅 外语教学与研究出版社 2009 商务英语教程 王晓莹 上海大学出版社 2008 实用商务英语教程 陈梅 北京师范大学出版社 2010二、课程设置目标商务英语视听说是为英语专业-商务英语的学生开设的一门综合语言技能课。该课程的主要任务是培养学生进一步提高语言应用能力,特别是用于国际商务的专门用途英语。该课程突出自主、互动的学习过程,使学生学以致用。在教学过程中注重国

2、际商务实践能力的锻炼,在商务活动的情境中既熟悉了国际贸易流程,又学习了相关英语的应用。三、教学内容、教学方法和手段、学时分配知识单元一: 工作面试 (建议 2 学时)重点:找工作过程中如何准备面试,以及如何在面试中较好地表现自我,展现自我。 了解面试的程序,怎么样准备好一个面试,掌握怎么样回答关于个人具体情况的问题,如教育背景、工作经历等。主要内容:Part I Warm-up1) Ask Ss to note down other reasons they can think of.2) Divide the class into small groups.3) Give Ss a few

3、minutes to exchange ideas.4) Encourage Ss to use different expressions of agreeing and disagreeing.5) Ask a few Ss to report their findings (e.g. the agreed Best job and most common reason(s), the most unique/strange choice or reason, etc.).Part II Listening and SpeakingTask 1 FAQs in job interviews

4、Task 2 Inappropriate questions in job interviews Part III Language Focus1) Ask Ss to note down the key points of the interview.2) Divide the class into pairs. Get Ss to allocate the roles.3) Ask Ss to role-play the job interview according to the noted points and with the help of the expressions in L

5、anguage Focus.4) If time allows, ask Ss to swap roles and role-play the interview again.5) Invite a pair to act out the interview in class.6) Give comments and suggestions for improvement. Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Applying for the position of financial consultantVideo 2 Applying for the p

6、osition of Sales Manager Part V Case AnalysisAsk Ss to take detailed notes while listening.Ask Ss to exchange ideas in pairs. Remind them to give examples to support their points.Give Ss a second chance to listen to the interview if they failed to note down the key information.Allow Ss a few minutes

7、 to prepare an improved version of the interview.Choose a few pairs o role-play the revised interview in class.Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement.教学方法和手段:教学案例分析(找工作面试),任务型教学(熟悉面试程序),课堂小组学习(如何在面试中较好地表现自我)知识单元二: 工作和责任 (建议 2 学时) 重点:公司部门职位设置,工作职责范围表达,对待工作情感态度。 了解公司的部门和职位设置,

8、掌握描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的喜恶表达方法。主要内容:Part 1 Warm-upWhat kinds of positions are there in a company:Production生产Marketing市场Sales销售Import进口Export出口Finance财务Personnel人事Research &Development研发Accounts会计Auditing审计Purchasing采购Public Relations公关Maintenance维修After-Sale service售后服务Quality Assurance质量检查Transport运输

9、Security保安General Affairs总务Logistics后勤Discipline Inspection纪检Trade Union工会Organizational Department组织部League Committee团委Womens Federation妇联Part 2 Listening and SpeakingTask 1Give Ss one minute to think over the job they wish to take. Tell Ss to refer to the job titles and positions listed in Warm-up

10、.Divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to talk about their dream job.Ask Ss to describe the job in detail and tell the reasons why they choose the job.Have tow or three Ss describe their dream job in class and get the other Ss to guess the title of the job.Task 2 Describing jobs in th

11、e following chart:NamePositionResponsibilitiesJackManager of the Research& Development DepartmentManaging all aspects of the product development process, including resource allocation, budget requirements and 1) personnel management; analyzing the needs of the 2) developing markets and directing the

12、 work accordingly; creating and managing the R&D teams and being responsible for the overall 3) planning, 4) execution, and success of the projectsJanetSalesManagerDeveloping sales strategies; achieving 5) sales targets; recruiting and training sales staff; supervising and motivating 6) team perform

13、ance ; expanding the 7) customer base and ensuring high levels of 8) customer satisfactionStanleyManager of the Production Department9) selecting, developing and managing a highly competent and motivated staff of employees; ensuring that production is 10)cost-effective and the products are produced

14、11) on time and 12) of good quality; working out the 13) human and material resourcesneeded; identifying the 14) training needs of the staff and cultivating a culture of 15) continuous improvement in all aspects of manufacturingPart 3 Language Focusask Ss to brainstorm some jobs or positions and wri

15、te them down.divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to describe the jobs theyve written down.ask Ss to use different expressions to describe the jobs, referring to the expressions in Language Focus.if the student who is responsible for guessing the titles cannot get the correct answer,

16、 ask the describer to mention some famous people in that line of work as example. Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo Do you like your job? Part V Case Analysis教学方法和手段:教学案例分析(对待工作情感态度),任务型教学(公司部门职位设置,工作职责范围表达),课堂小组学习(描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的喜恶) 知识单元三: 电话技巧 (建议 2 学时) 重点:接听电话,电话转接,留信息,电话情境中解决问题。 了解接听电话的商务英语语

17、言,掌握帮人转接电话以及请求转接电话的交流用语,电话交流中留下信息的表达方式,打电话中解决问题的表达法。主要内容:Part I Warm-upThe big 3Be prepared. Avoid starting the process when youre rushed. Relax! Make sure you have a big pad of paper, a pen, a glass of water, and a reasonable amount of time.Dont give up. You have the right to get information and re

18、spectful service. Be persistent and patient. Realize that sometimes it will take ten calls to find out what you want. No one person or organization has all the answers.Try not to put people on the spot. It makes them defensive. Rather try to enlist their support. Remember, you usually catch more fli

19、es with honey than with vinegar.Part II Listening and Speakingdivide the class into pairs. Ask Ss to allocate the roles and roles-play the telephone dialog.Ss who take the role of Louise can either approve or disapprove of the change. Polite expressions should be suggested.invite one or two pairs to

20、 cat out the dialogs in class to check if Ss can develop the phone call naturally.Part III Language Focusdivide the class into pairs get Ss to decide which role to take.have Ss role-play according to the information provided, referring to the expressions in Language Focus.walk around the classroom a

21、nd check whether Ss can use the expressions properly.ask a pair to role-play the telephone dialog in class.encourage the rest of the class to comment on their performance.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 2 You are hard to get hold of !Video1 leaving a messagePart V Case AnalysisDivide the class int

22、o small groupsAsk Ss to discuss in groups and list business phone calls in diverse situationsAsk Ss to research the skills and techniques of handling calls in different situationsAsk Ss to find some cases of making business calls in different situationsHave Ss analyze the cases, figuring out their s

23、trengths and weaknessAsk each group to put together a report on the skills and techniques to deal with different business calls and their case analysesHave each group make a presentation in classPPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation教学方法和手段:教学案例分析(电话情境中解决问题),任务型教学(接听电话的商务英语语言),课堂小组学习(打电话

24、中解决问题的表达法)知识单元四: 公司会议 (建议 2 学时) 重点:会议举行有关词汇,计划筹备会议召开,主持会议,意见的表达。 了解基本会议有关的商务英语词,掌握会议计划的基本方面,掌握主持会议,提出建议,请求别人给予意见,同意及否定别人意见的英语表达方式。主要内容:Part I Warm-up Ask Ss to recall some meetings theyve attended Get Ss to brainstorm the relevant information. Have a few Ss report what theyve come up with in class.

25、List the information on the board.Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 Formal and informal meetings Task 2 How to take meeting minutesPart III Language Focus Divide the class into groups, with one chairperson in each group. Get Ss to role-play the meeting according to the situation, referring to th

26、e outline. Ask a group to role-play the meeting in class. Have other Ss comment on their performance and give suggestions for improvement.Part V IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 why are we here? Video 2 what can we do?Part Case Analysis Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to attend a d

27、ifferent meeting, take minutes, and analyze it. Each student should have a share in the group work. Ask Ss to refer to the tips mentioned in the Task 2 of Part 2 to ensure effectiveness when taking meting minutes. Remind Ss to take into consideration the facts listed in Pre-viewing of Task 2, Part 4

28、 when deciding whether the meeting is productive or not. Ask each group to put together a report. Have each group make a a presentation in class. PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation.教学方法和手段:教学案例分析(主持会议),任务型教学(会议举行有关词汇),课堂小组学习(会议计划的基本方面)知识单元五: 旅行和访问 (建议 2 学时) 重点:学习旅游商务英语的相关知识 理解机场的登机,报

29、关和安全检查知识,理解接待商务访客包括的程序。联系关于旅游,天气和住宿,订机票,询问航班交通和旅店服务,预订房间接待商 务旅客,在机场接待客户的沟通能力主要内容:Part I Warm-up introduce the concept of “small talk”. Invite a few Ss to share their ideas with the class. List what Ss come up with on the board.Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 hotels for business travelers Task

30、2 reviewing Receiving visitorsPart III Language Focus Divide the class into pairs and have Ss choose the roles. Ask Ss to role-play according to the given situation. Have a few pairs perform the role-play in class. Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement.Part IV Viewing and

31、Speaking Video 1 Going through customs Video 2 Meeting a business partner at the airportPart V Case Analysis Research and Presentation.教学方法和手段:教学案例分析(接待商务访客),任务型教学(关于旅游,天气和住宿,订机票,询问航班交通和旅店服务),课堂小组学习(机场的登机,报关和安全检查知识)知识单元六: 公司介绍 (建议 2 学时) 重点:演说结构技巧表达;公司情况表达;自我介绍 了解公司演讲的结构,掌握公司描述、回答公司情况的一般问题做简明自我介绍以及能对公司做出相关介绍的演说等表达技巧。主要内容:Part I Warm-up Encourage Ss to use different expressions of giving advice. If I were you/if I were in your position/if I were in your shoes, I would How about/What about/Have y

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